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Mod Soul
Name: “Edwin Hyde”
Mod Soul Lot Number: 176
Creation Year: 1880
Model: Human Interface Device 3 (HYDE)
Serial Number: 3DVV11V (EDWIN)
Apparent Age: 25
Sex: Female
"Sometimes the smartest person is the one who thinks the simplest."
Edwin Hyde is a monster designed by shinigami to hurt monsters. Interfaced to the human Diviner known as Janus Jekyll. Edwin was a large, very angry woman. Her vocal skills were monosyllabic and unintelligent. To pair it off, she seemed to have a complete lack of attention to detail and a detachment from both reality and sanity. The more and more open Janus and her became with each other, the more Edwin could merge her personality with Janus’ intelligence. As such she is now more like a moody teenager now. Edwin like’s to get things her way and will complain when they don’t go her way. This is due to the fact that she’s just now learning about interfacing with society, leaving most of the heavy thinking to Janus rather than herself. She complains when her clothing doesn’t fit and has extreme issues with being slighted. Though, that leads to even more problems because Edwin can believe that anything is a slight if taken in the right context based on her mood. Edwin is also extremely curious, as if having more and more higher brain function has allowed her to actually develop a more prominent set of beliefs and ideas. She takes the time to poke and prod things, and will quite often go out of her way to learn about something or see it work. This leads Edwin into spots that may have killed the curious cat, but usually end with Edwin asking whatever was bright and shiny to do it again. While she will attempt to punch just about anything that can appear in front of her, it has very little to do with malice, and everything to do with instincts and programming. This makes Edwin effectively a relic compared to the more forward thinking Mod Soul of today. Edwin has a weird speech pattern as well, that is very recognizable. The more interfaced with Janus she is, the more she uses the pronoun ‘We’ while the less, the more she refers to herself in the third person. If you ask her, she’s working on becoming a better person, she just would have no real way to explain it.

”Save you!”
Edwin, now that she is more connected with Janus, has taken to her idea of helping people, if only to get herself more things to hit. She protects things that are weaker than her because he wants her too, and completely fails to minimize collateral damage. Though, that amounts to millions in property damage instead of billions. The large woman is constantly on the lookout for something that is about to harm someone just to find something she can hit, and Janus would not get angry with. She also has sort of a bodyguard like mentality for other mod soul, knowing how vulnerable they really are.

”Under the Influence”
Edwin can be brought into Administrative Control Mode by any shinigami captain or vice captain that was around when she vanished with the rest of the HID-3 models. This is as simple as stating their name full name, their rank at the time in their voice, or by knowing Edwin’s Model Number and infusing their reiatsu to force her into command mode. Which requires a large amount. In command mode Edwin loses most of her personality for a cold, emotionless husk that was originally designed to attack other soul beings that her creator decided would be better fought with the billions of weak humans rather than by wasting Soul Society resources. When given a command by anyone with access, she will obey based on whether or not the command was abstract, and specific. Using these functions are highly volatile to Edwin’s emotional state as well as her interface with Janus as they limit the pair’s freedom. The more constricted that Edwin is, the more likely she is to lose empathy for things around her as that higher function was deemed low priority when she was originally programmed.

Height: 8' 8"
Weight: 350 Lbs
Physical Traits:
Edwin is the definition of a monster. Her look is imposing and unreal, almost as if it is naturally a blight on the world just for existing. She stands towering at eight and a half feet tall, with arms that could be on a gorilla or protruding from the closet of some poor child’s nightmares.

She towers over people near her at a full eight and a half feet tall. Which is framed by her exceptionally large arms and legs that seem to elongate more than what would be considered normal for a human. Almost like she could be mistaken for a yeti or bigfoot. Heck, a Hyde might have been yeti or bigfoot. Each of her extremities, is covered in layer after layer of muscle tissue and little to no excess making Edwin an overly pronounced look. Her movements change frequently between more monstrous gorilla movements that pronounce her long limbs by using all of them for movement, and a normal human walk that varies on the line between strut and jog.

Edwin’s eyes are an inhuman shade of light green that matches the glow of the vial she is usually housed inside. She has slants in the upper corners of her eyes that make her seem slightly lizard-like and she is far more tan than her human interface. Her hair is long, but stringy with little to no care aside from running her hand through it after shifting. As for color, it changes rather frequently every time she shifts, and she’s not entirely sure why, though she doesn’t care either.

Edwin’s body weighs in around three hundred and fifty pounds, and her shoulders lurch with her muscle flexes as do her shoulder blades. As they are double jointed, they end up looking like housed wings from some viewpoints. Her chest is as large as she is, and the clothing that Janus wears is usually destroyed by the transformation. If she can get or find clothing, she may cover herself up but that is usually effort she doesn’t care about.

General Fighting Style:
Edwin’s ability to fight is extremely straightforward.  She jumps at anything she deems as a threat, and tries to beat it to a bloody pulp.  There’s no actual skill involved.  She just hurls her fists as hard as she can.  She’s a Hyde, intelligence not included or required.  After all, there is no art to Edwin's combat style. She simply swings her massive fists and legs until they connect or they don't. It's entirely unrefined and random. She claws, punches, kicks, scratches, grabs and anything else under the sun.

Strength x2
Endurance x2
Durability x2

Speed x.5
Reflexes x.5
Sensing x.5

Hyde Potion
Ability Name: Potion Consumption
Janus consumes the Hyde potion and immediately begins to reshape and reform into the monster brute known as Edwin Hyde.  That’s it.  Not much more to it.
Ability Name: Sensor Suite
Hyde is a Mod Soul. She has a spiritual sensor suite.  Works like Pesquisa.  This sense only works on Quincy, and Hollow, and has a limited range as it hasn't been updated in a really long time.
Strength Boost x2

Hyde Potion
Ability Name: Potion Consumption
Janus consumes the Hyde potion and immediately begins to reshape and reform into the monstering brute known as Edwin Hyde.  That’s it.  Not much more to it.
Ability Name: Sensor Suite
Hyde is a Mod Soul. She has a spiritual sensor suite.  Works like Pesquisa.  This sense only works on Quincy, and Hollow, and has a limited range as it hasn't been updated in a really long time.
Strength Boost x3
Durability Boost x2

Fully Bonded
Ability Name: Shift Limb
While fully bonded, Janus and Edwin can swap different parts of their bodies at different times. For instance, shifting just an arm so Janus could use it defensively and cause less insane collateral damage from letting Edwin go to town on the environment. Janus mainly uses this to avoid just that. As she's pretty sure every minute Edwin is out costs someone a million dollars or more in property damage.
Ability Name: Sensor Suite
Hyde is a Mod Soul. She has a spiritual sensor suite.  Works like Pesquisa.  This sense only works on Quincy, and Hollow, and has a limited range as it hasn't been updated in a really long time.
Strength Boost x4
Durability Boost x3
Endurance Boost x2

System Files
"Most Fiction is Rooted In Reality"
The group of Mod Soul designated as batch One-Seven-Six was made in secret in the early months of the year 1880. They were designed using experimentation on older mod soul and human spiritualists(not fullbringers) as catalysts for transfering spiritual energy to power mod soul abilities. The idea, in theory, was to create a group of humans that were basically an internal bomb. Have the unassuming low-spiritual power energy human wonder into say, a Quincy base, consume the Mod Soul and begin destroying the entire area and all of Sereitei’s enemies with it.

It took only one audit of the project after the creation of the Human Interface Devices, models one through five, before the captain commander would deem the project a danger. Unfortunately, against the better judgement of Soul Society, and due to the fact that the project could be reignited in the future, the Mod Soul were left on earth by the Vice Captain and project designer of the Research and Development Division. All forty of the Mod Soul in the Human Interface Device lot were left on earth under the care of a shinigami by the name of Nozomi Terumi.

Nozomi Terumi was the life that would eventually lead to the activation of Edwin. She was a seated shinigami, nothing really special, until she was attacked by a group of hollow on the outskirts of London. During which she was saved by a human spiritualist named Henry Jekyll, who by accident, found the dispenser for the Human Interface Device and consumed one of the Mod Soul, activating the Mod Soul Edward Hyde. The attack destroyed a large number of london surrounding buildings and Nozomi realized how much of a danger the Mod Soul were. They were addicted to the human spiritualists using them, and would damage the mental psyche of the humans that used them.

With Henry Jekyll’s help prior to his complete loss of sanity, Nozomi was able to edit the original code of the Mod Soul in order to curb the addiction of the Mod Soul. She did so realizing just how powerful the Mod Soul could be in the right hands. It is still unclear as to why Nozomi needed more intelligent Mod Soul, perhaps revenge or some other personal vendetta. However, she would never finish the modifications herself as she was killed inexplicably a few months later, leaving Henry Jekyll to finish the project to the best of his abilities.

While Henry could not find a way to truly edit the way the Mod Soul worked, he found that certain chemicals would influence Edward in his own transformations leading to the creation of the potion that slowed the addiction rate of Henry and bonded Edward and Henry’s minds closer together. This allowed Edward a small amount of intelligence, but would not be perfected for another hundred and twenty years. The original serum was passed on down the Jekyll family, each member being bonded to one of the Mod Soul at the will of Henry Jekyll.

In 1990, almost a century later, Gwen Jekyll became the first human to bond with an activation rate greater than fifty percent. This was the first time the Interface was registered strong enough to activate the Mod Soul secondary function. For the Human Interface Device, the secondary function was essentially their ‘power’ or whatever ability had been programmed into them. Specific to Gwen and her “partner” Edith Hyde, the ability to create and manipulate water. This was in part due to Gwen’s extensive modification of Henry’s Serum and her own personal belief that the Mod Soul they were using, had personalities themselves. To her, unlike her family, the Hyde had its own feelings and agenda and she wanted to learn more about the android that was sharing and interfacing with her body.

Gwen would eventually marry a man by the name of Vincent Belotti, and her daughter, Janus, would be the first Jekyll who was a full spiritualist since Henry.  Her power was that of an oracle, or divination. Janus was told of her heritage and choose the pill labeled 3-3DVV11V. She, like the other members of the family, created the serum in order to protect himself from the dangers caused by the raw state of the pills. His first encounter with Edwin was on her eighteenth birthday. Edwin was born after Janus was slammed into wall and robbed at knife-point. She came into the world with little to no thoughts or notions. She was also born into a world with a targeting system that had not been updated since buildings were now skyscrapers, nothing looked like the 1880s. This lead to Edwin assuming that everything, was a monster she should destroy. The property damage of Edwin’s first activation was extensive, and the casualties were the same. If Edwin and Janus did not immediately hate each other, the destruction wrought by Edwin would quickly make them angry.

Janus got through college with only one or two incidents, which she prefers not to share and has a degree in bio-chemistry. Following an incident with a hollow, Janus began to believe that Edwin is not what he thinks she is. During an incident with a shinigami, Edwin and Janus had to work together to breach a mental barrier that was created when the shinigami gave Edwin instructions, causing their bonding rate to soar from under five percent to nearly twenty.

This would be the first time that Edwin and Janus’s minds were also close enough that Janus could understand Edwin. Edwin, like Janus, actually didn’t like wonton destruction and complete obliteration of everything. In fact, she didn’t really like spiritual racism, and had no idea why she was designed to attack things in the first place. Like Janus, she liked the idea of being a hero, when enough of her personality got the brain power to function.

Side Notes:
Mother :: Gwen Jekyll // Edith Hyde
Roleplay Sample:
Janus was already contemplating life's great mysteries. Does she drink the blue lemon gin drink called an Aviation, or does she drink the glowing, and swirling vial of red, that screamed horrifying things in the back of her head. Unfortunately, she was not sure which one really warranted her time, and unfortunately, her ability to concentrate. Janus was straight forward as she looked at the man further down the bar that had passed out. She shrugged and then the door behind her slammed open as she avoided even looking back at the door.  

 The bartender was their obvious target and no matter what happened, Janus was going to get shot at some point.  She sighed to herself.  Different futures flashed for hours what would have only been a split second to others as she decided that the most logical decision was to duck and cover.  At least, that was the decision that didn't get her immediately shot.   Unfortunately some bullets were still going to hit her no matter what she did.  

There was a loud amount of men with lots of weapons that may or may not have the ability to instantly end Janus' life. She had already realized the only way out of this annoying and disgusting situation was to rely on Hyde.  Which, had bad connotations written all over the future for the men about to hit her with a bullet in roughly four seconds.  Janus' hand instinctively had wrapped around the glowing vial the moment something had gone wrong. Of course,s he still had to ingest it if he wanted to be alive.

Janus finally swallowed the vial as she let out a high pitched noise from where he currently was. The muscles in Janus' body all began to writhe and contract, then expand as her clothing tore. She was drooling as her hair grew and her arms lurched almost animated into a massive spring of bulges of muscle. Her feet stretched and just to look at the transforming Janus hurt they eyes. Like she was breaking the laws of physics and the mind could not cope with whatever altercations were happening to the woman.   She already could feel her mind vanishing into the back recesses of her soul and her Divination along with it.  The only bad part about drinking the potion, Janus couldn't see after she had done so.

Her hair was extremely long now, and her breasts pushed at the torn cloth that Janus had on. Edwin really needed to teach that pipsqueek not to wear clothes like this. They made her look terrible. She was laughing, she always did when Janus finally let her out. She screamed for joy and one of the gunman cut a line of bullets towards the sound. Unfortunately for him, Edwin had already hurtled herself using the leverage of anything she could get her now exponentially larger size than Janus. Her other hand swung the barstool like a baseball bat, or really a small pipe in her massive hands at the first gunman, smashing his side in as she laughed like a little girl. "Edwin here. Edwin out... Ed.... SMASH!!!!!!!!"

She said to no one in particular.

The Human
Name: Janus Jekyll
Apparent Age: 25
True Age: 25
Sex: Female
Janus is extremely polite while at work. Janus is also not quick to anger, however they have a distinctive defense mechanism that is shown rather frequently. Janus has the disposition for engaging in sarcastic and almost trying remarks when faced with danger or something that she does not care or agree with. This leads most people to think of Janus as harsh tongued or demeaning when not being a customer of Janus. Janus knows nothing about any soul beings currently, once she meet a few their opinions will be formed.  Janus is quiet, when not fighting.  She knows how dangerous words can be so she tends to stray away from them when she has no need or want to fight.   That and talking, makes you noticable.  She keeps to very basic and unassuming questions in order to keep conversations vague unless she’s information gathering.  

Janus's personality is defined by her innate lack of worry and her tenancy to not really judge anyone. She gets her work done, at a leisurely pace and tends to miss deadlines that seem trivial or boring.   Janus has a natural problem with authority, preferring to ignore anything and everything for the fact that he really doesn't care what people tell her. Not because she doesn't get her work done or because she dislikes authority, she just doesn't feel the need or want to deal with things like that. They seem almost distant and beneath her. It comes from her relaxed attitude. Most people want everyone to get up and do as much as they can, but she has no real motivation. Or at least, she has motivation and does things she wants to. She will spend hours honing a skill or muscle movement if she thinks it's something that is useful or interesting. Though, if you ask her to rescue a cat, she would probably respond with the cat should get a new owner.

Janus lives by the idea that fear makes you smart. Only stupid people aren't scared of things. After all, people who are fearless make careless actions. So, while she's good at hiding and not showing it, Janus relies on intuition a lot more than most and doesn't prefer to get into fights with anything or anyone she doesn't have to or doesn't know anything about. She prefers to talk her way out of situations, though a lot of times that simply is her being as bored as possible until the problem goes away.

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 130 Lbs
Physical Traits:
Janus is the definition of a trap. It gets worse because Janus does not care to tell most people if she is male or female. Only Janus' immediate friends know the truth, this is all completely reinforced by how Janus looks. Janus is hairless, and stands at a decisively normal height, and has no defining muscles. On top of it, Janus has a generic bob cut that could be on any man or woman, and despite best guesses, has enlightened lips that Janus keeps coated in chapstick. It gets even deeper when Janus' speaks. The voice is slightly but not high enough to be distinctively feminine. Almost as if Janus was still a young boy, or a deeper voiced girl.

Even more enforcement comes from Janus' choice in clothing and hygiene products. Janus uses very girly smelling shampoo and conditioner but wears Tommy Bahama Relax as a cologne, so Janus permeates with the smell of both girly fruits and the tropics. If all the extra work that Janus put into her looks was not enough, the only odd part of Janus' looks is her shoulder blades. Which are double jointed and therefore extend from the back when hunched quite a bit or while flexed.  Janus has no real presence because she doesn't try to stand out.  Her pale skin can easily be mistaken and let her vanish into a crowd, she tries to avoid scars and wears clothing that doesn't accent anything other than a generic fashion sense.  Her entire body is as much of a trap as Janus is.  Her hips aren't wide, her muscle tone is completely non-descript and her eyes, might be the only really noticeable thing about her.  Janus' dashing green eyes always seem to be looking forward.  

General Fighting Style: Drink Potion 


See Hyde


I'm gonna put a moratorium on this until we talk on Discord. For now, this is neither approved nor denied. However, as it is, you stand very little chance of having this concept approved whatsoever. Please talk to me or Rena on Discord as soon as you can, so we can work this out.

Take care.
♥️ Lex




Approved, tier 2-3.

Remember you can tier up by spending coins later. ^^

Thanks for being so understanding with this, and welcome to the forum!

♥️ Lex

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