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#11[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Wed May 22, 2019 4:24 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Still snickering, Okami sat down and took another sip of his wine before cutting into his steak, enjoying the flavor of the raw meat dancing on his tongue briefly before speaking up once more. "So, how has work in the Kido Corps been? I'm not as familiar with the workings, but if it's anything like an ordinary Division, then there must be a lot of paperwork..."

It was true. The one thing that Okami didn't miss, and never would, about being a Captain was the raw amount of paperwork that you were forced to deal with every damn day. Once, he had walked into his office, only to find his Lieutenant crushed under a veritable mountain of forms. It had taken himself and his Third Seat two entire hours to get the poor soul free. A sad day, to be sure, especially when they needed to actually fill out all the requests and documents that were misplaced by the avalanche...
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#12[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Wed May 22, 2019 6:41 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Small Talk

Anna also took a sip of her wine before sitting it down taking her time on the first bite of her food. making sure that she wasn't speaking with a mouth full she paused before responding "Well it can be tiring with the constant training of Kidou and getting our various small squads of different levels to remember their focus and objectives. I really don't deal with paperwork as my commander does that while I relay her messages since she is kinda a mute and really physically can't speak to anyone to do that herself. So she likes the paperwork while I do the taking from the list of people of what to speak of and who to."Said Anna thinking about it. "Other then that there isn't much difference between us and a normal squad besides our specialization in such a thing as living and breathing kidou"She replied before taking another bite watching him

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
Kidou List
Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

#13[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Wed May 22, 2019 8:18 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami chuckled briefly, taking another bite of his steak while looking into Anna's eyes. They truly were beautiful...Shaking his head slightly, and clearing them of that train of thought, he focused once more and replied to here statement. "That doesn't sound that much different, although I do have to admit to a bit of amusement. Many of the Captains I've known, myself included, have hated the paperwork included with the job, but loved speaking to their subordinates, doing their own work and training, and things like that. I suppose that we just take all of those small things for granted, and that everyone enjoys something just a little bit different. It's a lesson that takes a long time to learn, and can't necessarily be taught. Soul King knows it took me a bit too long to figure it out..."

Popping another piece of his dinner into his mouth, he would chew on it slowly, in an almost teasing manner as if to let his statement sink in for a moment before swallowing. "I rented out a penthouse suite nearby for the whole weekend, since if I hear one more 'concerned' Clan Elder question my choice in fiance I swear to the Soul King himself that I'll release Bankai on the spot. You're free to join me, but unfortunately there's only one bedroom. I'll just sleep on the couch."
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#14[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Wed May 22, 2019 9:14 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Small Talk

"I am sure my Commander would love to do that but unfortunately she is unable to make a sound from her mouth. All she can do is write and sign if you understand what it is she is trying to get across. Honestly, I am not a people person, I am way to shy and tend to be too clumsy or mess up my wording which is why I would whether be hidden in a moutain of paper work and be forgotten. I am a wall flower not a people person like my sister Eleanor is."Said Anna sweetly brushing some bangs back in place as she watched him. She really could watch him all day and not get bored or tired of it.

"Honestly, I am suprised they would even Oppose the contract of getting married to me. The Nanashi holds alot of political power amongest the Noble families as we always have ever since my mother's Great Great Grandfather founded us and made us where we are today. Most would or should be honored to be in my mother's presence without getting dagger glared at them. So what problems does your Elders have of having a marraige with the Nanashi. Certainly Mother couldn't have pissed them off that much...Actually, I can see how she could piss of anyone."Spoke Anna thinking about her mother and the way she lead their family with a iron fist stuck in her old ways. She shaked the thoughts out of her head as she listened to him speak of a penthouse "Actually, I don't mind spend the entire weekend with you Okami cause after all, We will be soon living our lives together and expanding our bloodlines in the centuries to come."Spoke Anna "So I don't mind if we share the bed if you wish I just hope you don't mind my sleep talking and my kicking..."She added with a laugh

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
Kidou List
Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

#15[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Fri May 24, 2019 5:19 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami chuckled lightly at the thought that anyone would try to outwit Seishin in anything political. The only reason that he had gotten away with it was due to centuries of planning, and having a stacked deck since birth. The Branch Members of the Shiba Clan, on the other hand...They had no chance. After Anna expressed a desire to stay, however, and even offered to share the bed, Okami's face became almost unreadable, and his eyes smoldered as he leaned forward across the table, his nose only an inch from hers. Maintaining eye contact, he would slip out of his chair and step around to stand in front of her, letting a small smile dance across his lips as he leaned down to be even with Anna's face. "My, my, are you sure that we'll even be sleeping, love? I could think of a few...other things that we could do, my cute little bunny~"
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#16[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Fri May 24, 2019 5:53 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Small Talk

Anna watched Okami closely as she could ell her reaction was one he really didnt think she would possibly agree to so early but then again the younger her probably wouldnt but anna knew with out a doubt Okami was hers and hers alone. No other woman held claim to his heart nor would they be able to out live the love she and Okami held for eachother from birth. he showed where she stood amongest all other options and she had no compitetion. She watched him walk over to her side as she smiled blushing as he got closer "The depends do you think you can handle me I am a fiesty little rabbit."She teased

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
Kidou List
Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

#17[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Fri May 24, 2019 7:12 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami let out a long, slow breath as he moved his head next to Anna's ear, moving his hands to run fingertips teasingly down her sides, stopping just shy of her ass, and then running back up. Letting his breath tickle her ear for a moment, he would chuckle lowly, then speak slowly, tantalizingly in her ear. "Oh, I think I can handle it...The question is, can you?"

After he spoke, he would tighten his grip on her waist and lower his head, biting the space between her neck and shoulder as he launched into a Shunpo, heading back towards the penthouse. The only indication that they had been there was a wad of Euros left as a tip for...exceptional service.

[The Next Morning]

Okami stretched his body, wrapping his well-muscled arms around his gorgeous bed-mate, ignoring his current state of undress as well as hers. His back stung, courtesy of several rows of scratches caused by a certain girl's nails, but it was a good kind of pain. Besides, she'd be a bit sore herself when she woke up.

Apparently, Vizards tend to be a bit kinkier than most others.

Setting his forehead against Anna's, Okami would speak softly, trying to wake her up gently. "Hey cutie, you awake?"
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#18[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Fri May 24, 2019 7:50 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Small Talk

Anna giggled wrapping her hands around his neck enjoy the embrace and giggle knowing exciting where they were going and this had her excited

[Next Morning]

Anna enjoyed last night how knew the amount of fun it was after centuries of deep dark thoughts hidden inside the pages of her dairy actually come to life like it did that night. It was a blur but she remebered exactly how she felt with each and every movement with him.

She stired some hearing his voice ask if she was awake. Honestly, she wanted to remain sleeping, her body hurt in so many ways but this was pain she would welcome a million times over in the coming century. She opened her Ice blue eyes blinking a bit before closing her them snuggling up against him more enjoying the warmth "I am but I don't mind staying asleep longer."She replied

Tier [1-1]
Anna Nanashi
Kidou List
Family Kidou List

©️2019 ANGrey

#19[Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Date Night (Okami, Anna) Fri May 24, 2019 10:28 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel

Okami smiled at his lover's words, pulling her closer even as she snuggled into him. Kissing the top of her head, he'd run a hand down her bare back before nuzzling into her hair, taking in the unique scent of sakura flowers and vanilla that screamed Anna to him. His voice would speak up from it's place, muffled by her hair. "I agree. I want to stay like this forever...Just me and you. I love you..."

He'd literally only be awake for another moment, listening to her response before slipping back into dreams that, ironically, looked incredibly like the position he had found himself in. The older of the two Vizard had a miraculous ability to sleep anywhere, at any time, but this was clearly different. He was relaxed.


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