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#11Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:34 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
It seemed that the tailor and Rei had met many times before and frankly that wasn't exactly surprising. She seemed to pay the man with some kind of currency he was unfamiliar with and as they talked about him now looking the part he just sneered, tilting his head downwards slightly with his eyes closed. He waited for their exchange of formalities to end, and once they had she seemed to beckon for him to follow her, to come with her to a new and equally fancy car as the one that had brought them in the first place. Somebody commented on how dashing Accelerator looked, and he couldn't help but to agree that the suit did in fact make him look like a fucking baller.

As the annoying woman named Sierra slinked away and shut the window, Accelerator returned to having his eyes closed and tried to muster a response for his friendly neighborhood assassin. "I like it, I just don't understand what the problem was with my old clothes but whatever, are we done for the day or am I getting a special gun too?" Accelerator asked this question sarcastically, but with that being said he wasn't going to turn down a fancy gun and the more he thought about it.. That might actually get his attention..

#12Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Sun Jun 16, 2019 10:20 am


Rei regarded the boy for a second, her crimson glare enough to make most shy away. It was almost like his question had done something to annoy her. That was until he could see the hint of a smile. "Actually, yes. Though it might not be as useful for someone with your abilities. It is preferable to have a backup than nothing at all" Almost on queue, their car would stop to let them both out once more. This time they had happened across a sommelier's private wine cellar. It held a similar aesthetic to the tailor that had just left. A beautiful old building on the outside with a completely modified modern interior.

"Ah, we've been expecting you. Please, this way" A younger man would immediately bring the pair through, a rack of wine bottles sliding back and to the side to reveal that this was in fact one of the Continental's weapon-smiths. "We're in need of a new weapon for our newest member." The man simply nodded and turned to the newcomer. It seemed he was being treated like more of an insider and less of a child now as he was lead to what seemed like endless racks of all kinds of weaponry. From pistols to anti-materiel rifles... The sommelier would wait for Accelerator to give him an idea of exactly what he wanted.

#13Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Mon Jun 17, 2019 11:39 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The girl seemed to cast an annoyed crimson glare in Accelerator's direction and if he was most other people he would have probably ran away, but he was still pretty confident that they were equals and so he stood firm, and was rewarded by a fairly pleasant smile cast in his general direction. She mentioned that while Accelerator probably didn't need a gun, a back-up was certainly better than nothing. The car stopped before Accelerator could respond, and they were both led outside once more. It appeared that they had stopped at some sort of vintage wine cellar with a very familiar aesthetic, it was similar to that of the tailor they had just left. It was gorgeous and rustic on the outside but completely modern once you walked through the doors.

Accelerator looked around as he was walked inside, a younger man appeared almost instantaneously to bring the pair through the building. Accelerator was taken aback and confused by the whole thing. He was about to make a wise-crack about making guns out of wine, but he was left in awe when the rack slid back and revealed a gunsmith. His jaw was left slightly agape. He couldn't help but to wonder what else the woman might possibly have up her sleeve, what other secret locations might she have, what other functional buildings might she preside over? Accelerator's thoughts were interrupted as the woman told the man that he was in need of a new gun.

It appeared that the man was going to be the one helping him along, as he simply nodded before turning to speak with Accelerator as though they were familiar with one another and didn't necessarily require an introduction. He was certainly being treated more like an adult now, and as such Accelerator wished to return the favor as politely as he could. "I was more or less looking for a personal defense weapon.. uh.. something more akin to a pistol." Accelerator reached in his pocket and pulled out his trusty pistol from the Committee. "Something like this but perhaps a bit slicker and easier to carry around, don't wanna sacrifice firing power though."

Once finished Accelerator would wait and see exactly what the man intended to recommend for him.

#14Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:54 pm


Their host would regard the weapon presented by Accelerator for a moment, it seemed like something they could do. "Very well, I believe I have something in mind". Stepping away for just a moment, he would return with what seemed to be a rather plain looking weapon, though considering what they were it made sense.

"The FNX Tactical, .45 caliber. We could go over the specifics, but I'm sure that would just bore you. So, would you like to take it for a test run?" Assuming the boy would indeed like to have a chance to shoot his new weapon, the sommelier would lead them into the adjacent room. A fully equipped range, with various gadgets to assist in refining both an individual weapons performance as well as simply giving the various members somewhere to safely get their eye in. Rei had already taken her place in one of the lanes, leaning idly against the dividing walls. "Lets see what you can do." It wouldn't be quite as easy for Accelerator here, as with all the Continental buildings he had visited, it seemed to be impossible to call up his inherent power.

She would motion to the touch screen beside him, with various options already set, with the difficulty set between a range of 1 to 10, he only had to decide just how tough it was going to be.

#15Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Sun Jun 23, 2019 8:29 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
It seemed that the man had something in mind, in fact he said as much before stepping away to fetch Accelerator a gun that matched his specifications and what they presented to him was.. well it was perfect! It was called the FNX Tactical, a 45. Caliber with all the trimmings one would want for their very own specialized death machine. The man asked if Accelerator would like to take it for a test-run and he nodded eagerly, a small gleam appearing in his eyes that had been absent before this point. This was something he could get into. He and Rei were led to an adjacent room, and inside was a fully equipped shooting range, with various gadgets and toys strewn about to help perform.

Accelerator set his difficulty to five and waited to see what the range would look like. He didn't want to pick a setting that was too difficult and make an ass of himself, and so he didn't. He hoped that this would be more to his liking, and he looked curiously towards Rei, whom had selected ten without thinking, and already started firing at will.

#16Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Sun Jun 23, 2019 5:34 pm


As soon as Rei had pressed the button to begin her round, the holographic projectors would whir to life as a number of faceless humanoids would appear in various positions over the firing range. Just as quickly these targets would begin aiming at the young girl, firing their own weapons directly at her. It wasn't clear if these were actually dangerous, but it didn't seem to matter as she would deftly begin weaving past them while returning fire. Her movements were fluid, without a hint of wasted energy, every step having a purpose as she rained iron death down the range. Each shot seemed to find a target, passing through the hologram to blast their heads into specks of light as they fell back to be replaced by another. Even when it looked like she had missed, the bullets would bounce from the walls or the floor to contact her true target. Her abilities were inhuman at the very least, though how she did this within the energy nullifying walls would remain a mystery for now.

It would be hard to keep up with really, her hands a blur as she rapidly blasted target after target until the timer had run out. A perfect score would show up on her display. From what Accelerator could tell, even with all the shifting, dodging and shooting she had been doing there was hardly a strand of hair out of place, like she had just been having a leisurely stroll rather than what should have been a stressful little ordeal. "Start with 1, work your way up as you perfect your aim" She suggested, deciding just to watch now that her little test run had finished.

#17Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Thu Jun 27, 2019 8:29 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
As soon as the gun lady had pressed the button to begin her round, projections of enemy combatants whir'd to life around the firing range, and began firing towards Rei quickly. She effortlessly weaved around them and fired back at them with pin-point accuracy. Accelerator couldn't help but be impressed, his mouth was slightly agape as he watched the spectacle unfold in front of his very eyes. Once she had finished, his jaw unhinged itself about two more inches as he saw her score card report that she had missed literally zero targets. Not one single fucking bullet had missed in all of that action. It was certainly a bit of a shock to good old Accel boyo, but he figured he could at least give the range a go and see how it worked.

Accelerator set the bar at 1, and loaded his pistol carefully. He looked down the range and saw a target 20 meters down range. He focused for a moment and fired, and much to his surprise the bullet found it's mark. It was a near perfect head shot, just slightly curved to the right. He was proud of his handi-work, but when he looked over to the course Rei had just destroyed he couldn't help but feel a bit empty. "Gun's pretty nice. I'll test it more when I can actually access my abilities.." Accelerator nodded at the gun-smith and holstered the gun, still somewhat embarrassed by his own inadequacy in regards to this little test. "Thank you for the gun.. Time to go yet Rei?"

#18Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Thu Jun 27, 2019 8:58 pm


Seeing Rei at work was something special to behold, even without her regular abilities she was clearly at the peak of human ability. It was hard to believe that someone like that even existed really. However, the assassin would watch carefully as Accelerator took his turn on the range. Level one was meant to assist with stance and basic aiming rather than to simulate combat like some of the later stages. It was a good shot, hitting the target and showing that he at least knew a little. It was more than she had initially suspected considering the boy was a weapon all by himself and would have never really needed the assistance of a firearm to begin with.

Rei would nod as she paid the man, more of those strange coins passed between them. "Very good, we can find somewhere to test your abilities later on. I think it's time we left" They were escorted back out of the armoury hidden in the wine cellar and were quickly found back up at street level where there was a car waiting for them. "I think that is enough for today, lets head back" Unless he had some other ideas as to what they could be doing, they would be taken back to the main hotel to go about the rest of their day.

- Thread End? -

#19Accel and Rei Shopping Spree - Page 2 Empty Re: Accel and Rei Shopping Spree Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:53 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
So Rei was a show-off, having basically shown that she was the peak of the human condition Accelerator couldn't help but feel like a bit of a lesser next to her without his powers. Thankfully the amount of time he spent without his powers was close to nil and as such the issue would be averted long term by default. Once they had finished they were picked up by a very expensive looking cab yet again and led off to the hotel. The day was done and Accelerator had now been out-fitted with all of his cool new assassin shit. At least as far as he was aware, she was probably hiding other cool shit, but he would cross that bridge when they got to it.

-End thread-

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