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#1[Open] Atticus Osbourne Empty [Open] Atticus Osbourne Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:36 am

Atticus Osbourne

Atticus Osbourne
[Open] Atticus Osbourne Giphy

Name: Atticus Osbourne
Alias: Archer (Hero Name) (Nickname: Att)
Race: Human
Age: 14
Gender: Male 
Personality: Atticus is a calm and collected person, never wanting to solve solutions with brute violence, rather with calm negotiations and tactics, though, restraining and attacking is an option for him. He is very altruistic and kind, not wanting people around him to suffer, feel threatened, etc, because of his past, and what he had to experience, to the point of sacrificing himself if need be. Due to his goal of becoming a Hero who protects the world, Atticus is extremely determined to do anything he puts his heart to, follows a strict training regimen that he follows meticulously, and never misses one. Due to his determined nature, he doesn't really change his mind on things he sets his mind to because he trusts himself to the point of barely any return. He likes doing community service to better the place he lives, and for just the heck of it, and school services. Atticus enjoys the tiny pleasures in life such as reading literature, practicing Archery, cooking, relaxing, playing video games, and much more. Atticus is a very confident person, and he can come off as conceited on some occasions, but in reality, he is very insecure about himself. He also has a British accent and has a little bit of a foreign accent whenever he speaks Japanese. 

Regarding the idea of Villians and Heroes, he does sympathize with villains, just people who strayed on a destructive path, but he believes there is a difference: the villains who finally acknowledged their wrongdoings, and misery they are inflicting on the people, is when Atticus will go out of their to help them. Those who are doing it for a relatable reason, he will let them off the hook. However, those who really just wanna see the world burn, or if Atticus feels as if the villain has brought upon their own despair, he will not show mercy. With heroes, Atticus believes that heroes shouldn't expect pay, recognition, and prestige, just because they are doing the job they swore to uphold, because he believes it will increase the chance of disloyalty in the heroes in general. A true testament to being a hero should be that heroes that willingly do their job, should not expect publicity for their actions, rather, the fact that heroes should be an Aegis to the people. 
Alignment: Neutral Good/True Neutral
Blood Type: B+
Birthplace: Cambridge, England
Current Place of Residence: U.A Dorms, Japan
Images (4 Total):

Instead of yellowish eyes, they are substituted with aqua blue eyes.
Height and Weight: 5'7 inches, 120 lbs.


Quirk Name: Aegis
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Aegis, a quirk that is a testament to Atticus' unyielding fire to be a sword for the people, someone who protects. Atticus has been blessed with the ability to manipulate, and generate energy, from his body, and expulse it out into reality. He divides it into 2 distinct sections.

If the user wants to switch a function mid-thread, he must wait for 2 posts with no usage of his quirk before switching functions.

[Open] Atticus Osbourne KOSH9lB

 Prometheus (Tracing): 
[Open] Atticus Osbourne A98cbc4169dba9794b23b752e2f6ad9414eff5b3_hq
Using the energy generating from his body, Atticus can shoot out laser beams of energy on his hands, eyes, and fingertips with any color he likes to use (most of the time: turquoise green.) A laser beam, while charging, is in a form of a ball which is 5 cm in radius, and once released, it expulses out in a blast of a maximum range of 30 meters, and a 5 meter wide and tall beam. However, the first 10 meters of the blast is 1 meter wide before coming to 5 meters. Atticus can only use this attack 5 times safely a topic before becoming locked, and unusable. Using it a 6th time will knock him out immediately. This is called, Anemoi. Anemoi also has different ways to use it, such as expulsing energy, as a defensive/offensive layer to the body, or using energy to perform displacements (Teleportation, Energy Expulsion, Reinforcement, Energy Kicks/Punches.) An alternate version is Prometheus. Prometheus is a more condensed version of Anemoi, able to condense the structure of his beams into a temporary object. Atticus can create weapons in a flash of turquoise light, from his mind, and imagination in his hands. This is how he dubs it, "Tracing." To begin the creation, he must say "Trace, On." There can only 3 traced weapons at a time, and they can only stay for a maximum of 4 posts before disintegrating into nothingness. This quirk can copy weapon structure from Atticus' mind from past experiences, but cannot copy the weapon abilities, merely the appearance. He can also copy weapons from what he has seen from his eyes. The traced weapon cannot be more than 3 meters long, and cannot be as wide as 2 meters. Atticus can only copy old weaponry (Armor, Swords, Spears/Halberds, Bows, Arrows, Maces, Axes, Bo-Staffs, Escrima, Clubs, etc.) Atticus cannot copy modern weaponry due to it being too complex, without proper training. Per thread, Atticus can only trace 10 weapons. If he exceeds 10 by at least 1, Atticus' energy source will begin to shut down, making him pass out, and requires a topic in which he recovers from his over-exertion of his quirk. Passively, when Atticus touches a weapon, he knows the full extend/abilities, history, and knowledge of how to use a weapon correctly.

Misc Skills (IDK): Atticus is skilled in Fencing, Kendo, Archery, Taekwondo, Karate, Boxing, MMA, Arnis, Marksmanship, Wing-Chun, and Krav Maga.


Hero Role Model: Yuki Osbourne
Rival: Undecided
History: Atticus was born in Cambridge, England, he was the son of Nomi Osbourne who was a Doctor, and Yuki Osbourne who was a professional Hero. During childbirth, Nomi had a heart attack, killing her, but by sheer miracle, Atticus was born safely. Due to wanting to connect spiritually with him and his family, Yuki decided to live in a Monastery that he hasn't visited in a long time, along with Atticus. The two became priests for the Monastery, Atticus, at the age of 10. Atticus, Yuki, and the people of the monastery grew to love each other like a family.  Throughout Atticus's life, he trained in all types of Martial arts along with his dad, learning the power of his quirk, being able to use it, but not efficiently. During this time, the boy graduated from high school, having a large amount of intelligence for his age, enrolling in Cambridge. He learned the languages of Japanese, French, and German fluently. That was about the time the boy realized what he wanted to be; a hero of justice, someone who doesn't care about the fame, recognition, or the special treatment, but someone who saves because they can. This was inspired by his admiration for his dad, and the superhero comics he diligently read. When Atticus was 12, Yuki got into a fight with a notorious villain, giving him a huge, cursed scar, that would haunt him for his entire life. Around 14 years of age, Yuki got a heart attack due to the cursed scar, as he died not much later, his last words being that he was proud of his son, following in his footsteps. Atticus was heartbroken, having no one else, but the people in the monastery. Skipping school for days, locking himself in his room, he was depressed. On the day of his father's funeral, someone called Faust Allegro came to Atticus, a business collaborator of Yuki. Faust gave the ginger an envelope, supposedly, Yuki's will to Atticus. As the boy opened it, it was a check and a scholarship to the #1 Hero Academy, U. A high school, all the things Atticus wanted in life, were in the envelope. Packing up his things, necessities, envelop, wearing the best clothes he could, and saying his goodbyes to all of the people he loved, he left, for U. A high, regularly keeping up with his friends and family back in Britain. He currently lives in U.A Dorms, in a high-class apartment, living a great life, following his father's footsteps.

(( Your Tier will be decided on the first half of your approval process. Once your start inf tier and tier cap has been decided you will make a tree the outlines the growth through through tiers.))
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Tier cap:

C- to A+ rank pls.

#2[Open] Atticus Osbourne Empty Re: [Open] Atticus Osbourne Tue Jan 29, 2019 7:42 am

Noziel Aran

Noziel Aran
I'm gonna approve this at C+ with A- potential. Another staff member can overturn this, but I also have a stipulation.

Since the quirk itself has a lot of development written in, I'm going to make the note that the quirk shouldn't be used at full capabilities from the get go. There needs to be a balance between where a student starts and and how the student progresses from having an idea of how their quirk works, to what it can truly become.

Potency reduced, basic shape forming allowed, though with more thread progression, this will change.

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