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Noziel Aran

Noziel Aran
"Yo." I wish I had a sense of humor, but I think that fucker broke it. I tilted my head over to Recovery Girl, who was tending to a few others. She might notice me, but honestly, I think my body shut off my ability to feel pain. Or it could have been the work of my quirk... but either way, I wasn't doing much moving. No one important, just the girl with reversed... legs. A frustrated scream would escape me before I realized my body wasn't having any of my tantrum.


She had been tending to a young boy with completely destroyed legs, then a girl with a melted face, then an unconscious girl, and she still had many more to go. She would sigh running down the list as she worked hard to fix them up the way they were originally. She was simply one person and she couldn't do it all on her own. Nonetheless, she tried, even as she heard a voice yell at her across the room and start screaming. Well, since she was done she might as well see what the problem was.

Mei would rise from where she was and wander down to the kid with backwards legs. What was wrong wuth these young ones? Why were they trying so hard to literally destroy their classmates? Mei couldn't understand it. Her heart didn't like to see the hurt and pain, yet it never once crossed these teen's minds. Recovery Girl would look over the child before asking a simply question, "Yes?"

Noziel Aran

Noziel Aran
I didn't really have much that I could fully explain without reliving the whole ordeal. Oddly enough, as unnerved as I was during the fight, I felt like my old self during this stage, where I was helpless and somehow completely numb. Maybe the numbness was the culprit? Either way, after her opposing eyes met mine, I felt at ease, maybe even a bit happy. I wasn't sure whether that was a product of the hope of getting my legs back, or her natural aura. I'd pipe up with this, "I'd rather not talk about how I ended up like this. It's not worth the time I took getting like this. I just... hope that it doesn't hurt so much reversing it." I'd think about it, as hard as I'd been trying to avoid things like that and broke eye contact with quite possibly the only person capable of sympathizing with me.

As though it made a difference... "How long have you done this?"


Mei would look to the child's eyes noticing her voice was something of a pinch of nervousness. She was embarrassed, nervous, or perhaps even completely terrified at the thought of being healed. She wondered if it would hurt having her kneecaps placed back in order. She wondered if it would hurt to have everything fixed, but it would have to be done. Mei couldn't leave her like this and she certainly couldn't dare to entertain the thought of letting any child live in agony. Her odd colored eyes would watch as the girl looked away potentially tuning out the affection in Mei's eyes. The woman would sigh a bit as she would begin filling out the student's file only to be hit with a question that she wondered if she should answer.

The woman would glance up from the paper only to find herself reminiscing about her own teacher. There was another brilliant healer before herself. She had once held the position that Mei was currently in and she had some so with grace. She had taught Mei from a young age and she had given her as many lessons as she could. She taught her the importance of family, of helping others, of love, of life, of responsibility, and many others. Mei would smile while thinking about sitting on the bed closest to her teachers desk as the day would go by merrily and quickly. They would always leave late and return early in the morning to start the process over. Mei had loved that woman and that woman had loved her.

She would shake her head with a light hearted smile before she would nod to the girl. "I've been doing this since I was about your age, maybe even younger. Of course, I came through U.A. and eventually landed a job here right out of school. I'm also staffed part time at an agency, so you can see the value in my work. I promise I will take good care of you and you'll only feel a bit of soreness. Obviously, that would mean you'd have to go to sleep though. The choice is yours. Trust me, you'll want to," her voice was sophisticated in its ways, yet also calm. She was a very cheerful, understanding woman. She only wanted what was best for her students.

Noziel Aran

Noziel Aran
The woman with odd eyes of pink and blue seemed to be lost in thought for quite some time, as the question I'd asked seemed to pull up memories of both the fond and less fond emotions. When she'd finished her little detour, she looked at me directly. Her head shook, for what reason I wasn't sure, but her expression lightened. She'd mentioned she'd been a healer since she was my age, perhaps younger, and that surprised me a little. I mean... with a quirk like hers, it's to be expected, but in all fairness, I can't imagine being forced to take on the pain of others at such a young age. I knew she felt mine, even if only a little sliver of it. It was still nice to know that she was valued so highly though. In this world where people constantly fight each other, now augmented by a crazy genetic power? Yeah, she was definitely needed. She said she would take care of me, and that there'd be a moderate chance of persistent soreness. If that was all I'd have to deal with, sure. She'd hinted heavily that I'd need to go to sleep if I didn't want to feel most of the pain. Nodding, I closed my eyes, letting my fatigue catch up with me. Her voice was calm, and I felt my mind clasping onto it, as though it was a measure of security. Even if I'd wanted to be stronger and fight through the pain, I think I might have wanted to sleep anyways.


She had seemed to catch the trust of the girl by simply stating the facts of her life. Mei was glad to know that the students trusted her as much as she trusted herself. She was glad to know that they listened to her and didn't want anything but to feel secured around her. Mei would do anything for them and they simply seemed to pick up on that. She would sing a simple, soft, sweet song as the girl layed on the bed and closed her eyes. She would help her mind relax and heal to a state of rest. She would naturally put the girl to sleep.

Mei could remember the teachings of her own master at that point. She remembered the rules they had set in place the moment she was assigned to be the assistant to the nurse. "Alright, Mei. Recite to me the rules one more time. If you do so, you can continue your training," the hard, stern voice would say. She was an older woman, but not an old lady. Although she was older, she was quite beautiful, tan, and she had the prettiest, brown hair. She could remember looking into those brught, pink orbs as she recited those rules again. "Rule 1) The patient is our number one priority over anything else, even us. Rule 2) The patient's happiness falls in our hands. We must always do whatever it takes to keep them in our good graces. Rule 3) Even when the odds seem slim, you continue treatment until there's nothing left you can do," her voice had been loud, proud, and very youthful then. She had shone brilliantly and she had the passion of a raging firestorm. Everything she did reflected her passion, her belief, and the teachings of her master. She was so happy then.

As the treatment ended, the girl's knees were now returned to their rightful spot, however her legs were bandaged fairly tight. She didn't want anything moving for now. She would have to take a rest before continuing anymore treatment on anyone. She had used up what she had of her quirk and now she needed a rest. Odd colored eyes had closed as she rested her head on the desk. Papers were scattered across the surface, but she didn't care. Her arms layer under her cranium allowing for cushion as she seemed to be slowly falling asleep. She was tired.

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