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#1The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Tue May 19, 2020 3:32 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Seika smiled maintaining her happy demeanor coming back to the human world after handling a few months in the Spirit world. She was allowed to go on a sort of spring break to a place of her choice all on her own. She chooses Tokyo japan since well her zanpackuto was very much at home here and she heard so much of the beauty and life of this Asian culture. However, Seika was a bit worried about actually being out on her own all by herself but she was a big girl and a shinigami in training. She dealt with the academy and had no problem dealing with any of the exams or lessons, being pretty much a prodigy just like her twin and just like their father.

The small seven years old moved out of the alley into the massive crowded street in the more historical side of Tokyo taking in the sights, the sounds, and the smells as she walked down the street.

#2The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Tue May 19, 2020 4:09 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
What a coincidence. As he was traversing the streets of Tokyo the young Vizard happened to come upon a book on Asian culture not that long ago. Although there were far more safer places for Vulcan to be than the World of the Living he could not help but see for himself what it was all about. Completely blend in with the large mass of people he felt no need to worry about getting discovered. A wolf amongst sheep, only this canine was rather tame as he simply tried to enjoy his peace and quiet. Which turned out quite difficult in a city as big as Tokyo. 

Avoiding the crowd, or at least in an attempt to, Vulcan moved to where there were less people walking, hoping to continue reading on the difference in culture. Delving deeply into the literature the Vizard paid no mind to this surroundings, something he would soon regret. Completely absorbed by the reading material he didn't notice an individual coming out of one of the many alleys Tokyo hold until it was already too late. A collision was no longer avoidable as the two of them bumped into each other. "Apologies young lady, I did not see you coming."

#3The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Fri May 22, 2020 9:23 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Seika looked around taking in the sights and sounds as well as the various small street foods in her hands. She was honestly enjoying herself walking down the street not paying much mind where she needed to go and why would she. she can easily move and pay attention to where she needed to step and avoiding people with ease. Plus most people try staying out of little children's way or usually risk getting pushed. Seika adjusted the headphones on her ears enjoying the music racing through them as she hummed moving her head from side to side, clearly not paying any mind to her actualy objective.

She felt a much larger force then herself bump into her as she lfell backwards laying on her back allowing her mind to catch up before she sat up "Ugh that hurt...I am sorry i wasn't paying attention"she spoke

#4The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Fri May 22, 2020 7:08 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Laying on her back was a young girl. How did she end up there? Well .. let's just say a certain Vizard didn't look where he was going. Quickly looking around to see if no one saw what just happened before attending to the girl, Vulcan knew if people noticed the situation they surely would get the wrong idea. By now the girl was able to sit back up after colliding with Vulcan. "No need to apologize, I'm the one who should be sorry. Can you stand up?" He would extend his hand, if she accepted he'd help her get back to her own two feet. 

Assuming she did and was able to rise to her feet Vulcan would then comment on her headphones. "What were you listening to?" In an attempt to break the ice and to make sure she was doing fine after falling down he decided to stay by her side for a little longer. She didn't look a day older than seven which made him feel even worse than he already did. For some reason the Vizard got the feeling something was off, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. "Are you here all by yourself? What about your parents?"

#5The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:55 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Yes I can stand. I am maybe small and skinny but i am not a twig."She said slowly getting to her feet brushing off her kimono before falling her sleeves some getting her hands free from inside the oversized sleeves before refining her hair and bow. Once everything was set she looked over to the man that bumped into her "Hm? Oh, I was listening to some pop group, a nice lady at the music store suggested it, saying it is what kids my age are listening to."She said excitedly to him placing her headphones around her neck picking up her bags. Once she was readjusted she listened to his next question as she tilted her head confused.

"Yes I am alone and my parents are on missions so my baby sitter and their boss said I could have a day off from my training?"She spoke she honestly expected everyone to know her but then again seven years old like she figured everyone already knew as to where she lived, they seemed to know more than she even did at what she was going to do.

#6The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:01 am

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Seven year-olds listening to pop? Since when? Vulcan figured he must have gotten old as he couldn't remember ever listening to that type of music back when he used to be that age. Although having the voice of an angel, or so he was told, the Vizard didn't really spend much time listening to whether it would be pop, rock, hiphop. He would simply go with however he was feeling and fit his mood at the time. Anyway, after Vulcan had finished reminiscing about the past he had to return to the present time. With a confused look on her face the young girl explained she was indeed alone since her parents were on a mission. He couldn't help but chuckle at the mention of a babysit which would indicate her young age once more.

For some reason the Vizard got the feeling she expected him to know who she was, or be aware of who was standing in front of him. But no matter how hard he tried, Vulcan had no clue who she was. In an attempt to draw her attention away from the awkward and confused atmosphere he simply commented on what she mentioned earlier. "So, since you're not a twig I assume your training is going well?" Although the young girl had a day off he still figured she wouldn't mind talking about it.

#7The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:58 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"My training is going fine. it is very different from who we use to train when it was just us and our mother. Now that we are living in the gotei and with our father, we actually have teachers and tons of homework we must listen to and follow. It stinks so much but we get to see our mother in action on occasion when dad seems to tick her off for some unknown reason. It is quite funny."She said, "My sister is still doing a lot better in the physical studies but I am better book studies, much like my mother."Spoke Seika happily not caring how much she gave away. after all. She was a shinigami. She was powerful and almighty. She had nothing to worry about right?

#8The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:15 am

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Vulcan found her rambling pretty cute until he heard that one word, Gotei. A child as young as her probably wasn't aware how a Vizard like himself would feel finding out he was talking with a Shinigami. Granted, it wasn't his first time and he sincerly doubted it would be the last. However, setting aside his personal feelings he let her continue as she explained more about her training and even a bit about her parents. Vulcan didn't mind receiving some information, he never knew when it would come in handy. Allowing the young girl to talk would give him the opportunity to find out her stance on Vizards and whatnot.

"Where did you use to live before? Alone with your mother, not at the Gotei?" It was quite funny, the way she talked. Almost as if the two of them weren't strangers. "Oh, so you have a sister? Well, don't worry. I'm sure you're pretty strong yourself." Vulcan wondered if the young girl wasn't curious at all about who or what he was, but he was sure she'd find out eventually.

#9The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:58 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"We lived in Tokyo. Mother said the gotei didn't accept her kind and she didn't feel the gotei could lose both her and father so she left with us shortly after our birth."She spoke being a typical seven-year-old not understanding things of what should be kept from possible enemies. Stranger danger was never a thing Seika cared for as with her supposed'magic' most of anyone was afraid of her lighting fires on accident. "I don't think father knew until recently of which we came back to the gotei because big giant meanie said it was necessary but father is there and we are a happy family again."She said with a smile "I'm Seika Shiba My mom is Anna nanashi...Well, now Shiba and father is Okami Shiba!"She added excitedly "They are so strong, you have no idea"She added allowing her hyper side of acknowledging her two favorite people beside her twin

#10The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Empty Re: The Battle of the Cherry Blossoms Mon Jun 15, 2020 10:06 pm

Vulcan Seraphim

Vulcan Seraphim
Vulcan continued to listen attentively to the young girl who kept explaining more and more about her family. "Oh really? Then you're probably happy to be back in Tokyo?" The Vizard replied to her mentioning they used to live there. What truly peaked his interest was when he heard the part of the mother not being accepted by the Gotei due to her kind. "And what kind would that be?" From how the young girl liked to talk he figured she wouldn't mind sharing even more information. "Must be nice, having a family. I've always been on my own" Vulcan said with a forced smile. "Cherish those moments, they can be over before you know it." Not exactly what a seven year-old needed to hear but it wouldn't hurt either.

The Vizard then decided to introduce himself after the young girl had given him her name, and even those of her parents. "Nice to meet you Seika, I'm Vulcan Seraphim." He would make sure to remember those names.

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