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Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Johan calmly stepped into the arena, his shoes crunching on the hard-packed, dry earth. He found himself here suddenly, his mind filled with the understanding of what this place was: a battle arena that existed outside of space and time where nothing that occurred within it's walls, o his dimension, would translate into the real world once the battle was concluded. But who was to be his opponent? Johan focused on his sensory capabilities, picking up a blip on his radar approaching from the opposite end. He held a hand out, his gun materializing in a flash of light and the Quincy got into a fighting stance, ready to make his move.


Natasha would groan as she was yet again back in this stupid arena. She knew she had been here before. She didn't know how it kept happening or why they kept bringing her here, however she knew what it was she needed to do. Who could it possibly be this time? She wasn't too fond of things like this, however she had things she needed to be doing elsewhere. She didn't have the time to waste. As she walked towards the enterance of the arena, she felt an unfamiliar presence, which tended to calm her nerves. At least it was Ika, that guy was a pain in the ass.

Natasha would enter the arena only to notice a gun was pointed directly at her, which didn't seem to phase her much at all. "Calm down there, would you? They haven't said 'go' yet. Besides, I just got here. It'd be awfully rude to shoot a lady before she was ready," Natasha would say aloud stopping at the other end of the arena. She would stand with her arms crossed in front of her awaiting the start to the battle. There was no need to introduce herself. There was no need to make much of an enterance either. By the time this was over, he'd be dead and she'd be on her way.

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Johan scoffed as his opponent appeared and commented on his battle-ready stance. The man grinned, eager to get the show on the road.


"I was promised a challenge, not a little russiches Mädchen."

Thread BGM:

Johan's body flashed with light, exploding outwards in a flash as Johan tore off his Sanrei Glove with near-prejudice while entering Vollstandig. Brilliant glass-like wings erupted from the man's back, his body shimmering lightly from Blut Vene activating along with his many other abilities while whirling pieces of glass and light swirled around his body. Johan snapped his off-hand, a mirror appearing behind Natasha as he trained his sights on the woman. A lens appeared in front of the man as he fired off 5 quick shots of Heilige Pfeil in rapid succession through his Doppelspeigel. Johan was't gonna hold anything back, and planned to unleash his full fury in this arena of death and glory.




Natasha would grin listening to his comment about being promised a challenge. She was going to enjoy ending this one. As they would announce the beginning of the battle, her opponent would immediately release into his most powerful form. He had wings that were beautifully created from glass, which she had to admit was pretty cool. It seemed that he was willing to go all out right off the bat, which made Natasha fairly excited. She had noticed the mirror appearing behind her, however it hadn't done anything once formed. He would fire off a few shots from his weapon at her. Of course, she would use blur to swiftly dodge his bullets as 5 canons and a balista would drop from the atmosphere around her with 3 weapons on each side. Within a matter of moments, 5 ceros, 5 bala, and a cero level spear would all launch at him at the same time. Following behind would be Natasha manifesting her giant hammer from the air. If he took on the blasts, she would follow behind them and swing at him with her hammer. If he dodged, she would simply use blur to get up close enough to still swing at him.

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Johan let out an amused sigh as the girl dodged his initial volley and shook his head. "They always forget the mirror..." Johan remarked dryly as the 5 Doubled Heilige Pfeil bounced off the mirror that materialized behind Natasha, hurtling towards her last location - the cannons. The arrows of light hammered into the cannons, doing as much damage as you'd expect 10 Bala worth of damage to do. Johan took a moment to assess the situation, then raised his weapon once more and calmly fired off 5 more Heilige Pfeil through the lens, their flight vectors directly intercepting the 5 Bala strength techniques the Russich had shot off before blasting through them, albeit weakened to Bala strength. Johan then setup 5 mirrors in each of their flight paths so once the arrows slammed into them so they'd bounce back towards Natasha.

"Steady..." All while he was doing this, Johan calmly stared down the massive volley of Cero-blasts as they got ever-closer. He'd give the girl some credit, the barrage left few frontal openings, and according to his Seelensonar, she was right behind the blasts with what appeared to be a giant hammer. Huh. Deciding he needed some breathing room, Johan shifted just a little to the right, shifting his entire body so the attack was coming at him edge-on before he fired off another Cero-level blast from his weapon, canceling out the blast that was to his right of the center of the volley. "Now!" Right as the central volley was about to strike his location, Johan created a silver-backed mirror which absorbed and reflected the center-most blast from Natasha's cannons back the way it came as a massive Cero-strength Heilige Pfeil while using Hirenkyaku to narrowly avoid the blast as it slammed into the tough earth with an impressive explosion. His mirrors orbiting Quietly around him, Johan simply pointed his pistol at one of them and waited to observe the aftermath.




The bullets that Natasha had dodged were of no concern to her, even as they bounced off towards her canons. Of course, she wasn't going to put her weaker canons on the outside, but it didn't really matter where she put them. Her opponent knew nothing about how her canons worked or how to destroy them. He didn't know her weaknesses or her strengths just yet. As she expected, he was targetting her canons now, but he would soon realize that his 10 bala worth of damage meant nothing to her. They would blast into the outer most canon, which would hold strong as it was still standing after all that damage.

However, her own 5 bala attacks would also be run through by the power of his arrows, yet they continued to fly only to be intercepted by mirrors and sent back in her direcrion. Natasha would catch sight of them dodging 4 before noticing the last one was too close for comfort. She would raise her arm as the arrow would find its way through, but would stop short. Well, that was a pity, now her poor arm had a hole in it. She would grab the arrow yanking it out beforr throwing it on the ground. Nonetheless, she wouldn't stop running towards him, especially when he would launch her own cero back at her.

Her arm would transform itself into its own canon as her other held the massive hammer in its grip. Charging the cero blast, Natasha would discharge another cero from her own canon arm. It would impact the one coming for her leaving them both to explode upon touch. Of course, she would run straight through where they had exploded and head directly for Johan. Her canon arm would transform back into a regular hand as she would grip the hanmer with both palms now. When she came close to him, she would swing her hammer at his left side, if she were to hit he would surely have a rough time being launched across the arena.

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Johan watched Nat blast through his own volley with relative ease, taking scant more than one of his bullets] through his arm. His mind began to race, His beginning to generate nonsensical plan after plan after plane before Johan forced himself to calm down. There was realistically very little for him to be able to do. In the past half minute or so, the Russian girl had proven herself remarkably capable and he'd clearly underestimated her. A mistake he would not make again, but if he wanted this to work he'd need to time this perfectly, there was absolutely zero margin for error.

As soon as Natasha was up in Johan's bubble, the man fired off his Gesegnete Schrotflintenpatrone at Bala speeds which bounced off his orbital mirror behind her right as she swung her hammer. Johan braced himself for impact, zipping in the direction of the blow with a Hirenkyaku in the same way as someone rolling with an opponent's punches. Even still, Johan's side felt like he'd been rung like a bell. "Mein Gott..." Well the girl was stronger than she looked, that hurt like hell. Johan groaned while whipping his gun up, forming his Doppelspeigel along with 5 mirrors in a crescent shape about 50 feet behind where Natasha was standing. With a flick 'o the wrist, Johan popped off 5 Heilige Pfeil through his mirror, doubling their damage as they raced along vectors that would have them collide with the mirrors.


On Cooldown:

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