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#1Katarina Du Couteau Empty Katarina Du Couteau Tue May 21, 2019 9:19 am



Name: Katarina Du Couteau
Nickname: Azrael, The Sinister Blade
Apparent Age: 20
True Age: 50
Sex: Female
Personality: While she is technically a sinner, Katarina is not what one would normally consider evil. In fact she would be what one would probably consider Truly Neutral. Feeling that she is the living embodiment of Azrael the Angel of Death she takes her role as a slayer of men very seriously. And as such she tends to go out of her way to kill people, though whenever possible she makes sure that the killing is quick and painless determining to be more a relief of her targets suffering rather than a causer of more.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs
Physical Traits:

General Fighting Style: Katarina tends to use her agility and nimbleness to end things quickly, throwing her daggers bouncing them between foes and all in all pretty much being a pain in the ass to hit.
Strengths: Agility
Weaknesses: Durability


Ability Name: Blade Creation
Description: Katarina is able to literally create her blades out of nothingness, these are the core of her whole kit, they range from her twin short swords (See picture above) to the daggers she throws around everywhere.

Ability Name: Shunpo
Description: Da fuck you think it is.

Ability Name: Bouncing Blade
Description: Kat empowers her daggers throwing them, causing them to bounce up to three times homing in on the next closest target within 30 feet though it can't hit the same target more than once per use. The dagger does a Cero's worth of damage per bounce and will stick into the ground within a hundred feet of the first target. [1 post cd, Dagger lasts up to 3 posts]

Ability Name: Flash Burst
Description: Katarina Shunpo's to a dagger stuck in the ground causing it's stored energy to burst out in a 50 foot circle around her dealing 1 cero's worth of damage in a ring around her. [1 post cd]

Ability Name: Shadow Pin
Description: Katarina throws a dagger into a target's shadow, to trap a target's movement [Equal to a Bakudo 80][4 post cd]

Ability Name: Piercing Dagger
Description: Katarina empowers one dagger to inflict far more damage than normal, striking with the force of a gran rey cero, and can pierce the target's body. [3 Post CD]

Ability Name: Death Lotus
Description: Katarina's Ultimate attack, she flashes to a spot launching out up to a dozen daggers, each worth about two cero's worth of damage and neutralizing the ability to regenerate for those hit by it for two posts. [5 Post CD]

History: [Optional]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

#2Katarina Du Couteau Empty Re: Katarina Du Couteau Sun May 26, 2019 1:52 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved. Tier discussion tomorrow.

#3Katarina Du Couteau Empty Re: Katarina Du Couteau Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:31 am


Bumping for re-approval

#4Katarina Du Couteau Empty Re: Katarina Du Couteau Sat Apr 25, 2020 10:51 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Approved 2-2

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