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Kaede, the new captain commander, had finally sifted through the majority of the paperwork that his predecessor left, and was about the time for him to fully take up the mantle, and as such Kaede called a meeting of the captains to get a feel for how they want to proceed. Once the last of them arrived Kaede would motion for any conversation that had started while waiting to come to an end. Once the silence settled in, the red-haired captain commander would stand and address his gathered soldiers, "Welcome, I have called you all together to talk about our future. I know we have some varying opinions here about what to do with our future. Though the main points of Contention that I can think of we need to talk about now are these. First how should we handle the increasing power that the humans have been developing over the years, should we go extermination squad and blast them back to the stone age, or leave them be so long as the soul cycle is not being disturbed. Personally I am all for the second option, because their presence would allow for, someone to be there on the ground should the hollows and arrancars get uppity, and try to go on a rampage among the world of the living it will buy more time for us to get into position."

"This brings me to our next topic, the hollows and more specifically the arrancar that sit atop of their food chain. Shall we continue the uneasy time of peace that we have with them, or risk fighting them on their home turf, where they would be at their strongest."  Kaede would let his current questions set in, keeping his hand up to signal he was not done yet, he was going into the final topic he wished his captains to think about, though he was going to leave his meeting with Ika a secret, at least for now. He knew some members gathered here might be aware of it "The final topic I wish for you all to think about is the masked ones known as Vizards, how should we treat those whose power has been, for lack of a better term, corrupted by the presence of a hollow in their souls."

Keeping his hand up for silence for another couple of minutes while those topics sunk in he would finish with "Now I want to hear your opinions on these things one at a time." and with that he would lower his hand for the first of his captains to now speak.

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Kokoro was the first to arrive and knew that he probably held the strongest and most influential opinions of everyone present at this time. His opinions held merit for two reasons, one was tenure, and the other was accolades and power. Kokoro listened carefully as the topics of conversation drifted aimlessly from point to point, and his tentacles quickly went to work jotting down notes on what to respond to and what points he needed to specifically respond to. There were a few remarks that the new Captain Commander made that Kokoro found grating, but he didn't take the time to write out quote tweets so that he could roast him properly. He simply continued what he was doing, he feigned interest and made note of the things that really intrigued him.

Kokoro finally stopped writing as Kaede finished talking, more or less leaving the air open for response. It was at this point that Kokoro would shuffle his papers and stand up, planning to address the issues he had been presented with one at a time. "Well we agree that two of these three issues are contentious. I will go out of my way to tell you that I believe the Vizards are perhaps one of our greatest assets at this time, a force that can be argued as being more powerful than our normal selves. It could be further argued that the strongest being around as of this time is himself a Vizard, and while I'd love to say I'm confident in our ability to defeat that man we've been shown as fairly incapable of it for the past several millennia. Kokoro's tentacles drifted over to poke Doku, grating his nerves almost assuredly. "Though perhaps without good old daddy involved now would be the time to get him out of the way.."

Doku responded to this as one might expect, he was going to wait for Kokoro to finish speaking but by this point he could no longer stand for it and once Kokoro poked him Doku without hesitation drew his Zanpakuto and cut the tentacles in half, leaving them to flop about on the floor. "Speak of my son again or imply that I did anything less than my duty as Captain Commander and I will have your head Nashi. Some of these men here may fear you but I am not one of them and I'll be god damned if I-" Doku realized this was not the place for a shouting match and simply scowled in Kokoro's direction before sitting down once more, sheathing his blade as he did so as he waited for this nauseating piece of human bile to go on.

Kokoro smiled and allowed for his tentacles to slither back to his person before continuing. "I only jest Doku. We all know I'm the only one who could possibly kill that petulant child of yours anyway.." Kokoro awaited a reaction but was disappointed to see that Demise had placed a firm hand over Doku's shoulder to keep him seated. It was at this point that his needling of Doku had largely gotten stale and so he opted to move on. "In all seriousness, I think the Vizard's are a non-issue and certainly not worth addressing at this current time." Kokoro shuffled his papers for yet another moment, looking around to see if anyone would be stupid enough to interrupt him before continuing. "As far as I'm aware Ika is the one cultivating the Humans at this time, as it appears their usual resistance force has been wiped off the map. While I understand that the Soul Cycle needed a bit of re-balancing anyway I must say that I'm surprised that we had this much faith in the abilities of the Humans..."

Kokoro allowed this to hang in the air for a moment before continuing on, "While I vehemently despise the very idea of leaving the Human World in the hands of Ika and his rag tag groups of misfit toys I do have to say that he is the best bet of cultivating the Humans and their forces towards something of merit.. I'd certainly be lying if I said I thought that he needed us at this point. Frankly it's probably in safer hands now than it's been in for quite some time now so I suppose we can leave them be, at least at face value. I do however propose planting a spy, perhaps monitoring their actions to the best of our abilities. If they get out of hand we can interfere from there but beyond that I'm not particularly interested in having a war with that group as of now.."

Kokoro's fury was written across his face as he began to speak. "As for the Espada I've been pretty candid in saying that I think we should be culling their numbers a lot more often than we are as opposed to being some reactionary force, but I'm not entirely certain how much backup I'll get on that topic and so I'll go ahead and take a seat." Kokoro finished what he was saying and sat down, curious as to what the rest of the Captains would have to say on the topics at hand.


Sitting in her chair patiently she made no movement as Doku and Kokoro had their little spat. Whether Ika Mazi was alive or not didn't really matter in the end and the fact the two made it seem like it did was rather obnoxious of them. More bickering wouldn't fix a damn thing. However Kaede's questions had gotten Rena's full attention and she addressed them after Kokoro has his fill of talking, "The vizard are as they have always been.. Time bombs in the form of shinigami. Those who have "mastered" their powers aren't necessarily a problem..but that doesn't mean they are not fully clear of their own risky nature of Hollowfication. We should have reigned them in and kept watch on them ourselves from the beginning.. instead our predecessors allowed them freedom by exiling them. However.. That does not mean they are not being useful at this time. As such I also agree that for now they should be left alone.. with our observance of them constant and vigilante of course."

She waved a hand in the air and shook her head, "as far as I believe the humans are concerned.. they are not and never have been our job as Soul Society. I do not see any reason for that to change. We are in charge of the soul cycle and the war against the hollow is ours to bear. Having some help in that war isn't a bad thing even if it is from the very souls we swore to protect. It merely means we are weaker than we should be and are suffering for it now."

Rena put her hand down and looked over at Kokoro, "That said.. I do agree about a spy..and I loathe to say it.. but I have someone in mind.. someone whom with we have leverage against if need be. that Kitsugi fellow. Reno I believe? His daughter works for us in Seireitei as one of the vice-captains. Either through her or of his own will we could see about turning him into our spy.

She glanced up at the ceiling and continued before looking back down at the room, "Aside from that and moving onto the Espada.. I'm opposed to an open war in Hueco Mundo against them. We've tried this in the past and while it did dismantle the Espada temporarily.. it did not fix the problem. We need to think either more drastically or more covertly in my opinion."


Demise found himself in a captains meeting, discussing the future of the Gotei. He payed attention to everything that kaede had said until it was time for the other captains to speak. He listened yet didn't really care, for his own ideals were way off. something that did catch his attention however was a small fight that broken out between Doku and Kokoro.  

"Well we agree that two of these three issues are contentious. I will go out of my way to tell you that I believe the Vizards are perhaps one of our greatest assets at this time, a force that can be argued as being more powerful than our normal selves. It could be further argued that the strongest being around as of this time is himself a Vizard, and while I'd love to say I'm confident in our ability to defeat that man we've been shown as fairly incapable of it for the past several millennia. Though perhaps without good old daddy involved now would be the time to get him out of the way.." Kokoro said, aiming his last comment towards Doku.

Doku quickly snapped back, drawing his zanpakuto and slicing at Kokoro's tentacles that had previously poke at him. "Speak of my son again or imply that I did anything less than my duty as Captain Commander and I will have your head Nashi. Some of these men here may fear you but I am not one of them and I'll be god damned if I-", Doku said but stopping before he ended his sentence. Possibly realizing that this wasn't the time nor place to be loosing his temper. Demise himself however had already prepared to stop him had anything gone too far, scruffing him by the back of the collar.

Demise quickly shot back a comment at Kokoro before allowing him to finish his speech. "Why don’t you make like a centrifuge and separate", he would say towering behind Doku.

Having listened to the end of Kokoro's speech, Demise caught the attention of Kaede. "Anyone who knew my father knows where I stand on this. Kill them all and claim their souls by force." Demise's comment was straight forward at the least and showed his uncaring attitude towards the topic all too well. Although not that helpful when you're not a warmonger.


The Firedancer of the Second Division looked at her fellow captains while the meeting began, to discuss the Gotei's stand on their allies or enemies, depending on how the majority vote seemed to weigh. So far, it seemed like giving the Hollow-Shinigami hybrids room to be their own beings, but to keep a steady eye on them, was the popular vote, while the idea of culling or managing the World of Humans was an idea that seemed to have little yay in comparison to nay. Ika was handling the humans who held special powers well enough. And then, it came to the Espada.

The only group that Zhu could actually put full vote into because of her experience against the likes of their rank, mainly due to a prior invasion of them when she was young and still a lieutenant. Before she held power and any actual knowledge of who they were or what they were capable of.

Quietly chipping up once the pokes and vocal prods were done by the other captains, Zhu spoke her opinion on the subjects that her superior had brought up. "I cannot say I enjoy the idea of going to war against the Hybrids we call Vizards, nor do I enjoy the idea of culling humanity. Although the humans can pose a threat with the right leadership and power within their ranks, they are still just that. They are humans. Most of them lack the actual power to truly harm any Shinigami who is worth their rank or powers, and those that do have the power simply do not have a reason yet to attack us. Inciting a war against them, no matter how one-sided, would not do anything more than give them reason to go against us, when instead they can become useful allies when needed. Who is to say that their kind is not a valuable unit for our fellow souls who are stationed in places like Karakura?"

She tapped her fingers against the table, bringing her voice to the Vizards. "Destroying the Vizards is just as dangerous of an idea, if not more. They are us, or were, and any of them with the power of both Shinigami and Hollow, with proper training or intelligence in wielding both, can prove a threat to even captains. The fact that one of the strongest beings we know of is a Vizard is also a warning to, if you will forgive my language, not fuck with their kind. I vote that we, if anything, should keep an eye on them from afar, and only cull their kind when absolutely necessary."

And finally, the Espada. Her fingers stopped tapping, a final dull thump from her digits as she put her hat into the ring. "We should not attack the Espada. Attacking their home, where they have the advantage of knowing the lay of the land, is a foolish idea and would serve to only weaken us. While we could possibly threaten their ranks and even stop them from becoming a future threat, we would run the possibility of sacrificing dozens, if not hundreds, of our subordinates, if not ourselves, to do so. If they attack, then I agree, we should crush them like we would any threat posed against the Gotei, but we should not instigate that war without at least planning far ahead in time, if ever."

Finishing her input towards Kaede's ideas on how to handle the three potential allies or threats of the Gotei, Zhu rested her jaw on her hands, now clasped together.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya sat quietly in her seat closing her eyes. These meetings were as boring as actually sitting in her office doing paper work without trying to get her Vice captain to do it for her. Amaya may seemed asleep but she listened to all the points being made. Some she agreed with ; others not so much. She waited patiently letting every one talk. Snickering at the banter between the old geezers and creepy Kokoro. Hearing some silence she decided it was best to put in her say "Now now Doku, you raised a fine son and grandchildern and we will know most of us cant go full toe to toe with Ika in our current state. Let the boy have some fun with his new found freedom and the little toys of the misfits of the human world. What can hurt? That being said we should keep watch of the vizards in the gotei and those amongest the humans. Not to put any on a leash to say but to keep our possible love/hate relationship with their race. Hell why not ask the Kido Corps Commander herself. Isn't that right Aunty?"She called over to a figure in a corner that watched for now. "As for the Espada, I am all for keeping their numbers down as well as having to make them continuely change their rankings keeping them down. The fact they even have a somewhat organized form of ranking and leadership in that dog eats dog world is shocking enough that they havn't killed themselves entirely." Spoke the pastle blue haired Captain of the 7th.

"I really wish you wouldn't use family names it is quiet unprofessional Captain Amaya" Spoke the figure relaxing against the back left corner of the room. The pink haired figured pushed herself off the wall, lacing her bandaged hands behind her back [color:24bc= lightpink]"For those who might not know or remeber me I am the Commander of the Kido Corps and as my Niece has stated I am indeed a vizard. Yes, I don't have much say which it comes to the seritei or the 13 squads but i am here more to just be in the know. As Captain Rena, we are much like ticking time bombs were the slightest thing could set us off. That being said, we are not animals to be kept on a leash. Ika and my fiancee Okami are prime examples of those who will break their leashes and beat the masters with them. However, I feel alot of the newer vizards do need some direction and example of how to control and contain the...'primal' voice and urge racing through their beings."She spoke walking along the table towards Kaede [color:24bc= lightpink]" As for the Espada, they seem to not know what the left side is doing from their right. Learning their indivual members and places where some frequently attack could give insight to where we need to focus on when sending the various shinigami on their missions." She spoke ending up a few feet behind kaede and to his right.


It seems the group of Captains agreed for the most part on these topics. It was now Gin de Grey's turn to speak openly, for better or worse. Hell, he had a good chance of being ignored. "I second the idea that the Vizard should be monitored. They're not a danger now, but they could easily pose a danger to the Soul Cycle should something change. Which brings me to the Human World. I also second the notion that they too be watched, though an inside spy is risky. Reno especially, the last thing we need is someone with a grudge looking to get back at us. While seemingly harmless now, it could pose a problem in the long-run. Instead I pose that we openly have an ambassador of sorts, a seated officer that will openly a representative. If we are to survey them, it should be openly so we don't form unnecessary complications."

That of course, brings him to the topic of the Espada. "While I would not openly attack them in Hueco Mundo in normal circumstances, they need to be dealt with if they actually wiped out a powerful human stronghold. I do not propose we attack their home, but instead station a group of two Captains and three seated officers to instead ambush and eliminate any and all arrancar that would dare stray from their hordes. Of course, this is not taking into account that there are probably Sinners with them. The Kushinada have told me of multiple escaped Sinners that have yet to be accounted for, and any and all reports from the Human World have yet to mention any. Above all, we need to establish control of the situation. Hollows have already had one success, and it will drive them towards the next. We need to strike a blow that will demoralize them, or at least slow them down until we come up with a better solution."


Masamune was one of the few around who had taken part in the initial visored hunts, and as such tended to have a less than positive view of the race. Though since then his general disdain had been at least tempered to the point he didn't see them as an immediate threat anymore. "What we need is a plan to dispatch Ika Mazi should his group prove to be a problem. The others will fall without his leadership" The Squad 10 captain stated simply. It wasn't something so easily done of course, but it needed to be said.

"And if the reports I've read are correct, a worldwide guild of assassins have recently surfaced following the attack on New York. As far as I can tell, they have a number of advent humans in their order and attempting to spy on them could be problematic. The committee being destroyed has left something of a power vaccuum in that department." It was his role to keep track of such things after all, keeping track of the larger picture was his forte and the old daimyo rarely let these things slip his notice.

"As for the hollows, their power structure needs to be dissolved as soon as possible. Culling their numbers is hardly worth the effort if they have a stable hierarchy. Though I suppose we won't want to lose another Captain Commander trying to assault them directly." He would lean back into his chair, crossing his arms as the others made their points.


From where he sat Kaede heard the different opinions of the captains. The primary opinions that they all seemed to share were pretty straight forward:
1) Lack of fucks towards the humans, let them do their own shit so long as the balance isn't screwed
2) Vizards are dangerous and should be watched, but for now leave them be.
3) Hollows and arrancars need to die, But we should not go onto their home turf.

Raising his hand to silence the crowd again Kaede would begin, "So If I am understanding this right, leave the human's alone for now watch them from a distance, vizards are ticking time bombs and should be watched, and we need to do something about the arrancars." Watching the crowd he would continue with his train of thought, "So lets focus in on the arrancars for now, I agree we should focus our assault on the hierarchy, make that crumble, while it won't completely disable them it will provide the heaviest blow for now because without a leader their focus will be more scattered. Now I fully agree that we shouldn't do it in hueco mundo but the question is how to lure them away to do so. And even if we get them to come to us, how do we guarantee that the biggest targets are the ones to come."

With what he wanted to say said Kaede would signal for his captains to continue the discussion, he was glad for the most part people were on the same page across the board.

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Kokoro listened to the Captains speak their piece. He was carefully thinking on what it was he would say and was taking notes. He stood up as Kaede finished and began to speak. "Moving beyond the shock of Demise knowing what a centrifuge is I think there are a few points worth commenting on. First and foremost literally none of us are going to kill Ika, and pissing him off is pointless until his power dwindles. You work around a problem as large as he is or you work with him, trying to work against him is something Doku should've done long ago but neglected, perhaps there was some conflict of interest there. Almost a father-son type deal.. I digress."

Kokoro smiled lightly as Doku stood up once again before continuing on. "I don't care about the Humans, but it does look that Ika has taken an interest in them and due to that fact alone I think they should be off our kill-list. We should prioritize the Espada first and foremost. They are more vulnerable than they've ever been and we also have access to a weapon that might be able to put them in disarray.." Kokoro's smile was sinister in nature yet somehow genuine as he glared over in Kaede's direction. "Surely after handing over so many Captain Class fighters without so much as an inconvenience good old Ika owes us a favor right?.. Perhaps we could get him to remove that mutt running Hueco Mundo, severing the head of their leadership after-all will make destroying the rest of them much easier for us I would think.."

Doku lazily gritted his teeth before calming himself down. "While I disagree with Kokoro on almost every other word he said, I tend to agree that having my son help us out by killing Graven is a fair and solid option. I haven't proven capable of it in my life-time,but I know full well that he is able to do so. If you'd like me to have that discussion with him I'd be more than happy.."

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