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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

Anna sighed not looking forward to this battle. She was against her own kin, adopted, but still She was against her niece, Amelia Nanashi. Eleanor was going to kill her if she harmed the girl but she was in a tournment for a reason. Unfortuantely fate choose for her to have to fight Amelia. Anna felt bad but a part of her deep down was truely and utterly excitied for possible blood shed to finally push through the effort Anna made to keep it maintained. preventing it from full consuming her and preventing her from fulling controling it. Anna hoped deep down she could finish this fight quickly without killing Amelia

Tier: 1-1

Joshua Tamashii

Joshua Tamashii
Lucky had a funny way of always screwing Amelia over it seemed. She had been encouraged to enter the tournament by her Captain, in order to try and test her skills and possibly improve in combat. It had taken some convincing, both on Kokoro and Eleanor's part but Amelia had eventually been convinced to enter and give it a try. However, her first round opponent was none other then her very own aunt. The thought scared Amelia to death but she knew that going against someone absurdly strong was a possibility. For it to be a member of her own family though, that she had not been expecting. Still, he had sighed up for this and she would see this through until the end.

Going to where the match was taking place, she would wait for her aunt to arrive, shifting her weight from foot to foot nervously, wondering when her aunt would arrive and hoping she didn't lose almost instantly. She did want to see if she had gotten stronger since her encounter with that Arancar.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

"I am sorry in advance for the unfair advantage that this tournament has for you amelia."Spoke Anna "I wish I was facing someone else but I guess this might give you some insight on why your sister tries to be a lot like me but never fully can since well. She isn't a partially hollowfied Vizard" She spoke bringing out her blade holding it down and out in front of her with a relaxed guard she sighed closing her blue eyes "I will allow you to strike first....It is the least I can do for you."

Tier: 1-1

Joshua Tamashii

Joshua Tamashii
"I truly don't expect to get past this round anyway. Mama and my Captain suggested I enter to at least see how I might do against strong opponent. I bet I'm the weakest one here." Amelia said as her blade shifted from it's sealed state to her shikai. She drew her blade, the garnet glittering as the light reflected off the surface of the gemstone. "Still, I plan on doing my best. Please don't hold back. Mama knows I'm here and what I've signed up for. We both know the risks involved."

Without another word, Amelia held out her hand shouting while five medium sized shards of garnet formed in the air behind her.
"Bakudō #61: Rikujōkōrō!" She shouted, a flash of light occurring at her middle and index fingers before six rods of light attempted to slam into Anna. Amelia was patient enough to see if the spell connected before she began firing the shards at her aunt, firing them one at a time incase something happened to cause the shards to miss. This would also allow her to fire them at Anna's location should her aunt dodge.

Techniques Used:

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

"either way i am proud to see how much you have grown but when push comes to shove Amelia....using my own creations against me are not going to help you win. I am the Kidou corps Captain for a reason"she spoke holding a hand out "Bakudō #73. Tozanshō" She spoke in a calm manner as a blue inverted pyramid formed around her taking the full force of the bakudo managing to still stand as anna sighed "Bankai"She spoke deciding to get this done quickly for her own hidden reasons. she brought out her blade as it desentigrated into nothing as dust particles floated around her as she watched amelia closely "I am sorry for this but it is best we end this quickly."she spoke holding out a hand watching amelia

Tier: 1-1

Joshua Tamashii

Joshua Tamashii
All of Amelia's attacks seemed to collide but when the smoke cleared, her aunt would be standing in the middle of a pyrmamid of energy. Amelia recognized the Kido for what it was. But she wasn't going to let her aunt come out of this battle without a scratch. She knew that she would need to use something powerful in order to break through the barrier. She had one technique that might work so she would have to give it a try at the very least. She quickly sheathed and redrew her zanpakuto, the blade now made of obsidian. She then took a knee while stabbing the blade into the ground. Seconds later, four pillars of obsidian erupted from the ground about Anna and her barrier, some angled as if to try and break through it. Once all four pillar sprouted, there was a brief second of charging before a blast of dark elemental energy rocked the stadium, the explosion centered between the pillars.

Techniques Used:

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

Anna cracked her neck wincing some at the pain in her head I need to end this quickly. She thought to hear a laugh echoing through her head distracting her for a few seconds. She looked around at the various gems forming pillars before a massive power imploded in on her pyramid. She winced shutting her eyes taking on the attack as the pyramid took the brunt of the hit. At the end, Anna still stood taking off her now torn Captain haroi "Nice attack...due it next time in bankai Amelia...Unfortunately, playtime is over and I must end you" She added, "Forgive me."She added sliding her hand down her face as a mask formed resembling a rabbit mask to match her ears.

Tier: 1-1

Joshua Tamashii

Joshua Tamashii
As the smoke cleared, Amelia saw that she hadn't realy done any damage at all other then to destroy the pyramid and damage her aunts haori. That had been the strongest attack in her arsenal as well, barring any possible Kido she might know. When her Aunt brought up her using the technique in Bankai, the young girl could only shake her head.
"I don't have bankai yet. I'm still working on acheiving that." She said. Then her aunt's tone seemed to change and Amelia was frightened to say the least. She took up a defensive stance and watched as her aunt summoned a mask over her face. While the mask might've been cute, due to it being a bunny, on any other occasion, in this instance it was one of the scariest things Amelia could imagine. She only hoped she might be able to last a little while against her aunt.

Techniques Used:

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

Anna sighed bending her knees slightly pushing her left foot back before she shunpo, leaving a patch of flowers behind only to reappear behind Amelia. Without saying a word she extended the pointer finger of her left hand. at first nothing seemed to happen only for a kinetic force to hit amelia from the front of her towards anna as a red ball formed at her fingertip  "Shō Jūgeki Byakurai" She said stating both kido thanks to her zanpackuto. She had used her space technique to allow Sho to be cast infront of amelia pushing her towards anna allowing her interm Casting to chain the attacks together for a more effective use of energy. Now to see if it would work

Tier: 1-1

Joshua Tamashii

Joshua Tamashii
Amelia didn't even stand a chance. Her aunt moved far to quickly for her to keep up with, as she was only able to register the flower petals Anna left behind before she realized that her aunt was behind her and already casting Kido. Amelia attempted to move out of the way but Anna's spell was quick and hit hard, hitting Amelia as she turned to face her aunt, forcing her towards Anna. She was then struck in and through the chest with a red beam of light which pierced all the way through her body and out her back. By the time she reached Anna, she was already coughing up blood from a pully punctured lung and struggling to breath with the only one that was still operating.

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