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#1Ichigawa, Raian [Finished!] Empty Ichigawa, Raian [Finished!] Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:49 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika


Name: Ichigawa, Raian
Alias: The Lion, "Topaz"
Real Age: 74 years old
Phys. Age: 18 years
Gender: Male
Species: Shinigami
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance: A signature on his physical appearance, his joyful grin definitely stands out in a crowd. Aside from that, he has a spiky, short hair of a deep, chocolate colorization, which views as the perfect hairstyle - this is because it's wild nature allows him to look the same, even when he wakes up after a rough night (ie. no bad hairs), but almost all of his friends seem to view this as idiotic reasoning. He carries himself in a relaxed manner, standing around 5'4" and weighing 126 lbs, making him a lot of shorter than most men around him. His eyes are of a smokey topaz colorization, earning him the nickname "Topaz" in his circle of friends, whom all are called by the name of a jewel, that their eyes remind the most. He takes the lovely face claim of Satoshi Fukube from Hyouka.

Personality: Raian is characterized by his cheerful, laid-back attitude, and a big grin, that he wears on his face all the time, as a sign of this. He likes to nap a lot, and seems to dislike work, unless there is a prize for doing the job - if this is the case, he will be more than enthusiastic about it. A rather comical character, Raian can come off as childish with his short-lived obsessions for random interests and awkward with his terrible jokes - he, however, displays an ability to cheer others up with his words and make others laugh at his own clumsiness. As crazy about battle as he is about video games, he's extremely happy, when he gets to show off his physical talent and combat prowess to others - he will accept any challenge, and rush into a battle without really giving it any thought first. Unpredictable and spontaneous, he is hard to read for even the most skilled, as there is simply no way of telling what he will do next. Or what he really is like.

Yeah, you read right. Beneath his bold, unthinking and outgoing personality, there seems to be something more to his character - but fortunately, it's nothing like the inner darkness of his best friend. To begin with, he's way, way more intelligent than his hyperactive, oblivious behavior initially gives off to people around him. He suffers from a undiagnosed case of ADHD, that comes with an insomnia, that prevents him from sleeping without aid of external factors like pills - if you've read the profiles of his friends, they all possess great intelligence and neurological problems that come with it, and it traces back to their innately better brain functions. His "special power" is an exceptional memory and ability to see patterns between two events. Raian is caring and protective of his friends.

Intended Role: Raian is Eliyah's best friend, and part of his psychic cluster - he's also a close friend to Mei and Katagiri, the latter of whom he might be unconsciously attracted to. He's the Seventh Seat of Division 11, and his tier assignment would be 3-3. As a NPC involved in a personal plot, you may ask for a permission to use him from the author, but otherwise he's off-limits.

He also has two older sisters, Azusa and Minako.

Personal Abilities:

Name: Katamari [塊, "Cluster"]
Effect: A mysterious phenomena, that has yet to be explained in it's purpose or mechanics, Katamari links psychics, who die together, into one in their next life. Only minutes before the moment of his death in Hiroshima, 1945, Raian developed an ability to read the thoughts of those around him and speak with others without using words, and as he awakened in Soul Society with his friends, he found himself tied to them in an unexpected way. Katamari melded their four souls into one, before cutting it in four pieces for each body to carry - and because of this, their psychic capabilities were also fused into one, resulting in the most unique effect. Though only the original owner of the power could fully harness it, the others became able to utilize it within their shared soul.

Telepathic communication within the Katamari was enabled because of Raian's power, while Mei's empathy made them capable of feeling the emotions of each other, Katagiri's extrasensory perception would give an unique capability of sharing their five senses with each other and Eliyah's astral projection allowed them to literally visit each other without physically being there. Initially, the Katamari would work instinctively, but later on, as years passed, the four learned to control it, activating and deactivating it at will - one could even block the three, given they concentrated on shutting them off from their mind, but otherwise, they were given access to each other at all times. Linking themselves with other psychics, outside of their psychic cluster, became possible via eye contact. Their initial brain capacity being only slightly above that of a normal human, but as their minds were fused together, each was granted an 80% access to their brain, which would greatly enhance their individual psychic abilities.

In Raian's case, it meant advanced telepathy. The range and potency of his ability to read the thoughts of others and project his thoughts on their mind was enhanced, but in addition, the brown-haired boy would find himself capable of manipulating the thoughts of others and thus, giving him a form of mind control. He's able to induce subtle thoughts, and only thoughts, in the heads of others, but at a basic level, an individual could chose not to listen to their own thoughts - a particularly strong willpower and instinctive character would be able to resist it effectively, or counter the ability with a cleaver response. He can push his manipulation further, inducing more stronger thoughts and convincing his targets to act on them by implanting a valid reason for it - however, the more complex and the more forceful his control of their thoughts becomes, the more strain it will put in his own mind and the more concentration it will require. He can, for a short period of time, take control of his target's thought process entirely, forcing them to do as he says, though he will find himself exhausted and weakened after a single post. Should he persist and try to maintain the control over someone else, his brain will begin to bleed, causing nose bleeds and headaches on the second post, while the third post will find him unconscious afterwards.

Shikai Name: Roar, Saru! [猿様, "Mr. Ape"]
Shikai Ability:

Name: Warrior Monkey
Effect: Upon it's release, Raian's zanpakuto, Saru, doesn't change, except for the black-and-steel color of the blade of the sword - instead, it's wielder begins to emit orange reiatsu all around him, which forms a visible, colored aura around him, that takes on the shape of a large monkey. Though his spiritual pressure is naturally orange-colored, this reiatsu is different, because it has been infused with the reiatsu of his zanpakuto, and thus, it has a special effect. While enhancing his physical capabilities of Strength and Defense with a +1 FAR, the shikai's true ability lies in it's orange aura. The monkey, which mimics his movements and stands around five times his own size (8.15 m tall, weighs 285 kg), is actually capable of landing attacks and defending it's wielder, despite being made of energy. When Raian punches a target, the monkey mimics this action, and instead of just receiving an ordinary punch, the opponent is hit by the fist by a colossal monkey warrior - this would allow the wielder to punch their foe, or foes, from a short distance away, too. If he puts his hand in a protective position, the monkey's hands will defend him from an attack, mirroring his own movement. Basically, Raian's strength, due to the giant monkey's colossal size, knows no limit, and only someone of a higher tier could overpower him.

#2Ichigawa, Raian [Finished!] Empty Re: Ichigawa, Raian [Finished!] Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:19 am



#3Ichigawa, Raian [Finished!] Empty Re: Ichigawa, Raian [Finished!] Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:44 am


Any relation to my character Mizuko? Same last name is why i ask.

#4Ichigawa, Raian [Finished!] Empty Re: Ichigawa, Raian [Finished!] Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:26 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
No, I didn't even realize it until now, what a coincidence. I will change the K in his last name to G - as kawa and gawa mean the same thing in japanese.

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