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#1[Open] The Fledgling Rider ~Enter Dietrich~ Empty [Open] The Fledgling Rider ~Enter Dietrich~ Sun Jun 09, 2019 10:16 pm

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Dietrich casually wandered the streets of Berlin with his hands in his pockets and his head held high. With his gaze facing forward and his young, stylish look the young Bount was certainly catching the eyes of a few in the crowd around him based on what they perceived as confidence in himself. However, pretty much all of them couldn't see what Dietrich was really looking around slowly for. "Let's see... There's one, yikes." Dietrich muttered quietly to himself as he saw a Hollow drag someone into an alley and consume them, with the public at large none the wiser. The blonde-haired male took an erratic turn and avoided the scene of carnage, lest the beast decided it was still hungry.


[Shut up, Ascalon. I'm not in the mood to run around playing tag with you and a Hollow. Plus, there's too many people. Eating that many souls will give me a stomach ache...]

Dietrich sighed as he focused on his link with Ascalon, currently strung around his neck in a pendant. Why'd he end up with such a battle-hungry Doll, of all things? It was times like these he really wished he could meet one or two of his more experienced brethren.

[Are all Dolls such pains in the ass?]

[Hmph, I could say the same about you. Aaaah... Why'd I get stuck with such a useless Bount?]

Ascalon let out a telepathic sigh in the way he usually did. Dietrich could easily picture him shaking his large reptilian head in his mind's eye. Really though, there was no point in fighting. This was a world of monsters, of spirits with immense and terrible power. The top was just... too far for Dietrich to even bother. He had no drive, no ambition to climb the ranks right now.

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Fritz was a pretty low rent Quincy if we're being honest with ourselves, and he hardly had any business even going as far as to call himself a Quincy. His power was minimal to put it mildly, and he hadn't even been able to link up with his own kind yet. It was kind of pathetic in a way, and it genuinely brought him a small bit of sadness that despite his status as a Quincy his own kind didn't seem to have any particular interest in him. Nonetheless it appeared that he had stumbled upon some strange human with a.. doll?.. Pet?.. What the fuck even was that god awful thing..

Fritz raised an eyebrow in the mans general direction and cast him a very lazy wave as he passed by, emitting a mediocre amount of Reiryoku as he did so. He was hopeful that this meager amount of Reitsu would attract someone or something of interest. Specifically, not this guy..

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho

At some point (Dietrich wasn't really sure when) Ascalon had popped out of his pendant form and was glaring down some random dude emitting a pretty meager level of Reiryoku, even for someone pretty low on the totem pole of the spiritual world like him. "Down boy," Dietrich muttered to his Doll and pushed him back down into pendant form before lazily walking up to this guy in the most non-threatening, I-couldn't-give-two-shits manner you can possibly imagine.

"You here to slay that hollow in that alley? It just dragged off another person. I'm not dealing with it though because that's uhhhh... Not my problem." Dietrich shrugged and shoved one hand in his pocket before sticking out the other in a greeting. "I'm Dietrich."

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi

The Bounto seemed to speak to his Doll like a pet, telling it "Down Boy" as he pushed it back down into his pendant. He then began to approach Fritz lazily, walking up to him in the least threatening, least fucks given manner one could imagine. The dude reeked of false-confidence and mediocre resolve but Fritz couldn't say anything better than that for himself either so, who knew, maybe they'd end up friends when this was all said and done. Fritz glared as the boy spoke of a Hollow dragging a human down the alley way for lunch. Their screams pierced the darkness with an irritating sound that Fritz knew was going to force him into action. He sighed a bit, drawing his meager bow out of the air before muttering under his breath "if I hit them both I hope that's a two for one deal.. fucking hell."

Once Fritz fired the arrow and killed the Hollow he extended his off hand towards the Bounto while the Hollow faded to dust. "Names Fritz, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
"Dietrich. Likewise, I guess..." The Bount took Fritz's hand and returned the handshake. "Nice aim, by the way. Dealing with Hollows is a pain in the ass so I generally leave them up to whoever else is in the area taking care of spiritual issues." Dietrich sighed and and shrugged as if to say 'What can you do?' "Anyway, that dumb-looking and obnoxious dragon you saw earlier was my Doll A-"

[I CAN INTRODUCE MYSELF, GODDAMMIT!] At that moment, Ascalon popped out of the pendant and peered down at Fritz. [My name is Ascalon. Ignore his cool-guy act, he's really just a huge coward...] Ascalon snorted as he shifted his gaze to glare smugly down at Dietrich though the young Bount didn't react in the slightest. "At least I'm a fast coward. You're just a reckless idiot. It's like taking the dog with the world's fullest bladder to a war memorial. He tries to mark everything, especially the things he shouldn't."

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The Bounto seemed pretty aloof as he returned Fritz's handshake, and the follow-up compliments on Fritz's aim did little more than give him a mildly swelled head and inflated sense of self-importance. "Oh thanks man, it's really not a problem, after-all, we Quincies are kind of meant to deal with Hollow's and anything else that threatens the Human World you know?" Fritz smiled slightly and listened intently as the boy began to introduce his doll, and as he waited to here it's name it seemed that the doll had other plans. Unfortunately for Fritz, one of the plans he appeared to have included scaring the ever-loving fuck out of Fritz.

As the Doll jumped out Fritz fell onto his back in an instant and drew his bow, aiming an arrow at it's head before realizing what it was. He had read about Bounto's and their dolls before and as he realized this, his heart slowed down considerably. Fritz watched as the two bantered back and forth and couldn't help but be taken aback by the encounter, he was befuddled. "Last I heard your kind were almost extinct. Most of you are locked up in the Soul Society so how the heck are you here?.."

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
"Fuck if I know, dude...After about 5 years of not really aging I began to pick up on the fact that I was... different. Turns out my parents didn't even adopt me properly, they just sorta found me and jumped through the legal loopholes to raise me as their kid. Of course that was before they realized I was 'the Spawn of the Devil.'" Dietrich made air-quotes with his fingers at the mention of that last part, something that would normally be a painful memory but he didn't seem to be particularly bothered by it.

"Actually, wait. Hooold up." Dietrich blinked a couple times then pinched the bridge of his nose and held a hand out to help Fritz up. "You... know what I am? I don't suppose you could tell me, yeah? Living under the assumption that I'm some kind of soul-eating, life force drinking devil-spawn has been kind of a pain in the ass... Unless I AM devil-spawn. Then I don't really care, I already knew that."

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
So Dietrich was certainly a character if his manner of speaking and recounting of his own life-story were anything to go off of, but it was a little depressing to think that the boy didn't even really understand his own heredity, especially since it was such a large thing in Fritz's own day-to-day life. The Bounto reached out to give Fritz a hand in pulling himself off the ground and Fritz reciprocated, grabbing the hand and smiling thankfully in the man's direction before speaking as directly as he could. "I don't believe you're the devil spawn I believe you're just like any other race. A being focused on your own survival, I think thinking of your kind in a negative light when beings such as Sinners and filthy fucking Hollows exist is well.. A waste of energy. Not to mention that the beings truly responsible for your existence are the Shinigami, and they're the supposed moral arbiters of the world.."

Fritz caught himself and sighed. "But that's another story. If you couldn't tell, I am a Quincy, a proud warrior race but one with dwindling numbers to say the very least.." Fritz sighed to himself, and awaited the boy's response.

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