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#1Shinji Yakurai Empty Shinji Yakurai Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:02 am



Name: Shinji Yakurai
Apparent Age: 24
True Age: 137
Sex: Male
Personality: Shinji is an individual at war with himself.  He finds his nature, his need to devour souls apalling, disgusting.  A family man during his life on Earth turned soul addict, he would be considered as good natured as is possible for an Arrancar.  Mentally, however, he is weak, and he cannot fight his primal drive to consume souls of all varieties.  Though he mostly sticks to eating the souls of hollows and other arrancars to cull his urges, every few years, he slips, and he consumes a human soul, or a Shinigami soul, and it sends him on a rampage he cannot control.  He kills hundreds, thousands, terrorizing the human world until he is stopped and brought under control - usually forcefully.

Outside his rampages, he spends most of his time traveling Hueco Mundo, attacking and killing Arrancars and Hollows who make an attempt to travel to the human world, repenting for his own sins, in his eyes, so that he can live with himself.  His guilt doesn't always show.  Sometimes, he is capable of real humor - most of it sarcasm, at the expense of he or someone else, and he believes that if he had any friends, anyone to love or care about, this would be something he could become more apt to.  As it stands, however, happiness is a mirage, always just out of reach - ever present, something he can see, hear, smell, taste - but perpetually impossible to grasp.

Shinji Yakurai Latest?cb=20140204040557
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 177 lb.
Physical Traits: Image, big dawg, fuck this.

General Fighting Style: Shinji fights with an unorthodox form that comes from a century of fighting.  He never trained, not even once, for he gained all of his strength by fighting, every day, for his life.  His form of combat resembles a bird of prey, sitting out of reach, and pouncing for the kill at the right moment.
Strengths: Sonido, Cero
Weaknesses: Hierro, Negacion
Boosts: Speed, Spirit Energy (For Ceros and the like)
Ability Name: Cero Garra (Zero Claw) and Garganta del Raton (Throat of the Mouse)
Ability Description: The premise of Cero Garra is simple:  to compensate for Shinji's lack of any significant physical power, he can formulate his Spirit Energy around his hands or Zanpakuto, allowing him to augment his strikes with either cero-like explosions, or immense piercing power.

Garganta del Raton:  Shinji is capable of opening small Garganta's, small portals, in an instant, that operate similar to the Garganta.  Living beings cannot typically pass through these without time, but they can be used to pass objects between two spaces.
Sealed Appearance: Shinji Yakurai Shikai
Zanpakuto Name: Keimusho
Zanpakuto Call Out: Chain me down, Keimusho!
Cero: Cero, Cero Cornea, Gran Rey Cero
Custom Ceros: Shinji can perform two custom ceros, both variations of existing ceros.  The first, is Cero Haz: A cero that focuses all of the destructive power of Cero into an extremely fast beam, focusing all of the power into speed and piercing power.  The second, is Gran Rey Cero Haz:  a variation of Gran Rey Cero that does essentially the same thing.  Shinji created these Ceros as a means for applying extremely powerful techniques while not destroying the area around him.

Appearance: In this form, Shinji is essentially, himself.  His Zanpakuto transforms into two condensed chains of spirit energy, two chains made of Cero energy, if you will, that hangs from his wrist that he can then use to attack.  They can be extended or shrunk at will, and have the same properties as his Cero Garra.
Abilities: Gran Rey Cero and Gran Rey Cero Haz.
Boosts: Speed, Cero


Appearance: [What do you look like in segunda?]
Abilities: [What abilities do you gain?]
Boosts: [In this release, you get a 4x boost; you can apply this to as many 'stats' as you want (strength, speed, durability, etc) but they're diminishing returns; the more you have, the less effective they actually are.]


History: Big ol' Jeff said I didn't need one.
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: "Fuk u," says the Arrancar.  "Ur a dik."

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#2Shinji Yakurai Empty Re: Shinji Yakurai Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:12 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved, 2-2

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