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#1Mei Tsaki Empty Mei Tsaki Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:03 am



(Keep in mind depending on the age, some fields may not be usable. Adjust as needed.)


Name: Mei Tsaki
Alias: Recovery Girl
Race: Human
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Personality: Mei is very caring, sweet, bubbly, and energetic most of the time. She loves to help anyone and everyone. She loves her job as a nurse at the school because she loves seeing the children progress. She loves helping the children learn how to use their abilities without hurting themselves. She loved to teach them about how to keep themselves safe and out of harm's way. Even if there's no need to see her, she loves student visits just to talk about whatever it is they need. She would go above and beyond for any of the students or even teachers in the school. She will heal anyone and everyone that needs it, unless they are an enemy of UA.

Mei is always happy and smiley, however she isn't overbearing about it. She is simple and sweet. She is kind and caring. She is energetic, but not annoying. She is finds herself attached to people very easily, however she is also very cautious of certain people.

Although she is very kind and sweet, Mei cam also be very sturn, stubborn, and blunt. She can't stand to watch students or teachers continuously hurt themselves. She can’t stand to watch anyone hurt another person. She can't stand to watch her job, students, friends, or health of others threatened. If Mei feels threatened or if she feels like someone is in her way, she will not hesitate to put them in their place, even if she doesn't have the quirk to back it up. She will fight tooth and nail for the things she believes in.

Mei doesn't enjoy fighting considering she was made for just the opposite reason. She doesn't enjoy hurting other people and she doesn't enjoy watching others be harmed, unless they deserve it.

Alignment: Lawful Good
Blood Type: AB+
Birthplace: Musutafu, Japan
Current Place of Residence: Musutafu, Japan


Mei doesn't necessarily look like a normal young woman in the human sense for there are many features that stick out about her appearance. However this doesn't take away from her beauty, it only seems to add to it. To many, she seems flawless in appearance. Some say Mei could be a goddess, some say she could be a princess, and some say she could be an angel or a fairy. Fantasy stories seem to revolve around her purely due to her appearance and composure. She looks sophisticated, soft, and like she could rule with an iron fist.

Hair: Mei’s hair almost seems too perfect to truly be hers but it simply is. The color is golden blonde, which has been compared to the sun on more than a few occasions. Its length is slightly above the shoulders, which is what some girls would dream theirs to be like. Considering her hair is so short, it's no surprise when one finds the texture is rather soft and quite smooth. Of course, it takes quite the effort to make such a thick head of hair feel and look in such a manner considering she struggles with it wanting to be fluffy. Nonetheless, the girl takes very high pride in her looks and always strives to make the best impression. Though sometimes, the way it looks may normally depends on how Mei feels that day. If she's feeling quite lazy or just wants to be simple, it will either stay down or go straight up in some easy fashion such as: half up half down, a small ponytail, etc. However in its normal state, Mei’s locks can be seen simply laid flat upon her head, but in a wavy fashion that gives it just the right amount of volume. Her bangs hang across her forehead in a straight fashion. Something must always be done to the young nurse’s hair because under absolutely no circumstances will Mei ever leave her hair a mess.

Eyes: This girl's eyes are one of a kind with a single blue and a single brown, which many times leaves them to be compared with stars due to how they shine brightly and beautifully. With every passing moment, the small nurse tries to keep her eyes sparkling with a sense of confidence that could calm anyone staring into them. She wants her passion to outshow anything else she may be feeling or thinking. Nonetheless, she always seems to be able to become serious at a moments notice for any reason necessary. Also, it is very difficult to pierce through her facade and tell what Mei is feeling by looking into these beautiful mixed colored orbs: when she is sad, they become quite dull compared to their usual selves, when she is angry, they seem to pierce straight through you, etc. However one thing that will almost never be seen coming from those very eyes, is tears for Mei had been taught, since she could first remember, that tears show weakness and are also a burden to others, especially in the field she is in. Showing tears is asking for attention in her eyes and shows that she cannot handle herself, which the young nurse finds very disappointing. However that doesn't mean she NEVER cries, that'd just be crazy.. it just doesn't happen often.

Face: When others see Mei’s face, they might possibly think perfection or innocence. Her lips are smaller but they are a beautiful light pink color. Her nose is also quite small and short with a bit of a rounded point nose tip. Her cheekbones are said to be crafted by the most masterful of hands just as her jawline which doesn't show much, yet blends in perfectly to sculpt her face. Overall, her features are quite cute. Upon her face, a smile can be seen, honestly her face always looks quite bright. It has been said that her smile could light the darkest corners and spread happiness to even the saddest of people, which is something to look forward to. Her smile is also said to be brighter than the sun itself, however no matter how hard she may try to hide them, it's a bit more obvious what other emotions she may be feeling. Her whole being can be read simply by looking at her face, but you just have to know exactly what you're looking for.

Body: This little blonde haired nurse is quite petite with her height only being about 5'4" and her weight only being about 125 lbs. Her breasts are about a D cup size placing them at a larger than average size, yet harder to manage, especially when it comes to bra shopping. Her skin is a lighter more pale color that seems to tie all of her wonderful colored features together leaving her in a doll-like state of appearance. However out of all of her many appealing features, there is something that sticks out the most in all eyes about this very girl. Mei ever since she could remember, has had a small, heart shaped scar on her back right shoulder.

Normal: Mei will normally wear anything befitting a young lady or a doctor, since her appealing features have gotten such a title hammered into her skull she believes she should at least follow through with class. Well, when she is at the school anyway. Nonetheless, her outfits need to stay flexible and light due to her position as a protector of the students. These outfits can range from skirts and blouses to dresses of all different color. Her favorite colors to wear are pink, blue, white, or silver however, the colors can vary depending on what she finds cute or what she really wants. Most of the time, her outfits will hold some sort of loose, soft material leaving room to move freely without the worry of showing off too much of any inappropriate sights. Most of her outfits include a short sleeved top, whether it be dress or shirt and pair of jeans, a skirt, or jean shorts. On her feet, she normally will wear a type of boot ending just at the ankle, normally black in color. If she's not in the mood for boots, she will wear converse or flats, which is also fairly normal. Over all that clothing, Mei will wear her special doctor’s coat with her hero name embroidered on it. Mei doesn't necessarily like high heels because she can't walk in them properly, which leads to more problems on her part and hurts her feet. I mean.. she's supposed to heal OTHER people not herself.

Hero outfit: Mei’s hero outfit has been known to resemble that of a fairy. (The one above in the picture.)

Height and Weight: 5 ft 4 in. 125lbs


Quirk Name: Sing
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description:
Description: Recovery Girl's singing voice exudes multiple frequencies at a time in patterns that, when heard by others, stimulate their body's natural healing process. For this reason, she's been selected as UA's medic, and is well known for her quirk. There are a few limits however. She must maintain a singing voice for healing to take effect. The healing can affect broken bones, but not those that are completely destroyed, and she can only keep up the singing for so long before having to take a sizable break. This tends to result in those with severe injuries having to stay in the infirmary for extended periods of time compared to those with only minor injuries.


Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles: Keiko Tsuchi
History: Not Yet
RP Sample: No

#2Mei Tsaki Empty Re: Mei Tsaki Thu Aug 23, 2018 5:34 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
B level to start and also the cap. Approved.

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