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#1The art of the deal Empty The art of the deal Fri May 31, 2019 8:04 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika walked into the Gotei, ignoring any and all Shinigami who attempted to stop him from marching into the Captain Commanders quarters. He had heard that his father had stepped down to be replaced by Kaede and in truth he was not surprised. It was only a matter of time, the man was getting pretty god damn old these days. It was with this in mind that Ika would push the doors open and enter the Captain Commanders room unabated, exerting his Spiritual Pressure briefly to chase off any oncoming irritants with a death-wish. He needed to be able to have a one on one conversation and as he finally made his way in front of the Captain Commander he smirked, tossing them a cheeky wave. "Hey, call off your dogs before I pop them on the nose."

Provided that Kaede had fulfilled his wishes he would return to a neutral stance, allowing for his relaxed demeanor to convey the fact that he wasn't really here looking for violence. "I'll make this short and sweet, the Human World needs help and I've decided to take the task on myself." Ika let that sink in for a moment before continuing, "I want to talk to my old friends and my children to see who wishes to join me. I hope that you'll respect my request and their own wishes if it comes to that." Ika awaited a response eagerly, and was pretty much hoping to get out of here without a hitch or a need to make threats.

#2The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Fri May 31, 2019 9:19 am


Kaede looks up as the door to his office opened, revealing well for lack of a better term, a ghost from the past. The son of the former captain commander, who practically vanished years ago. Raising an eyebrow Kaede would pretty much let his surprise come out full force "Holy fuck, you are still alive, we thought you up and died years ago." Blinking his way through Ika's request Kaede would bite his lip slightly while thinking it through, "I agree that earth needs some help, and if you would rather create a sort of branch office in the human world rather than rejoin the gotei, I think that might be a good idea, especially seeing as some of the gotei is voting for a more isolationist approach to the world. As for meeting with those people I agree, but on one condition, we bring them here to you, rather than you wandering around causing more of a stir."

As Kaede finished his statement he would put on the most serious face he could muster, clasping his hands on his desk in front of him. "Fair enough?"

#3The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:06 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika smirked as it was clear that Kaede was surprised by his appearance, and thankfully he had given him the opportunity to say something he had wanted to say for years. "Rumors of my demise as you may now obviously know have been greatly exaggerated, and frankly I'm a bit let down that you think it's that easy to just.. kill me Kaede, you should know better. Remember the good old days where we'd spar and you didn't land a hit for what, a hundred sessions? Good times by the way, your squad made excellent whipping boys but enough reminiscing about better times I'm here to talk about a more depressing timeline." It seemed that Kaede was processing Ika's request, he bit his lip and Ika smirked, knowing full-well that Kaede was going to give in to what Ika wanted.

Ika listened to what the man said and pondered it for a moment, loosely considering the prospects of what he had just said. "Very well, I'll write you out a list and I want all of them taken to me one at a time. If you can do that, I'm willing to stay put and not wander around the Rukongai like a drunk. If that's acceptable, I'll go ahead and give you the list.." Ika eagerly awaited a response, so he could go ahead and get this over with."

#4The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Mon Jun 03, 2019 6:52 am


Kaede shrugged, frankly it was more of an assumption that lead to those rumors than anything else. Either way the red-haired captain commander couldn't care less, he was just glad that the person before him was being amicable for now, because even before that whole monstrous incident the number of people that could go toe to toe with him were few and far between, and frankly Kaede wasn't sure just how much stronger he had gotten, or what the losses would be to try and contain or kill him. Plus if he was still following the mission set out by the gotei of protecting the balance and mankind, then there was no reason to even try. Plus this could be advantageous, having a shadow operation still doing work should the isolationists win out, and since it would be completely hands off Kaede would have plausible deniability.

Looking over the list Kaede saw names he expected of course, All of the Mazi's were on the list, as well as Reno, Kokoro, Okami, and Akane. Upon seeing that last name Kaede's head shook, "All of these shouldn't be too much of a problem, only one that is an issue would be Akane. She has been missing for a while, the last anyone in the Gotei had seen her, they were scouting out the Gotei, but they weren't 100% sure if it was her. Well, lets start with your daughter, Kat"

With that said Kaede would step out of his office flagging down one of his aides to go and fetch Kat Mazi.

#5The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:07 pm


Honestly, the only thing Kat intended on doing on this day was napping, since she hated doing paperwork. Besides, it could wait until tomorrow or something. Hell, she might have even been able to convince someone else to do it. Today though, she wouldn't worry about it. She was left to her own devices within her office locked away behind a wooden door. Not many people came to visit her anyway, especially people of her own squad, unless they needed her assistance or permission for something. A knock upon her office door left her to raise her head as it opened without her speaking. Squad 1? She definitely didn't expect for the new Captain Commander to come around asking for her presence. What did he want? She didn't really care to ask, but she was informed of who had sent the messenger leaving her to sigh. Guess she wasn't getting that nap in today.

As quickly as she could, Kat would make her way to Squsd 1 complying with the other shinigami who lead her to the Captain Commander. A knock on Kaede's door and an announcement of Kat would take place before the shinigami would slip around behind her to fuck off. The door would close behind her as she looked at the two. Her body stood like a statue as she looked between them both with fairly wide eyes. "Dad?" This was the only thing she could ask as her brain malfunctioned for just a quick moment. Why was he here? What was happening? What did they want with her? Did he not hate Ika like everyone else? She had way too many questions.

#6The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Mon Jun 03, 2019 10:58 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika heard the pattering of tiny feet and knew that the first order of business had been to get Kat to visit him and as such he smirked lightly. Ika waited for a knock on the door and as Kat was introduced Ika's smirk turned into a fully discernible smile, and he couldn't help but to be a bit giddy about seeing his own child for the first time in several years. As the door closed behind her, she looked at Kaede and Ika with fairly wide eyes, and she was as still as a statue when she realized just who exactly she would be talking to. "Yes, no flash photography but it is in fact your beloved father, and I've come to give you an offer of sorts."

Ika walked over to her, crouching slightly and resting a hand on her shoulder. "I want you to come with me to the Human World, I'm starting an organization to protect the Humans and to pursue a few other goals I have.. And I can't think of anyone better to join me for that than my beloved daughter." As Ika said this he smiled cheerfully, hoping that the affectionate behavior would result in an affirmative response.

#7The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:37 pm


Emerald eyes stared her father down, as she was now completely ignoring the fact that Kaede was still in the room. He would affirm that he was, in fact, who she said he was before bringing up that he had a proposal of sorts for her. She hadn't seen him in so long, years to be more precise and now he was about to ask something of her. He didn't skip a beat trying to get what was best for him out of the situation and he was acting in the same selfish manner as always. Nothing had changed.

He would walk over to her statuesque self and place a hand on her shoulder. Emerald eyes would glance to her shoulder and then back to her father. Immediately, he would begin telling her of his plans, his ideas, and his hopes for her joining his organization. After a moment of him speaking, Kat would seem to slowly ball up her hands into fists and her face would twist into a confused mess. "I haven't seen you... in years. You never came to visit, you never sent me word of where you were, what you were doing, or anything, you left me here all by myself. I've been here with that old grouchy gramps and he hardly even knew my name. Do you even know what that was like? Now, you come back here... as selfish as ever.. and come to get me for your own stupid plans. Why do you care about the humans anyway? What do they have to offer you that caring about your own child doesn't?" Her voice was growing more annoyed and her eyes seemed to be filling with anger. "Do you actually care about me or do you just want me around because I'm stronger now?"

#8The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:18 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Kat stared Ika down with her pretty green eyes that somewhat reminded him of his mothers. As Ika gave her his proposal it seemed that she had endured a lot of confusion and angst in his time away and seemingly thought less of him as a human being. She languished about how she never saw him, how he had left her all by himself and in a way it made him sad. As she continued he felt trapped, cornered by his own selfish actions from his past as he held her in tightly. As she spoke, as her anger became more and more apparent he could feel her skin heating up. At a certain point he could feel his arms start to burn, his regeneration was trying desperately to stop it but her body was so warm that he couldn't keep up and even so he held on before continuing. "Everything I did I thought I did for you. When I left I did it to take the target off my back. When I left again I did it to create a world you could thrive in, as opposed to the win I lived in.. But I see now that you were always better than that."

Ika hugged her tightly and for the first time in a while a tear fell from his right eye and evaporated as it touched her skin. "I was wrong to leave you behind but not because you were strong enough to contribute, but because you were my daughter. You deserved better than that even if what I thought I was giving you was the best. I'm sorry.." Ika's skin was burning red by this point as he held on but he didn't want to release his grip. Not again.

#9The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Thu Jun 13, 2019 3:57 am


As she grew more and more annoyed, her body temperature slowly ascended past levels that would have anyone else melting in their own skin. Her whole being seemed to let off a light steam as her emotions fluctuated inside of her head. Even as Ika was holding on to her, she wouldn't realize the change in her outer self nor the pain she was inflicting on her father's arms. As she finished her words, it seemed she was dead set on just walking away from him. What could he possibly say? What could he possibly do to change her mind? Did he even know how to be a parent? Did he really care?

With just a mere moment passing by, Ika would begin to speak, stating his case and point from the very beginning. It would grab her attention, but it wouldn't be enough to calm her emotions just yet. He told her why he left. He told her his reasonings, his thoughts, and his goals. He told her why she had been left here. He told her why he had left her here. Her face looked down and away from him as it held a bit of a scowl, although she was trying harder to feel anger. Instead, she was beginning to feel more sad, more guilt, more longing, and more forgiveness. Then, a single small sizzling noise could be heard on her skin prompting her to immediately jump.

She had finally noticed what she had been doing this whole time. She had finally realized the pain she had been inflicting, the heat that had been eminating from her body. Almost instantly she would begin to try to cool her skin all the while her heart would sink into her stomach. He would tell her that he regretted his decision, that he was wrong, and that he was sorry. He was sorry? He actually apologized to her? As he would speak his last words, tears would begin to well up in Kat's eyes from a mixture of guilt, sadness, and joy. She was an emotional mess by the time he finished speaking as the tears would overflow. Her arms would hesitantly raise to hug him in return. "I'm sorry," she would say in a hushed tone. "I guess I'm not as strong as I think I am. Blaming you. Being angry with you. I'm just a stupid kid," she would admit as she would seem to grow far more calm and perhaps even more dull. Her eyes would look in a direction away from Ika, but they didn't seem to be seeing anything at this point. "I didn't mean to hurt you either. That happens when I'm angry. I can't control it. Nobody ever gets close enough, so I don't usually have to worry about anyone getting hurt. I'm sorry." Would he still want her to join him? She was pretty sure that if he asked her again, she wouldn't be able to deny. Kat may have been an angsty teen, but she loved her father. He was really all she had, besides Seiji. For some reason though, she felt a strong urge to kick his ass.

#10The art of the deal Empty Re: The art of the deal Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:28 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
She had finally noticed that she was hurting him, and the heat emanating from her whole body would seemingly cease in an instant. Almost instantly she had begun to cool down her skin and she seemed disheartened to know that she had burned Ika rather badly. As Ika gave her his story she reached up for him, to hug him and apologize in a hushed tone. Ika reciprocated her hug and gently stroked her hair as she spoke to him. He listened to her careful resolve and patted her gently, waiting for her to finish properly before he could speak to her. "You may be a dumb stupid kid, but you're my dumb stupid kid and on the basis of that alone dear, you're ahead of other kids by quite some margin. You're stronger than you could ever know and that's why you were the first person I wanted to come to, the first person I wanted to talk to. I missed my daughter very much, and I felt that it was time for you to come home."

Ika smiled gently in her direction, cupping her hands within his own before giving her a small kiss on the cheek. Ika took a knee, not having truly released the woman since they had last met. "So.. Kat.. my beautiful daughter.. are you ready to come home with me?.."

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