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#1Lancelot of the Lake (Finished) Empty Lancelot of the Lake (Finished) Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:46 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel


Name: Lancelot
Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties
True Age: 1,500~
Sex: Male
Personality: Lancelot, due to his experiences both in life and death, has developed two different personalities. It is not that they are separate, however. Simply put, the light within him is too great. Thus, the darkness must be equally destructive.

The Perfect Knight: This is the personality that most remember of Lancelot, the gallant knight that he was in life. The epitome of chivalry, and honor, and all that is good. It is a blinding thing, full of light and life, yet twinged with solemn regret and melancholy. In this personality, he retains his mind, both tactical and emotional, and it is not something he thinks he deserves. He truly is too good for this world.

The Mad Dog: The personality that Lancelot takes on when he snaps is nearly mindless, retaining all of his skill at arms, yet none of his tactical brilliance. All of his negative emotions come to the fore, the pain and suffering that he endured during life and his time in Hell causing him to lash out at anyone he deems an enemy. It is...spotty on when or how this is triggered, but a general rule of thumb is to never bring up the pain he caused his best friend Arthur, as being reminded of the situation he found himself in is too painful. Ironically, this is the mental state he feels he deserves, and prefers to be in due to his own self-loathing.


Height: 6'3.2"
Weight: 178.5lbs

Physical Traits:

The Perfect Knight:
The Mad Dog:
Casual Wear:


General Fighting Style: Lancelot uses a very fluid style of combat, one that involves the use of momentum and redirection of force in order to defeat his opponents. This doesn't mean that he is incapable of utterly demolishing someone in a contest of pure swordsmanship, but it does make it far less taxing for him to be in a prolonged fight, such as the battles in the British Isles tended to be.

When under the effects of Madness Enhancement, however, he acts like a pure berserker, sacrificing all of his prodigious skill for raw, unbridled power. It truly is a shame for the precise, artful movements to be replaced with something so...terrifying.

Strengths: Zanjutsu
Weaknesses: None

Boosts: x4 to all physical attributes.


[Unlike other races, Sinners are always at full power. You have access to all of these powers at all times.]

Ability Name: Vindication
escription: Lancelot is capable of redirecting the force of any spiritual attack back onto his opponent using this technique at half the energy used to fire it, with a cooldown equal to the attack reflected plus one post.

Ability Name: Crusade
Description: Lancelot redirects an opponent's physical attack once every two posts, countering with an attack twice as strong as one that would have hit him. This attack cannot be initiated on it's own, and simply redirects the force of the opponent's attack, adding Lancelot's own strength to it boosted with enough reiryoku to ensure that the initial strike is cancelled and redirected properly.

Ability Name: Oathbound
Description: Lancelot begins a fight with seven "oaths" that he has sworn, and has the ability to call on them through this ability. It allows him to heal one injury per oath, no matter how grievous. Other than this, however, he has no healing factor within combat.

Ability Name: Knight of the Lake
Description: Giving off a beautiful, unearhtly light, Lancelot manifests the blessing his adopted mother gave him, and increases his Strength, Speed, and Durability by an additional x1 for a period of eight posts, with a three post cooldown.

Ability Name: A Knight Does Not Die With Empty Hands
Description: Whatever Lancelot can find and pick up in the environment is augmented to the strength of Zanpakuto Steel, so long as it is in his hands. This applies to only one object at once.

Ability Name: Eternal Arms Mastery
Description: Lancelot's mastery of the combat arts has reached the point that it was said to be unrivaled in his era. Through complete merging of mind, body and technique, he became able to make use of any sword technique that he has ever seen, even if only at a glance. This list includes a few he already knew, and will be updated in the future with more as time goes on.

Sword Techniques:

Ability Name: Arondight
Description: Arondight is the sibling sword to Excalibur, and has been at Lancelot's side for many years. It holds the same strength as a Shinigami's Zanpakuto in Toukai, and is capable of absorbing any energy-based attack, with a cooldown equal to two posts plus that shared by the attack.


Ability Name: Madness Enhancement
Description: This ability is Lancelot's standard in his "Mad Dog" state, and is signified by his helmet forming over his head and a smoky black aura obscuring body. In this state, all other abilities except A Knight Does Not Die With Empty Hands are locked, and Lancelot gains x2 to Strength, Speed, Durability, Endurance, and Stamina. While this ability can be activated at any time, if Oathbound has been used seven times, or Lancelot's "Mad Dog" personality is brought to the fore, this automatically activates without him willing it.


History: Frankly, read the Vulgate Cycle of Arthurian Mythology, or ask Arthur. It's a safer bet, unless you get Lancelot in a good mood. Or drunk. Either one works.

Side Notes: Lancelot needs a hug. Like, really bad.

Roleplay Sample: This is Graven.

#2Lancelot of the Lake (Finished) Empty Re: Lancelot of the Lake (Finished) Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:34 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 1-2

#3Lancelot of the Lake (Finished) Empty Re: Lancelot of the Lake (Finished) Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:36 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approving 1-2

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