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#1[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty [Open] Enter the spider daycare Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:54 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
The forest of meno was a interesting place where many lower hollows have seemed shelter and grouped in numbers for survival. It was a dog eat dog world outside the forest but in a certain part there was a safe haven of sorts blooming. Moving deeper and deeper into the forest one will find webs becoming more and more common along with spiders of all shapes sizes and colors going about various tasks. For the most part it was like a community of it's own for the arachnid but when you get to the core well you will find various arrancar of much lower status. Some even newly formed relaxed in various burrows. From the canopy hung sacks of lights some wiggled and roars and screeches could be heard from some as others laid silent. Just who or what created this den was unknown but one thing was for sure it was a safe place for now

#2[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:34 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika knew what he was doing but didn't exactly understand why he was doing it. This was in general recurring theme in his life, nothing new to his general array of less than savory activities. Nonetheless he showed up at the forest looking for the matriarch of that particular domain. Nakita was well known, and a trail of bones from various Hollows that had met their end was pretty much the greatest indicator of where she was currently residing. A spider descended in front of Ika, it's fangs were apparent and it's body was no less than a foot wide causing Ika's own features to contort in disgust before he blew the thing away with a Hadou 4.

Unfortunately for Ika the blood from the creature splattered upon using the attack, and now he stood there angry as hell with spider guts on his face. He took his sleeve and wiped it aside before flairing his Reitsu. "I've got less than no interest in continuing this fucking hide and seek game Nakita. Get out here so I can talk to you or I'll nuke this entire forest to find you. I'm going to give you roughly ten seconds, after that this forest goes bye-bye. You've been summoned, and I'm not taking no for an answer."

#3[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:02 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Yeah you see I love to hide and seek to observe my prey but unfortunately you aren't the one I would love to take a bite out of."Spoke an unbodied voice as several eyes seem to glow around the webby den before disappearing farther into the dark when he flared his reiastu a bit "I also suggest you don't do that here as the children deal enough trying to handle each other's reiastu" Spoke the voice again as several dozen spiders moved from all directions to a spot a few feet from him as a figure formed in front of him as Nakita decided to appear allowing her four hands to wrap around their opposite elbows watching him "Now tell me, Why should I listen to an unwanted bastard son of a hollow and shinigami?"Asked Nakita thinking since a vizard is part hollow this Ika Mazi must be a massively unwanted love child cause no one taught him clearly how to respect full-blooded counterparts

#4[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:18 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The spider lady was babbling some kind of vague annoying veiled nonsense, seemingly trying to irritate Ika as best she could. On the bright side, at least she realized he wasn't the only playing prey in this instance, it was nice to find another Arrancar that maybe understood the pecking order. Ika continued to step forwards, using a Hadou 33 on his right hand to melt through any webs he might come across. The woman disappeared further into her den, prompting a sigh as Ika was forced to follow her even deeper into the lair. She continued to speak cautions to him, perhaps somehow disillusioned enough to believe he regarded what she was saying.

She tried to spook him out of flaring his Reitsu in the area which only prompted him to exert it more heavily. "WHAT'S THAT?! I'M SORRY I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF YOU BEING AN ANNOYING BITCH. MAYBE IF YOU CRAWL OUT OF YOUR FUCKING HIDEY-HOLE WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS." Of course as he said this a few spiders formed around him and the eyes he was tracking into the cave began to come closer. Unfortunately, from the looks of things this was yet another Arrancar with an attitude issue Ika was going to have to resolve. "Why would you listen to a bastard like me.. well it's quite simple really. It's either you listen, or I nuke the forest, your kids, your grandma, your goldfish, and whatever else you have around here and turn it into dust. You're included in that burial, by the way."

#5[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:26 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Get a hearing aid then an old man. Learn to hear anything other then your own massive ego. You came searching for me not me searching for you."She spoke taking a seat watching him deciding she was comfortable enough to not keep dragging him in. He certainly was determined and not afraid, what massive balls he clearly had. She crossed her legs before leaning forwards on her elbows "If you wished to do that, you would have. Then again, by destroying me and all these forests you waste mass potential for the army you wish to raise. So let's attempt to talk without going deaf shall we, there are innocent ears around after all and a lot of future potentials if allowed to grow correctly."She added deciding to just let him get what he wanted out having her spiders move all the lower Arrancar far from the den, just in case. These vizards are about as unpredictable as a stamped of giant Menos.

#6[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:09 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The spider bitch had an attitude but in truth that was to be expected. It seemed that every Arrancar Ika had encountered thus far came pre-loaded with personality defects out the wahzoo, and Ika was beyond tired of it by this point. She was lucky she had taken a seat, otherwise Ika was pretty likely to have hit her in the mouth in exchange for his troubles. The spider queen crossed her legs, appendage, things, and leaned forwards on her.. elbows? Ika didn't claim to be an arachnologist and hoped the wokes of the world would forgive him for his general ignorance towards the spiders anatomical structure. He kept an eye on her, not quite trusting her enough to lower his defenses and for now, he would listen.

"You're right, if I had wished to destroy this place I would've done so. However my wishes are well known for changing on a whim, particularly if people irritate the shit out of me. I wouldn't recommend testing my resolve on that matter, moving on from that you're correct. I would like to acquire some of the potential in this forest, and I would like you to join me as an Espada under my control. You can remain queen of this jungle, I have no interest in taking it from you, but you answer to me and for the most part reside closer to Las Noches for the time being."

Ika paused a moment to light a cigarette, letting the flicker of his lighter keep the attention of the Hollows around him before letting smoke fill the air around him. "I hope you'll find my terms reasonable."

#7[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Sat Apr 25, 2020 9:35 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"If you mind no smoking in the forest, or even among my webs, the community that lives in them work hard on making them and putting them where they are now."She spoke after listening to him ramble on about his terms and wants "Let me Ask this. you are considered a shinigami and a hollow. Why should I, a Full blooded Arrancar listen to a half breed much like yourself, How does this relationship benefit me and the fellow races here in this world? What purpose do we have to serve you other than to be pawns in your game?' she asked looking at him "As you should be able to tell. I have tons of children, Arrancar, and hollows, both young and old the hide under my protection till they feel safe and strong to leave my care of their own will. What do you offer to them?" she asked looking around. she knew everything going on in this webby den. This vizard offer was interesting to say the least

#8[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:07 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Apparently the fucking soccer moms had taken over the Menos Forest and banned smoking while Ika was away. That was a fucking pity to put it mildly, and the very mention drew an eye-roll so deep he could for a moment see the back of his skull, along with his brain shaking in irritation. Nonetheless, Ika would just smile and nod, tossing the cigarette to the ground before stomping it out. He needed to get his schpeal out of the way anyway, no point in getting hung up on the cigarette thing. Nakita asked a very stupid question, prompting a small chuckle and head-shake before Ika would continue. "I don't know where you Arrancar get off on calling your superiors halflings, but I'd like to make this clear. I'm a halfling that could wipe you and this forest off the map at any point in the next ten minutes." Ika flexed his Reitsu a moment, letting her feel the full brunt of it before continuing. "I'm not here to argue about what I can do for you. Me letting you live is courtesy enough as far as I'm concerned."

Ika stepped towards her before continuing. "All I have to offer you is purpose and military might. A fight against the Shinigami and Quincy who would prefer to see you dead. If survival isn't sufficient for you and your kin then I struggle to think what is."

#9[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Thu May 07, 2020 12:05 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"it is the same as quincy thinking themselves superior of all the human races or the shinigami finding themselves to be superior to all other races."She spoke rubbing the left temple of her forehead flexing him flex his reiastu "Listen, I seen this organization happen over and over and over. We arrancar...We dont like to share nor do we like playing house with each other. This dimension and it inhabitants...All we know is the strongest survive, or I guess you can say we like playing king of the hill...However, I know someday I will be ended and these little ones might not be able to fill my shoes till centuries from now..."SHe said closing her eyes staying silent for a few moments "Alright, we will join you on one condition, you need to bring the rabid dog, we all know a one graven fell into the Espada...Do this and you have us at your service."She spoke opening her eyes as several other eyes and movements could be3 seen from around wedded structures and coccoons.

#10[Open] Enter the spider daycare Empty Re: [Open] Enter the spider daycare Thu May 07, 2020 8:58 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
The girl spoke once more, presumably trying her best to explain her thoughts on what Ika was saying even though it came across a bit weirdly. She rubbed her temples, presumably feeling Ika flexing his Reitsu in her general direction. She mentioned having seen similar formations come and go as time went on, it was a point Ika couldn't really argue but he still needed to snap back. "And yet every time a superior being has shown itself, you've all flocked to serve them like moths to a lamp. You'll serve out of necessity, it borders on duty for you Hollows. And in the meantime? I'll go fetch your dog, Graven Fel right? Good times we usedto have, guess he couldn't rule the desert forever." Ika turned his back, slowly beginning to meander his way out of the forest. "When I return you'll be subservient, or you'll die. Those are your options. I hope you'll make the correct decision."

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