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#1[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:34 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
New york, A nest of humans going about their daily lives like worker bees. One big hive of annoying voices, vibrations, the shouts and screams of people doing god knows what. Most were unaware of the horrors of the world and the beings that fight them and most were ungrateful and still threw their lives away for senseless shit.

A girl stood on a beam of a currently being worked on construction site. Her hood covered most of her face as she looked down at the massive monsters figure laying dead on the cement below. She lifted her claw-like hand of her right side up looking at the hollowed mask or what was left of it as she looked down her gold and black eye glowed through the darkness of the hood and bangs of pink hair "Rest in peace..Your suffering has ended...Maybe someday, I will join you."SHe whispered seeing the creature disintegrate along with the mask. She sighed before looking up  at the sky "May they find a better life then this one."She whispered wincing some at the throbbing in her hand. She quickly rewrapped it and found the sling she kept it in.

She left the destruction site flying across the skyline of new york city from rooftop to rooftop. She descended into central time square landing gently adjusting her massive oversized hoodie. Two large pink ears poked through the holes in her hood. She hides her arm inside her hoodie. She sighed walking among the crowd blending in unsure whether to go to her home or continue roaming. She looked up as a thought of Ookami and her popped into her head before she lifted her left hand looking at the ring on her finger "Why can't you make him move on.."She whispered to herself continuing among the crowd

#2[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:57 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Dull, lifeless silver eyes gazed across the skyline of New York City listlessly, their owner's expressionless face twitching in the morning sun. Once upon a time, he would have cried, wailed, and acted like a massive baby if someone had told him he needed to be awake and through a Senkaimon just before dawn broke. Those days, however, were long behind him. A sleeveless Shihakusho sat on his form, his black katana tucked into his obi as he thought over his latest mission.

A massive amount of Hollow reiatsu had been sensed in this area, and he was to eliminate the problem.

It was easy enough for him, the attack dog thought to himself. The Vizard were treated as trash in their own homes, and it was widely considered that the only thing they COULD do was fight and kill. So, he did. It was far easier than dealing with the hole that was left in his heart when his fiancee left the Seireitei, and was proclaimed dead. Picking up on a hint of reiatsu leaving a nearby construction site, the black-hired male disappeared in a whisper of Shunpo.

Reappearing on a street nearby, he ran his eyes over the crowd in order to discover the source of the nearby reiatsu. He was absolute garbage at sensing, but he figured that something giving off this much energy would be easy to spot. Noticing a female wearing a large hoodie, with two pink rabbit ears sticking out of holes torn into it, he wandered over and gently placed a hand on her shoulder before using Shunpo once more, to bring them to a small clearing in a nearby park. Speaking up, his usual comforting baritone gone and replaced by an emotionless monotone, Okami would speak. "...Care to explain yourself before I kill you, Hollow?"

#3[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:14 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna was lost in thought being brought back by the light pressure on her shoulder Before she could turn or react she was pulled along int the shunpo blinking to find they were in a park. She listened to the monotone voice keeping her back to the questioner. It couldn't be. Why the hell was he here? She calmed her mind straightening herself up keeping her back to him "Depends, care to explain your own self Ookami Shiba...You certainly have taken a turn towards the worst."SHe said gently lifting her left hand up pulling her hood back letting her cotton candy pink hair free from the hood as her ears blew with the breeze. She stepped forwards removing her shoulder from his hand before stopping a few steps. She slowly turned towards him. Her bangs were a lot longer then they were ages ago and brushed over to her right side. She unzipped her hoodie allowing her slung wrapped arm free from it's grasping "It has been a while."She replied gently to him watching

#4[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:33 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami's silver eyes widened, sparking with life for the first time in what centuries. Hell, it might have BEEN centuries. Things had begun to feel like a blur, and he had ended up living from mission to mission, kill to kill, not knowing whether or not what he was doing was just and, frankly, not caring anymore. At the sight of his fiancee, the only one he'd ever truly loved, his entire facade broke, tears dripping from his eyes and his jaw dropping. Reaching out with one hand, hesitantly, the Vizard spoke in a voice stained with his tears. "...Anna? Is that really you? I...I thought you were dead. Seishin told me that you had been killed..."

Dropping to his knees, he raised his hands and gripped his hair, tugging on it to try to bring himself back to reality. It didn't work, however. All he could see was the Nanashi Estate, burning, bodies everywhere, and that old hag Seishin spouting off that Anna had been killed after she Hollowfied, that she was nothing but a beast. That the only reason he was any better at all was because of his family and heritage being as high as it was. Black reiatsu started to flow around him, and the ground started to shake under the pressure of his grief.

#5[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:47 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"It was better for my family and those around me to have believed that. Being this is something, No one should ever be."She spoke blankly watching his reaction. She watched him crumble into a crying mess as she sighed closing her eyes. She came to terms with what she lost ages ago. She hides and locked all she knew of her past in a deep void that was her heart. "That is typical mom. She always hated hollows and being this...made me weak and dead to her family."She said "I claim several of my loyal men and clansmen when I escaped to this world. It hurt but the seritei couldn't afford to lose both of us ."She spoke moving forward to him before she crouched down on one knee "listen...It's alright...I am real and I am alive...Somewhat."She whispered reaching her hand forward pulling him close to her "Calm down..."She said

#6[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:03 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Breathing deeply and regaining control over his raging emotions and energy, Okami would reach out and pull Anna into a hug, hesitantly at first, then more firmly. "You're alive...I can't believe it. All this time, I've been hoping to die and see you again, and yet you're right here. This is..."

Laughter, clear and mirthful, tore itself from his throat for the first time in decades as he pulled Anna towards him, practically on top of him as he rolled through the grass, ending with her straddling his chest. Reaching up, Okami cupped her cheek with one hand while reaching up and fondling one of Anna's ears with the other. "These are new...I think I like them. They're soft!"

A teasing smirk was on his face, even as he continued to manipulate the ear back and forth between his fingers, never enough to hurt but enough to make it obvious.

Damn, he'd missed this.

#7[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:15 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"you were meant to think that cause your too damn stubborn to just die."She replied before she was taken by surprise of a laugh coming from him before her grabbed her pulling her close. "Ookami!" she exclaimed as they rolled with her ending on top of him. she blinked feeling him touch her cheek while feeling her ears "Ookami...You goof." she said blushing some. she always found them annoying and his antics are annoying but she wasn't going to deny that it felt really good seeing her old Ookami back and right in front of her "I hate them cause my hearing is now from them while my other ones are kinda just now there for whatever reason" she said letting out a sigh letting him enjoy her ears

#8[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:40 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Looking his beloved in the eye as she flushed in embarrassment, the Head of the Shiba Clan chuckled as he moved the hand playing with Anna's ears down to her face. Sitting up, he would kiss her forehead in the manner he had so many times before, resting his own against it while looking into her eyes, silver meeting blue. "You should know that little things like those don't bother me, but...It's probably better that you'd left, in the end. The Gotei treats the Vizards as second-class citizens, living weapons that are either controlled by them or killed for being a supposed threat to the balance. I...I'm one of the former. I'm just the Captains' attack dog, sent where they can't risk their own necks to do their dirty work. I've lost count of how many I've been forced to kill. Not just Hollows, but rogue Shinigami, Vizards, even humans who have gotten too deep over the years."

As he spoke, Okami's left eye flashed red and a bit of black seeped into his sclera, just to prove his words true. He had long since dominated his Inner Hollow, but that truly didn't matter to anyone in the Soul Society. It was funny, in a sense, how they'd throw aside even a former Captain if he wasn't something they understood or could control. "The only thing that kept me sane...was thinking of you."

#9[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:48 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna smiled closing her eyes feeling the once so familar forehead kiss feel on her forehead. She listened to his words as she sighed "Being the Kido Commander told me all i needed to know. My family has always hated all thing hollow by instinct from my upbringing i knew ifi stay, i would die by a hand that was not my own nor would my life or former title mean anything the moment i was found out. I knew of the attack on me when seishin notice the change in the way i kinda hide more in my room and i think she read my journal of my own observations"She said to him. "I probably would be put to death if i was brough back or if my survival is known to them. SO many secrets and knowledge in my head, my mind is its own weapon and a reason I allowed my death to be seen."She said "I knew you would survive no matter what the seritei would become and I knew you would keep it safe. I hated leaving you behind but...I didn't think you were becoming what i was and well still am...I don't think i am fully my own anymore"She said looking at her arm before looking back at him "even now i would not be welcomed or use to anyone."She added

#10[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:39 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami chuckled morosely and nodded at Anna's observation, lifting an eyebrow when she implied that there was something wrong with her, as if her transformation was somehow off. "Don't worry so much about the more obvious parts of the transformation. You'll get a handle on them, with time and practice. I've gotten to the point where I'm able to fully merge with my Inner Hollow, even.

Leaning back, the Captain-turned-Vizard sighed and closed his eyes, opening them once more and looked deeply into Anna's eyes. "I won't tell anyone about this. You still know how to get a hold of me, yeah? If you ever need help, or anything, send a Hell Butterfly or use one of the Nanashi Famliy Kidou. Just...don't give up. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you a second time."

The look in his eyes proved his words were true. He'd almost lost himself once, and if anything happened to her, he'd do it again and wouldn't come back.

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