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#1Sven Larson, Embodiment of the Storm  Empty Sven Larson, Embodiment of the Storm Sat May 09, 2020 8:40 pm

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho


Name: Sven Larson

Alias: Nah.

Apparent Age: 23

True Age: 23

Sex: Male

Personality: Sven is a rambunctious, outgoing, and fun-loving dude. A Swedish-American born in New York, Sven awoke to his abilities very young and practically by accident. For him, he sort of stumbled upon the hidden Spiritual World when he was about 12, so he’s had a good amount of time to focus and hone his abilities under the tutelage of various Powered Humans he’s come across while blindly going about and challenging Hollows, picking fights.

Sven enjoys fighting, it’s the Viking blood running thick in his veins. Sven lives for the freedom of the sky, using his powers to soar through the clouds. The man is protective of New York, and despises when Hollows try to to snacc on the unprotected innocents. Using his slight weakness for dramatic flair, Sven descends from above to bash a Hollow’s brains out. Is his catchphrase “You’ve been Thunderstruck!”? Well, duh. Of course it is.


Height: 6’1”

Weight: 175 lbs

Physical Traits:
I Know He Has a Sword Here, I’m Just Lazy:


General Fighting Style: Sven uses his mighty thunder and lightning abilities to get in close and pummel his opponent with fists of stormy fury while keeping them pressured with his tricky stunning effects. I dunno dude, I’m too lazy to in-depth beat off on the page.

Strengths: Agility, Durability, Strength, Hakuda, Stamina
Weaknesses: Sensing, Zanjutsu, Reiatsu Manipulation, Reiatsu


Ability Name: Blessing of the Thunder God
Description: Sven appropriates Graven’s religion, moving individual parts of his body at Blur-speeds up to three times per turn.

Ability Name: Heart of Thunder
Description: Sven is able to materialize a gauntlet of highly-compressed sound energy on his right arm that goes up to his elbow. This gauntlet is treated as having Zanpakuto-level durability, and any strike using this gauntlet is treated as a sound energy based attack. Once per turn, Sven can fire a blast of compressed sound waves that is equivalent to a Cero from this hand.

Ability Name: Soul of Storms
Description: Sven is able to materialize a gauntlet of highly-focused lightning energy on his left arm that goes up to his elbow. This gauntlet is treated as having Zanpakuto-level durability , and any strike using this gauntlet is treated as a lightning energy based attack. Once per turn, Sven is able to fire an arc of focused lightning energy that is equivalent to a Cero from this hand.


Ability Name: Champion of the Thunder God
Description: Sven’s attacks treat Hierro and Hierro-like abilities as one level lower. (Strong-> Average -> Weak)

Ability Name: Zealot of the Thunder God
Description: Sven’s body is coated in a swirling layer of storm-energy which acts as a layer of strong Hierro. Additionally, this Hierro-layer allows Sven to fly and airwalk without freezing to death or anything because atmosphere=cold.

Ability Name: Avatar of the Thunder God
Description: Sven is immune to the damage and effects of his own attacks.

Ability Name: Thunderstruck
Description: Each turn, the first time the opponent is struck by sound energy, their body is stunned on their next turn, making all their attacks for that turn 50% less powerful. This stunned sensation fades at the end of the turn.

Ability Name: Aftershock
Description: Each turn, the first time the opponent is struck by lightning energy, they will become charged with Sven’s lightning. The next turn, if the opponent uses an attack that meets certain requirements (melee or a ranged attack of Cero damage or higher), it fails as their body is seized up by the electric current in their body which deals them ½ a Cero of damage. If the opponent does not make any attacks, the energy dissipates the next turn.

Ability Name: Roar of Thunder
Description: Sven fires off a tight blast of concussive sound energy which deals different levels of damage dependant on the target’s durability:
Strong: Bala (1 turn cooldown)
Average: Cero (2 turn cooldown)
Weak: Gran Rey (3 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Scream of Lightning
Description: Sven fires off a tight blast of lightning energy which deals different levels of damage dependant on the target’s durability:
Strong: Gran Rey (3 turn cooldown)
Average: Cero (2 turn cooldown)
Weak: Bala (1 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Lightning Strikes
Description: Sven fires off 20 bolts of lightning which each move at Bala speeds and are equivalent to a Hadou 4.
(2 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Thunder Rolls
Description: Sven creates an explosion of sound and lightning that deals a Gran Rey of damage within a 100 foot radius of him.
(3 turn cooldown)

Ability Name: Judgement of the Thunder God
Description: Sven fires off a blast of compressed sound and concentrated lightning, dealing a Gran Rey of damage.
(3 turn cooldown)


History: [Optional.]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]


Approved! 1-5*

*on the condition that JayJay gets fucking murdered

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