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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Alarms sounded and the barrier around the soul society increased and the patrolling shinigami was on high guard running and shunpo around the various areas of the seritei and the Rukenogi as if looking for someone or something. Luckily most never think of looking around where the obvious nobility would reside as they gave themselves away like a sore thumb compared to the seritei and the poor districts. A black cloaked figure resided in the shadows of a building, it's reistu completely hidden as it was crouched watching and waiting for something..For what, well that was to be seen. the figure looked around closing it's bright neon cyan eyes listening to shouts and calls of patrols retreating from the area back to the seritei to find a said ' monster' If only they saw themselves in the mirror.

The figure moved from the shadow once all seemed quiet as the black cloak withered down into the figure's very skinny looking pants. a equally black tank top hide his chest as the smell of blood and black ooze hide amongest the shirt. the figure's sandy blonde hair reaching well past his waist. a clay part of what seemed a broken horn rested at his left temple. His cyan eyes looked around taking a few steps before hearing the sound of sandal footsteps and a odd reistu that reminded him of something small and cute. maybe a rabbit? This made her curious as he moved to the edge of the building looking out from a corner watching a pink kimono figure with two equally pink pigtails resting down to her waist. Neile was confused by anyone liked that much pink and why a ordinary looking soul gave him a presence of a rabbit. He didn't sense anyone else around so fair.

He calculated odds in his head before he decided he needed to regenerate what he lost and the fact he got a prey reistu in front of him...there was no way this snack could go bad on him. He moved from his hiding place adjusting his bangs to cover his mask fragment as his arm shrink inside making him look injured his clothes taking the form of a battle torn uniform. He falsely stumbled from his hiding place leaning against a wall holding the non existent arm catching the attention of the pink girl moving quickly over him "oh no...Your hurt. Hold on I know some healing Kidou...It's not strong but it will help till i can get a hold of the 4th squad..."She spoke as her big blue eyes watched the fake shinigami. She didn't notice anything to strange other then she couldn't sense his reistu for some reason. maybe he knew how to hide it very well. that had to be it.

She sat down the basket she was carrying of flowers as she crouched near by him examining the would before casting a light healing kidou towards it holding out her glowing hands about to begin healing before taken by surprise by his hand grabbing both of hers. She attempted to pull away only feeling his grip tightened around her wrists causing her to gasp and wince "Let go of me your hurting me."She said.

Neile kept his grip tight as he slowly stood back up standing at a full 6,9 easily lifting the 5,1 girl off the ground by her hands. "Don't worry little rabbit you wont be feeling much pain any longer." He spoke as Anna felt a dark reistu sweep over them as her eyes widen in pure fear as she only heard one thought in her head He's an Arrancar! A hollow here in the soul society! She thought as fear held her words and screams from escaping from her lips as a hidden silent thought came into light Did he just call me a rabbit? How did he know my shikai?the thought softly echoed through her head as she struggled trying to get her hands free trying to get past the raw fear running through her seeing a literal Arrancar up close. Where were the shinigami, when you needed them.

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

"I'd put her down if I were you, Arrancar-san. It's not nice to hurt a girl, you know!" A voice, tenor and youthful echoed out from a wall above and behind the two before it's owner dropped to the ground. He didn't appear much older than the ten or eleven year-old that the older man was holding up by the arm, but his eyes were a sharp, icy blue that hardened even as he held a lazy smirk on his face. His Shihakusho appeared to be about a size too large on him due to his younger frame, and it had the sleeves removed to allow for him to actually fight in it without issue. His black hair was spiky, and it seemed as if he were trying to grow it out slightly, as it brushed the back of his neck. His Zanpakuto sat on his hip, and as a tachi seemed almost too long for him. The most telling part of his uniform as to why a mere child would be stepping in to fight an Arrancar, however, sat on his left bicep. The badge of the Lieutenant of the Thirteenth Division. "So, I get woken up in the middle of the night to deal with the Twelfth's escaped plaything, and I find him not far from my home, assaulting cute girls? Normally, I'd give you about thirty seconds to tell me why you should live, and I'd let you off with a scolding, but this is too much. Tell me, what's your name? I think it's only proper that I know who I'm about to kill..."

With that, the young Lieutenant flared his reiatsu. Not enough to injure the girl, or to be an immediate threat, but enough to get his point across. In addition to that, he unsheathed the first few inches of his Zanpakuto, letting the moonlight gleam on it's mirror surface.
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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Neile tilted his head looking towards the girl "I just dont know why I get a rabbit from you...Your not of hollow origin and your clearly a child humanish maybe a soul...but knowing the Kidou arts...That says shinigami all maybe academy evaluate. You would be interesting to vivsect and see why I sense this? maybe?"He spoke trying to wrap his head around the reistu sense just utterly confused by it. He meet several shinigami and never really felt any animal presence and no certainly told him an animal. He lost his train of thought getting interuptted by a half pint. he looked towards the figure for a few seconds before laughing "Did you steal your father's uniform and zanpackuto boy? how cute. isn't he adoriable?"asked Neile

"Okami-kun."Anna managed to get out seeing him appear. man he always seemed around whenever she needed him or any other guys...normally she would find it werid but this time she was thankful he was nearby. She wiggled some from where she hung "as much as I like being a demisle as the next girl can you please get him to let go."She spoke wincing some feeling Okami release his reistu a bit not at full just due to her being there as it was werid sensing the vast difference between and shinigami and arrancar.

"Okami- kun huh? its quit adoriable of you playing the hero little boy but you are playing with something you know nothing of. The name is Neile and 12's expriement I am not...More of a counter part fits me better. I'm an arrancar and I must say you are an idiot for coming at me alone enspecially with a so called hostage so close to becocming a broken doll...Are you wanting to risk that?"he asked Flaring his reistu more as anna shut her eyes tightly feeling the pressure push down hard on her as she felt like she was going to be a few inches taller by the end of this. Neile watched his reaction as his missing arm reformed into a blue arm and hand with cyan strips running down it glowing like strands of data from a computer. This boy was couragous, neile gave him that but he had to be an idiot comingg at neile with ill fitting clothing and such a smug heroic attitude...Neile respected that part but also found rage building through him causing him to nearly forgot the girl hangigng by wrists in his left hand, tightening his grip more causing anna to let out a scream tryin here best to handle the pressure pushing down on her and the grip on her wrists threatening to crush them at any moment

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami closed his eyes and sighed at the Arrancar's answer. Quite frankly, it was arrogant and cruel, and completely ignored the concept that souls aged more slowly than humans, a simple mistake that no Shinigami would ever make when facing a seemingly-younger opponent. The fact that Anna Fucking Nanashi was the hostage in question didn't help either. She was young even for a soul, and while Okami always tried to keep an eye out for her, it didn't usually help considering his duties. His eyes would snap open at the intense amount of Hollow reiatsu filling the area, and while he was completely unaffected, Anna certainly wasn't, crying out for help. Gritting his teeth, the Lieutenant would lance forward in a Shunpo, drawing his Zanpakuto and slashing at the arm that held up the younger soul. Once he had released Anna, whether because of his missing arm or in order to avoid having it slashed off by a "little boy", he would lash out with a kick at the taller man's midsection, aiming to create some space between the two.

Once that was done, he would motion for Anna to get as much space between herself and the fighting as possible, even as he pointed his blade at the Arrancar in front of him. "Well then, Neile, whatever and whoever you are matters very little to me. I am Okami Shiba, Lieutenant of the Thirteenth Division. Now, since I'm still a bit tired, I'll give you an offer you probably shouldn't refuse. Surrender, and I'll make your death quick and painless, which is more than I can say for the Twelfth's ideas. Refuse, and I'll tear you limb from limb, then return you to their labs. Your choice."
technique log [click to open]

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Neile watched him closely seeing the boy was indeed trying to be serious. Was he that desensitized from danger and the things that go bump in the night. He was arrogant but loyal to his cause. what a innocent youth and a loyal rodent to a dying cause. Neile didn't expect a sudden lounge forward. the guts on this kid and the fact he was going for his arm. smart move...maybe. Neile let out a growl as the sword detached his arm causing him to drop Anna as she dropped like a bag of potatoes. he was a bit surprised to see the small girl managing to shunpo from the weight of the two's reistu getting to the end of a building watching them before not paying attention to the kick sent to his already injured mid section allowing himself to get pushed back from the kick placing his visible hand in front of the spot "Okami Shiba...lieutenant... I will remember that when I am scooping your insides out into the sands for the buzzards to eat them if they even wanted to."he said holding his stub keeping Okami's eyes on him before a cero was fired from behind Okami heading towards his shoulder as behind was just the hand and arm waking around as if it had a mind of it's own

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami lazily tipped his head to one side in a manner that would have been adorable had he not held a blade that was already proven to be able to cut Neile's Hierro. Raising an eyebrow as the Arrancar spoke, he spun out of the way of the Cero, flicking his wrist at the dismembered hand and firing a hooked, purple blast of energy at it, strong enough to destroy the errant limb. "Hado #54: Haien."

Sighing, the young Lieutenant's eyes would flash silver as he began building up his reiatsu, holding his Zanpakuto out in front of him. Speaking, his tone would be almost mocking, due to the fact that it seemed completely uninterested, almost as if he were contemplating what he wanted as a midnight snack when he got back to his barracks. To be honest, he actually was, but he'd never admit it to his opponent. "Well, seeing as you are refusing to surrender quietly, I suppose that we both know where this is going. Thankfully, all Captains and Lieutenants have been given special permission to use Shikai should they come across you. Otherwise, dealing with you would be rather annoying. Eclipse, Tsukiakari Shojo!"

An explosion of bright silver reiatsu occurred, beginning to weigh down the area even further than was normal for a Lieutenant, and when it faded Okami's new blade was revealed. It was a gorgeous platinum affair, with a bladed curl in place of the tsuba, and a fang-like blade instead of a pommel. Attached to this was two feet of matching chain, with white silk woven in between the links and stretching three feet further than that. Glowing white reiatsu began to form around the blade in the rough shape of an English longsword, and the reiatsu around Okami began to grow even greater. "...Phase 1: Waxing Crescent. A warning. Tsukiakari Shojo isn't as sweet as she looks. She has the highest raw attack power of any Zanpakuto. If you underestimate her..."

A blur of movement would show that Okami had used a blindingly-fast Shunpo to close the gap, his blade already mid-swing, aimed at NEile's throat. "...You'll die."
technique log [click to open]
Spell Name: Haien
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #54
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: the caster gathers purple energy into their hand before throwing it, once thrown, it forms into a boomerang shaped projectile that disintegrates a singular target part (a arm, leg, rock, etc) only, it cannot do this against a full body of spiritual energy as it's beyond the kido's ability to do so.

Name: Phase 1: Waxing Crescent
Effect: Reiatsu molds itself around Tsukiakari Shojo, surrounding the entire sword with a light reminiscent of an oversized claymore. This stance devotes all of the user’s power to offense, sacrificing the usual addition to your physical durability granted by Shikai in order to hit harder, faster, and have more reiatsu. (x2.5 to Strength, Speed, and Reiatsu)

Boosts: x3.5 to Reiatsu, x2.5 to Strength and Speed, x2 to Reiryoku.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
The Hand jumped and moved away from the blast up to Neile's arm before it reattached itself to Neile "Now why would i surrender quietly, I sat quietly for ages and went about with Koko's little experiments and his pokes and prods. Plus I been itching for a bite for Graven knows how long and I have a chance to enjoy a bite and hit Koko where it hurts." he spoke reaching behind him pulling out a black scythe from out of nowhere "bring forth yourself and show you evolution! La Muerte!"he said Releasing as well as his body became streamline and covered in black as the end of his dress like suit wiggle and moved as if it was waiting to pounce "Let's play little boi--" Neile trailed off seeing him blur before bending backwards as if in the matrix as the edge of the blade barely cut the hairs on his chin.

As Neile bent backward he brought his left leg up along with a upward stroke of his blade coming up as he bent back

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

The Arrancar releasing his blade was...problematic, all things considered, but it wasn't world-ending. Regardless, the fact that he had managed to avoid the killing blow was mildly annoying, but expected. Leaning out of the way of the kick, Okami reached out and grabbed the long handle of Neile's scythe, pulling it in so that he could launch a kick at the man's chest. From there, he vaulted backwards into a Shunpo, from which point his reiatsu began increasing even further before the air around him decompressed, making a loud bark and flashing a brilliant silver before settling down, revealing the chain and ribbon from Tsukiakari Shojo wrapping around Okami's arm, with a pauldron made of silvery reishi formed on his right shoulder and a rough wing flowing out of his shoulder blade. Breathing a bit heavier, the young Lieutenant's healthy glow began to fade slightly. "...Phase 2: Full Moon. Listen, you bastard. I don't like Captain Nashi any more than the next guy, but I'll be damned if I let you hurt someone I consider myself rather close to. I'm not going to play with you. I'm going to tear you apart!"

As he spoke, the reiatsu around his sword turned pitch black, swirling with silver as it became more and more dense. Shooting forward in another Shunpo, Okami would change direction at the last second to appear to Neile's left side, bringing his sword down in a diagonal slash. As he did, he pointed two fingers on his left hand at the Hollow, reiatsu sparking along them as he used the Shiba Clan's signature Kido, firing off a massive bolt of lightning. "Hado #63: Raikoho!"
technique log [click to open]
Name: Phase 2: Full Moon
Effect: The chain and silk dangling from the hilt of the sword wraps around the user’s sword arm to allow the energy enveloping Tsukiakari Shojo during Waxing Crescent to spread, forming into an armored mantle with rough, short wings spreading out from between the user’s shoulder blades. This ability enhances the effect of Waxing Crescent by using 40% of the reishi that makes up his skeletal structure to enhance his reiatsu output and raw muscle density, sacrificing even more of his physical well-being for the sake of power. Full Moon is not to be taken lightly, as any damage sustained while using it is 1.5x what it would normally be. (x3 to Strength, Speed, and Reiatsu, x0.75 to Durability)

Spell Name: Raikōhō
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #63
Spell Incantation: "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!"
Spell Effect: The caster uses this spell by raising the hand facing towards what he his going to be firing at and opening his hand to his palm, gathering yellow energy, similar to #32, but forming in front of the palm and with lightning covering the orb before, at the caster's command, it fires as a stream of lightning energy, shaped to look like a lightning strike towards the target which explodes violently in a destructive cloud of lightning, causing both explosive damage and electrical damage at once, results vary from person to person.


Technique Name: Shingetsu Namida
Technique Description: Tsukiakari Shojo devours the reiatsu of her wielder and condenses it, imbuing the blade of the sword with an overcharged veil of raw moonlight. This energy can then be released from the point of the sword in a large, slashing blast, or it can be released along the edge of the blade to enhance a physical blow. This technique takes 1 post to charge, and has a 5 post cool-down. Think Getsuga Tensho.

Boosts: x4 to Reiatsu, x3 to Strength and Speed, x2 to Reiryoku, x.75 to Durability.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Man this toddler was getting annoying to Neile as his scythe was pulled in as a kick was sent towards his chest. Neile held his ground as the child vaulted backwards off him into a shunpo as he watched Okami Release his second attack. "Ah so you find some love for little rabbit over there...How adorable and pathetic...Love leads to despair and pain."He spoke as a end of his dress came up on its own forming a long tentacle like appearance before it reared back forming spikes before striking forward sending a volley of spikes towards Anna's hiding spot expecting Okami to move in front to take the bait. he took his hand extending his nails into knives running them into his left arm as energy engulfed it. he raised his left fist before bashing it into the ground leaving a small crack as green energy outline the cracks forming around the ground below damaging the ground okami was standing on and in turn damaging him. Neile allowed the blade to strike a wiggling long tenticle from his back allowing it to cut in half before reforming around the blade. the tenticle extended itself before forming a small cannon of sorts at the tip firing a volley of bullets at okami as neile ducked under the lightning before striking up with his scythe

Ability Used:
Constant Passive:[u]

Ability Name: Weaponized body
Ability Description:User has undergone experimentation to manifest weapons from the body as offense or defense. They may become an inorganic being to utilize this power, their body may contain a different variety of weapons including: retractable blades, tentacles, bullet-firing mechanisms, laser cutting torch/weapons, projecting heat, cold, or electricity, etc. Their body has evolved to adapt to any situation as a living weapon along with being able to reattach himself when needed.


Name: Enviromental Destruction
Ability Description:By covering his arm in a blackened energy and hitting it against the ground. That energy will spread across the ground with green outlines, immediately causing bala damage to a person's feet or legs if they are caught by it however the true power lies in him letting it sit for two posts while steadily giving it energy, after this period it explodes upwards and does Cero Oscara damage. To those within a 100 meter radius around and above him with a seven post cool-down.

Posts Active: 1

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami's eyes widened as several things happened at once. The Arrancar's body began to change, forming tentacles that seemed to be capable of both attack and defense, as demonstrated by the fact that his Zanpakuto was trapped and a projectile was fired at high speeds, forcing Okami to duck even as the ground shook, energy spikes lancing up the Shinigami's legs and causing him to stumble briefly, the pain making him flinch. The last thing?

The bastard fired a volley of spikes at Anna.

There was no time to think. The reiatsu around his blade began tearing at it's bindings, the name of the attack - Shingetsu Namida - declared, yet couldn't be heard over the sound of his own heartbeat. The massive veil of moonlight was left to tear into his opponent at point blank, while he used his fastest Shunpo to move and protect his friend. Most of the volley was blocked by a wall of light that formed in between her and the Arrancar, but one of them got through.

The next moment, things became too quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the steady drip of blood hitting the road beneath them. Okami stood in front of Anna, his left hand pressed against his right cheek, blood running down his fingers as he pulled the spike out of where it lodged itself in the bone, bone which was clearly exposed to the world once his hand and the spike were removed.

Turning to Anna, Okami looked dead into her eyes and smiled softly, wincing at the pain in his face. "...Thank the Soul King. I made it in time. Don't worry. Everything will be okay..."
technique log [click to open]
Name: Phase 2: Full Moon
Effect: The chain and silk dangling from the hilt of the sword wraps around the user’s sword arm to allow the energy enveloping Tsukiakari Shojo during Waxing Crescent to spread, forming into an armored mantle with rough, short wings spreading out from between the user’s shoulder blades. This ability enhances the effect of Waxing Crescent by using 40% of the reishi that makes up his skeletal structure to enhance his reiatsu output and raw muscle density, sacrificing even more of his physical well-being for the sake of power. Full Moon is not to be taken lightly, as any damage sustained while using it is 1.5x what it would normally be. (x3 to Strength, Speed, and Reiatsu, x0.75 to Durability)

Technique Name: Shingetsu Namida
Technique Description: Tsukiakari Shojo devours the reiatsu of her wielder and condenses it, imbuing the blade of the sword with an overcharged veil of raw moonlight. This energy can then be released from the point of the sword in a large, slashing blast, or it can be released along the edge of the blade to enhance a physical blow. This technique takes 1 post to charge, and has a 5 post cool-down. Think Getsuga Tensho.

Technique Name: Moonlight Manipulation
Technique Description: Using this technique, Okami can manipulate reishi as long as it is touched by moonlight. This technique isn't quite as powerful as a Quincy's Reishi Domination, but it still grants a tactical advantage, as the moonlight given off by his Shikai expands outward in a 15 meter radius, allowing him to control any atmospheric spirit particles to his whim. They can strike like swords, or shield him form harm. Whether attacking or defending, Okami can harden it to the point of Zanpakuto steel, making any attacks that could potentially break a Shinigami's blade able to force their way through, making attacks above Hado #50 effective. For clarity's sake, this ONLY affects atmospheric and inanimate reishi. Living reishi, such as that making up the body of a spiritual being, is incapable of being controlled. This technique may be used instantly, and has a one post cooldown before he can create another effect.

Boosts: x4 to Reiatsu, x3 to Strength and Speed, x2 to Reiryoku, x.75 to Durability.

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