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#1Anna Nanashi (Done) Empty Anna Nanashi (Done) Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:17 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi


Name: AnnaMaria  Nanashi
Alias: Anna
Real Age: 1051
Phys. Age: 21
Gender: female
Personality: Anna is considered to be much like a doll in a lot of aspects of her personality. She holds the presence of someone that can blend into the background and not mind what so ever.

Anna is the type of girl that will never tell you when she is worried, sad, pain etc. She keeps a smile on her face and a mask of happiness. She does not like to let anyone know her faults or her weaknesses nor does she like anyone to waste any sort of care for her. She in herself feels useless in a lot of ways but she knows one thing. She finds happiness in assisting others in their goals no matter how insane those goals were cause deep down, she feels the longing to belong, even if it means being used.

If you do decide to have Anna around, you will find a sweet girl that will push through whatever is stopping you from your hopes and dreams, even if she dislikes it. She is not one that will complain as more will advise you of her dislike, but she is not one to go against the one she serves or is loyal to.

For the most part a soft smile will be painted on her face with her pink eyes closed happily stating something along the lines of ‘ I live to serve and to keep others safe and happy, this is my goal and my wish.’

She sees herself a tool to be used as she is not strong on her own but strong in assisting others in battle. She knows her limits and when it comes to battle she likes to talk and understand her opponent, enjoy the time fighting as most of the time she really can’t win any fights she was in to begin with. So instead of getting angry, she likes to know her opponent till she is to escape or till help arrives.

Height: 5,1
Weight: 120
Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style:  Anna is more Ability oriented then anything else. If she can she prefers to draw out fits till they are either in her favor or her opponent gets bored dealing with her. She wasn’t a fighting but if she has too she will fight the best of her ability, which doesn’t say a lot.
Strengths: Reiatsu, Reiryoku, Control, Kidou
Weaknesses: Speed, Strength, Hakuda, Zanjutsu
Ability Name: Nanashi Family trait
Ability Description: 2x Reistu Control in place of decrease in strength

Ability Name:Kidou Knowledge.
Ability Description: Anna is fully aware of all kidou practiced within the Gotei, knows all of the standard list by heart at full effectiveness, including the advanced 'Hidden/Secret' Kidou. She will actively seek those who have created their own kidou in the attempt to add those to her roster as well. She can cast any kidou she knows by speaking the incantation mentally as opposed to calling it out with her voice.
Kidou Knowledge:  Anna knows all the public known kidou but has a few of her own as shown below:
Family Kidou:
Known Kidou List:


Sealed Appearance: A pink ordinary zanpackuto.
Zanpakutou Name: Momo.
Call Out Command: Submit them to your beauty, Momo!

Zanpackuto:Anna's zanpackuto transforms to a pair of leather gloves with bells at the end.

Ability name: Bell's Chime
Abilities description: from the bells that are on her gloves will allow her abilities to activate

Ability name: First Chime: Achillea
Abilitiy Description: From the first bell a white power will cover a meter around Anna in every direction. From this pollen wounds from cuts to near fatal will began to heal a bit faster than normal having a 1 post cool down

Ability Name: Second Chime: Sumac
Ability Description: From the red bell a red powder will erupt from the bell exploding it into the air around which will expand and make a red smoke screen making the field visible for allies and herself. Or by applying the power to one’s eyes can cure one of blindness or allotments due to vision impairment It will last for two posts and has a 2-post cooldown

Ability Name: Pink Chime: Split
Ability Description:  From the pink chime a note wil ring allowing  her Kidou with projectiles can have the number of projectiles freely changed, be it increased or decreased.

Ability Name:  Green Chime: Growth
Ability Description: From the Green bell a note will ring out allowing the given range of a kidou, be it radial, line-based, or a reach of sorts can be freely adjusted. This can also include projectile size.

Ability Name:  Yellow Chime: Velocity
Ability Description: From the yellow bell a note will ring which allowed all her kidou with projectiles can have the speed of the particle or object increased or decreased. The maximum speed for all Kidou below Rank 60 is Bala, anything above that caps at Cero.

Ability Name: White Chime: Overdrive
Ability Description: From the white bell a note will ring. The given effect is that her reiatsu is boosted to its maximum at each release. That would make Reiatsu in Shikai x4, Bankai x5, and Toukai x6.
Boosts: 2x all


New Name: Momo, sakura no ohimesama

Ability Name: Purple Chime: Power Scaling
Ability Description: The purple bell will ring a note which will allow any Kidou can have their rank freely adjusted. The only restriction to this is no matter the kidou used, it must have a fitting cooldown for the rank it is cast at.

Ability Name: Blue Chime: Form
Ability Description: The blue bell will ring a note which will allow Kidou can have its shape, and by extension, its individual components formed as Anna wills it.

Ability Name:  Third Chime: Interim Casting
Ability Description: The red bell will ring a note which allow Kidou that can be cast together via combining or altering their incantations. This does apply to mental incantations, and is more efficient than casting one right after another.

Boosts: x3 to all unless otherwise stated.

Ability Name:Fourth Chime: Regiment
Ability Description: The Orange bell will emit an orange pollen of which will attach to a chosen ally and region of their body of Anna’s Choosing. This Pollen will increase damage output, such as the arms, for a short period of time.  Has a two-post duration, gives a 1x boost to her chosen ally for two posts has a post cooldown gives damage up to cero to that certain part with a two post cooldown

Ability Name: Fifth Chime: Barrier
Ability Description: The Pink Bell will ring a note that will become a pink pollen which will rise to Anna’s Defense creating a shield that will remain around her or a chosen for the duration of the battle unless it takes up to 2 cero of damage of which will grant it 2 post cooldown

Ability Name: Sixth Chime: Illuminated orbs
Ability Description: The black bell will shake before marbels will all out before growing 3x size before turning into orbs. With each orb out they will explode on contact from an enemy but remain intact for Anna or an ally. If Anna or an Ally breaks an orb a blue pollen will encase them healing serious to minor wounds in an instant.
If an Enemy was to touch one of these orbs not only will they explode granting cero damage but for a two-post duration her opponent will become disoriented along with a post duration of blindness and a post duration of Deafness. Has a 3-post cooldown.
Boosts: 3x all


Ability Name: Melody restore
Ability description by giving up strength she grains a rapid regeneration of limbs and wounds by 4x and if she happens to loose a limb a rainbow changing limb will replace it and slowly reform as it regenerate

Hollow Powers:
Ability Name Flower path
Ability Description: This is her own form of Shunpo where each one leaves a touch of flowers growing behind her.

She is also able to use cero bala and gran rey cero due to Colbolt's connection
Boosts: 33% increase to Reistu control And healing output on healing abilities


Passive Ability Name: Cero Augmentation
Passive Ability Description: Any Kidou hollow Anna forms will first present itself as a Cero before the desire kidou takes effect with a outer layer of Cero allowing cero speed and an extra damage of a cero on top of any kidou whether it is Bakudo, Hadou, etc.

Ability Name:  Black Chime: Space
Ability Description:  The black bell will chime allowing Kidou can be cast from any fixed point in space. Anna either has to have vision of said point, or has to have been in said position during the thread.

Ability Name:  White Chime: Infinity Cast
Ability Description:  The White bell will ring a note allowing Kidou can be cast in large numbers, simultaneously, so long as cooldowns are not a limiting factor.

Ability Name:  garden of ruins
Ability Description:  Anna rips off her gloves allowing her to going ahead and uses several Bakudo to do to you whatever she pleases, then hits you successively with each Hadou up to Hadou 90. (This will not be used in normal threads. I'm almost certain this will be kill-only. = This is where here final goes, though.... yeah no.)

Boosts: 4x all


1.) Anna is the youngest daughter of Seishin and younger sister of Eleanor Nanashi.
2.) Anna is one of the few affected by the hollowfication incident.
3.) Anna went MIA for a few centuries till she came back out of the below after finally feeling it was safe to not be killed by others for being a vizard.
4.)She found her zanpackuto changed and is nearly the same as the captain of Kidou Corps which allowed her to become the vice commander of Kidou Corps where she stands today
Side Notes: 1.) Huge crush on Okami Shiba one of the few kids of nobility she hung with.
2.) Has a slight connection with the Arrancar Colbolt
Roleplay Sample: [This helps us determine your character's tier. Roleplay in this character, please.]

#2Anna Nanashi (Done) Empty Re: Anna Nanashi (Done) Fri Nov 02, 2018 12:37 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Revised and rewamped upon request

#3Anna Nanashi (Done) Empty Re: Anna Nanashi (Done) Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:54 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Re-Approved 1-1

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