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#1[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Sun May 05, 2019 7:26 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami sat leaned back in a chair, looking out over the Parisian nightlife with a glass of red wine while waiting for his plus one. He had rented out the entirety of the nicest steakhouse in Paris, and was determined for the night to be perfect. He was wearing a fine black suit, with a silver undershirt and black tie, and if it weren't for the scar on his cheek, and the casual, deadly grace that came with being a master swordsman, he'd look like any other young multi-billionaire looking to impress a pretty girl.

Alright, he's probably a multi-trillionaire, but it wasn't as if he was ever going to actually figure out how much the family had. He was pretty sure that even the treasurer had lost count a few times.

Regardless, he waited patiently, knowing that at any moment his fiance would walk through those doors, and he'd be damned if he screwed this up.
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#2[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Sun May 05, 2019 8:10 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna's post Template

Anna's First Date

Anna took a deep breath double checking on making sure her open black form fitting black dress with a slit down the left side. She looked in a car mirror checking to make sure her hair was still up and curled in the bun her sister put it in with small pearl pins through out. She smiled adjusting the silver shaw resting in the crooks of her elbows.

She looked towards the steak house before moving into the restaurant finding only Okami there all dressed up. one step over the other she thought not at all good with the high heels Eleanor gave her. She did manage to keep from breaking her ankles moving over to him "Sorry if I am a bit late. Eleanor wanted to take her time with helping me get ready"she spoke to him holding the silver brooch with her two black elbow high gloved hands.

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
Kidou List
Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

#3[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Mon May 06, 2019 1:14 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Setting his glass of wine down, Okami's face lit up into a brilliant smile as he saw Anna walk into the restaurant. Standing in a single, fluid motion, he would step around the table and pull out her chair for her, waiting for her to sit before sliding it back into place. Sitting back down himself, he would pour her a glass of the vintage drink that he had been sipping as he spoke. "Don't worry about it. You look absolutely stunning."

It was true. The black dress and pearls contrasted her hair and skin in a way that made it seem perfect, although that could have just been her. Even so, Okami couldn't help but stare into her eyes. He could get lost in them if he wasn't careful, so he reluctantly looked away, and glanced down at the menu. "So, what are you planning on ordering? I'm thinking the steak tartare, personally."
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#4[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Mon May 06, 2019 1:12 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna's First Date

Anna smiled taking a seat in the chair he pulled out for her before letting him push her in. She rested her hands in her lap as he poured her a glass of wine "You really didn't have to rent out an entire restaurant for our date"She spoke with a smile on her face. It was odd to hwr having so much spent on her. This was something her sister would be enjoying but Anna wasn't use to this but she knew she was going to have to get use to being married to okami in the future.

She looked at the menu as it has been ages since she actually been to the human world as she wasn't one that needed to leave the gotei very often. So actually seeing a menu was odd. She took a few seconds before closing her menu "Surf and turf sounds more my style."She spoke pushing the menu aside before taking a small sip of her wine.

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
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Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

#5[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Thu May 09, 2019 6:39 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

As Okami took a sip of his own wine, he couldn't help but chuckle at Anna's comment. Setting his glass down before something horrendous happened to it, like any more laughter, he'd give his fiancé a charming smile and tease her a bit. He couldn't help it, really. "I'm not sure about you, but I prefer the privacy. Plus, I'd rather have such a gorgeous girl all to myself!~"

Once she'd told him what she wanted, he waved over the waiter, and spoke to him briefly in fluent French. Turning back to Anna once the other man had left, the Shiba Clan Head decided to speak once more, voicing a question that has been on his mind for some time now. "Anna, how do you feel about all of this? I've...had something like this planned for quite a while, honestly, but do you feel like things are a bit...rushed?"

Sighing, Okami downed a solid half of his glass of wine, some part of him wishing it was a bit stronger-just to soothe his nerves, mind you-and continued. "I just...don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do because...I love you, and have for centuries..."
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#6[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Thu May 09, 2019 11:58 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna's First Date

Anna sat there quietly letting him speak of his teasing reason for buy out an entire steakhouse. She watched him speak to the waiter before listening to okami speak his worries. She took a few seconds before putting her glass down gently before folding her hands in her lap.

"Okami...I am probably the happiest I have ever been. Thinking about us...The only times I can actually remeber being happy was just being around you. The times i wasn't...I was just...I guess Meh. I did what everyone asked of me kept and smile and happy demeanour. Keep up appeareance but alone...I was just existing to exist, never making waves, never speaking out of turn. In a way being around you brings out a side no one really sees. Every one sees what they think is a unique girl."She said before slowly getting up moving towards the window. "I honestly think it doesnt matter to me if we are moving too fast or too slow because at the end of the day I am happiest just being with you and existing in this world with you and I know nothing is going to change that for me."She said turning half way to him with a smile on her face "Nothing makes me happier then having you. Yes getting all the attention and money spent on me is odd cause that is what Eleanor is use to. I am not. I know being with you means to adjust to it and that I plan to cause I get to be with you"She said turning fully to him "Being around you kinda calms the voices in my head. The voices of my zan then one voice of rage, of wanting the world to burn..It doesn't like to be settled...It is jealous your taking its spot as first in my life."

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
Kidou List
Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

#7[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Mon May 13, 2019 6:52 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami's face turned almost...hopeful as she spoke, and a small, genuine smile crossed his face. Setting his wine down and promptly forgetting about it, he rolled to his feet in a single move and walked towards Anna. Once he got to her, he looked her dead in the eye and began to speak. "That...That makes me so happy to hear you say that, more than you'd ever know. For the longest time-centuries, really-Ika and Hagane were my only real friends. Clan politics are particularly brutal when you've been the Head practically since you were a toddler, and the Branch Head and the Elders barely treated me as family. When I met you, I...Ahh, fuck it."

Dropping down to a single knee, Okami pulled a small, black velvet box out of his pocket. Opening it would reveal a ring made out of platinum, with a large, flawless diamond set in the middle, the metal flowing around it like water. In the center of the diamond, likely carved with reiatsu ages ago within the actual gem itself, was the symbol of the Shiba Clan, the Collapsing Whirlpool of the Crashing Heaven. "This was my mother's ring, the one she wore as Head of the Clan, and as it's Princess. I think...she'd want the woman I love to have it. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?"

Classy as fuck, Okami. Classy as fuck...
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#8[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Tue May 14, 2019 12:52 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna's First Date

Anna listened to Okami speak of how happy he was to hear her opinion of them. It was sad to hear the struggle he went through as a child and hearing he only considered two people like family. She can understand that better then anyone. Eleanor was more or less her mom since Seishin would be missing for centuries on in and pop in whenever she wanted and sometimes acted like Anna and Eleanor weren't even her childern. They grew up in the Nanashi clan learning of the politics more then power which wasnt bad.

Anna's eyes widen as she watched him kneel down and present her a black velet box...It can't was. She was speechless as she listened and silent for a few seconds debating the responses flowimg through her head "Y-Yes Okami..A million times yes. I will be your wife."She said with a smile as she was still in shock as she only dreamed this day in her hidden fantasies locked in her head and it actually came true.

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
Kidou List
Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

#9[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Thu May 16, 2019 7:32 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Smiling brightly, Okami stood in one fluid motion, placing the ring on her finger in an almost-absentminded manner. The kido laced into the metal immediately fitted the ring perfectly to her finger, and added her to the Clan rosters, most likely shocking the ever-loving shit out of some old geezer that was snooping around in the middle of the night. A similar ring moved itself from Okami's right ring finger to his left, although the ancient spells on the damn things weren't of interest to his at the moment.

Drawing Anna into his arms, Okami held the girl of his dreams closely before leaning down, moving to catch her lips in a soft kiss. It was chaste, but it held all of the love he had ever been able to give. Once it was over, he would rest his chin on her head, feeling like he was in the Heaven he once thought Soul Society was.

A cough from behind him shook him from his shock, and drew his attention to the food laid out on the table and the waiter who was simply waiting politely. At that, he couldn't help but laugh.
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#10[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Sat May 18, 2019 12:34 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
A dream come true

Anna smiled watching the ring slipped on her finger as this was something she would see in only the wildest and hidden depths of her secret fantasies from when she was just a young child. This was something she never imagined that was actually happening to her and especially with someone she actually cared about dearly. She heard stories of horrible marriages from being arranged and she was glad she didn't have to deal with that fear not anymore. She had who she wanted and that is who she was going to enjoy this memory till the end of time.

She was pulled closer into his arms before feeling their lips connect as she wrapped her arms around him holding the kiss till he broke it. She closed her eyes resting her head against his chest as she enjoyed his smell and didn't want to leave that moment.

She heard a cough as she opened her eyes blushing some at the moment she was caught in letting out a laugh as well as she let go of Okami fixing her bangs as she smiled moving over to their dinner sitting back down.

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
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Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

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