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#1 Asuka Kimura - Sunset Empty Asuka Kimura - Sunset Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:34 am



Name: Asuka Kimura
Alias: 狼の鋼 (Ōkami no hagane - The Wolf of steel)
Real Age: Lived in the 15th century
Phys. Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: Despite his appearance, Asuka, beneath the surface, is a very agreeable individual. He appears threatening on the outside to wary off potential foes and to intimidate his enemies in battle, whilst those close to him will know that he is kind and caring. Never one to believe in unnecessary conflicts, Asuka prefers to keep his voice to his own, and to be rather more soft spoken. He possesses quite a naturally deep voice, speaking directly to people, not wanting to waste much time with frivolous extras.

When speaking to people, he addresses those he speaks to with due respect and such that goes with that. He will be one to follow orders without question, as long as he agrees with them. However, if he does not feel that something is right, he will voice his complaints against them with force.

Asuka tries to keep himself on the path with the least bloodshed, preferring not to draw his blade to resolve all of his problems; he has problems with this however, since his natural psyche is much more aggressive than he would like. Therefore, when put on the defensive or in a situation of pressure, he will often act instinctively and irrationally, abandoning most logical thought in times of crisis and relying mostly on emotion.

For those that get close to him as a person, Asuka will care very much for them. Though his usual manner is quiet and not very expressive to most, he will show his affection for those he cares about in other, more subtle ways. If they are threatened, Asuka will fight tooth and nail to protect them, no matter of the damage it causes to himself.

Height: 6’8”
Weight: 120kg
Physical Traits: Asuka wears the standard shinigami shihakusho, but one that is cut short to the shoulders to not constrict his fur and figure.

The top of which is also very wide breasted, as he does not like being constricted much by clothing if at all possible. His shihakusho has also got a hole cut out of the back to allow his tail free reign, as it can become very uncomfortable keeping it restrained.

His shihakusho has been decorated and customised by Asuka himself to include a number of horizontal silver bands running down his lateral muscles on both sides.

To control some of the hair on his head, he wears several iron grey hairpieces to keep them from covering his face to a huge extent and to keep them somewhat straight.

Though he does not act like it, he wears middle length thin silver gauntlets on his forearms. Whilst they appear only aesthetic, they improve his close quarters' combat by providing him with a seal to keep his natural body in check when fighting. His chest bears the mark of a very long scar, running diagonally down from the right and running the length of his chest.

 Asuka Kimura - Sunset Bg7NUe0_q2ZN9OOS8DQVm7HxeVHu96_Fx76TOA9zkQ18pWrN-qk65uomJ664qWEpaVcJRA_SgOSKrBGIfdIgD1MWqjPeywL3f3ZoeiDs

General Fighting Style:  Asuka is a highly melee-based fighter. His sole weapon is a large grey nodachi that he carries over his back. Instead of using any clever strategy, he usually prefers to be a frontline combatant and to overwhelm his opponents with brute strength and mastery in Zanjutsu. He mostly uses his sword for combat, however, possesses skill in close quarters unarmed fighting with his sharp claws and muscular brawler-type frame. He has a very tough frame and quite a lot of stamina, being able to take quite a few hits before going down.

Due to his fighting style, Asuka fights honestly with every opponent, as well as not thinking extremely highly of people who fight using gimmicks or sneaky tricks, though he does not say it out loud. He is able to perform most kido, but is not confident to use it as his number one combat tool. He possesses adequate skill in Hoho, but doesn’t use it to such an extent as the onmitsukido.

When sparring with friends, Asuka goes at them with the same level of energy as he would do to his enemies; this is due to his opinion that going easy on someone is to do them disrespect. He secretly hates people who deliberately take it down a notch for him, as it feels highly condescending.

Strengths: Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Durability
Weaknesses: Kido, Agility

Ability Name: Wereclan Traits
Ability Description: Due to his wolf like stature and appearance, passively, Asuka’s natural strength, endurance, and durability go up by x1.

Ability Name: Resilience of the Warden
Ability Description: Asuka can manifest an iron grey reiryoku barrier around his own person from his Reiatsu control. This lasts for 1 turn, has a cooldown of 2 turns and reduces damage taken that turn by half, unless the damage is above 2, in which case the barrier will be useless.

Sealed Appearance: A large nodachi with a blade that has a fang-shaped notch at one end that is carried over the shoulder. The guard is square-shaped. The hilt is iron-grey and patterned with black diamonds.

Zanpakutou Name: The Warden's Respite
(監視員の休息 Kanshiin no kyūsoku)

Zanpakutou Spirit: Kanshiin no kyūsoku most usually takes the form of a suit of armour, in a similar style to the one presented in The Final Judgement. It speaks in a very serene, almost morose way, showing almost no emotion during speech. It possesses a deep, male sounding voice. It shows no warmth nor anything towards Asuka when they talk, speaking in a very direct and logical manner.

 Asuka Kimura - Sunset DmzMzb0xw0n76ZXjYS4qcIR45BQ3I6LDNssfDDojwag9CUgA0AOBJDy27qZnbDWuWAo3-F5sMJCTbBEDbQfGvKIk_NBP9-1AyzXTxXvQ

Call Out Command: Cause their regret
(彼らの後悔を引き起こす Karera no kōkai o hikiokosu)

When released, the nodachi is held with two hands pointing face down into the ground.

It releases a hard grey light and grows in size until it forms a large (5’10”) double handed European Greatsword that has its name carved into the blade.

Appearance:  Asuka Kimura - Sunset 6UnAUPMPfHva8TBBMUkMOmvq68N3rQGLHahd3VFqkARt3zBvmwbslL-IC8jTPD_vIcwDZWhHgh7xCs1A8sDrqxvZgK-X3hlEPBED3WPs

Ability Name: Solemn Strike (厳粛な攻撃 Genshukuna kōgeki)
Ability Description:
Asuka’s strikes on his enemy cause grey reishi chains to appear on his enemy’s body, weighing them down and slowing them. The more strikes that Asuka lands, the more chains appear on the body.

Once per turn, any strike landed on an enemy slows them by 10%, stacking up to a cap of 40%. All stacks fall off if the enemy has not been struck by this effect for two turns.

Ability Name: Iron moon (鉄彎月- Tetsu wangetsu):
Ability Description: Focusing his reiatsu along the blade in a powerful arc slash, Asuka can launch a crescent-shaped sharp projectile of his iron grey reiryoku, dealing 1 cero damage, that has an effective range of twenty metres. This ability has a two turn cooldown. This ability can also apply one stack of Solemn Strike.

Ability Name: Iron Shock (Tetsu shōgeki 鉄衝撃)
Ability Description: In a powerful downwards motion, Asuka slams the ground with his blade, causing a powerful reiryoku shockwave to erupt for about twenty metres in front of him in a line, dealing one cero damage. The cooldown is two turns. This does not apply Solemn Strike.

New Name:
The Final Judgement
(決定的な判断 Ketteitekina handan)
When the bankai is released, the blade is held with both hands close to the chest, pointing towards the sky. A burst of reiatsu emanates from the wielder as he is plated by a full set of plate armour.

He gains large dark grey shoulder and leg guards with silver patterns upon them, as well as a helmet over his head that bares a cross-shaped slit to see out of.

His fur turns white and fans out from the back of his helmet between his shoulder guards. It is also visible from gaps in the armour where the pectoral muscles are. His silver arm gauntlets grow larger, extending up most of his arm and gaining a fang-like spike on them.

His blade grows larger as well, extending to be 6’2” long. The end of the blade grows a large silver spike and the hilt gets a groove that fits into Asuka’s hand guards. The blade becomes slightly more tapered into the point at the end.

 Asuka Kimura - Sunset OuMLbPkPawRViTO_yON9DZptx0f9BkdLRxPtLxxmKzFPBo9GJNraqJpFPapzQAvFWUQZFiaOfP_0Y6FKaRhLq2WnRfb1FWlcgl9P1x7L


Ability Name: Graven Strike
Ability Description: Strikes from the blade of The Final Judgement apply the same effect as the Shikai’s Solemn Strike, now stacking up to 5 times with a maximum slow of 50%. The chains that grow on the opponent's body are now spiked (dealing no damage) and are black in colour, the same as the colour of Asuka’s armour.

Ability Name: The Weight of the Dead
Ability Description: Once the opponent reaches five stacks of Graven Strike, Asuka can stab the opponent in a very precise position (just left of the heart). The chains around the opponent tighten around them and a heavy ball and chain forms off of the the chains that they have gained from Graven Strike, completely immobilising them for one turn. This ability can only be reactivated once the opponent gains a fresh five stacks of Graven Strike. (Ergo minimum 7 turn cooldown)

New Name: The Iron Battleground
(鉄戦場 Tetsu senjō)

When this is released, Asuka drops his sword vertically into the ground, causing it to drop right through. This then creates a ripple effect that turns the ground area fifty feet around him metallic. This place is now ‘The Iron Battlefield’. The overhead turns grey and lifeless, and a gloomy atmosphere settles down over the entire battlefield. His armour melts off of his body and into the ground, leaving him unarmed and unarmoured.


Ability Name: Metal of the Lost
Ability Description: During this form, Asuka gains control over all the metal in the surrounding area, being able to manipulate the now metallic ground and any structures that exist within it into whatever he pleases. This excludes metal under control by other players, or any controlled by anyone of a higher tier. Zanpakuto are also immune to this effect.

Any attacks made with this ability deal the equivalent of 1 cero damage, and any defences (Unless specified in the RP) block up to 1 cero damage per object created.

Ability Name: Last Rites: The March of the Fallen
最後の儀式: 倒れた者の行進
Saigo no gishiki: Taoreta mono no kōshin

Ability Description:
During Tetsu Senjou, by placing both of his hands on the ground, Asuka can draw up from the ground and summon up to two metal figures that assume the form of someone that his opponent has either slain recently or the form of a loved one they have lost. These reanimated metal corpses act on Asuka's orders, attacking with him or independently according to the situation. The bodies themselves are as strong as Tool Steel, are 3 tiers lower than Asuka and last for five turns or until they are destroyed. The ability has a 3 post cooldown.

History: During life, Asuka lived in the tundra lands, far away from human society. There he led a fearsome pack of wolves, the Kimura clan. They were known throughout the land for their dominance and Asuka governed them all with a stern but fair rule. He led his pack, caring for each of his fellows and the young, training them up to be fair warriors.

They held dominance over the land for a while, that was until they were challenged by another group. From the further north, another wolf pack extended their rule reach downwards into the Kimura clan territory. Their notoriety reached far and wide and their reputation was known by all. The Nightmane pack. They were ruthless killers, hunting the wildlife mercilessly, unlike the just way that Asuka’s group had been doing. The Kimura clan heard of their expansion and trespass and Asuka decided to go and confront them, to defend his territory.

When the Kimura reached the frontier, it was not long until the negotiation that Asuka had tried to initiate had been rejected by the bloodthirsty Lycaeon, leader of the Nightmane. What followed then was an awful battle. The Kimura put up the best fight that they could, but eventually were overwhelmed by the sheer force and numbers of the Nightmane. Asuka fought beside his clan, his family, and was one of the last standing, battling to the very end over the corpses of his brethren. Eventually he was slain and the Nightmane proceeded to establish their rule over the rest of the Kimura’s land. Asuka watched in horror at all the order in the land he had worked for was decimated by the Nightmanes, who annexed and raided the lands for their own gain. His soul could not move on and so was bound to the land that was once his.

That was the case until someone approached Asuka’s spirit. The man was kind, he understood Asuka’s troubled. He introduced himself as a shinigami, a spiritual warrior who helped to maintain the balance and passage of souls. He promised Asuka a new life, a way to move on. After much convincing, Asuka left the real word to go to the Soul Society.

When awoke, he was in a very different body. He spent his first decade getting used to his more human form. At first he did not know where he was, and so as an instinct, he raised a defensive attitude to protect himself in this new environment. The souls around him feared him for his immense size and terrifying appearance. He soon gained the title of “Hagane” (Steel), due to the ferocity of his appearance and the silver streaks in his fur. Asuka of course meant no harm towards anyone, but was unable to shake the way he came across towards everyone.

After wandering the Rukongai for a number of years, he remembered back to when he was a bound spirit. He faintly recalled his sorrowful conversations with that shinigami that had sent him on, and then had a revelation of purpose. He decided that he would go and train to become a shinigami so that he could go and thank that shinigami that had stopped him from becoming corrupt. Therefore, he applied for the shinigami academy and was granted a place due to his higher-than-normal spiritual pressure. Asuka then proceeded to devote his time at the academy to bettering himself as a warrior. He excelled in his zanjutsu and hakuda classes, partly down to his natural figure, and was able to perform adequately in his Kido and Hoho classes, though liking them less than the former two. However, due to his enormous size and the fact that he was vastly different to everyone else, we was heavily ostracized by his peers at the academy and did not make many friends. Whilst this was upsetting to Asuka at first, he  soon learnt not to let the fact affect him and so hardened up his exterior wall.

He progressed through his six years at the shinigami academy without incident and was put up for recommendation straight to one of the thirteen court guard squads. He had also improved his reputation amongst his fellows by quite a large margin due to some of his actions during a live training mission in the world of the living, where, whilst his squadron was overrun and incapacitated by a hollow attack, Asuka was able to protect his squadmates and fend off the attack by himself. He was placed in a low seated position within Squad Nine, and worked his way up over his many years there to become their lieutenant. During his time in the court guard squads, his mission remained the same, to protect the innocent souls, much like the kind shinigami once did to him, and to slay all those that come in the way of what is good. Asuka is still searching for that one shinigami that saved him, as he still feels a burden after all of this time to express his gratitude for giving him a new life.

Side Notes:
Asuka’s favourite food is steak (cooked medium rare). He does not like vegetables.
His favourite pastime is calligraphy

Roleplay Sample: Asuka slowly moved across the barren and empty wasteland, as silent as the snow that often fell around him. His paws left the only visible tracks from where he had trod, no other path in sight. His breath, having escaped subconsciously from his mouth created a cloud of warm condensation, almost freezing solid in the air around him. The fur on his back had collected a coating of shimmering white powder.

The layer of which was keeping him from freezing himself.

His amber eyes scanned the land around him, seeing nothing that had disturbed the white beautiful scene that the heavens had laid down, seemingly for him. This same white scene was pressing down upon everything, muffling out all sound under its blanket of cold.

The silence was deafening in his ears.

He could only see one figure, one that stood straight ahead of him. A stark contrast to the white wasteland, this figure stood tall and grey, reflecting the light off of its metallic body. It did not move. It simply stood, displaying itself to Asuka as the wolf man moved himself ever closer, standing out, standing tall, its armoured hands in front of its groin. It wore a full set of steel, its mechanical plates welded together across its own body like patchwork at the quilter’s. Its presence gave Asuka an odd sense of foreboding. Its empty eye slits in its winged helmet stared into the depths of Asuka’s soul, making him shake his head once or twice, trying to shake this new and rather odd feeling.

Its grandeur exacerbated this.

The shoulder guards stood like marble columns either side of its intimidating helmet. Despite all this, Asuka continued to step forwards, leaving more footprints in the tundra behind him. Even through all the beauty of the snow around him, his attention was still drawn to this ominous figure. He did not know whether it were alive or just a statue. It gave off an aura to heavily suggest that it were the former. When he had almost reached the statue, the silence and stillness of the atmosphere was now pressing on his ears like a diver deep underwater.

Tension was building.

He did not know what would happen and was anticipating the situation to follow heavily. The snow had stopped falling, yet it were still cold. Even the mountains on either side of them felt like they were steadily getting closer towards Asuka. Suddenly however, a bright light glowed from within the depths of the Suit of Armour’s helmet, illuminating its eyes for a moment before a deep booming voice rang out into the surrounding area; not coming just from the statue.

“Welcome, Asuka.”

#2 Asuka Kimura - Sunset Empty Re: Asuka Kimura - Sunset Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:57 am


Hey! Thanks for submitting your application. Overall it's very good--Your character concept is pretty damn cool and I'm excited to have you on board. I have a few things that need updates/clarification before I can approve it. See below for the breakdown on what needs adjusted. DM me on Discord or message the staffhelp channel if you have any questions or counterpoints.

Combat Information > Strengths/Weaknesses: Generally these refer to personal strengths and weaknesses. While Zanjutsu and Hakuda are appropriate strengths, "Ranged Attacks" does not describe a personal deficiency. For this section, for each Strength your character has, I would like to see a Weakness of the same scope. (For example, one could be strong or weak in Strength, Durability, Stamina/Endurance, Agility, Kido, Zanjutsu, Hakuda, et cetera)

Combat Information > Wereclan Traits: Biological gifts should be listed under Strengths/Weaknesses and treated as such. (although I'm double checking with Ika to be sure for this one.)

Shikai > Solemn Strike: By what proportion is speed reduced per hit? What is the cap? Give these in percentage of the user's original speed. (Cap should be no greater than 50%) How long does this reduction last in posts?

Shikai > Iron Moon: How much damage does this do? Compare it to Ceros (Gran Rey = 3, Oscuras = 4). This should have a cooldown equal to the number of ceros damage + 1 (for the slowing effect) posts. To me it seems like it wants to be 1 cero damage, but that's really up to you.

Shikai > Iron Shock: Same as Iron Moon, give damage and cooldown. Also, please state explicitly whether Solemn Strike triggers with this.

Bankai > Enhanced Solemn Strike effect: Please state what the new per hit percentage and new cap is.

Bankai > The Weight of the Dead: Give the duration of freezing and approximate length per soul slain...? I'll have to refer this to Ika for additional balancing as well.

Toukai > Iron Battleground: The ability should exclude metal generated by another under their control as well as metal controlled by someone of greater tier. As a reminder, objects made with this ability should not exceed 1 cero damage per post cooldown or the capability to block 1 cero damage per post cooldown.

Toukai > March of the Fallen: Hello Yamamoto! I'll have to refer this ability to Ika for balancing.

#3 Asuka Kimura - Sunset Empty Re: Asuka Kimura - Sunset Sun Apr 21, 2019 6:32 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Hello Sunset, I am Amaya but I go by other names of Rose, Colbolt, Ayla take your pick. I like to thankyou for joining our Bleachstory family.

Now relooking your app over I would like to point some things out to assist your character become the best it can be and one you are proud of.

First I would like to say. I love the info in your app but we do have a proper template. From what Ican tell you have a choosen to make a shinigami. Below is the link to the proper template that I would like you to use. It makes it easier on us to properly grade and assist your app:

Secondly, alot of what I say may or may not reflect heatwave's grading but do keep both in mind.

Now on to the app itself!

Zanjutsu, Hakuda (to a slightly lesser extent)

Ranged attacks (kido, projectiles etc.)

These are decent ones but strengths are just strengths. Where does your character excel in? Are they a excellent hand to hand combatant? Are they speedy like an assassin. Where does your character shine at?

At the same time Weaknesses tell us where your character isnt as strong 'Ranged attacks' Dont really tell me anything. A weakness can be like speed as strength can be a strength or Kidou or stamina. We want to see where your not strongest in combat.

Ability Name: 'Wereclan Traits'
Asuka’s strength, endurance, and durability go up by x1

These biological traits are fine just explain more on why Asuka gets this trait along with if its a passive or active. Is it a constant or is it avaliable only once every some many posts?

Also for Abilities we like them to kinda be in this format. Makes it look cleaner and easier
[B]Ability Name:[/B]
[B]Ability Description:[/B]

Ability Name: Reishi Claw Strike
Ability Description: Lashing out with both of his claws in a downwards motion, he channels his reiryoku into his strike so that a spiritual image of the strike appears as a reishi projection a metre in front of him.

This should be listed under one of your stages of Shikai, Bankai, Toukai. Also since this ability does damage It needs a set amount of damage which means it needs a post cooldown. Here is our usual scale below:

Bala = 1 Post Cooldown but sometimes doesnt need one.
Cero = 1 Post Cooldown
Gran Rey Cero = 3 Post Cooldown
Cero Oscara = 4 Post Cooldown

The higher the damage the more likely someone will keep avoiding it so keep that in mind.

Now your Zanpackuto section looks fine. We dont use our spirits or there realms but that doesnt mean you can't put them in your app.

Alright Shikai time!

Once again below is the coding we like to see for the abilities. Try keeping the amount of abilities to 3 or 4 max.

[B]Ability Name:[/B]
[B]Ability Description:[/B]
Solemn strike is most likely gonna be a nupe, unless something has changed, we don't allow nerfing strikes

His bankai will have to explain how the attacks are enhanced

Weight of the dead will be nuped

Iron battleground will need the clarification of Not under someone elses control

March of the fallen will definitely be nuped for two reasons...

1st practically a direct yamamoto rip off
2nd no limits on the summons, no nerfing of them, even cannon-fodder one hit enemies (which they wouldn't be) would be enough to overwhelm someone in high enough numbers.

#4 Asuka Kimura - Sunset Empty Re: Asuka Kimura - Sunset Mon Apr 22, 2019 12:23 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Hey! The name's Graven (pretty sure we've spoken), and I'm gonna go over your app real quick. It's looking a lot better than it was, so this is going to be pretty brief.

Ability Name: Resilience of the Warden
Ability Description: Asuka can manifest a thin iron grey reiryoku barrier around his own person from his Reiatsu control. This lasts for 1 turn, has a cooldown of 2 turns and reduces damage taken that turn by 0.5.

What do you mean by 0.5? Does it increase your Durability by x0.5, or reduce incoming damage by 50% for a post? I just need this specified, that's all.

Asuka gains control over all the metal in the surrounding area, being able to manipulate the now metallic ground and any structures that exist within it into whatever he pleases. This excludes metal under control by other players, or any controlled by anyone of a higher tier. Zanpakuto are also immune to this effect.

Any attacks made with this ability deal the equivalent of 1 cero damage, and any defenses (Unless specified in the RP) block up to 1 cero damage per object created.

Can you make this into an ability? Like, just Metal Manipulation or something.

Ability Name: Last Rites
Saigo no gishiki

Ability Description: This ability has two parts to it:
Miokuri 見送り(The Send-off): Passively, whenever Asuka purifies a hollow or performs Konso on a Soul, Kanshiin no Kyousoku stores a spiritual signature of whatever it sends off (Its appearance and its name), up to a cache of 10 signatures.

Mezame目覚め (The Awakening): During Tetsu senjou, Asuka can recall from his zanpakuto one of the signatures that it has stored. He can then summon a replica of the Soul, creating a corpse body made of metal. This replica has the exact appearance of the Soul (or of what the Soul looked like before it became a hollow). Asuka can now control the replica and order for it to fight with him. The Corpse lasts for 4 turns until it disintegrates naturally. During this time, it can be killed as normal. This ability is extremely taxing on his body, and so cannot be used multiple times in a row. However, it possesses a base cooldown of 6 turns.

So, this one is a bit more complicated. Purifying Hollows and performing Konso is, basically, a roleplay element. If you purify a Hollow/Arrancar character controlled by another player, you'd need permission to summon them, and they'd be several Tiers below your character. I get what you're going for, I really do.

So, maybe you go back to the previous idea. It wasn't as much of a Yamamoto rip as you'd think, since Yamamoto summoned people HE had killed. Regardless, say that you summoned two metal corpses that hold a form decided by your opponent, whether it's a deceased loved one or someone they killed. Basically, that's flavor text and just a cool roleplay gimmick. I'm all for that personally.

The actual puppets themselves are, say, 3 Tiers lower than your character, and their bodies are as strong as tool steel. They last for five posts or until destroyed, and the ability itself has a three post cooldown. Sound good?

So, in the end, this is looking really good. Just make the changes I outlined, and you're solid!

#5 Asuka Kimura - Sunset Empty Re: Asuka Kimura - Sunset Mon Apr 22, 2019 1:58 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Alright! Approved for 2-3. Have fun!

#6 Asuka Kimura - Sunset Empty Re: Asuka Kimura - Sunset Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:57 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ability Name: The Weight of the Dead
Ability Description: Once the opponent reaches five stacks of Graven Strike, Asuka can stab the opponent in a very precise position (just left of the heart). The chains around the opponent tighten around them and a heavy ball and chain forms off of the the chains that they have gained from Graven Strike, completely immobilising them for one turn. This ability can only be reactivated once the opponent gains a fresh five stacks of Graven Strike. (Ergo minimum 7 turn cooldown)

I can't approve immobilizing an opponent for an entire turn. That's basically insta-kill. I'll PM you a fix for this later on tonight.

Ability Name: Resilience of the Warden
Ability Description: Asuka can manifest an iron grey reiryoku barrier around his own person from his Reiatsu control. This lasts for 1 turn, has a cooldown of 2 turns and reduces damage taken that turn by half, unless the damage is above 2, in which case the barrier will be useless.

This doesn't make sense, there's no such thing as damage above two. Will also need to discuss this.

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