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#11[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:02 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"I know my abiltieis and the meanings of my features. my ears i blend in with the bif cartoon crowd. Alot of these humans think i wear contacts on my hollowed eye and my morphed arm is broken considered to them."She said taking it out of the sling undoing the wrapping to revealed the more hollowfied version of her hand "this is scary."She said holding up both hands showing the difference before moving the hair from her eye revealing and black and gold slit eye "I also think i still have mask fragments on me...I don't think...I am completely through my hollowfication...."She said gently moving some hair behind her ear revealing a few pieces of white texture much like a mask.

She was relieved to hear it "I don't care if the seritei find out grandmother...Amaya...I don't think they can really handle it. I am sure Grandma speaks badly of me for this misfortune and I am sure she knows I am surely alive. But I know she still cares about me but the family and status must be is essential" she said looking down. "Amaya...I know she probably feels betrayed and hates me for this...I probably would as well and well faking my death in that fire...I don't think she could handle it...I Don't think I could handle seeing either of them."She said softening the tone of her voice as she was sad for what choice she made "I miss my life but staying would ruin the lives of my family and me...I just couldn't do that" she added.

She looked up at him nodding "I know how to get ahold of you. But If you can do something...Please watch over my family and forgive them for how they must have acted towards you and all this.."She begged, "I know they don't deserve it, nor do I have a right to ask anything of you after all that has happened from what I done."She said looking towards the ground again

#12[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:27 pm

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Smiling softly as Anna displayed her more Hollow-like features, Okami would listen to her concerns, pulling her in close once more. Listening to her request, he chuckled softly, holding his girl even closer before whispering something in her ear. "Don't worry...I already have."

As soon as he had spoken, he'd bring Anna into a kiss, their first in who knows how long. It was chaste and simple, but conveyed all the love he had ever held towards the girl he's been crazy about for more than a millennium. Running his hands down her back to rest on her hips, Okami pulled back a few inches, his usual lazy smile spreading across his face. "Damn, I've missed you..."

The sun seemed to shine brighter, the wind was pleasant, and the color had returned to his world.

Okami was at peace, here, in Anna's arms.

#13[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:20 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna hides her hand again while being pulled into a hug relaxing when she heard he already has. She knew how her family tends to react to all things, not pure shinigami. She understood why they were that way, however, she didn't fully agree cause yes, She was loyal to the gotei and the life she once held but she wasn't going to bend to the constant assault of her unwanted powers and abilities.

She returned the Kiss before relaxing her head against his shoulder "I have missed this and you very much. However, this world isn't safe for our kind just like the gotei isn't the safest place either. How has it turned since the hollowfication?" she asked closing her eyes. She rested her hands in her lap just enjoying having his company

#14[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:03 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami seemed to think over his words briefly, a small, wistful smile crossing his face as he came to the crutch of the matter. "Honestly? It hasn't changed much at all, and I don't know how to feel about it. They're scared of anything different, and the higher-ups just view the Vizard as uncontrollable liabilities. It's...fairly similar to how they view Quincy, all things considered. Other than that, it's as if there hasn't been a day that's gone by..."

Looking Anna in the eye, the black-haired male would sigh and make to get up, brushing grass off his robes and looking around almost longingly. "I wish that things could stay like this forever. Not having to worry about politics, suicide missions, discrimination, and just staying here with you...It'd be something out of a dream. Unfortunately, it'd never last..."

Drawing his Zanpakuto, Okami would just look into the gleaming steel that made up the blade of his partner, noticing the happy gleam the blade had taken despite the melancholy they both felt. "I've been a soldier for far too long. I've never known anything else. I've lost count of how many people I've killed, how much blood is on my hands...The only peace I've ever found has been with you, and the only tranquility I feel is with a blade in my hand."

Smiling once more at Anna, longingly, Okami thrust his sword into the air and turned, unlocking a door through dimensions. "I should go. I've been gone for too long, and they'll start asking questions. Perhaps we'll see each other again soon..."

With that, the attack dog walked through the door, allowing it to shut behind him and hide his tears.

[Thread Exit]

#15[Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Open] Wakening the Dead (Finished) Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:41 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna listened to him speak of the gotei not being much of a change since she was last there and that was one thing she knew definitely of her family. She felt him moved before getting up as she remained sitting on the ground listening to him as she could tell he wasn't happy there nor was he able to bring himself to just op and leave to the life she did. She slowly stood up seeing the door form from his blade unlocking it. "I don't know when we will meet again...but be safe till then alright?"She spoke gently watching him walk through the door leaving her alone in the park.

She sighed pull back up her hat and hood before standing up wiping her clothes off "It was good to see him while I still had time left...May the Soul king keep you safe my love."She whispered looking towards the sky before turning on her heels vanishing in a shunpo to an unknown place.

(thread ended)

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