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#11[Event] Doom Cometh - Page 2 Empty Re: [Event] Doom Cometh Mon May 04, 2020 4:54 am


Kaze watched as the girl bum rushed him anyways despite his mist of darkness and accepted that the girl was either stupid or brave. However that pesky hammer was getting annoying, how much energy did it take to keep summoning that stupid thing anyways? Regardless he formed another cocoon of darkness around himself just as her strike connected, while he slammed him towards the ground the darkness itself absorbed a large portion of the blow and Kaze stood on the ground staring at Natasha with a weird demonic grin on his face.

He then fired a Cero at her before using another kidou this time one meant to completely fool the girl Bakudo 26 Kyokko which meant Kaze cast a bright light around himself from a extended hand, much like he had with his darkness earlier, it surrounded him before bending the light around him as well, rendering their physical presence invisible as well as hiding their spiritual pressure from the outside view.

However this only meant that until he attacked she couldn't find him.

Kaze always attacked however..

He popped into existence directly in front of her in his full hollow form and with a look that could kill brought down the full force of his spiritual power down upon the girl with a swing of his sword. Whether or not she blocked, was irrelevant. Whether or not she dodged.. was irrelevant. This move and it's power, as well as it's range, was on power with his earlier forbidden level kidou and would easily decimate the city block Kaze and Natasha were fighting in at the moment.

"Absolution..." Was all that was heard from the hollowfied Kaze before his swing made it's way down towards the middle of Natasha's chest. Causing the slash to indeed explode with terrifying power and range, up to the aforementioned city block and forbidden level kidou.

However as he stood there in the aftermath of his strike his full hollow form crumbled away leaving only his mask which would soon disappear on him as well, but luckily he still had some fight in him. Just not enough to win, if that blow didn't finish the job. Kaze knew he had lost if she was not finished beyond redemption at this point.. He could perform one, maybe two more attacks, but then his reserves would be spent. Something that didn't happen very often, and only occurred because he had been too focused on destroy the city as instructed and less concerned fighting the girl until it was too late.

Tch.. This was what happens whenever he underestimates his opponent he supposed, but he could still get away if needed. There was always a final option..

#12[Event] Doom Cometh - Page 2 Empty Re: [Event] Doom Cometh Mon May 04, 2020 8:48 am


Natasha's hammer had connected once again, however it moreso connected with his darkness than anything. It hardly even phased him, which slightly annoyed the girl. Then, he hd the audacity to stand against her again and fire off a Cero at her. Natasha would dodge the cero, except this time when she turned towards him a bright light woulf appear. Natasha would cover her eyes as the light pierced brighter than she would have liked. When the light was gone, Kaze would have vanished causing Natasha to scan the area as cautiously as she possibly could. Where could he have gone? Did he escape? She couldn't sense him as of now.

Before she knew it, Kaze was standing before her in all of his hollowfied glory stating her down with the strict intent to kill. He would swing his sword up releasing all of the spiritual power that he potentially could, however Natasha stood unphased knowing full well the intensity of such power. As he brought his sword down uoon her, Natasha would use her free hand to pull out her shield placing it before his sword to block the weapon. Nonetheless, it wouldn't completely stop the oncoming attack as a large blast would release itself from the sword, but it would block at most a Cero Oscuras worth of power.

As the explosion went off, Natasha couldn't help but feel the ground beneath her crater and hear the city crumbling around her. The area was devastated and Natasha was not in a good position. Her shield would slowly be burned and chipped away as the explosion drew on. Her body that consisted of normal, human flesh would sustain massive burns of the second degree. Blisters would begin to immediately pop up across her torso as her clothing would have large holes burnt in them over her abdomen and across her arms and legs. Her face would turn a shade of red as her left cheek would as show signs of blistering. Natasha would growl loudly in pain and yell as she attempted to hold her ground in the moment.

As Kaze's hollow form would crumble away, Natasha's shield would also disappear fully. The hand holding her shield had been stripped off all the false skin, however the nanites seemed to be restoring it as swiftly as possible. Natasha would find herself glaring at Kaze with gritted teeth as the pain she felt was truly unimaginable. She could feel the heat radiating off of her skin, the bubbling of the blisters across her person, and the sickness deep inside her stomach at the smell of burning flesh. She was angry and in pain, which would only make her more angry. She was growing tired, but she still had much more fight left in her.

Natasha would take this time, while Kaze was drained to take what she hoped would be one last swing. She would swing her hammer towards his head with all of her might. At this point, she was hoping to kill him.

#13[Event] Doom Cometh - Page 2 Empty Re: [Event] Doom Cometh Mon May 04, 2020 10:16 am


Kaze breathed calmly, despite being tired. He stood tall, despite being in massive amounts of pain. She came at him with her hammer and he battered it away with his Tri-Edge ability causing his Zanpaktou to hit the hammer three separate times at the same moment, which allowed him to basically triple his impact and allow him to bounce her weapon away from him despite the fact she was physically stronger than him.

His mask shattered after he used the last of his hollow energy. His Zanpaktou cracked as he reached the limit to his spiritual power. His consciousness faded and he stayed standing. He had spent too much energy focused on the city rather than his opponent and that ultimately led to his downfall this day. A mistake he would not be repeating in the future irregardless of the orders he had been given. Whether he got to live past this day or not, he accomplished the mission he had been given. Destruction, Mayhem, and Death. Natasha had not stopped a single thing from happening in the first place and in Kaze's mind that meant he won.

#14[Event] Doom Cometh - Page 2 Empty Re: [Event] Doom Cometh Tue May 05, 2020 11:43 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
What Ika wants Ika gets. Such was the way of things as he allowed for one of his fellow Hollows to form a Gargantua, allowing him to enter the Human World. He smiled as he saw that Kaze had been successful in nearly leveling the city he had been sent to torch, and with that his job had been accomplished. Ika Shunpo'd to grab the man and Shunpo'd back through the Gargantua in an instant, not sticking around to be detected or traced. The Hollow left behind however was a sacrifical lamb of sorts, they would be left there to be smashed to death by a now raging Natasha. Ika had more interesting and unique plans for Kaze, plans that included a raid that would be occurring very soon in the near to immediate future. "You did well Kaze, though I'll be honest I didn't expect the Human girl to give you that much trouble.. nonetheless the mission is complete, you deserve a rest." The hollow was smashed in Natasha's wake, and now she would be left to pick up the pieces.

-Thread End-

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