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#1The Dead Nanashi - Anna Nanashi Empty The Dead Nanashi - Anna Nanashi Mon Nov 16, 2020 1:25 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi

Name: Annamaria Nanashi
Alias: Anna, Traitor, Exile
Real Age:1,895
Phys. Age: early 20s
Gender: Female
Personality: Anna is a very quiet and patient woman that seeks knowledge of things she doesn't understand whether it be the thirst for battle or of why people get depressed. Anna tends to down herself saying how she is boring and how to hers should not get to know her. She prefers to be alone and not deal with people in general.

If you do stay around anna you will find a woman wise beyond her age and someone that would be considered a teacher of sorts, wishing to pass on knowledge to those who wish to listen of how not to follow her footsteps or listen to her takes on subjects,especially for her love of kidou that boarders on the edge of obsession

Weight: 119
Physical Traits:

History: [Optional]
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? Beliefs, life views, goals, etc go here.]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say elsewhere that's relevant to your character goes here.]

General Fighting Style: Anna is very much a kidou master and user. firing off her spells and usage of kidou is her life blood and preferred  method of dealing with enemies. She will get in close with her blade and book if needed but that is very rare unless she needs to knock an enemy away before getting an advatanage
Strengths: Agility, Kidou, Reiastu control
Weaknesses:Strength, Duriability
Ability Name: Kidou
Ability Description:  Anna is fully aware of all kidou practiced within the Gotei, knows all of the standard list by heart at full effectiveness, including the advanced 'Hidden/Secret' Kidou. She will actively seek those who have created their own kidou in the attempt to add those to her roster as well. She can cast any kidou she knows by speaking the incantation mentally as opposed to calling it out with her voice.  By simply watching  and understanding the kidou will allow her access to use it
Kidou knowledge: Anna knows all the kidou in the gotei along with her own personal Kidou

Sealed Appearance:
Zanpackuto Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Rōtasu
Call Out Command:Scatter, Rōtasu

Mask Appearance:
Abilities: increase in Sensory, Reiastu Control
Passive Ability Name:  Cero Augmentation
Passive Ability Description:  Any Kidou hollow Anna forms will first present itself as a Cero before the desire kidou takes effect with a outer layer of Cero allowing cero speed and an extra damage of a cero on top of any kidou whether it is Bakudo, Hadou, etc.
Hollow Powers: Cero, Bala, Garganta

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2]:

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1]:

Full Hollow Form [Unlocked at 0-5]:

Roleplay Sample [Optional]:

#2The Dead Nanashi - Anna Nanashi Empty Re: The Dead Nanashi - Anna Nanashi Sun Nov 22, 2020 12:32 am


Issue #1: Vizards are not currently being approved. Please re-create this application as a Shinigami, and then get back to me.

Issue #2: Your personal ability, which allows you to literally rip off every custom Kidou on site, is banned.

Issue #3: Your entire Full Hollow Form kit is currently way too powerful. All Kidou being Cero by itself is fine, but in addition to you being able to cast any number of Kidou at the same time effortlessly is way too strong, and your Final is absolutely banned. Using every kidou at the same time... no.

There may be other issues deeper in the app, but these were the first things I noticed. Please fix them and then tag me on Discord when you're ready for another looksie. Smile

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