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#1The Secret Flower Garden  Empty The Secret Flower Garden Tue May 19, 2020 3:22 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

Colbolt was walking through the menos forest, allowing a hum to escape her lips. Why was she here? Well, she was just enjoying a stroll of sorts through the very nature that was left in this bland and dull world of Hunceo Mundo. The forest was a home and a very fond memory for the Arrancar. This was her home and where she and her plant friends thrive and lived ages ago. Colbolt found a clearing of the forest deciding it was where she has been wanting to. She smiled crouching down on to her knees in the field of black flowers. She rests her zanpackuto next to her on the ground before resting her hands in her lap. She closed her eyes taking in a deep breath just taking in the world around them small Arrancar.

Tier: 2-3

#2The Secret Flower Garden  Empty Re: The Secret Flower Garden Tue May 19, 2020 7:44 pm


Visi Was using the Forrest as alternate training grounds. He had lost track of time, his focus was engrossed on nothing more than swinging his sword, while this was not uncommon for Visi, the fact that he could sense another another arrancar this far from Las noches. Sheathing his Zanpakuto Visi closed the gap between them. He recognised Colbolt Immediately, fraccion of Espada Tercero, and he could sense her power, while stronger than the gap was not immense, Visi smiled in his mind, this could present a perfect training opportunity.

"You, Fraccion of the third espada, spar with me", Visi Stood about 15 metres be behind her as he spoke, one hand resting casually on the pommel of his Zanpakuto, his face wearing it's normal stony expression his eyes firmly locked onto Colbolt.

#3The Secret Flower Garden  Empty Re: The Secret Flower Garden Wed May 20, 2020 2:56 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

Colbolt felt the presence of alot of things around her in the forest. She noticed a rather equally powered one to herself. She allowed a sigh to escape her lips listening to his demand. "You know you need to learn your place when speaking to your superiors. You shouldn't demand spars but being polite is better."She replied with a matter of fact tone. She rose to her feet grabbing her blade along the way as she turned towards him. She slowly unsheathed her blade holding it infront of her while holding the sheath to her side "I hope you are prepared for your punishment. I will allow you to go first."She spoke watching him closely with her pastel pink eyes.

Tier: 2-3

#4The Secret Flower Garden  Empty Re: The Secret Flower Garden Wed May 20, 2020 4:52 am


Upon hearing her response Visi sharpened all of his senses, he knew her rank but not her powers, He would have to fight cautiously. Visi slowly draws his sword, eyes locked onto Colbolt, He brings his Zanpakuto to his side with a flourish.

"If you would give me the honour of the blow, then I won't refuse it."

Raising his left hand, with his index finger and pinkie extended, a flash of pale green light appeared as he fired off a Bola in Colbolt's direction, the aim was slightly off as it was merely intended to be a distraction as he kicked off from the ground launching an attack at Sonido Speed, carefully aimed for the joint on her knee.


Abilities Used

Huelga de cazador (hunter's strike)
-type: offensive
-Description: using the perception granted by Optica and the speed of Sonído, Visi almost instantly strikes at an enemies weakpoint and returning to the original position the attack was launched from. this ablilty has a 2 post cooldown

#5The Secret Flower Garden  Empty Re: The Secret Flower Garden Sat May 23, 2020 12:39 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

Colbolt watched him keeping her guard up. since most finding out of which espada she seemed to serve under, she had been getting alot more spars out of the blue and while she didn't mind, it did get annoying and sometime over whelming but then again spars meant getting stronger and getting stronger means moving up in the world. She back pedaled as the bala came towards her. around the last second she duckked and jumped to the side avoiding the bala before seeing him come at her "Shit."She whispered lifting up her blade blocking his attack. She caught her footing before using a sondio was well to counter attack bringer her sword in a upwards slash from her lower left to her upper right. she allowed her hands to let go of he blade enough to allow her finger tips to flip it around bringer it back down at him in a swift counter strike

Tier: 2-3

#6The Secret Flower Garden  Empty Re: The Secret Flower Garden Sat May 23, 2020 8:06 pm


Although part of his attack was to draw back Visi was unprepared for the swift counter attack. It was only due to his own speed that he avoided taking a heavy blow, but none the less he still had a shallow cut across side. "tch, Looks like I was careless"

lifting his sword to shoulder height and pointing it towards Colbolt, He took a breath and charged in once more, this time zigzagging on his way. As soon as he was withing striking range he feinted a horizontal slash at chest height, only to disappear in the signature buzz of static that typified a sonido. Reappearing slightly behind his opponent and to her side, as he took another strike at the back of her knees, His sole goal to limit her mobility.

#7The Secret Flower Garden  Empty Re: The Secret Flower Garden Tue May 26, 2020 4:05 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

"It is a spar, after all, We are not trying to kill each other but it is better you know who you have challenged. Though I will say this much, I am enjoying this battle with you. It has been a while since I had anyone to play at my own level" she spoke with a smile playing on her face. She saw him coming at her allowing her to backpedal ready to block the oncoming strike before she noticed him sondio to behind her "damnit" She growled feeling a cut to the back of her knees. She managed to keep herself from buckling while turning on her heels slashing horizontally at him "I guess we should take this to another level."She spoke

Tier: 2-3

#8The Secret Flower Garden  Empty Re: The Secret Flower Garden Tue May 26, 2020 6:20 am


Staggering back from the slash, and coughing, this was bad. One attack that took him off guard and he was already in bad shape. Leaping backwards, he struggled to find his footing, this was bad, and worse than that his opponent was starting to get serious. Gritting his teeth Teeth Visi started to slowly walk around Colbolt.

Taking this slowly would get him no where, so as much as he'd hate to admit it he was out matched he had no choice but to run in once more and try to stay in her face. Visi charged in sword raised and slashed upward from the naval to collar bone.

#9The Secret Flower Garden  Empty Re: The Secret Flower Garden Tue May 26, 2020 2:35 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Colbolt Raizel
Annoyed, Very annoyed

"Erupt, Desurōzu"She spoke allowing a burst of pink energy to erupt from her feet engulfing her as she allowed a giggle to escape her lips doing a full 360 spin once before stopping facing him as the energy died down allowing her new form to appear or more, her non new form. She seemed to have no physical change in her appereance. "You have a chance to surrender and I will allow this fight to end"She spoke watching him as she held her blade up revealing a glass looking glad with pink engravings looking much like petals.Her pink eyes watched him closely as she saw him charge forward taking a frontal approach, He was smart and could see where she didn't like being..that is up close to her opponent. She brought her own blade up blocking his attack before pushing him back with ease.

Tier: 2-3

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