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#1[Private] The unlikely acquaintance Empty [Private] The unlikely acquaintance Fri Apr 17, 2020 10:26 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
It was an end to a frantic day, the moon was raised over the city of Tokyo and the skies were clear of clouds, stars glittered like embers in a fire, giving a sense of awe about the sky. Trailing off in thought, Thor wondered about the sky, and what it held. Thoughts about visitors whizzed about in his head, but didn't stay long as he reminded himself of Shinigami and their foes: hollows and arrancars. Through Thor's eyes, he really didn't care that Shinigamis hated arrancars, or vise versa. Due to the fact that since the beginning people have found way to hate each other and kill each other. Though, however, he wondered if there ever be somekind of understanding between the two races.

Thor stood at the entrance of the park, looking into the starry night sky. He started walking forward, walking down the Eli parks steps, and not paying much attention to what he stood. Even if something were to happen, he had his accessories in handy; he always did just in case. While walking along the parks concrete path, he stumbled upon a bench; the bench was wooden and was shaped like a diagonal "S". Figuring it was a prime location to lie down and enjoy the stars, he laid down on it. The bench was cold as the night air, but Thor did not mind. Unconscious to his surroundings, he watched the skies, but what he did not expect was company, and after a day like today, he really did not need it.

#2[Private] The unlikely acquaintance Empty Re: [Private] The unlikely acquaintance Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:09 am

Akira Yamamoto

Akira Yamamoto
"So pretty." He could smell her before he heard her, or more accurately he could smell the popcorn she was carrying.  Akira shook the non-descript white paper bag a little, shifting the slightly stale snack around so she could find fluffier bites and let the fragment bits sift out.  She settled onto the S-shaped bench opposite the stargazer and tilted her head up for a look.  She had a vague idea that someone else was there but she had yet to truly take stock of him, visually.  For now, he was either a vagrant, a youth out past their curfew, or perhaps hopefully a mutual appreciator of the heavenly scene above.

The woman that sat a few feet away was dressed like many out for a walk around the town.  Simple jeans, a simple top, and a light jacket over top to put a barrier between her skin the cooling evening air.  "Popcorn?" She asked somewhat absently, tilting the bag at a 45 degree angle.  She offered, but she was not yet ready to spare the effort unless he spared some too.

#3[Private] The unlikely acquaintance Empty Re: [Private] The unlikely acquaintance Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:01 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
He wasn't expecting any company. Or so he thought. Thor was interrupted by a voice as his thoughts came crashing down on him. He noticed that the voice of the person who spoke towards him sounded like a female -- to which he sighed. As usual women don't seem to leave him alone. Everywhere he went there was someone trying to hook up with him or something of that sort. Thor wasn't the one to complain, but lately it was nothing but an annoyance towards him. What was enthralling was that the self-initiation that they had. Majority of the times it was the man who initiated. But when it came to him -- it was the women who did it. However it did concern him one way or another. Since there was always a secondary agenda behind it.

Sitting upright and glancing towards his right side, he looked from the corner of his eye to see the woman, as he saw the female offering him popcorn. Slightly grinning, Thor would accept the offering of popcorn as he would go onto to take a handful of popcorn only to start eating it. "um...this is good." his voice was muffled, as his mouth was filled with popcorn. Taking a minute or two to chew them down the Arrancar would go onto gaze at the female once again, "So. Do I know you? Just askuing since you don't see strangers offering popcorn everyday. Heh." a lopsided grin would appear on his face as he eagerly awaited for a response.

#4[Private] The unlikely acquaintance Empty Re: [Private] The unlikely acquaintance Wed May 06, 2020 8:42 am

Akira Yamamoto

Akira Yamamoto
"I don't think so, but I recognize a hungry man when I see one. Maybe you didn't even know you were hungry." She shakes the bag of popcorn, jostling it lightly to move some new kernels up to the top and redistribute their buttery flavor and salty seasoning. She then sighed and slumped her shoulders a bit as she looked out at the quiet night sky and idly popped a few more pieces into her own mouth.

"I like that there can be some peace and quiet even amongst thousands of other souls and in a city like this. Don't you?" She smiled briefly and turned her eyes for a quick glance at her snack partner. "Akira, by the way. My name."

She offered the popcorn again. "Yours?"

#5[Private] The unlikely acquaintance Empty Re: [Private] The unlikely acquaintance Sat May 09, 2020 9:28 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
"Indeed. Though, truth be told, it is quite rare to experience days such as this." The arrancar would utter, looking at the female from the corner of his eye. As the woman would go onto reveal her name, the arrancar would respond, "Nice to meet you, Akira. I'm Thor Blerster." Nodding, the man would respond with a smile on his face.

"Sure." Dipping his hand yet again, the man would take another handful of popcorn. "Do you live in Japan? Or are you just visiting like I am?" Putting a few pieces of popcorn into his mouth, the man would inquire, while releasing a bit of spiritual pressure outwards. There was something odd about Akira; something more than it meets the eye. And Thor was going to find just about what that was.

#6[Private] The unlikely acquaintance Empty Re: [Private] The unlikely acquaintance Thu May 21, 2020 1:41 am

Akira Yamamoto

Akira Yamamoto
"No, Japan isn't home anymore although you could call me a native. Don't let the Tokyo accent fool you." Although she was playing a little bit timid to the question, she couldn't help but smirk a bit at how cheeky she was intentionally being. In knowing the truth, obviously, she had amused herself. The gentleman was direct enough and respectful enough in asking that it raised no alarms. After all, such a step was an obvious continuation of a conversation between two souls who did not know one another.

"Mister Thor Blerster. Bllllerster. Bler-sterrr." She repeated the name a few more times almost mumbling under her breath as she iterated it, again and again, occasionally sprinkling in 'Thor' once more. "Sorry, it's this thing I do to help remember names. Faces? No problem. But names...yeesh, I struggle. I went to academy for a couple of years and the first time I went back home it took me two full weeks to remember my mother's name."

The woman's cheeks flushed slightly in embarrassment not at having shared such a thing with his stranger, but rather at her own pained reflection on past conduct. Akira was the only person bold enough to ever embarrass Akira.

"You a local? I'd guess you were what with the knowledge of a secret spot to come and lay."

#7[Private] The unlikely acquaintance Empty Re: [Private] The unlikely acquaintance Fri May 22, 2020 7:10 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
"Just 'Thor' is fine." The arrancar would utter with a smirk on his face. For some reason, he wasn't a fan when people would titles like, 'mister', 'sir', and 'lord' to address him. It didn't offend him by any means, so to speak. It was just that said titles didn't match with his overall character.

"No, I'm not. I'm just visiting. Though, to be honest with you, I have visited this place more times than I can count. So, I guess you could say that I know my way around." Thor was a traveller. When he wasn't assigned to missions pertaining to the Espada, he would be out roaming the world of the living; where he would spend days, sometimes months just wandering from place to place, enjoying himself.

"So, Akira, have you ever heard of death gods? They quite popular in Japanese culture." It may seem to be an innocent question at first glance, however, there was a secondary agenda behind the said question. And to make things more interesting the Arrancar would release a bit of spiritual pressure, hoping the woman would notice. All he needed to do now was to just wait.

#8[Private] The unlikely acquaintance Empty Re: [Private] The unlikely acquaintance Sat May 23, 2020 7:18 pm

Akira Yamamoto

Akira Yamamoto
"Thor it is then..." she lilted as she looked around the mostly empty park, taking in the sights and sounds of nature and the gently cooling night air. It was no surprise to learn he was a traveler, he had the look of a timeworn soul about him although such an observation might fit mostly keenly into confirmation bias. What comfort was this place to him? How many memories had he made here that he felt comfort in returning? And more importantly, were those memories cheerful and warming? Or melancholy?

She continued to idly transfer popcorn from the bag into her mouth, two or three kernels at a time, as a respectful silence lingered around them. In due time, the man's eyes lit up a bit and the corner of his mouth almost seemed to curl in anticipation of the question (or perhaps she was just projecting) but he mentioned...death gods.

The brief trickle of spiritual energy which was measured, controlled, deliberate flowed out of him like a faucet being turned ever so slightly. It filled his form and just began to fill the space around him when the measured output lost its vigor; it was carefully calculated. If he were wrong about whatever hunch he was exploring even this meager amount of energy from someone as potent as Thor would scramble her senses and maybe even knock her out. Perhaps that's what he hoped? To be left alone in silence and memory yet again. Perhaps not.

Despite her best efforts, the analytical nature of her mind and her conscious effort to measure what she was feeling caused her hand to pause mid-delivery, frozen for a fraction of a second while she tasted, smelled, felt his spiritual pressure. To any normal human it would barely register but to the supernatural senses of people like them it might as well have been a flare gun.

"Yes, I have. Shinto is becoming trendy again. All these 'millennials' thing spirituality is the new hip thing to stand out from their traditionalist parents and peers. Of course, the roots are much older and deeper than just some tweens and their social standing." She bowed her head slightly and decided to go for it, releasing but a trace amount of her own spiritual pressure. "One of the oldest traditions out there, in truth" and she raised her head again.

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