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#1Arthur Davidson Empty Arthur Davidson Sun Jul 26, 2020 4:48 am



Name: Arthur M. Davidson
Apparent Age: 19
True Age: 19
Sex: Male
Personality: Arthur is cocky and brash in the extreme, being humble is a feat that is far beyond him although if you were to ask him he would deny it. This makes him a difficult person to get along with, and those that do follow him end up tiring of his constant boasting and posturing and then leaving.

In his mind Arthur is a legendary hero sent to save a new age due to limited interaction with other spiritual beings, He's had a few run-ins with weaker hollows but not much beyond that, this leads him to underestimate his opponents and fight in ways he thinks are flashy.

Height: 5ft 8
Weight: 102lbs

General Fighting Style: Arthur like to fight up close and personal due to having little to no option for fighting at range. Favouring large theatrical attacks to quick, quiet or even efficient.
Strengths: Strength, Durability, speed
Weaknesses: Sensing, energy

Fullbring Item: A gold Signet ring engraved with a dragon.
Fullbring Appearance: Arthur Davidson J1760YXX
Ability Name: Galahad
Description: Drawing out the spirit of his ring Arthur in enveloped in a golden light that protects him from attacks. [15% damage reduction for 4 posts 6 post cooldown]  
Ability Name: Gaheris
Description: Focusing his strength allows Arthur to temperately exceed his limits [1x strength for 5 posts 8 post cooldown]  

Fullbring Appearance:
Ability Name: Lancelot
Description: Moving at blur speed Arthur attacks, his sword will cause a bust of energy on impact dealing cero damage and giving first degree burns. [2 post cooldown]
Ability Name: Drystan
Description: Arthur sword leaves a golden trail behind it that reflects one ranged attack and send it back at the user [Max is cero 4 post cooldown]
Ability Name: Bedivere
Description: The golden light that shines from his sword forms armour around Arthur giving his defensive abilities a significant boost [30% damage reduction for 4 posts with a 7 post cooldown]
Ability Name: Gaheris
Description: Arthur's final trump card, after using this all of his energy leaves his body putting him out of the fight [2x speed and strength boost for 3 posts with a 8 post cooldown]

#2Arthur Davidson Empty Re: Arthur Davidson Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:58 pm


Approved at 2-4

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