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Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
[3 days after the resurrection of Shunketsu]

Large thuds fills the hallways of the main tower in las noches leading to the throne room. They are not hurried but they are consistent in their soft yet thunderous echo. Soon they cease as their creator arrives at his pre-determined destination. A long table rests inside of a decent sized room with one chair at its end and ten around it, five on each side. In these seats are the espada who have been waiting for one man for exactly sixty seconds after they arrived. This man finally takes his rightful seat at the lone marble seat at the end of this long slab of stone. It is Senshu Yamaguchi, the new primera and King of Hueco Mundo. He takes a moment look over everyone in the room with his fiery battle tested eyes. The spartan espada then takes a deep breath before beginning this 'meeting', wasting no time with pleasantries. Yamaguchi stands, deciding it would help him better vocalize what he is about to say. His deep brooding voice lets itself loose.

Before i start please forgive me for my longwindedness. I know that i am normally quick with my words but i want to make sure everyone fully understands what i am about to say. I want there to be no trace of confusion left with anyone.As many of you may or may not know, i have become the new of Hueco Mundo..Over the past few days we have lost many of our own because of this 'counciled' democracy we have created. You all rushed in so eager to bring down soul society that you did not heed my warning and wait for the right moment. you did not send the right people in for the job. well, look where that has brought us. back to where we were before the reformation, nowhere. You are all probably wondering what is to become of the espada. you are all likely tired of fighting and i sympathize with you, i truly do. That is why i have called set the record straight on how things will be from here on out. My comrades,my soldiers it has often been said that I like war..comrades, I like war. No, comrades, I love war.

Survival of the Fittest

I love holocausts. I love blitzkriegs. I love defensive lines. I love sieges, charges, I love mop-up operations, and retreats. Wars across prairies, in streets, in trenches, in grasslands, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of war that can occur upon this earth. I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with ceros that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a soldier is tossed into the air and cut to pieces by well placed sniper rounds. And there is nothing like a tank operator using a Tiger 88 to destroy enemy tanks. And the feeling that comes when a soldier runs screaming from his blazing tank only to be mowed down by heavy machine gun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Like when ranks of infantry brandish their katanas rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a fresh recruit stabbing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy. The sight of deserters being strung up from a street lamp is an irresistible pleasure. And there is nothing more arousing, than the sounds made by prisoners of war dropping like flies, screaming in agony as they're mowed down by ear piercing menos grande! When a band of pitiful resistance fighters makes their final stand with nothing but small arms, only to have their city smashed to atoms block by block by 4.8 ton bombshells, I am in ecstasy. I love it when my forces are ravaged by a shinigami armored division. I love to be squashed under the heel of the shinigami and demonic war machines. The humiliation, as my men crawl around like vermin, ducking the Onmitsukidō flying overhead.
Gentlemen... All I ask for is war, a war so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms, what is it you really want? Do you wish for further war as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody war? A war whose fury is built with iron, and lightning, and fire? Do you ask for war to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge, from this Earth?! Very well. Then war is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us, with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" war will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE war! A war beyond any other that this dimensions history has ever known! We are but a single battalion... The remnants of a defeated army numbering less than a thousand strong. However, I believe that each of you old warriors is worth a thousand of their sickly soft children! We represent a force that could easily defeat an army of a million and one men! It is time for us to awake the ones who sent us screaming into oblivion, and who now lie sleeping. Let's drag them out of bed by the hair, and remind them of what we are! We will remind them of what it feels like to live in fear. We will remind them of the sound our jackboots make against their throats. We will remind them, that there are more things between Heaven and Hell than are dreamt of in their philosophy. Our militia of one thousand battle-hardened warriors will burn this world down to ash. Yes, my friends! Soon, earth and soul society and hells charred remains will illuminate the night sky! At last, the sea lion has crossed the ocean and is heading up the hill! Attention soldiers of the Millennium battalion, this is a message from your commander:

My soldiers... I am the GOD of war and YOU are my children! This is not a meeting, but an orientation for what is to be expected in the new world order..

Senshu , his pale white face blushed purple with a furious excitement , takes another breath to calm his anticipation before sitting back down. He then clasps his hands together and slowly places them beneath his chin as his eyes close.

"Now..are there any questions, comments, perhaps one of you disagrees with my sentiment? Please feel free to fully express yourself as no topic is considered taboo. In this room..there will be no repercussions for your actions so again, feel free yourselves...."

Senshu finally grows silent as his dangerous face holds no expression, waiting for someone to comment or question his will


Before any arrancar could speak their peace the doors to the meeting hall would slam open casting white light into the room allowing it to pour over the long table and illuminate the faces of those present. In bringing this light it would silhouette the man who had opened the doors revealing only the outline of a man dressed in rags with a staff in hand and a tail which was flicking about curiously.

"I disagree with one thing!"

The arrancar in the door way shouted as he stepped inside and closed the doors behind him. The light which had filled the room was sealed away back into the hallway outside and the features of the tailed man would now be easier to see without all the backlight. He had wild dark hair pulling into a hardly tamed ponytail and a pair of fierce crimson eyes which were glaring at the self proclaimed god. He wore a vagabonds cloths, hardly a step above rags and he did not even have shoes. Whoever the man was he was obviously not of Las Noches and from the blood stains on the tip of his staff it would be clear that he had fought his way to the meeting chamber through force despite the fact that no powerful reiatsu would have been sensed.

"My name is Monoagre Campallero, Successor to Amido Apolinar! and you are claiming that which is rightfully mine "king" of Las Noches."

The arrogance of the statement itself was perhaps paralleled only by the mocking emphasis Monoagre made on the word "king" as if the very notion that Senshu held the title was a laughable joke. But who was this man to make light of Senshu? He was far weaker by comparison and had not real tangible claim to the throne and yet here he stood with nothing but a name expecting recognition.

"I shall fight in this battle and lead the arrancar to victory but it will not be for your sake. In time I shall make you bow to me and take my rightful place as your king. What do you say to that!?"

The arrancar had a confident grin across his face...He was clearly some kind of mad. How would the current king of las noches take this sudden intrusion and insult? Let alone the insane threat/proposal combination.

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