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#1Amaya- - Amaya Nanashi Empty Amaya Nanashi Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:36 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi

Amaya- - Amaya Nanashi 17852311


Name: Amaya Nanashi
Alias: Amy, Ice queen
Real Age: 995
Phys. Age: 25
Gender: Female
Personality:Amaya has always been considered to be a ordinary every day shinigami when it comes to personality.
Amaya may seem like any typical shinigami in personality on the surface but her reason for her typical looking personality runs deep under the surface.

Amaya can be happy for the most part with a small smile painted on her face. She tends to apologize a lot for things she never did to another. She finds her happiness in making sure others are happy whether it is helping those in her and other squads with errands, battle etc. She just finds trying to make herself happy is kind of a waste of time but seeing others happy, that makes up for the lack of caring about her own.

Amaya does have her sad moments, and these tend to be when she is alone. She is not one to show her sadness in public as she believed pity is for the weak and to waste it on her isn’t worth its weight in this life. She does take big hits when it comes to killing for two reasons. She hates the side of her that enjoys the thrill of killing whether it is Shinigami, Arrancar or any said race. It didn’t matter if she was the one who ended their existence or someone else. Life is life to end it is the end all the possibilities of that soul’s future. Her second reason is simple, could she have stopped it? Maybe not, but those doubts and regrets of saving or ending that life just brings back the deep wound under the history of her scar shoulder, the human past that haunts her even in her new life. Normally when she is in one of her sad episodes she doesn’t shed many tears more one for each life lost, she can sometimes be found just laying on her back with her hands laced together resting on her stomach with her eyes close, covered by her bangs. She will normally be zoned out and deep in her thoughts. When she does snap out of her sad episodes she does what any other shinigami does, go about her day with the memory buried deep in her mind.

When it comes to Amaya’s anger she tends to keep a leveled head for the most part, she is as flawed as the next shinigami and sometimes loses her temper or mind to the anger of just wanting to end the enemy. Sometimes she can be snapped out of the rage by those who know how to get her to snap back to reality. Her soft eyes become cold and bright with the intent of bloodshed. When it comes to landing a final blow she always asks the victim to forgive her for what she has to do, normally in a whisper as sometimes, there can be caught of a tear falling when she lands her final blow. After wards she will sometimes just stand there for a few seconds before she seems to snap back into her normal happy self.


Weight: 140 lbs..
Physical Traits:Her skin is a very fair flawless beside the fact of the burn on the left side of her neck. The burn scar reaches from the top of her neck down to her shoulder blade on the left side. Her burn reached down her back to her left shoulder blade around and up to her collarbone on the left side. Her burn also reached down her left arm to the end of her elbow, as it is a bit darker then her fair flawless skin.

Her hair is gorgeous snow with a tint of blue if in the right livhg. For some reason this color even after her death but when she was human, just her under layers were a snow whitr Therefore, when she woke up in this new world her hair changed to complete snow white with a blue tint Her hair reaches all the way down to her waist. Some days her hair seems to get curly and others her hair is perfectly, flat as a board, straight. Most of the time her hair is straight as can be, which is excellent for Amaya as it will be easier to style it in the style she wants it for that day or time.

Amaya has many different styles that she could wear but she mainly wear four styles. Two, of the four styles, corresponds with her happy mood, one with her sad. The last of her hairstyles she wears is when she is not in the best of moods. When she is happy, she normally wears one of two main hairstyles. One is a simple ponytail that is normally secured with a long white ribbon that she ties into a bow as the ends always reaches to her shoulders. Her hair itself is in a high ponytail as the ends reached about an inch or two above her waist from being up takes some of the length away. She usually has her bangs parted to the left hanging them diagonally as move of the time they will cover her left eye and the left side of her neck from the front, which helps with her scar. Her other style is a simple rope braid where it is in one braid all the way down where at the end she ties and secures it with her ribbon as this hairstyles allows her hair to stay to her waist line. Her bangs are a big part of pulling off this style. She always parts them down the middle before pulling them behind her ears. She would then take some pins and pin the hair behind her ears to keep them out of her face. When Amaya is Angry or in a killing mood, she will pull her hair into an elegant messy bun at the top of her head as she included her bangs into the bun. By doing this, She did not have to worry about any hair getting into her face. When she is sad and depressed or whatever she will have it just plain down, she will have it brushed and everything she will not use her ribbon, which she will then tied her ribbon around her neck, just in case she would need it for a fight or mood change when and if, she remembers to. Her bangs were this style would be like her ponytail bang style to where the bangs will cover her left eye.

Amaya’s eyes range is shades from a deep trench ocean blue to an icy murderous blue. The Shade depends on her mood much like her hairstyle. For Amaya it is very rare to get her ticked off but it is somewhat easy to get her depressed. When she is happy, her eyes are two clear pools of sky blue water. If one were to look into their depths, they would easily get lost. Her eyes when she is happy just shine and brighten her looks and add to her bright personality. When it is time to battle or when the opportunity to allow her anger to run free. Her eyes lighten their shade to an Icy blue color; Her iris also will change to a bit darker color then that color around it. Her eyes in this mood tend to have a snake like feel to how they seem to watch their opponents’ every move. When she is sad, they changed to a deep trench ocean blue color. When they turn this color, it shows she saddens and her mood will show massively in this mood.

Amaya’s clothing isn’t much different then the normal usual uniform other then the fact that she cut into her shoulder material letting the skin be seen for many reasons. One reason is the fact of it allows her body to breathe, so she does not sweat so much when she is in battle or when she is not. Along with the slight change to her uniform, she fitted the torso more to her shape to help show her skinniness and for the fact that extra baggy material seems to get in her way sometimes so she made sure to slime down the sleeves as well some. Otherwise, her Uniform is the same in everything else.


General Fighting Style: Amaya is a very close combat fighter. Being the captain of the patrols she is all about getting into the front lines and taking out her opponent.
Strengths: Hand to hand zanjutsu, strength
Weaknesses: reistu control,
Kidou knowledge:

Personal Kidou:
Family Kidou:
Ability Name: Water Step
Ability Description: Amaya's personal Shunpo that every time she step a ripple effect as if touching water forms out of no where.


Sealed Appearance: An ordinary Zanpackuto other then a see through glass blade and a blue hilt
Zanpakutou Name: Mizu
Call Out Command: Rally to me, Mizu!"


Appearance: Amaya will lift her blade up before letting it drop. The moment it drops before her hand the zanpackuto will liquidfy into a mass wave of free flowing water around herself. Her outfit becomes a form fitting robe with loose fitting from the waist down and elbows down. Her hair gets pulled into a half braided bun as it turns a snow white losing its light bluish tint.

Passive Abilities:Water Manipulation
Passive Ability Description: At will, Amaya can move the wster freely as well a increase and decrease the water she uses. She is able to manipulate the water in whatever way she wanted whether it was making a shield, swords, creatures, anything her heart desires and multiple items at one time.

Ability Name: Gigant Water Vortex
Ability Description: Amaya will extend a hand before moving it into a large circle her water will expand and form the circle 5 meters. As it builds up its spimming strength she will push her hand towards the left sending the huge vortex to stream down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge wave, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilization is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster. It grants one Gran Rey Cero of damage 3 post cooldown.

Ability Name:Water Cyclone
Ability Description: by spining her hand her water will glow and form into a cyclone that will pull at her oppone t bringing thwm into its depths before it will spit them against the ground granting bala damage.

Ability Name:Water cobra
Ability Description:Part of Amaya's water will sink into the ground for either the duration of the battle or till Amaya wishes for it to reveal itself. In this form large snake or tenticle like ropes will come out and attempt to bind with the equivalent of a Bakudo 20.

Ability Name:Crashing dragons
Ability Description: amaya's water will spread out around her and her opponent seeming tired. As her opponent gets close or an attack is sent at her. One of two things happen.

A stream of water will pop up sending a volley of water bullets going at bala speeds will be sent at the opponent granting bala damage per bullet.

The second is if an opponent attacks another stream will move up infront. If this attack is energy or projectile the stream will direct it right back at bala speeds. but if physical a stream will pop up from the pool redirecting the opponent's aim while protecting Amaya. Has a 3 post duration with a post cooldown.


New Name: Mizu to kōri
Appearance: Amaya will become wrapped in her water before it disperse showing a pair of lace gloves with sharpen fingers. Armor plating will show going up her arm to her shoulders. Her long robes will shorten to a sleeveless kimono top with shirts and armor plating from her knees down to her boots. Her now pastle blue hair is in a braide reaching down to mid back with shards of ice.

Passive Ability Name: Icical command
Passive Ability Description: amaya is able to manipulate water as well as ice at will to create and do whatever she wants whether to make a shield or any weapon she desires or multiple items as well as with every swing or movement of her fingers she sends 5 small icicles in whatever direction she moves them towards.

Passive Ability name: Tundra
Passive Ability Description:  Upon releasing into her bankai a field of ice up to 50 meter will form and deform upon movement keeping around her. On this ice she gains a 1x speed boost.

Ability name: Pelting Ice
Ability Description: by drawing a circle of any size anywhere (up to three circles at once) shards of ice will form before sent at bala speed (up to twenty shards). If it hits a target or surface the ice will explode giving bala damage. 1 post cooldown.

Ability name: Hail storm
Ability Description: The ground around Amaya will shatter becoming a storm of shards all over. At will, the shards will split into 5 groups before spinning around her enemy before attacking at various times and angles. When hit an explousion will happen presenting Bala Damage. Presents bala to Cero Oscara depending on how many of the 5 ways hit her opponent.Cooldown depends on how many of the 5 waves hit.


New Name: Mizu to kōri no futago no otome
Passive Ability Name: Ice Feathers
Passive Ability Description: With every attack and or ability used Amaya will leave behind a feather. These feathers are quiet useful for attacks and future attacks. She herself uses a dagger that appears like a feather that also sends or leaves a feather behind with each swing

Ability Name: Feather parade.
Ability Description: Amaya will spread her cape like cloak out sending a shower of. Ice feathers at her oppoent in which will cause bala damage and any feathers that hits the opponent or surface will spread out into ice and numb that area or limb making it useless for the duration of a post. Has a post cooldown.

Ability Name: Feather replacement
Ability Description: Once every two posts Amaya can create a feather clone of herself that will take her place allowing her to become cloaked like a bakudo 26 for the remained of the post. If the clone is physically attack it will harden around what attacked it before explouding to a volley of feathers in every direction presenting cero damage on explousion sending the feathers at bala speeds.if the attack is from a projectile it will still exploude but send the attack back at the caster with additional feathers sent with it.

Ability Name: Feather Storm
Ability Description: Amaya will send a feather into the air before a shower of feathers will come down at bala speeds striking at her enemy. Any cuts or strikes the manage to hit will cause a patch of ice to form for a post before explouding presenting bala damage per patch. 1 post cd.

Ability Name: Ice Augmentation
Ability Description: Any kidou or casted spells she casts or her replacement sends back will have an ice like aura around them presenting the possibility of numbing the strike area if it hits.

Ability Name: Total Recall malfunction
Ability Description: The feathers that are left out and around the field can be called back to her. These feathers will rush to her and arnt afraid to go through her enemies or barriers. Each presents cuts and patches of ice if stuck having the same effects as Feather Storm. Upon her feathers gathering infront of her they will form into a ball infront of her before being fired like a ice feather beam sent at cero speed presenting gran rey Damage. 3 post cd.


1. First grandchild of Seishin Nanashi
2. She looked up to the former Kenpachi that has went missing.
3. Fought several of her peers in the academy and gained her shikai as a chance of survival.
Side Notes: Meh.
Roleplay Sample: Nope.

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