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#11Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Sun Nov 18, 2018 2:54 am


As her Carbon Armor faded away, she heard his voice and remapped the area quickly in her head while she used Shunpo to dodge the Byakurai he had fired. As he went Bankai, his reiatsu exploded in the area clearing up the dust in the air, letting them clearly see each other. Sheathing her weapons, she activated her Creation quirk and produced two identical longswords.

Gritting her teeth as the psychic energy crashed into her, she realized he what powers he had now and threw her sword behind her. It stabbed itself into the ground, which she then used as a way to break her momentum, landing on it and standing up on top, generating another sword effortlessly in her now-free hand. Reno closed the distance with a Shunpo and released a barrage of attacks. Kiyoshi now realized how much raw strength he had in each attack, and parried his attacks by sacrificing her weapons, throwing them to the side to distract him with each parry and producing more. She was barely managing to hang on here, every attack just barely missing her body as she parried and blocked what she could, throwing more and more weapons onto the battlefield.

Finally, she had enough, and used Shunpo to get away. Leaving him as little time to react as possible, she fired off Hadō12:Fushibi with her Shikai's effect, increasing its strength to 150%. Simultaneously, due to her Bankai, she also cast Hadō33:Sōkatsui at him at the same level of strength. Between the two, Reno was in for a nasty surprise... she hoped.

"Your power is overwhelming, Kitsugi. You're surprisingly also very tactical as well, which proves to be a dangerous combination. Combined with your speed, of which I'd say we're about even, you are an absolute monster who very, very few people would ever have a genuine chance against in the heat of battle." She sighed, relaxing her body as her eyes shifted from red to platinum, her reiatsu following suit. "Unfortunately, I'm one of them. Shin Chō-Zōkyō." She steadied herself, preparing for what lied ahead; it seemed that playing defense was better for now.
TECHNIQUE LOG [click to open]
Ability Name: Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: The true power of Kiyoshi's Zanpakutou, when released, this ability causes all of Kiyoshi's Kidou to be fired off a second time at half power for free. Kiyoshi can choose to combine these two into one attack (giving her Kidou 150% strength) or can fire it off with her other hand allowing her to change her tactics. This has no effect on Forbidden Kidou.

Ability Name: Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: In it's Bankai state, Chō-Zōkyō enables Kiyoshi to cast two separate Kidou at exactly the same time, both benefitting from her Shikai's power (being cast at 150% strength). Both Kidou cast must be under number 81. Her latent Kidou abilities also improve, allowing her to cast all Kidou under 81 in number silently at full power.

Ability Name: Shin Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: At it's most powerful stage, Shin Chō-Zōkyō allows Kiyoshi to cast all Kidou below number 91 silently at full power, while all Non-Forbidden Kidou are cast at 200% strength (overwriting her Shikai boost) and still enabling her to cast two simultaneously. Additionally, her non-forbidden Hado have their cooldowns reduced by 1 post.

Ability Name: Quirk
Ability Description: Kiyoshi's main ability is Quirk - This ability has several sub-abilities, listed both below and in her release stages as her Zanpakutou unlocks more of her own latent power. Quirk can be activated once every post, activating one quirk from her options. Kiyoshi can only have two quirks active at any time, as each quirk lasts only two posts. Kiyoshi cannot activate the same quirk twice in a row, or while that quirk is already activate.

Quirk: Creation
Ability Description: Kiyoshi can manipulate atmospheric reishi, creating any non-organic solid object. These constructs last the entire thread, or until destroyed. All constructs have the durability of Titanium, and can be a maximum size of 5ft by 5ft by 1ft.

Spell Name: Fushibi
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #12
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: This kido doesn't require a noticeable gesture as it can be activated by only speaking the incantation and/or name of kido. A bright orange kido net forms around one side of the caster, which appears only when its spell is cast, catching anyone within the net will temporarily stop them in their tracks. Although the Fushibi net is highly unstable and when hit by kido, it explodes violently, causing some amounts of explosive damage to anyone caught within the net. This spell can also be used in conjunction with other kido and zanpakuto techniques for a variety of alternate effects.

Spell Name: Sōkatsui
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #33
Spell Incantation: "All things in the universe that fly, that which names all, in the name of truth and temperance, dig your claws into the wall of sinless dreams!
Spell Effect: the caster extends his whole palm with his fingers extended forwards but only slightly apart before blue flame-like spirit energy flows into the center of the extended palm before firing a large wave of blue flames towards a target, without the incantation, it appears more as a blue fireball that rockets towards a target instead of a wave. causes a explosion on impact plus burn damage depending on tier of the target.

Hado 41-60 :: 1 Post
Hado 61-80 :: 1 Post
Bakudo 01-40:: 1 Post

#12Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Sun Nov 18, 2018 5:21 am


Wretched Automatons - Page 2 F9QwMkj
Interesting trick. Reno smirked as she produced two long swords but not doing so fast enough to stop the psychic attack he had made against her earlier sending her backwards, but she used a blade to stop her own momentum. another interesting trick.. he may use that later.. maybe not in this match but still he tucked the information away for another time.

His flurry of attacks was met with weapons whose purpose seemed to be solely to block him and be discarded. While the tossing of the first blade caught his gaze for a split second the rest did not distract him in the slightest. However at the end of his onslaught she used Kidou against him again. Since it was silent he didn't know which ones were coming until the last moment.. but decided to take a drastic measure since he had taken far more damage than he was willing to admit from his own Kurohitsugi earlier. The kidou net ensnared him and the other kidou connected causing an explosion.. creating dust which clouded visuals of him while she began her little speech and began to power up further.

However when the smoke cleared his hulking hollow form had been achieved.. this time clad in special energy based armor he had created all around his body to protect him. The armor fading after the explosion had hit it but the damage being done to him being completely negligible by that point.

"You're as fast as I am you say.." Reno said solemnly with his hollowed voice, "Who decided that?" and with a shunpo at his maximum speed he jumped behind her all of a sudden. "You're one of the people who are a match for me you say.. who decided that?" all the while his reiatsu flared wildly up and up as his ???% increased from annoyance and anger. "I am the one who decides these things.." He muttered annoyed before grabbing the back of her head and shoving it brutally into the ground until she herself was under it before releasing her and taking a few steps back to grin and mock her. "Don't you ever forget it."

Just to prove a point he began to charge an attack in his free hand while raising it above his head, forming a large sphere of energy that felt as dense and powerful as a cero oscuras, but he did not fire this attack yet, oh no, he waited. Waited for her to get up. Waited for her to be defiant. Then. He would put her out of her misery. Only then.

#13Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Tue Nov 20, 2018 4:02 pm


He was behind her before she even had a chance to process what had happened. The suddent burst of reiatsu and reiryoku made her want to vomit and fall to her knees, but she fought through it, trying to turn around and face him head-on; she hadn't made it a quarter of the way around before her head was slammed into the ground.

The timbre of his voice had changed; while his voice itself had become Hollow, he was far more apathetic and solemn in his words now than he had been before, as though he assumed this fight was already over and was now just toying with her. The raven-haired girl pulled herself to her feeet, cracking her neck. A few cuts and bruises were apparent on her face now, and she cuold no longer see fully clearly out of her right eye. He was strong... but she couldn't give up.

"You... decide nothing..." Her body shaking as much as her voice as she continued working on steading herself, crouching down and manifesting two more swords in her hands, both of them having been discarded in the previous attack. "I... will not lose here!" With her own explosive wave of reiatsu being released, weapons that she'd previously discarded on the battlefield came flying towards Reno at Cero speeds from all around him, collapsing in on him all at once. She made each of these ten swords attack Reno quickly, in a way that would leave him little room for error, threw a Bakudo81:Danku far in front of her to block the orb he was charging from closing in on her, while also using Shunpo to close the distance and continue the assault in person.

She'd never used two quirks at the same time before... it was an interesting feeling. One she might grow addicted to.
TECHNIQUE LOG [click to open]
Ability Name: Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: The true power of Kiyoshi's Zanpakutou, when released, this ability causes all of Kiyoshi's Kidou to be fired off a second time at half power for free. Kiyoshi can choose to combine these two into one attack (giving her Kidou 150% strength) or can fire it off with her other hand allowing her to change her tactics. This has no effect on Forbidden Kidou.

Ability Name: Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: In it's Bankai state, Chō-Zōkyō enables Kiyoshi to cast two separate Kidou at exactly the same time, both benefitting from her Shikai's power (being cast at 150% strength). Both Kidou cast must be under number 81. Her latent Kidou abilities also improve, allowing her to cast all Kidou under 81 in number silently at full power.

Ability Name: Shin Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: At it's most powerful stage, Shin Chō-Zōkyō allows Kiyoshi to cast all Kidou below number 91 silently at full power, while all Non-Forbidden Kidou are cast at 200% strength (overwriting her Shikai boost) and still enabling her to cast two simultaneously. Additionally, her non-forbidden Hado have their cooldowns reduced by 1 post.

Ability Name: Quirk
Ability Description: Kiyoshi's main ability is Quirk - This ability has several sub-abilities, listed both below and in her release stages as her Zanpakutou unlocks more of her own latent power. Quirk can be activated once every post, activating one quirk from her options. Kiyoshi can only have two quirks active at any time, as each quirk lasts only two posts. Kiyoshi cannot activate the same quirk twice in a row, or while that quirk is already activate.

Quirk: Creation
Ability Description: Kiyoshi can manipulate atmospheric reishi, creating any non-organic solid object. These constructs last the entire thread, or until destroyed. All constructs have the durability of Titanium, and can be a maximum size of 5ft by 5ft by 1ft.

Quirk: Soul Force
Ability Description: Kiyoshi coats up to ten weapons on the battlefield in her own reiatsu, allowing her to, for the duration of this quirk, control the weapons telepathically within 50ft of herself.

Spell Name: Dankū
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #81
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: The caster forms a translucent rectangular barrier in front of the caster. This kido can protect the user from kido based attacks up to #89 but only protects in front of the caster, so coming behind the caster or to the side can bypass the powerful protection of this kido.


#14Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:30 am


Wretched Automatons - Page 2 F9QwMkj
He dropped the energy sphere right in front of him to intercept her since she rushed him and created a dozen energy blades of his own in order to counter her new arsenal of weaponry. Leaving him free to cast a kidou.. but perhaps he should wait. The girl seemed to be growing exponentially in their battle and he wanted to see how far it would go. So instead hre fired a cero from his finger and gripped his blade in preparing a round of battering blows with it.

Which turned out to be a good thing because a moment later a Danku countered his energy ball and caused an explosion. Allowing her to continue her rush towards him, which he answered in kind by bringing his blade down heavily to bear against her defenses. Followed by a point blank Cero from his other hand. Following this he decided to push her further by casting Hadou 58 Tenran silently. Causing a tornado-like blast to hurl itself towards her from him left side. He then muttered to himself as a mental note for later, Creating a javelin of energy which he hurled at her for piercing effect should it hit in the process of doing so. Which made it sound like a Kidou he supposed when he thought about it.. but it was just more of his energy emission ability.

#15Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:54 am


As his sword came crashing down she had almost no time to react. Bringing her swords up together in an X-fashion, the giant blade was caught by both of them in one motion. Reno's strength proved too strong, though, and they both shattered completely in impact. She backed away just in time to get blown away by his Hado58:Tenran, the tornado blowing her up into the air.

Kiyoshi's Creation Quirk wearing off, she immediately activated her Air Raid Quirk, which solidified a pair of wings on her back that allowed her to instantly regain her balance. In the short time Reno delayed before throwing the javelin at her, she used Soul Force to bring two of the swords she was controlling telepathically into her own hands, and then picked up two others with the same power to bring her back to where she was prior to the swords shattering.

With the Javelin closing in on her, Kiyoshi threw the sword in her left hand at it, causing an explosion in mid-air as they collided. Kiyoshi wasted no time, holding her hand flat towards Reno and firing off a super-powered Hado63:Raikoho and Hado54:Haien at him simultaneously, immediately after which she used Shunpo to get behind him and begin attacking again at point-blank range with the one sword, drawing her Zanpakutou, the plain Katana, with her now free-hand to continue the assault as normal, the ten swords she was controlling with Soul Force also making their own attacks at Reno's energy swords, distracting themselves and making potshots at Reno when possible as well.
TECHNIQUE LOG [click to open]
Ability Name: Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: The true power of Kiyoshi's Zanpakutou, when released, this ability causes all of Kiyoshi's Kidou to be fired off a second time at half power for free. Kiyoshi can choose to combine these two into one attack (giving her Kidou 150% strength) or can fire it off with her other hand allowing her to change her tactics. This has no effect on Forbidden Kidou.

Ability Name: Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: In it's Bankai state, Chō-Zōkyō enables Kiyoshi to cast two separate Kidou at exactly the same time, both benefitting from her Shikai's power (being cast at 150% strength). Both Kidou cast must be under number 81. Her latent Kidou abilities also improve, allowing her to cast all Kidou under 81 in number silently at full power.

Ability Name: Shin Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: At it's most powerful stage, Shin Chō-Zōkyō allows Kiyoshi to cast all Kidou below number 91 silently at full power, while all Non-Forbidden Kidou are cast at 200% strength (overwriting her Shikai boost) and still enabling her to cast two simultaneously. Additionally, her non-forbidden Hado have their cooldowns reduced by 1 post.

Ability Name: Quirk
Ability Description: Kiyoshi's main ability is Quirk - This ability has several sub-abilities, listed both below and in her release stages as her Zanpakutou unlocks more of her own latent power. Quirk can be activated once every post, activating one quirk from her options. Kiyoshi can only have two quirks active at any time, as each quirk lasts only two posts. Kiyoshi cannot activate the same quirk twice in a row, or while that quirk is already activate.

Ability Name: Quirk: Air Raid
Ability Description: Kiyoshi solidifies her Reiryoku into a pair of wings which, for as long as this quirk is active, grants her perfect air maneuverability.

Quirk: Soul Force
Ability Description: Kiyoshi coats up to ten weapons on the battlefield in her own reiatsu, allowing her to, for the duration of this quirk, control the weapons telepathically within 50ft of herself.

Spell Name: Haien
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #54
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: the caster gathers purple energy into their hand before throwing it, once thrown, it forms into a boomerang shaped projectile that disintegrates a singular target part (a arm, leg, rock, etc) only, it cannot do this against a full body of spiritual energy as it's beyond the kido's ability to do so.

Spell Name: Raikōhō
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #63
Spell Incantation: "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!"
Spell Effect: The caster uses this spell by raising the hand facing towards what he his going to be firing at and opening his hand to his palm, gathering yellow energy, similar to #32, but forming in front of the palm and with lightning covering the orb before, at the caster's command, it fires as a stream of lightning energy, shaped to look like a lightning strike towards the target which explodes violently in a destructive cloud of lightning, causing both explosive damage and electrical damage at once, results vary from person to person.

Bakudo 81-89 : 4 Posts

#16Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:42 pm


Wretched Automatons - Page 2 F9QwMkj
his weapon shattered her puny creations and his kidou sent her flying, both good things, but then she grew platinum reishi wings and regained her composure. He felt the energy build up which told him more kidou was coming, something he grinned about and was prepared for this time. HIs javelin exploded and upon it doing so the energy she had charged for kidou was released in two spells. Both of which got intercepted by "Danku!" which did not even budge when it blocked the two kidou.

She shunpo'd to get behind him but he managed to keep an eye on her, though not fully turned to face her. However he just smiled and her sword assault against him was thwarted at super high speeds by his Soul Speed Combat ability. Allowing him to form a reishi sword and block her with it so fast that it seemed like he hadn't moved. This block gave him time to actually turn and face her before bringing his sword down for an assault of his own using both hands on the one blade.

Or so it seemed because at that moment he fired a cero from his mouth instead. He didn't need to worry about anything but her at the moment. HIs energy blades kept her swords busy. She had to focus on him too or she'd lose the match. For he released a hadou 32 Okasen from his zanpaktou blade after swinging it downwards which released a thin yellow wave of energy at the girl after she dealt with the cero.

Reno was growing impatient though.. he was starting to run low on stamina..

#17Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:01 pm


Reno was proving to be too strong for her, and she was starting to feel the strain of using her energy like this. Gritting her teeth while Reno countered. He began to fire a cero from his mouth, and Kiyoshi activated her Negation Quirk while Soul Force faded away, the ten swords she was using falling to the ground uselessly. Reno's Cero disappeared into a black hole that'd appeared out of nowhere, while it repelled the Okasen he was firing off enough that Kiyoshi was able to dodge it.

On one hand, she wanted to talk to him, explain that they were likely both starting to feel the weight of the battle and that they should either end it now or straight-up take a break to recover. The only reason she didn't, though, was on the off chance that she was wrong, and Reno wasn't feeling the drain. If he was still at high stamina... she'd lose for sure, and he wouldn't relent. Instead, she decided to just pour her heart and soul into her next attack.

"Gimme a sec wouldya Reno?" Her voice was so casual, like they'd been friends for years, as she closed her eyes and focused her energies to prepare for her next quirk. "I'll be a sec before I can activate my last Quirk for our fight. We'll end this soon, old man."
TECHNIQUE LOG [click to open]
Ability Name: Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: The true power of Kiyoshi's Zanpakutou, when released, this ability causes all of Kiyoshi's Kidou to be fired off a second time at half power for free. Kiyoshi can choose to combine these two into one attack (giving her Kidou 150% strength) or can fire it off with her other hand allowing her to change her tactics. This has no effect on Forbidden Kidou.

Ability Name: Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: In it's Bankai state, Chō-Zōkyō enables Kiyoshi to cast two separate Kidou at exactly the same time, both benefitting from her Shikai's power (being cast at 150% strength). Both Kidou cast must be under number 81. Her latent Kidou abilities also improve, allowing her to cast all Kidou under 81 in number silently at full power.

Ability Name: Shin Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: At it's most powerful stage, Shin Chō-Zōkyō allows Kiyoshi to cast all Kidou below number 91 silently at full power, while all Non-Forbidden Kidou are cast at 200% strength (overwriting her Shikai boost) and still enabling her to cast two simultaneously. Additionally, her non-forbidden Hado have their cooldowns reduced by 1 post.

Ability Name: Quirk
Ability Description: Kiyoshi's main ability is Quirk - This ability has several sub-abilities, listed both below and in her release stages as her Zanpakutou unlocks more of her own latent power. Quirk can be activated once every post, activating one quirk from her options. Kiyoshi can only have two quirks active at any time, as each quirk lasts only two posts. Kiyoshi cannot activate the same quirk twice in a row, or while that quirk is already activate.

Ability Name: Quirk: Air Raid
Ability Description: Kiyoshi solidifies her Reiryoku into a pair of wings which, for as long as this quirk is active, grants her perfect air maneuverability.

Ability Name: Quirk: Negation
Ability Description: One time, while this Quirk is active, Kiyoshi can create a temporary unstable black hole which will completely consume the first non-final skill which touches it. For the remainder of the Quirk, Kiyoshi can only move the black hole, not create more of them. The black hole will also not consume any other skills, but will instead only affect their trajectory, acting like a Repelling Force to all energy-based attacks while active, while acting like an Attracting Force to all physical-based ones.

Bakudo 81-89 : 3 Posts
Hado 61-80 : 1 Post

#18Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:06 pm


Wretched Automatons - Page 2 F9QwMkj
Hrm.. He stopped and his power fluctuated down by a drastic amount, showing both his ???%'s change and his own stamina loss now that he wasn't revved at full throttle. "You have plenty of time.." Reno said calmly as he relaxed and stood there waiting for her to charge whatever planned attack she had in mind for him to deal with, "This was a spar meant to test you for the position over my own placement.. It would be a shame if I didn't try to crush everything you have to throw at me before this was all over," he said with a grin, "So let's have it.. I will do my best as well."

And with that he released all of his power. Everything he had remaining was pouring out of his body as he just stood there grinning at her. The promise of death returning to the battlefield as his eyes glowed red, Gripping his blade he brought it up in a defensive position counter intuitive of his threat earlier. He was going to have to play this one smart after all.. it's been a while since that was forced into him. This girl was nothing to laugh at.. but she was too green. Maybe in the future she'd have a better chance. Maybe with more mastery of her still flourishing powers.

#19Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:10 pm


She had been given enough time for her quirks to reset, and wasted no time. She activated One For All, her strongest Quirk, as all traces of her reiatsu and reiryoku presence were absorbed into her, surging through her muscles to fuel them with pure power.

Reno was doing the opposite- he was flaring his spiritual pressure, releasing it all to passively empower himself. In comparison, Reno's was unfiltered, unrefined, and less effective than her Quirk, but given all that he'd shown in the fight he didn't necessarily need the boost from One for All either. Closing her eyes for just a moment to steel herself, Kiyoshi Yamamoto dashed into combat.

With improved speed and strength, she closed the distance between with a Shunpo and released a flurry of attacks, hoping to get past his defensive technique, firing off Hado04:Byakurai with each hand after about six total attacks, and returned to the flurry afterward. Having no time to lose, Kiyoshi continued an unrelenting assault, using her black hole from her Negation Quirk to help any counterattacks from Reno Kitsugi to miss.

She was running out of time, and far more importantly, stamina. This was going to be over soon, one way or another.
TECHNIQUE LOG [click to open]
Ability Name: Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: The true power of Kiyoshi's Zanpakutou, when released, this ability causes all of Kiyoshi's Kidou to be fired off a second time at half power for free. Kiyoshi can choose to combine these two into one attack (giving her Kidou 150% strength) or can fire it off with her other hand allowing her to change her tactics. This has no effect on Forbidden Kidou.

Ability Name: Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: In it's Bankai state, Chō-Zōkyō enables Kiyoshi to cast two separate Kidou at exactly the same time, both benefitting from her Shikai's power (being cast at 150% strength). Both Kidou cast must be under number 81. Her latent Kidou abilities also improve, allowing her to cast all Kidou under 81 in number silently at full power.

Ability Name: Shin Chō-Zōkyō [Passive]
Ability Description: At it's most powerful stage, Shin Chō-Zōkyō allows Kiyoshi to cast all Kidou below number 91 silently at full power, while all Non-Forbidden Kidou are cast at 200% strength (overwriting her Shikai boost) and still enabling her to cast two simultaneously. Additionally, her non-forbidden Hado have their cooldowns reduced by 1 post.

Ability Name: Quirk
Ability Description: Kiyoshi's main ability is Quirk - This ability has several sub-abilities, listed both below and in her release stages as her Zanpakutou unlocks more of her own latent power. Quirk can be activated once every post, activating one quirk from her options. Kiyoshi can only have two quirks active at any time, as each quirk lasts only two posts. Kiyoshi cannot activate the same quirk twice in a row, or while that quirk is already activate.

Quirk: One For All
Ability Description: Kiyoshi completely seals her reiatsu and reiryoku while this Quirk is active, increasing her physical abilities tremendously. All of her physical abilities improve by 1 stage while this Quirk is active.

Quirk: Negation
Ability Description: One time, while this Quirk is active, Kiyoshi can create a temporary unstable black hole which will completely consume the first non-final skill which touches it. For the remainder of the Quirk, Kiyoshi can only move the black hole, not create more of them. The black hole will also not consume any other skills, but will instead only affect their trajectory, acting like a Repelling Force to all energy-based attacks while active, while acting like an Attracting Force to all physical-based ones.

Bakudo 81-89 : 2 Posts

#20Wretched Automatons - Page 2 Empty Re: Wretched Automatons Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:36 am


Wretched Automatons - Page 2 F9QwMkj
He mused for a moment as he noticed her spiritual energy vanish into thin air all of a sudden. So she gave up fighting him spiritually? Going for broke eh.. He was laughing as she rushed him, literally laughing. Happy laughs, not arrogant or cocky, but happy laughs. "Here comes danger woman!" and he started waling towards her as she rushed him. Causually battering away fivce of her frontal attacks with his soul speed combat ability within a second of her attacks coming into his sphere of influence. leaving him to parry her final attack

He then fired two kidou of his own from his free hand at such speed it "almost" seemed like he had copied her and done it at the same time, but there was still a delay between them even if his hand had blurred to fire them off. This created first "Enkosen" which he stated aloud to buff it's defense followed by a hadou 63 Raikohou to make up for her increased power when she uses Kidou. Causing her kidou to hit his shield, shattering it, but dissipating her kidou in the process of doing so. Leaving her to fend off the higher level lightning kidou he had countered her with.

He formed an energy sword in his free hand after that and just began laughing again as he parried and countered each of her sword attacks with his own. However time was up and his body was feeling the effects of being at full throttle for so long in his weakened state. His body pulsed and he stopped laughing while his body shrunk down and returned to normal. This only made him laugh harder though as he blurred his entire body and pulled down his mask to make up for the drastic loss in power.

He fired a cero at her from one hand and a second one from his mouth while the mask was on.. but as soon as he finished firing them his mask cracked and broke off..disintegrating entirely.  Almost howling with insane joy at this point he stomped his foot down and put his hands together in an odd pose, grinning he deicded to rip off something he'd seen in one of the human's show..

"!" And with that he fired a large beam of energy at her similar to yet another cero but much faster. When the beam was finished his large amount of spiritual energy was depleted and his body ached. He was now panting but still smiling and laughing in between the pants. "That is enough. You pass for trying to gain my respect." He stood up straight, smirked, sheathed his zanpaktou causing his second energy sword to fade, and brushed dust off his clothes a bit, "Well done. If I hadn't eaten that first hadou I would have done much better, but in this weakened state I've got nothing left to give for now.. perhaps when my strength has returned in full we should have a rematch. Wouldn't that be interesting. I hope you've grown more powerful by then."

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