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#1Visi Libélula (arrancar) Empty Visi Libélula (arrancar) Thu May 14, 2020 8:47 am



Name: Visi Libélula
Apparent Age: 23
True Age: 759
Sex: Male
Personality: Visi is a follower through and through, not very intelligent and more than aware of this short coming he tends to lean on those stronger and smarter than himself. Due to this dependency it makes him easy for fellow arrancar to manipulate and over his existence has fed an inferiority complex.

His acute awareness of his own shortcomings have led Visi To desperately try to prove himself to those above him, desperate for their approval there is little he won't do when ordered. Despite this you would be wrong to think him weak willed, Visi possess a singular focus and once he has a goal very little will stop him. His dogged attempts at perusing his goals lead him to forgo thoughts of all else and nothing short of his own death will change his course.

While under the command of another he can be curt and abrupt to other and will have little time niceties or social graces. He can come across as rude and insensitive.  

When deprived of a leader or commander Visi is nervous and jumpy. He's unstable in this state and highly unpredictable, and will continue to act in erratic and nervy manners until either a new leader for him to follow is found or he manages to set himself a new goal.

Height: 6 ft
Weight: 120 lbs
Physical Traits: Visi has a slender build and wiry frame and olive skin tone. He has a narrow angular face and pale green eyes that bug out of his face. His lower jaw line and left cheek are covered by his mask fragment. Visi notably has shoulder length aquamarine that he keeps slicked back barring a single bang on the left side of this face.

Visi wears the typical arrancar outfit with a few modifications, the black Lining of the uniform is replaced with a pale green and the top is opened wide revealing his torso and his hollow hole located in the center of his diaphragm. the White trousers of the outfit are a dark green. and the typical boots are replaced with a pair of black espadrilles. around his neck he wears a translucent scarf with a blue hue.

General Fighting Style: Visi's fighting style is focused on out maneuvering the opponent, he attempts to dodge until he finds an opening then rushes in to try and end the fight as quickly as possible.
Strengths: Agility, Pesquisa, stregnth
Weaknesses: Hierro, Durability
Ability Name: óptica perfecta
Ability Description: Upon seeing an object or person, Visi will never lose sight of them no matter how fast they move, the only way to escape his visual tracking is to leave what he can see or obscuring his vision somehow.

-technique name: Huelga de cazador (hunter's strike)
-type: offensive
-Description: using the perception granted by Optica and the speed of Sonído, Visi almost instantly strikes at an enemies weakpoint and returning to the original position the attack was launched from. this ablilty has a 2 post cooldown

Sealed Appearance:
When sealed Visi's Zanpakuto takes the form of a traditional Dadao which allows for long graceful slashing motions.
Zanpakuto Name: Viridul
Cero: standard Cero, standard Bala

Name: óptica predictiva
Type: passive
Description: After regaining the abilities of his hollow form Visi's ability strengthens, from perfect tracking to being able to see the movements a half second before they happen. While the same visual rules apply this makes evading attacks significantly easier.

technique name: La embestida del cazador (the hunter's onslaught)
type: offensive
Description: focusing all of His forms power into one quick barrage at Sonído speed. This ablilty has a 3 post cooldown.

Technique name: fin de la cacería (The Hunt's end)
Type: offensive
Description: Visi's Final trump card, by focusing forcing all of his spiritual power into the tip of his Zanpakuto he lets loose a Wave that traces the sword's arc of comparable strength to a Gran rey. This attack has a 4 post cooldown.

History: TBD
Side Notes:
Roleplay Sample:

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#2Visi Libélula (arrancar) Empty Re: Visi Libélula (arrancar) Thu May 14, 2020 11:03 am

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Approved at 2-5

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