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#1Jotaro Kujo  Empty Jotaro Kujo Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:18 pm




Name: Jotaro Kujo
Alias: Spirit Guardian Hero - Soul Enforcer

Race: Kono DIO da
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Personality:  Jotaro is a rough delinquent, but he has a gentle heart, and is loyal to those he likes. He is highly perceptive, intelligent and quick-witted while keeping a perpetually cool, slightly neutral or disinterested attitude.

Jotaro's most noticeable trait is his seemingly aloof nature. He is a quiet individual, often satisfied with expressing himself in short phrases. He thinks that anyone can tell his emotions just by looking at him, and thinks further effort in portraying how he feels to be a waste of time, making others tend to perceive Jotaro as callous.

Jotaro is both fierce and gentle, Which can be observed by his actions. Yet despite refusing to show it explicitly, Jotaro loves his mother and respects those he considers family. Jotaro doesn't normally attach himself to others however on the off chance that he does, he usually shows his friendship to them in small gestures. Such as slight hugging when saying goodbye, smiling and laughing at obscure things.

Jotaro hates people who hurt women or children in a fight, even if the woman or child in question is evil, and will be especially violent toward them. However, Jotaro doesn't show mercy to evil women and will if need be severely beat them, if he is attacked by said people.  

Jotaro is an extremely cool individual, able to keep his composure in even the direst situations. While he has shown to be mildly anxious when something unanticipated happens, Jotaro almost never goes as far as to lose his cool.

Moreover, Jotaro is blunt and foul-mouthed, having no problem being insolent towards his mother or any other authority figure. The teenager favors witty one-liners, often ridiculing whoever is the target of his quips and offering absurd reasons for his feats. For instance, he may take the time to tell someone the reason they lost was that they "pissed him off". Whether Jotaro does take himself seriously or is just having fun when using his one-liners is hard to tell. Nonetheless, Jotaro will show a modicum of respect to the occasional enemy, perhaps praising them for having been formidable enough to manage to knock his hat off his head.

Awkward and doting girls chasing him, annoy Jotaro, to which he ignores or rudely drives them away, particularly when they begin to fuss or bicker. However, he seems to care about children. He never yells and will even go as far as to watch over them in a similar fashion to an older brother despite being visibly annoyed by their antics.

Notably: Jotaro has an attachment to his hat and will normally get "pissed off" when his hat is damaged.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Blood Type: B
Birthplace:  Musutafu, Japan
Current Place of Residence: Musutafu


Height and Weight: 6 ft 5 in, 191 lb


Quirk Name: Star Platinum
Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Description: Jotaro is able to conjure up a materialised guardian, known as Star Platinum (Which is  a materialised physical avatar of Jotaro's Soul), which can be summoned full body or Jotaro can summon a singular parts of Star platinum, anywhere around him within a 3 metre radius (Notably Star Platinum cannot go more than 3 Metre's away from Jotaro). Star Platinum has Hyper enhanced Senses, Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Durability.

Jotaro is also able to merge with Star Platinum bonding himself 100% body and soul, Becoming a terrifyingly powerful singular entity. Yet this is not without cost, they lose what ever little range they had, and begin to eat at Jotaro's own stamina to keep the form up.          

Quirk Drawbacks:
-If Star platinum sustains any damage, that damage is reflected onto Jotaro.
-Jotaro's Stat's do not reflect that of Star Platinum's, the only Stat they share are enhanced senses.


Hero Role Model: N/A


Mother was raped by a Villain, Jotaro was the offspring.
After fully hearing in detail the events of his creation, has vowed to never represent the same side as his father, yet doesn't realise how similar they truly are.

RP Sample: Yare Yare Daze

#2Jotaro Kujo  Empty Re: Jotaro Kujo Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:14 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved C- start A- potential

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