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Already Touya felt like leaving, and he’d just come back. He felt the touch of the sun on his neck and the gentle breeze in the wind, but the sameness of every building, alley, and path in the Seireitei never failed to make him sick of home. He’d have probably already turned around if he didn’t feel like he’d been gone long enough already--the powers that be would start bothering him if he took too long of a break.

He approached the eleventh division barracks, whistling a happy little tune as he did. It didn’t matter that he left, anyway, he reasoned. Draiden, bless his heart, had the division running perfectly smoothly and under control. The strange man was as devoted as one gets, and honestly made for an excellent lieutenant.

Now he'd have to come up with a way to make up to Draiden for his sudden disappearance. He supposed he could ponder that while he walked.


"I see you're still playing hooky, Touya-kun."

The taunting voice, feminine in nature, came from the door frame of a room within the barracks. Zhu Long, dressed in a Haori similar to Touya's own, leaned against the wood with her arms crossed beneath her chest, a crimson gaze stuck directly on the young man. To most, they would recognize her as Zhu Long, the Captain of the Second Division and the Chief-Commander of the Onmitsukido. However, Touya would recognize her more as a fellow Captain, even if their history was far more in depth than such a familiarity.

"You missed your first meeting between the Captains. You know, no matter how young or fresh you are to the position, this doesn't bode well for you to ditch your duties like this."



“I see you’re still a stalker, Zhu.” Touya grinned back at her. He listened as she informed him of the bad decisions he made, and he nodded, as though listening intently. All he really wanted to do was get to his office and make a nice cup of sake but that would have to wait for now.

“It definitely doesn’t bode well. That’s why I came back.” Touya shrugged. “Mind you, the sky’s still up where it belongs, so it couldn’t have been all that important anyway. Since you’ve come all this way how’s about you catch me up?”


Zhu rolled her eyes, walking out of the doorframe and getting closer to the man. "Do I need to let them know that you'll be absent during the next meeting where we discuss the fates of others? Or will you make an effort to show up to that, even if you're late?"

She looked up to him, raising a brow and then letting out a sigh. If only he matured with the role of Captaincy instead of staying the same old Touya. Maybe it would come with time. The man was just so... aloof. "If the sky came crashing on your head, maybe you'll realize how important things can be around here. What if we invaded Hueco Mundo tomorrow, and the only preparation you had was in the meeting that you missed?"

Realizing she wasn't going to quite make him care, or that he would have his own method to the madness, the Fire Dancer crossed her arms again. "We were discussing the fates of the other races. The humans have been causing a quiet stir, the Vizards are... still a temporary threat in waiting, and then the Espada."



Touya shrugged noncommittally. “I suppose I could make an effort.” He didn’t care for stuffy meetings and he certainly didn’t care for most of the others who attended, but if it really was that big of a deal he’d suck it up. “And if the sky did fall, I’d adapt and overcome, as I’m sure you know.”

She brought up the current events surrounding the Humans and the Hollows. “Oh, them.” He said. They were down a city, and the Espada seemed to be getting more organized. Then there was a big scare with Sinners showing up, or so he heard anyway. He’d been in the Swiss Alps at the time, so there was no way for him to immediately respond. Nevertheless, when those issues were brought up, he understood that he could joke no longer. “I’m dying for a drink, so how about you follow me to my office? I’ll pour you some sake or tea or whatever you want.”

He resumed his walk toward the office, and would allow Zhu in if she followed. He’d beckon her to continue speaking as he poured drinks.


Now, Zhu was a motherly individual, in some aspects. But she had to tease him just a little bit, perhaps just too much salt. "Would you improvise and adapt by leaving?"

She followed him, her Haori stripping from her shoulders once she entered his room and revealing her alabaster kimono, with the symbol of the Second on one breast, and the Onmitsukido symbol on the other. Her shoulders were bare, as was typically tradition with the head of the Onmitsukido, especially those within the Punishment Force. She placed Kagutsuchi to the side, the scorched blade grumbling quietly within her mind.

"Tea would be best. I'm not much of an alcohol fan."



"Mmm, who knows?" Touya hummed. It wasn't something he cared to think about nor concern himself over, and so he didn't say anything more about it. With his colleague's preference in mind, he started a pot of tea from the kettle he kept on his counter. He poured himself a small cup of sake while he waited for the water to get hotter.

"So then, did we come to any kind of conclusion about what we're going to do in this meeting?" Touya asked. He honestly doubted it. Too often the leadership of the Shinigami was reduced to worthless posturing, and inaction was far more common than anything proactive. The fact that Zhu had come here at all gave him hope that they'd finally resolved to do something, but he supposed he'd have to wait and see.

The water had heated up enough to be usable, and so he poured her some tea and handed her the cup. "Sorry if my tea's crap. It's what I have."


The female captain shrugged her shoulders as she sat, crossing her legs beneath the other and waiting his tea. Surely, it wouldn't be award-winning, but it couldn't be too bad.

"A bunch of old men and women bickering, is all. The main topic of the debate was the Espada themselves." She took the cup of tea that he offered, smelling it briefly before taking a sip of the warm leaf water. Mmm. Leaf water. Frankly, it tasted somewhat like that, though a little more flavourful. She'd have to teach him someday, though she knew most of the Seireitei preferred their alcohol to the simple teas.

"We may be using Ika Mazi to help deal with them, I believe. Do you know of the man?" She prayed he did. When it came down to it, Touya would lead one of the larger offensive powers alongside Ika, as the Eleventh Division was their brute strength. All the while, Zhu carried the burden of the assassin and stealthier aspects of the upcoming war that would rise, and frankly? She wondered if they would be able to force an Espada into the Maggot's Nest. What an interesting captive audience that would be.



“I know of him.” Touya said. Ika Mazi… who didn’t know of him? Seireirei’s wandering loose cannon was a well known if not commonly spoken about topic, and Touya was no stranger to all of the whispers and hushed rumors that he left behind after his departure. His loyalty was clearly not with the Gotei, and many speculated on why he continued to live, the two biggest reasons being a corrupted deal with his father and the former Head Captain Doku Mazi, and the threat of retribution given his obscene power.

Touya was well aware, however, that the reason why Ika Mazi lived was not either of those. At the moment, he simply posed no threat to the Seireitei. Touya saw a bit of himself in Ika, a man so willing to forge his own path that he would forsake the organization that brought him up. It must have been nice, he thought, to throw off the chains of responsibility permanently. Even Touya felt the need to come back when he left, but Ika never came back at all.

“But… what use do we have for him? I was under the impression that he wasn’t loyal.” Touya asked, cupping his chin. His tone was suspicious, but he had a slight smile on his face; his curiosity was showing. “Surely we aren’t finally mounting a big enough offensive to need his power?”


The silver haired Corps Commander raised a brow to his question about mounting an offensive play against their threats. Even talking about it worried her deeply, and she only could wonder how this war would shape the Gotei again. "The fact that you have to ask what use we have for him is hilarious. What use would we have for someone who can stand on even ground with our own Captain Commander, but with more reckless abandon and cold calculation within the field of battle, who has the loyalties of dozens of humans who are spiritually endowed and strong enough to stand against their betters?"

She sipped from her tea, then placed it down. "We might... might be on the cusp of war with the Espada. We're still working through the technicalities of it, but just know... the day of the battles is just along the horizon."

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