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#1Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Empty Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:39 pm


At the end of the Captains meeting Zoran, Captain of squad 9 had called a massive torrent of hollow energy was felt, and each Captain present had taken off to their own worries. Minoru has taken it upon himself to head into the Rukongai, along with a large force of various shinigami. As Minoru gathered a force to take on the task of protecting the Rukongai a large mass of hollow had already begun their assault upon the districts. As Minoru and the group he had gathered finally began to make their own way into Rukongai, Minoru witnessed the carnage the hollows were causing. Homes and other various buildings were being destroyed, or lit into flames. Panicking souls were running in terror, some to escape to safety, others only to become a hollows next meal. Quickly Minoru shouted out orders to the men he had brought with him, Alright men this is it! I want everyone in groups of 4-5, keep damage to a minimum! and protect those you can! After his orders were given the men took of into various directions, quickly encountering hollows of their own to deal with.

Minoru kept his place to keep an eye on the men for a few moments, noticing as a few of the sloppier fighters were already taking hits, while the better fighters were making headway. Minoru noticed one of the groups attempt to leave a man who had been knocked out behind, quickly Minoru's angered voice could be heard, No man is to be left behind! Any who try otherwise answer to ME! As he shouted those words out Minoru took off to enter the fight himself, drawing his zanpakuto in a quick draw slash as he shunpo'd past a low class hollow. Quickly after dispatching his first hollow of the fight Minoru found himself surrounded by four hollow, one of which appeared to be adjuchas class. For a few moments all that could be heard was the sounds of battle as Minoru calmly slipped into a battle ready stance, after which the adjuchas hollow spat out Get him! Tear the limbs from his body!

Minoru dodged the first strike to come at him, a sloppy cross from a hollow with a blade like arm. Minoru dispatched the hollow with a quick cut directly down the center of its mask before gripping the incoming arm of another hollow and using the leverage to flip himself over it, landing just a few feet behind it, and a foot or two infront of the Adjuchas. Minoru's golden/jade eyes flashed with murderous intent before he unsealed his reiatsu and they gained their plan jade coloration. The release of Minoru's reiatsu cause a large uproar of wind to swell around him. The wind was parted as Minoru launched himself forward at the adjuchas, noticing that a few of the men he had brought with him had taken the other hollows upon themselves. The adjuchas's arms seemed to be whip like and serrated, a dangerous combination. With a snarl the adjuchas lashed its arms forward striking at Minoru's legs and ribs. Minoru was quick to block the strike aimed for his legs with a quick slash, severing the limb, but took a mild hit to his lower ribs, the hit drawing low amounts of blood along the gash. Minoru would grab the hollows arm before it was able to retract it and point a finger of the opposite hand at the hollows mask as it snarled once again. Hado #4, Byakurai! Minoru's voice would call out before a bolt of white energy would pierce the hollows mask, causing it to crack and dissipate along with the rest of the hollows body.

A few moments after dispatching the Adjuchas hollow Minoru would feel the approach of a much stronger foe. The Epsada were finally making their move.

[if this post is not satisfactory, someone else can do the first post for this section of the event xp]

#2Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Empty Re: Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:56 am


"Seiron the time is now I need you to lead adjuchas into soul society. I know that you won't disappoint me my loyal fraccion. You can start with the rukongai there should be many souls for your to devour there." A distant shadow in the darkness instructed a sleeping Seiron. The figure was holding a pretty strange apple that looked like it was half apple half ice. Taking a chunk out of the apple the figure opened a garganta for Seiron to walk through. From there he walked around Seiron's room waiting for him to finally make his leave.

Seiron smashed his fist on the ground using it to push himself up. "It has been soo long since you've requested that I do something. Do you know how many times I've gone out and risked my life for you? You are still hiding your presence to me are you kidding me!?" Seiron screamed out before swinging his massive fist in the shadowy figures direction. The figure stopped his fist with ease though it did succeed in blowing his cover away.

"You are the tenth espada!? But but you shouldn't be able to stop my fist like that!" Seiron shouted angrily before struggling to completely get up. He balled his other fist and attempted to punch the revealed figure this time around. The figure simply smirked from behind his shades and turned away from Seiron. His energy seemingly flattened Seiron forcing him down to the ground. Before stepping through a personal garganta he looked back at Seiron. "I've known you too long, I'm sure you won't disappoint me." Zerel said with a smirk before stepping through the garganta. He was gone leaving Seiron to deal with his assualt on the rukongai.

"Freaking amazing he uses me then expects me to go fight in soul society. Well i guess if we win I'll get a pretty good position then." Seiron reassured himself before walking through the garganta on all fours. Along with his entire body came an incredible spiritual pressure close to that of captain level. He wasn't simply a hollow he was a rare one of kind hollow with mastery over his evolutions. Towering over the rukongai form the sky Seiron stood there staring magnificently at the destruction.

Opening his mouth he began to suck in all of the weakened citizens of the rukongai and dying shinigami. As he sucked it created a large funnel that sucked out the souls of the deceased and dying. As he was sucking the souls in Seiron was growing in strength. He was just using this as a wake up call. Once he has sucked in as many souls as he could contain he opened his mouth and three rows of six poles started to protrude from his mouth. While these poles were sliding forwards more and more were building up at the back of his throat. Seiron was ready for an open all out attack on the rukongai along.

In a burst he released a continuous flow of black rods from his mouth onto the surrounding area. They came quickly like rain attempting to blot out the sky, but their numbers weren't great enough to do so. The poles did however tear apart the area. Seiron didn't look like he was going to stop either he was going to continue firing until something more interesting came to confront him.
Seirons Current Form:

#3Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Empty Re: Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Fri Apr 06, 2012 7:51 am


After slaying the Adjuchas hollow and a handful of lesser hollow Minoru had begun to try and help those he could. Of course it wasn't easy going, everything was in chaos and hollows were everywhere. The best Minoru could do is try to support the souls in Rukongai while they get to safety. Then Minoru felt it, the sudden surge in hollow reiatsu, it felt like it was easily near the strength of a Captain, maybe higher. Minoru began to quicken his pace, looking out for any hollows near by, for now things were going well. Minoru could now see some more shinigami arriving, backing up the Rukongai Districts further. Unfortunately their arrival would come at a horrific time, Minoru could now see souls of citizens and shinigami alike being pulled into the air, creating a funnel.

Minoru's jade eyes followed the funnel to its source, a monsterous hollow, its size was immense and it had steel like rods emerging from its arms. Minoru burst into shunpo heading towards the massive hollow, as he did so he yelled to any shinigami in hearing range to protect the citizens and wall at all costs. As Minoru neared the hollow it opened its mouth as eighteen black rods emerged. Minoru came nearer when the hollow suddenly unleashed the black rods, firing them into the area's below. While the amount of rods it fired wasn't huge, they unleashed a large amount of damage. Bursting into a faster shunpo Minoru took towards the hollows back hoping to stay out of its view.

When he would near the hollow from behind Minoru would first call upon two kido spells. "Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" Minoru's voice would be hushed as he called out the incantation for Bakudo #61 before continuing into another. "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" Minoru would point his left palm out and his index finger of the right hand as he called out, Bakudo #61 Rikujoko! and Hado #63 Raikoho!. First 6 rods of light would appear around the hollow, moving to entrap it. The Rods of light would be follow by a large powerful wave of yellow energy about 20 seconds later, the wave was aimed for the hollows back.

For a few more seconds Minoru would catch his breath before charging in using shunpo, his goal, arrive at the hollows neck just after the Raikoho hit and went off. Minoru would draw his blade and call upon his Shikai. "Let our bonds flow on the wind, connecting others; Yawe!" the blade in his hands would begin to glow with a jade aura as the shape shifted into that of a Guan Doa. After releasing his shikai Minoru would aim a strong slash horizontally along the hollows neck.

#4Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Empty Re: Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Fri Apr 06, 2012 9:48 pm


Seiron glanced down at a peculiar shinigami zipping around like an annoying fly. He thought it was amusing how he couldn't even feel his reiatsu despite them being within eyesight. Instead of aiming his Gatling of rods at the young shinigami Seiron stopped his onslaught. Despite being in this massive form Seiron watched the shinigami on his little journey to the sky. Thinking of an appropriate joke Seiron smirked callously, "Come young icarus rush towards the sun so you can burnt." Seiron spoke loudly in amusement at the shunpoing shinigami. After saying that little bit Seiron started to laugh incessantly, it was just soo funny. This boy was just too rich in his attempts, most cowered in fear but not this boy. "Dear me David has come to try and slay the giant with his mighty twig.", Seiron joked a bit more taking Minoru too lightly.

Still facing forwards Seiron allowed Minoru to do what he had planned. Though the moment he stopped Seiron was already swinging backwards towards him. He was aiming to bitch slap him as far and as hard as he could. The backhand wasn't slow since Seiron had been watching Minoru the entire time. He wouldn't have the time to do an incanted kido let alone do whatever else he planned. Seiron figured the shinigami thought he was gonna be slow so he had nothing else planned after the smack. Rather he was intent on watching for the boys expression. "Ba ba black sheep." Seiron started but just then he forgot how the nursery rhyme went. He had most of it on the tip of his tongue he just couldn't put it into words.

After his backhand regardless of hitting the shinigami or not, Seiron would turn to face him already forming black rods at the back of his mouth. They weren't protruding out of his mouth yet but he did have them ready for when he was going to need them. A few more shinigami popped up prompting Seiron to smack them down to the ground with relative ease. "Ha ha your impudence is astonishing!" Seiron priased the shinigami for their guts.

#5Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Empty Re: Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:27 am


Minoru had been a fool and careless, expecting the large hollow to be slow due to its size, Minoru hadn't foreseen the hollow's quick reaction. The moment Minoru's shunpo's ceased and he began his incantations the hollow had responded sending a quick backhand in Minoru's direction. Mid-way through the first of two incantations Minoru abandoned the attempt, and quickly drew his blade while calling out the release phrase. Just seconds before the back-hand would strike Minoru he brought his zanpakuto between himself and the attack. Minoru wasn't planning to back down nor simply take the hit. Instead he took the hit, allowing his body to channel its energy as he twisted to the side using the full length of Yawe to cause the hit to just miss as Minoru turned once again to face the hollow. The cost of diverting the hollows attack while not visible, was taxing on Minoru's body due to the large amount of force from the attack.

Immediately after causing the attacks trajectory to change Minoru used shunpo to make way along the hollows arm, as he did so he thrust his blade into the hierro like skin and drew it along the arm. Minoru was simply hoping that he may nick a nerve or tendon and didn't care much for the overall damage. The moment Minoru neared the hollows shoulder he used shunpo to 'vanish' and re-appear behind the hollow reiatsu flowing into his blade as he slashed it diagonally left to right infront of him. As Minoru did so he called out "Windscar!" four large blades of wind erupted from the slash, they would cut into the hollow before 'bursting' into smaller blades and opening the wounds further. After the attack Minoru would use shunpo to put himself in a mid-close range distance from the hollow and point his right index finger at it. "Hado #4 Byakurai!" pale white 'lightning' shot forth aiming for the center of the hollows body.

#6Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Empty Re: Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:41 am


Seiron felt the insignificant weight of the shinigami's zanpakuto press against his skin. If he wasn't already staring at Minoru he probably wouldn't have even noticed the stab. Seiron didn't bother with moving his arm because the shinigami's sword hadn't even passed through the muscle layer. Seiron kindly opened his mouth revealing the black rods that were at the furthest reaches of his throat. As though they were being fired from a loose canon or machine gun they began to cut through the air with ease. There had to be at least ten of them moving at varying speeds alongside Seirons arm. Seiron closed his mouth and waited to see this shinigami get skewered right before his eyes. Seirons wish went unnoticed as the shinigami shunpo'd to his backside.

Quickly Seiron went to turn his body thinking that the shinigami would try to repeat his past actions. As he turned his left shoulder and upper back were torn into by the shinigami's attack. The sting of the hundreds of little blades digging into his skin felt oddly compelling. Seiron enjoyed the tingle, he smiled because of how delightful the pain was. When the shinigami shunpo'd back Seiron quickly shuffled backwards to gain some distance as well. Quickly he shot out a single black rod teeming in red energy at the byakurai. While he waited for the two to clash Seiron raised his hand and a mass of red energy accumulated at the center. The energy started to pulse and grow larger by the second until it was as large as Seirons hand. Eventually the red energy started to escape between the spaces in his fingers.

"Eat this." Seiron said aloud as he fired the massive bala from his hand. It left quickly spiraling as it grew closer and closer. It was easily faster than any other cero despite it's massive size. Something was off about this bala, it should've been smaller and a lot of faster. As it continued to spiral the bala become oval in shape. As it moved it would appear as though a black dot was at the center of the oval shaped bala. More and more and more dots would show up until it was apparent that there were black rods within the bala. "You should stop shunpoing around and face me like a man." Seiron taunted the young shinigami with a devious smirk on his face.

#7Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Empty Re: Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:31 am


As Minoru successfully cut into the hollow's arm it had opened its mouth, firing off a salvo of black rods. Fortunately for Minoru the hollows timing was off and Minoru had already used shunpo to maneuver himself behind the hollow and use his Windscar technique. The Windscar attack successfully struck the hollows upper back and left shoulder. When the hollow matched Minoru's next shunpo and turned to him, Minoru noticed that it was smiling of all things, as if it enjoyed the pain or battle itself. Firing off his Byakurai Minoru watched as the hollow fired another black rod, this one teeming with red energy. As the rod and Byakurai met an explosion erupted, a cloud of smoke clouding Minoru's vision momentarily. Due to the cloud of smoke Minoru had not visually seen the unique bala aimed at him, though he could slightly sense it Minoru barely managed to dodge the attack... or so he thought.

What Minoru hadn't noticed was the black rods rapidly forming within the large bala itself, as the bala had passed Minoru and exploded in the background it had fired these rods out like shrapnel. As Minoru was about to shunpo and move in to attack one of the rapidly moving rods grazed his right side, fracturing several ribs, some of which pierced his lung. Coughing up blood Minoru struggled to breath, holding his zanpakuto in-front of him Minoru used shunpo, pushing his body, and moved in to attack the hollow. While Minoru rapidly moved in he was mumbling the incantation for something under his faulty breath, nearing the hollow Minoru first slashed out with his zanpakuto using the extended reach to his advantage. Immediately following the attack with his zanpakuto Minoru's voice rose, "...eel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" his empty palm held infront of him, suddenly a large wave of yellow lightning like energy was blasted at the hollow in close range. As the hado roared into life Minoru's voice could still be heard, "Hado #63 Raikoho!.

If the hado collided the attack would result in a large explosion, possibly catching Minoru as he moves to shunpo to the hollows left ribcage and slash into it with four rapid strikes. If hado manages to hit and the explosion didn't catch Minoru his attempt to strike the hollow wouldn't be hindered by his own actions, after the slashes Minoru would move to attack the hollows mask in a single powerful strike.

#8Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Empty Re: Terrorizing the Rukongai[War Event] Wed May 02, 2012 9:25 am


"Hmph I'm tired of your meager futility and inept attempts at harming me." Seiron expressed deeply with a forlorn look on his face. A simple quaint sound could be heard as Seiron called upon sonido. The target of the shinigami's attacks had just that easily vanished right before his eyes. As though this shinigami was moving like jello, even at this size Seiron found it easy to outmaneuver Minoru. Appearing at the shinigami's left side Seiron sent a swift right punch at him. Unlike his previous advances this punch was quick and had a massive amount of force behind it. Seiron was intent on destroying this shinigami so that he could finally eat him.

Not moments after the full motion of the punch a black rod popped out of Seirons left shoulder. The rod popped into the air and began to flip until it landed perfectly in Seirons left hand. Upon taking hold of the six foot rod Seiron would swing it directly at the shinigami. Seiron was intending on finishing the shinigami with this two hit combo. As usual Seirons insight was impeccable, this was his fastest physical assault. If the fly proved to be as aerodynamic as his brethren Seiron had planned for that.

Not long after the two hit combo black rods slowly begin to burst through Seirons body. Seemingly the black rods were popping out form everywhere giving Seiron a look akin to a porcupine or a pin cushion. Once all of the rods had successfully protruded form his body Seiron would flex all of his muscles. When he did so the rods would all be ejected in every-which direction intending on causing random destruction. There was about two hundred and fifty six in total each as powerful as the next. This wasn't Seirons objective though he was making his body smaller by doing this. After firing the series of rods Seiron would look around twenty five percent smaller.

If the shinigami was paying attention Seirons mask was wrapped around his tongue. Though for some reason he had dozens of masks on his tongue each extremely different. In this form it could be said that all of them were his mask in unison. Seiron was now in preparation for evolution to gillian class.

Two post until full transformation into gillian form. (Basically the post after my next post.)

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