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#1Kanade Tachibana [Finished] Empty Kanade Tachibana [Finished] Thu May 21, 2020 7:41 pm



Name: Kanade Tachibana
Apparent Age: 16
True Age: 16
Sex: Female
Personality: Kanade does not appear to be less than a typical human being in physical form, but this is contrasted by her lack of detectable emotion, even in skirmishes with the Shinigami which usually end up with her being injured. It is difficult to understand what she is thinking due to her rarely showing any outward emotion. She seems to have a large amount of endurance to pain, as she has been stabbed several times by her enemies without showing any reaction or indication of suffering. She can be friendly in times, even show a hint of emotion, but you must really be close to her to achieve such a feat.
Likes: Fighting, Reading, Gardening, Studying, Killing Hollows
Fears: Not finding something to live for

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100 lbs
Physical Traits: Kanade is short, tiny frail looking girl. She has more round features and her skin is relatively pale. Her hair is waist long, silver in color and tends to cover her bright golden eyes.
Clothing: Kana tends to wear the typical school uniform of a High Schooler in Japan, speaking that she still kinda goes to school that seems appropriate in a way.
Accessories: The only personal accessory she carries is a small golden ring that was her mothers wedding ring, on a chain around her neck.

Kanade Tachibana [Finished] Tenshi-7288

General Fighting Style: Kanade is very straight forward in battle, however that doesn't mean she won't use trickery to get her way. The objective of a battle is to win, in any way, shape or form. It isn't about whether who was the most honorable or skillful, it was about who was standing once it was over and for Kanade... It was going to be her whether or not other people liked it.
Strengths: Speed, Martial Arts, Intelligence, Hand-to-Hand, Durability, Endurance
Weaknesses: Physical Strength, Inability to feel pain, mute.

Fullbring Item: Her Mothers Wedding Ring
Fullbring Appearance: Whenever Kana uses one of her abilities, it gives off blue reishi like reiatsu.
Ability Name: Overdrive
Description: This is a passive ability that gives Kanade superhuman endurance and speed that most fullbringers have come to call Blur. This power is active in or out of all of her stages.
Ability Name: Kinetics
Description: Kanade has the power to control her own Kinetic forces. This allows her to be able to jump to incredible lengths, to the point of flying, stop on a dime and reuse the ability to change directions. The best way to describe this would be an aerial pinball, able to pinpoint aerial combat using airstepping.

Fullbring Appearance: There is no physical change of appearance to Kanade for her Fullbring, save for the different Hand Sonic abilities.
Ability Name: Hand Sonic
Description: By speaking, "Hand Sonic" a blade connected to her wrist about 3 feet long appears. There can be only one on her right hand or two, one on both hands. This is her main combative weapon, having the abilities of a sealed zanpakto. This being so, there is no time limit or cool down for it.
Ability Name: Hand Sonic Version II
Description: Activated by the words, "Hand Sonic, Version II" a longer thinner blade appears on only her right wrist. This is longer, thinner and has a diamond shape to the tip. It was designed to make her movements even faster for a short while. This blade has a time limit of 3 posts and a cool down of 2.
Ability Name: Hand Sonic Version III
Description: Like the other two, this must be activated by saying, "Hand Sonic Version III". When she does so, a traditional sai appears on either or both hands. Though she states many times that she finds this form, "inelegant" The truth is that is heightens her reflexes and durability. Better yet, it allows her to disarm instead of simply blocking. This form has a time limit of 3 posts and a cool down of 2.
Ability Name: Hand Sonic Version IV
Description: Activated verbally using, "Hand Sonic Version IV". This time a huge variation of her blade appears on a single hand in the shape of a giant Lotus Flower. It appears to be more bludgeoning and has no blades, but the petals themselves add a bit of slashing to the weapon. Although Kanade admits to having created this version to make it seem, "Cuter", the weapon substitutes her speed for raw power and deals twice her normal damage. This has a time limit of 3 posts and a cool down of 2.
Ability Name: Hand Sonic, Scorpion
Description: Activated by stating "Hand Sonic, Scorpion." A metal spear head connected to a spiked chain appears around her arm. She can then throw it up to a distance of 50 feet and pull it back to her. This is her only long range ability, lasts up to 3 posts and has a cooldown of 2.
Ability Name: Delay
Description: This must be activated by the words, "Gaurdskill, Delay." This ability is essentially her own version of Cicada. Has a cooldown of 4 posts since it's basically cicada.
Ability Name: Distortion
Description: By speaking the words, "Gaurdskill, Distortion" she activates an invisible shield that can deflect bullets or any other projectiles away from her body, depending on tier. When an object strikes the shield, a light blue light will distort her image giving away the shield. The only downfall to this ability is that she must remove the shield to transition to offense. She can turn it off and on for different cooldowns;
1 effect - 1 cooldown
2 effect - 1 cooldown
3 effect - 2 cooldown
4 effect - 2 cooldown
5 effect - 3 cooldown
Ability Name: Howling
Description: Activated by saying, "Gaurdskill, Howling" By crossing two hand sonic blades of any version, they emit a high-frequency, high-amplitude sound-wave which is made to partially deafen her opponent and potentially make them pass out. However, the main objective is to deafen or distract her opponent long enough to make a lethal blow. This power has a cool down of 3 posts and can only be activated for 2 posts.
Ability Name: Sonic Rotation
Description: This technique produces a blue aura when used. Kanade produces a Version One Hand Sonic on each arm and spins rapidly, effectively destroying everything in the vicinity. It has the explosive capability to be as powerful as Cero. It usually leaves a large crator in the earth wherever Kanade was standing last. Though I said it can destroy everything, that was meant as non players. It has a range of 25 feet and a cool down of 2 posts.
Ability Name: Disruption
Description:Used by speaking the words, "Gaurdskill, Disruption." Once spoken a bright light flashes from behind Kanade. If her opponent sees it, it would be as if he/she was hit with a flash bang grenade and would hear a loud ringing in their ears as well as see Kanade in triple. These are not clones, simply a side effect of being impaired vision wise. It makes it so that the target doesn't know exactly where she is at that precise moment she attacks, having to choose one of three. This effect lasts for 3 posts and has a cool down of 5.
Ability Name: Harmonics
Description: By speaking "Gaurdskill, Harmonics", Kanade creates a single clone of herself, except with red eyes instead of gold. This clone also has a more twisted and violent persona than her own. However, both Kanade and the clone can only fight at 50% of Kanade's full power. The clone has all of the same Hand Sonic abilities, but none of the others. The clone can take up to 8 strikes, depending on location, before disappearing back within Kanade or can last for 5 posts. The cool down for this ability would be 5 posts as well.

History: Origins:
Kanade was born into a family of wealthy business owners, however before she was even one years old a man came into their house and killed everyone. She made it out, because she was asleep and the killer didn't realize she was there. When the Police came to investigate, they found the poor girl and sent her to live in an orphanage. The orphanage treated the kids like crap, but the Police didn't know of that... Obviously. However, when she was just a baby the foster parents treated her fairly and nicely, but that would change the moment she could fully function by herself.

All of the other kids resented and picked on her, because of the niceness that the Foster Parents gave her as an infant. Even though she was treated just as cruely as the other kids now, they didn't care... They saw how she was treated earlier in her life. They all picked on her, called her names, threw stones at her and simply made her early childhood a hellish nightmare. There was even a point that they nearly killed her from the amount of abuse that they caused, but she was saved by the Foster Parents. That only made things worse, at least until she was finally adopted.

Those parents were kind and loving, but Kanade didn't know how to react to that kind of treatment. She shied away from her parents and became distant, unable to comprehend how nice they were. She figured they were simply being nice in order to make their betrayal even worse later in life. Even though that wasn't true, that was how she treated them. This behavior, including the torture in her Orphange, was how she became so intollerant to pain and became so apathetic in speach and actions. Even at three years old, the girl was destined to be the perfect killer.

Elementary School:
Through numerous years of safety and attempted love and care, Kanade still became apathetic. However, this dramatically increased when she went to Elementary School. Kids again began picking on her and torturing her like they did in the Orphanage. Throughout all of it, she kept completely quiet and built up pent up anger and aggression. The bullying made things so much worse and was slowly creating a monster that all monsters were going to regret eventually. They were creating something that even the Police had never seen before, a real life Jason in child form.

It was around this time, early on and permanently damaged, that she would be found by the Holy Inquisition. The Holy Order of the Quincy. Although she wasn't Quincy, they took her in and adopted her from her worried parents. She would be honed and nurtured into a true killer, but one directed from passion and not hate... Towards the true enemy of humanity, the Hollows.

Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

#2Kanade Tachibana [Finished] Empty Re: Kanade Tachibana [Finished] Sat May 23, 2020 2:12 am


approved at 2-2.

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