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Sierra Klein

Sierra Klein
It was a dark day and the clouds covered the sky as it rained down on the forest, all the animals sitting in dry places out of view. Suddenly a Garganta opens up and the figure of a small girl who looks about 14 steps out and holds her hand to the sky, feeling the rain as she looks up at the sky.

Sara lowers her hand and looks around the trees as she senses for any form of spiritual pressure that may be coming off of anyone. "I wonder how long its been sense I was in the world of the living, I don't recognize this place either I must have gone off track somehow...." She looks down at her hand and shakes her head before balling her hand into a fist "That's the first time I have ever messed that up." she begins to rant to herself.

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Too much fucking rain..

That was all Ika could think as he looked up at the sky, dark clouds hung overhead and little water droplets tumbled from the sky, covering the earth around him in perspiration. Ika himself was being irritated as shit because he couldn't smoke a cigarette given the rain would quickly put it out, and worse than that he sensed someone knew had wandered into his jungle and what else could it be other than a fucking Arrancar. Once Ika noticed this however he peered out a bit into the jungle and noticed it, a seemingly irritated Arrancar doing the Arthur clenched fist meme, seemingly hating itself for going off track with it's proverbial GPS. So of course what better time was there than now to completely fuck with this poor creature before sending it packing.

It was with this in mind that Ika used Bakudo 26, and quietly snuck up on the Arrancar whilst hanging lightly from a tree. Given that he was a former Captain of squad 2 and that stealth was his MO, there was truthfully very little the Arrancar was going to be able to do about this. Except of course wander right beneath Ika where he would fall on him, pin him, and scare the fuck out of him.

Sierra Klein

Sierra Klein
Tipping her head back, she allows the rain to pour onto her face for a few seconds enjoying the rain for the first time in who knew how many years. "I might as well explore the forest while I am here, its not like I have any-" She senses somebody, though she is soon mixed with confusing as it seems like a mix between a Shinigami and a hollow. "What the....." She gets confused as the presence disappears and decides to head over so she can check it out.

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The Arrancar tipped it's head back and allowed for the rain to pour onto her face, seemingly trying to take in the moment but Ika was frankly not impacted by this in any way. He was still just waiting, and waiting, and fucking waiting, frankly his patience was fading with age and he could feel his beard growing. Finally, it appeared that the Arrancar had become aware of Ika's disappearance and was wandering aimlessly in Ika's general direction. It was Ika's time to strike and so he would, descending quickly from above Ika would pin the Arrancar to the ground and smirk wildly, with his Vizard mask covering his face.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my jungle?" Ika asked this while trying not to laugh at the Arrancar whom was probably a little scared by this point of Ika's immense Spiritual Pressure. Once done, Ika would use Shunpo to get off and try to stop laughing in time to introduce himself to the new Arrancar.

Sierra Klein

Sierra Klein
As the vizard pins her to the ground she gets startled, staring into his eyes as she blushes from embarrassment. "I had to escape hueco mundo for a while, I wasn't intending to cause trouble. Besides its been a while since I have been to the world of the living. Last time I was here, I was still alive." She lays there nervously, overwhelmed by the spiritual pressure coming from the vizard.

She grunts as the man gets off of her and stands up, face hidden behind her hair as she begins to fix her clothes. "My names Sara, and as far as what I am doing in the jungle. I was intending to come out of the garganta near my old home in Germany, I have no idea what went wrong in the void...." She reaches out to shake his hand hesitantly.

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
So it seemed that the Female Arrancar was more or less harmless, not even Espada level and less than violent if her reactions and demeanor were anything to go by. Ika frowned slightly, before pulling himself off of her downed and shaking body. She grunted as Ika lifted himself off of her and as they stood he noticed that her face was largely obscured by her hair whilst she fixed her clothes. He waited for her to introduce herself and as she did he took note that he hadn't really heard of her before now. "My names Ika Mazi and I'll be honest, I've got no clue what on earth you could've fucked up to make a Gargantua open up out here but you should probably avoid ever having that happen again. A lotta people aren't as friendly towards your kind. Frankly I'm not usually but I'll be honest, as far as Hollow's go you're more or less harmless."

Ika accepted the handshake and let his Reitsu slowly fade out a bit so that the girl could perhaps feel a little less intimidated. "So Germany eh? What were you some kinda World War II Fascist Cunt?" Ika smirked, casting a sarcastic smile in her direction as he awaited a response.

Sierra Klein

Sierra Klein
She relaxes as he lets up. "Actually no, Im not that old of an arrancar." She straightens as she finishes fixing her clothes and when she looks up at him her hair slightly shifts revealing a 3 digit number on her face showing shes one of the newer numeros. Besides, I haven't been a hollow that long either. Maybe four or 5 years? I was a quincy growing up and as far as how this came to be. Things kinda just happen?" She shifts to the side and looks at him and thinks to herself He probably thinks I am an idiot......

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika waited for the girl to relax a bit after he had released her and she began to speak up almost immediately, making it known that she hadn't been an Arrancar for very long and she then began to once again try to fix herself up. Fixing her clothes, slightly shifting her hair and it was at this point Ika realized she couldn't be all that powerful. She was a Numeros, one of the Espada's primary Canon Fodder types. She made note of the fact that she was once a Quincy and looked at Ika sideways, as if she was curious as to what his response might be. "If you were a Quincy you should know that Arrancar's aren't exactly welcome in the Human World, but the rest of it is fair enough I suppose.. So, I have a favor to ask of you Arrancar, just out of curiosity if I could please.."

Ika had a plan, it wasn't something drastic but it would be a way to at least get something worthwhile out of this exchange if at all possible.

Sierra Klein

Sierra Klein
Sara quickly perks up and looks at him with a curious look. "What is the question that you have? I will be happy to answer. And I know Arrancar aren't exactly welcome in the world of the living, but the constant night of hueco mundo gets tiring and rather annoying." She leans against a tree and crosses her arms, looking at Ika trying to figure out who he is. "Besides, as long as the favor doesn't require me to harm anyone, then I wont have any issues with it." She sticks her hand out, letting the rain drop on it once again.

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika smirked lightly as it seemed that the Arrancar was more than willing to comply with his favor. "I want you to be on call more or less, when I want to visit Hueco Mundo you're going to be my ticket. When I wish to send someone to Hueco Mundo to train? You're going to be my ticket, and I also want you to be a spy within the Espada to keep me up to date with their comings and goings." Ika allowed this to set in as the rain continued to fall around the two of them. He was plenty happy to see that she had extended her hand out for a handshake, and so he returned the favor with a hand-shake of his own. Provided of course that she was willing to do as he had asked, and provided that there was nothing else here left to concern himself with; Ika was going to bow out.

Provided formalities had been exchanged and it was time to bid the Arrancar adieu, Ika would wander off back towards his base and leave the Arrancar to wander.

-End thread-

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