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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

Anna stood outside a decent size two-story home Leaning against a lamppost waiting on a certain someone to arrive. She was nervous about this meeting for ages cause well, she didn't know how to react or how certain someone will react to find out another reason she remained and wanted to stay quiet to the soul society. She put up with enough Quincy and enough of the soul society in her years being considered dead. She would go through it all again for the lives she protected cause how else was she to have known what was to come from the moment she began to hollowfy only to kill several of squad 2 from an ambush only to fake her death in that ambush. If she had known her life was to come to this. she would have probably stayed in the gotei. it was only right for all the hell she been through since then, She just hoped this secret wasn't going to backfire on her

Tier: 1-1

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami's brow was furrowed as he walked down the street towards a two-story home in the heart of New York City. He was in a gigai that he had managed to appropriate a while ago, and was dressed in a pair of grey dress slacks and a black button-up shirt, the first two buttons undone. He had been invited here by Anna, who had been rather nervous when she had gotten in touch. That made him nervous.

A nervous Okami was a twitchy Okami, and a twitchy Okami was ready to draw his sword at any moment. Thus, he was trying to be on his best behavior, as he didn't want Anna panicking.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

"There you are. For a while I didn't think you would be able to make it as you have been"She spoke sensing him as she pushed off the post waiting for him. "Now...Before anything. I need you to know, I wanted to tell you of this for a very long time but fate isn't that kind and well I haven't been exactly free to go contacting all I want."She said taking ahold of his hand gently "Since you are back in my life, it is time you know another secret I have kept for a very long while, being down here" she said looking around nervously. Anna never was one to be nervous or even show it but something this big, how would he react when he finally finds out her reasoning? it was now or never.

She leads him towards the house having him step to the porch in front of the door as she knocked several times standing to the side as the door opened to an older woman "May I ask who you ar-" State the woman before two black shadows ran past the woman both tackling into Okami's gut with enough force to send him back

"I got the stranger!"Called one
"No I got him first!"Called the other one
"No Me!"Said the first as the two shadows turned out to be two small girls of nearly identical features of every bit of the other.

"G-Girls...Get off him."Gasped Anna fighting back at wave of laughter watching Okami get taken out by two seven year olds. The girls stopped their arguing the moment they took note of being outside and Anna being there "Mama is back!"They cried in unisin dissappearing only to reappear next to anna hugging her waist as two firey pair of footprints were rested near and on top of Okami.

Tier: 1-1

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami's muscles immediately relaxed as he was tackled by two blurs of black hair and energy. As he laid on the ground, he barely registered Anna's amusement, and the girls' declaration. Their hair was nearly identical to his, soft and black. They had the Shiba Clan's cheekbones and strong features, along with the typical Nanashi's softer edges. On top of that?

Their energy was warm like the sun, just like his mother's.

Blinking slightly, he let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and sat up, running a hand through his hair. Looking over at Anna, his eyes seemed almost questioning, hopeful. "Are they...?"

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

Anna watched him as the twins tugged at her shirt wanting her attention of all their questions and adventures while she was gone "And then and then we went to a park and saw a pretty tiny hollow and it ran off when we wanted to play!"They said in the sense of all their ramblings of questions and statements.
"Girls, please...Calm yourselves."She said kneeling on one knee getting to their height "Now listen this is very important. You know the question you asked me a few months ago...Do you remember what it was Seika?" asked Anna
"It was Do we had a daddy."Said Seika proudly.
"Very Good, still a strong memory," said Anna gently with a smile "Now Himika do you remember my answer?" she asked
"That he was away fighting to keep our family safe."Said Himika looking over to Okami
"Very Good...Now I did promise you would see him someday...This is your father...Okami Shiba. Now go say hi and be nice and take turns with your questions"She said nudging the girls over to him before they took her hands having her come with them keeping close to her a bit behind. Allowing the typical shyness of new people that was typical of childern to show as Anna moved over to him sitting down as well "Okami, Meet our daughters Himika and Seika Shiba." She said with a smile before the girls moved out from behind her, following an instinct of wanting to hug him as they both did so.

Tier: 1-1

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
The elder of the two Vizards was stunned, his normally-dead eyes gleaming with an emotion that couldn't be recognized immediately. The moment the two twins moved and hugged him, he broke from his trance and hugged them back tightly, closing his eyes that now glowed silver with happiness and his own energy, allowing his reiatsu to flow outward and engulf his family like a warm blanket. Tears began to streak down his face as he began to laugh wholeheartedly, pulling away and looking his girls in the eye. "Himika and Seika...such pretty names. I'm so sorry I haven't been here for you. Let me make it up to you."

As he said that, he hesitantly reached up to cup both of their faces, a soft smile causing his face to light up in a way it hasn't in over a century. "You must have so many questions. Ask me anything."

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

The twins smiled hugging him tightly back, unsure why they feel the way they do but this felt natural to them. They have hugged friends and others they needed to, but this felt different and better feeling the energy flow around them like a blanket hearing his laughter as they pulled away watching him "Mama thought they were and mama said it was to keep our family safe from harm "said Himika happily listening to him as she smiles beaming happily "Alrighty here we go! What's your favorite color? Favorite food? Do you have a crush? if so on who? How did you and Mama meet? Was it romantic? Where are your ears? why aren't your eyes like mama's? What is your magic? Who do you fight?" Do you fight the bow people? Or the mask people or fellow swordsman?"Asked The twins just rambling off questions they had.

"Yeah I hope you can forgive me for keeping them a secret and being alive one..."Said Anna feeling guilty for keeping him in the dark about everything.

Tier: 1-1

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami listened with rapt attention as the twins fired off question after question. Once it seemed like they were finished, he got a rather obviously thoughtful look on his face before answering their questions in order. "Well, my favorite color is silver, my favorite food is probably sushi, I have a crush on your Mama, and we met when we were about your age, maybe a bit younger. I don't have ears because that's part of what makes Mama special, and my eyes aren't like hers for the same reason. My...magic deals with the moon, and I fight anyone who tries to hurt others. I've fought bow people, masked people, and swordsmen, and I'd do it all over again if it meant you two were safe."

Looking up at Anna, he'd give her a subtle wink and a smile. She, of all people, didn't have to apologize.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Anna Nanashi-Shiba
Nervous as all hell

"Really so cool! Who you fight? Are they massive? Are they strong? What their magic? Why do they want to hurt anyone? Do we have grandparents and siblings? Where do you live? Do you live in a mansion? Can we see it someday? Where do you work? What do you do?"Asked Himika just rambling on random thoughts as question as Seika smiled content letting Himika ask all the questions as she kept her arms wrapped around his neck
"Girls, Why don't you go inside and go show daddy some pictures you both have made of Sakura and Amrematsu," She said sweetly as the twins got up before running back inside racing each other into the darkness as the woman smiled "it is good to see them finally fully happy, Will you be leaving with them today Anna? They are growing way too much to remain safe in this world outside the Soul society."Spoke the older woman
"I know sadly, We will be probably leaving tonight. I do thank you for all you do for us and them"Spoke Anna
"It has been a honor and a pleasure helping all these years."She said

Tier: 1-1

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Okami chuckled at what was clearly the more excitable of the two twins' questions, while the other just kept hugging him. He was thinking of an easy way to answer Himika's queries without telling her too much when Anna gave them a suggestion, with them running off inside the house to go find pictures of Sakura and Amaterasu, which he could only assume were friends of theirs. Standing up, he had an almost wistful smile on his face as he listened to Anna's words to their sitter. "We can all stay at the Shiba Estate. That way you don't have to face your family until you're ready, and my Clan is more accepting than the rest of the Seireitei. Plus, they'd all love to meet the two of them."

Okami's direct family had all passed, killed in the line of duty, although he still had cousins and such in the Branch Family that lived on the Estate. It was rather large and elegant, yet incredibly relaxed and cozy at the same time.

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