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#1Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Empty Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:49 am





Name: Freyleif Jökulsdóttir
Alias: N/A
Real Age: 18
Phys. Age: 18
Gender: female
Positive Traits

Creativity:"Watch me use my imagination to make it real!"
With combined imagination, she takes a lot of inner thought to use such in tactical situations. Not only in such she likes to use this creativity in literature and arts, using such to make sculptures out of clay and proficient in drawing.

Energetic: "I won't let things toss me down. Smiles can be bright as Freyja's love!!"
Frey has lake fulls of energy. Also good for pushing to strive for goals, she can be outgoing with others when she's generally not in a bad mood. Frey needs to be energetic to keep the smiles going despite all the bad in the world, giving her the amplify to get along with friends.

Passionate:"I love doing this!"
Frey has a passion for all things that she will enjoy, be that it may; a strong desire to accomplish her art skills, training, and won't give up in what she believes that would fulfill her towards her goal. Some might wonder if she drives herself too much towards her finish line but to her it keeps her burning like dragon's fire.

Protective:"I'll be your shield!"
Frey can take the big sister role to those whom she has great bonding with. Becoming the "shield maiden" fiercely to those she has become loyal with, she also can make a great ally in such a need or when times look "Ragnarök", when all things seem lost to an ends.

Negative Traits

"Hatred is a hard thing to kill."

Aloof: "Nope. I have no clue in Thor's name what you're talking about."
Frey is distant to those unknown to her, being laid back and reserved. Not wanting to get involved just about things she's uninterested in thus being perfectly fine being a speck of the unaware nature.

Grudge:"Don't you worry! I shall not forget you."
Getting on her bad side, she can also have long grudges against someone but this is mainly against hollows. She has an everlasting one with the salamander hollow that killed her mother. With anyone else, it would take ages for her to be forgiven towards a particular fellow whom harmed her physically.

Angry:"I will beat the shit out of you, and hope you fall to Hel for her punishment!"
Woe to those that initiate in her wrath! Frey can become enraged like a berseker if the bear is poked enough. She looks completely innocent until she shows her bestial side of anger unexpectedly, like the ticking flowing of time clocking down until the dragon awakens. One might just see her as a reserved young lady but then see she has a bad habit in yelling out profoundly.

Jealous:"Why did Freyja bless her and not me?"
Another flaw she usually leaps down in is jealousy. Being in a group of talented people; be they Quincy, human, or spiritual she would look on from the sidelines telling those how exactly how she feels. Someone has a cookie they wish to not share? She'll get jealous fast. One to be the clingy type if a boyfriend was flirting with another.


Weight: 160
Physical Traits: The young teen is a slow grower; standing about a straight five foot tall and seven inches, despite this Quincy teen size her wild dark green eyes can catch your attention as they go through the shades of green depending on mood; light when in a happy mode, teal green when sad, and dark as her normal neutral expressions. Her skin is marred by scarification along her legs and arms by runes and tattoos all depicting a different 'prayer', an old Nordic art of carving Ginto into the flesh. Weaved into her skin using the same reishi based liquid found in a Ginto tube, these tattoos act as both medium and focus. Her stomach also having healed acid claw scar from a hollow attack.

Hair and style: The Nordic girl was blessed with pale blonde hair of her lineage taken from her mother's side. Her hair reaches all the way down the length past her rear. Sometimes braided in Nordic style weaves depending on the occasion is formal or free to blow in the slightest winds. She keeps it kept and brushed to prevent knots, her bangs always get in her face, causing her to annoyingly flick her hand to move it back.

Spiritual Description: Freyleif's reiatsu only shows when she is under emotional situations. It remains a blue color until her anger shows with a dusty rose hue overlapping her current blue energy. When she feels sad you can feel and see her energy leaking out in a somber mist showing and feeling how depressed she feels. When she is happy, it bursts out like sparks making it easy for people to pinpoint her as an easy target. If one happens to be around her when she's angry, the energy gouts out of her like a flame burning in the air leaving an intense burning sensation full of malice or a smell of smoke depending on how pissed she gets.

■Family Background/ Lineage:

Frey's Quincy sided-family come from a long line of shamanism and runed ginto called "Seiyr" in their terms. Their silver tubes engraved/adorned in runes from the elder futhark runes to other old Norse beautifully handcrafted inscribing. Frey's mother, Bryjna, was well versed in such magics and was called a "Völva", the most wisest Witch. She doesn't know much about her father's lineage side but only rumors he was killed in an car "accident" and she believed such.

■Speaking style:What you hear is a young Icelandic girl around her teens, you can tell her accent is definitely not native to Japan. Sounding a bit voiceless around the edge, she is most likely so in the dialogue and poor Japanese language skills, she would not be able to understand those in Karakura unless they knew some English. Her second language is English and can speak it fluently to those she can cheerfully converse with.


Sweet toothed:Frey loves sweets! Growing up in a bakery she had fond tastes of cookies. You better make sure your hands are clean of sweets, wave a cookie around and you sure as hell will be pounced...or bribed.
Hobbies:Baking, singing, sewing.
Likes ducks and puffins. These birds litter all over the parks in Reykjavik. Frey loves trying to chase the ducks or catch a puffin too.
Interests:Video games, Quincy-ing, the vikings

Snakes. Ever since meeting the red salamander snake-like hollow, she has a huge fear of snakes.
Fears:Snakes, death, losing her love ones
Dresses: She has a grown up tomboyish style, you will rarely find her in "girly" trend clothes in this day and ages. None of the skirt wearing, pink dress, and ugly bows in hairs. 

General Fighting Style: Frey, with her unorthodox weapon, can fight up in your face or ranged due to having a blade and revolver attached like a handle. One may think the weapon is useless but it is consider 'Jack of all trades' to Freyleif. She prefers to fight using her magical talent than use her 'gunblade' as to leave the enemy guessing what spirit weapon she has or makes minor shifts to her weapon into smaller blades or guns.

Strengths:Speed, Ginto
Weaknesses: Endurance, Durability
Boosts: 2 x all

Seiðr Reishi Control:
Ability Description:
A forgotten Nordic art of carving Ginto into the flesh through the use of tattoos. Weaved into the skin using the same reishi based liquid found in a Ginto tube, these tattoos act as both medium and focus. Each runic tattoo symbolizes a different Ginto, and when invoked serves one of two purposes.

The first of these purposes is to act as a medium, allowing the Ginto to be quickly cast without the use of a tube. This is often the primary usage of this skill due to the often limited amount of tubes on hand. Ginto performed through this method are frequently performed more quickly, yet may have reduced effects.

The second of these purposes is to act as a focus, greatly empowering a freshly cast Ginto and elevating its effectiveness to new heights. While not as commonly used due to the exorbitant amount of resources spent on a single casting, this method allows a Quincys proficiency in Ginto to excel well beyond what they might normally be capable of.
4 ginto perpost. spells are equivalent to Hadou 80 and 3 post cooldown 
Spells wrote:
Meaning: General Health Fix
Anyone who has ever had a basic illness like the common cold or the flu will know that while they can be a pest, often all you can do is take a pill and power through it. The Quincy healer however, is capable of relieving the most annoying, and in some cases, life threatening symptoms of such an illness.
Manipulation: The Quincy gradually empties the contents of a silver tube, massaging it in to each of the patient's temples using both the calming strokes and the reiatsu contained within the Ginto to relieve the worst symptoms of common ailments such as muscular pain, headaches, sore throats, coughing, and dehydration. If the Quincy applies it to scars or similar physical deformities (eg: stretch marks), they can shrink and then burn away the scar tissue before rejuvenating and tightening the skin to remove any evidence that such a deformity existed.
Rank Chart:
(Rank 0) Instantly relieves pain, fever, sore throats, coughs, and dehydration.
(Rank 1) Removes all unwanted scars and physical deformities.

[English]: “Amend the sins of man, pain gives way to the South”
[German]: “Amendieren Sie die Sünden Mannes, Schmerz gibt zum Süden nach”
Requirements: Minimal use of arms, able to speak. Does not require a roll.
Description: Bluish reiatsu liquid. It takes care of combat wounds, breaks/fractures in bones or broken limbs. This desensitizes the area as it heals (Lose the ability to feel the pain) while not restricting the movement..
Manipulation: By focusing and activating the Silver Tube, while having it come near the injury will cause the trapped reiatsu to flex out and surround the wound as it fixes. This process can require extra focus, and the intricacy of the healing is based on how well the focus is.

Rekonstruktion des Behälters
[English]: “Feel the embrace of the angel. On the earth blessing, repair you the body. Rebirth”
[German]: “Fühlen Sie die Umarmung des Engels. Auf die Erde segnend, Reparieren Sie den Körper. Wiedergeburt”
Requirements: Full movement of the arms and ability to speak.
Description: The contents of the tube seeps into the substance/body and spreads throughout.
Manipulation: Rekonstruktion des Behälters is a regenerative technique, strong in that it can restore lost parts of the body where cells are available

[English]: “Walk upon our land in hatred and you will feel its wrath - Gaia's Smite”
[German]: “Führen Sie über unser Land in Haß und ihr werdet spüren ist Zorn - Gaia's Schlag”
Requirements: Full movement of the arms and ability to speak.
Description: Upon throwing the tube it bursts into a flare of the chosen element as it hits its mark as per the chart ratio the reishi manifests itself into the element drawing from the force of the land around them in the colour of the user's bow (ie: Blue Lightning for a Blue bow)
Manipulation: User holds the tube focusing on the reishi of the land around them pulling it to the tube upon throwing the tube they focus it to burst on the target as would a grenade.

Meanings: Blood Rush
Activation Phrase: (German) Verschlingen die unreine, baden im Blut, wie Sie aus der Kehle zu zerreißen.
(English) Devour the impure, bathe in the blood, as you tear out the throat
This technique is used in an attempt to seek the blood of the target by penetrating any form of armoring they have, be it mundane or mystical.
Manipulation: The user forms an arrow, coating it with the contents of the Ginto. As they coat the arrow the activate the reiatsu which refines the arrow, both sharpening it and slightly modifying its shape, serrating the edges like a knife to help it slice through whatever obstacle stands in its way.

Silber Explosions
Meanings: Silver Burst/Silver Explosion
Activation Phrase: (German) Der nördliche Wache fällt. Mach dich bereit und bereite den Krieg.
(English) The northern guard falls. Get ready and prepare for war.
As one may be able to determine from the name of this Ginto, Silver Explosion creates an explosive silver tube that can be used offensively in order to deal extreme amounts of damage.
Manipulation: The user activates the reiatsu within the tube by speaking the phrase, and then throws it at the target. Once activated, the reiatsu begins to rapidly expand until the tube can no longer contain it. Once that happens, the tube bursts sending shard of silver shrapnel in to the victim as well as blasting them with the offensive reiatsu. In combination, these two effects can prove to be devastating. Especially if the Quincy manages to get an attack against the target immediately after the explosion.

Geist Tier
Meaning: Spirit Animal
Activation Phrase: (German) Bringen sie die seele, im Licht der reinheit gebadet.
(English) Bring the soul, bathed in the light of purity.
Being a Quincy can often be a lonely life - a Quincy who knows Giest Tier can help stave off that loneliness by summoning their spirit animal, the reflection of their soul. The spirit animal can communicate telepathically with their master, however, they are no more intelligent than a common house pet - unable to communicate all but their basic needs. The spirit animal cannot exist on a separate plane to the Quincy.
Manipulation: The Quincy speaks the activation phrase as they pours the contents of the Ginto out on to the ground in front of themselves; while they pour the reiatsu on to the ground and speak the activation phrase, they can observe the silver animal form by their feet.
RP Only.

[English]: “Clean the world of the impurity”
[German]: “Reinigen Sie die Welt der Unsauberkeit”
Requirements: Full movement of the arms and ability to speak.
Description: It cleans! Makes your whites white and stay white! It leaves no scent behind! Perfect for Quincy and those who don’t want to smell after exertion or want to use a laundry machine!
Manipulation: There is little to the manipulation, focusing on the process of purifying the unclean target.
RP Only

Bloteiður (Blood Oath):
Ability Description:A skill designed on the ancient Nordic blood sacrifices that the Icelandic Quincy once practiced- combining the unique capabilities of normal Blut, with the study of the Blackmore Clan's "Blut Wiederherstellen" and extensive skill in reishi control. The ability itself is effectively the power to stimulate the healing factor of the user or those around them through the usage of their blood as a medium. This allows the user to effectively use their blood and pour it into others, channeling the reishi around them to directly infuse the blood with energy. This combined with medical knowledge allows them to use the reishi as an energy source to amplify a bodies' natural healing capabilities- starting from their veins and building outward- using the reishi effectively as a replacement for the normal energy required to recover from wounds that the body uses. using the reishi as fuel, and a stimulant with the proper control they are able to rebuild and heal the body from the veins- and then building nerves, soft tissue, muscle, and bone outward from it depending on the skill of the user.

Systematically, this skill is identical to the healing tree with altered roleplay flavor. Cool down for 4 posts

Quincy Bow:At first glance, Freyleif's bow does not seem very threatening at all. A blade roughly two and a half feet long makes it seem at first like a simple sword, made from reishi which glows a blue colour. Upon further analysis, however, one would find a revolver chamber just above the hilt, a trigger on the bottom side of the grip, and a long barrel traveling across the top of the blade.

Upon pulling the trigger, the revolver chamber draws in reishi from the air, condenses it into the chamber, then fires it out in a spectacular blast, pulling upon Freyleif's very lifeforce as she fires out a concentrated projectile capable of horrendous damage and destruction. Her thirst for destruction visible in the very air around the bow, serpentine tendrils of reishi bleeding from the gunblade, showing the raw destructive power and thirst for destruction that fuels Freyleif and her bow.
Quincy Powers:

W - "The Warsong": Freyleif's new powers have manifested- The powers are a reflection of her true mindset that has always been beneath the surface of her rage, a desire to help others, to bring the Quincy into a golden age, increasing her allies powers and bringing forth happiness and joy in others and herself. Due to this, the power itself has altered into an ability that she has dubbed "The Warsong", the ability to manipulate vibrations in the air with her reiatsu-- causing the reishi surrounding her to shift into varying effects based on vibration, and sound in order to enhance herself, allies, protect those she cares for, raise morale, and increase capabilities of everyone-- not just herself.

Depending on her level of release and mastery, this ability varies widely-- at its basic stage, it allows her to bend and manipulate the reishi around her to create high-speed vibrations to effectively use sonic energy for a variety of defensive and offensive uses-- shields, swords, screams, and so forth are common applications to this ability. These vibrations are able to far more effectively slice through materials similar to the constant vibration and grinding of seele and adding that effect to all of her attacks-- with more specialized applications of this she is able to ignore natural forms of armor to directly target someone's ears and brain, altering the frequency of the sonic shockwaves and screams to do so.

As this power progresses in tiers of release, the ability can be used for far more augmented powers-- to the point that her very reiatsu itself-- not her own screams, but instead her soul, begins to sing. These "songs" are designed to specifically alter the flow of reishi through vibration, cloaking her allies in the same energy, augmenting their destructive potential, protecting them from damage, as well as causing the opposite effect on all of her enemies to weaken the power of their attacks as the reishi itself around them begins to resist the attacks and energy through condensed vibrations before the attacks even near their target. This also allows her to augment the morale, and power of her allies and herself by causing the song to help allies focus, or disrupt the concentration of her enemies by causing the vibrations around them to throw off balance, shut down hearing through high-pitch constant sound, and so forth.

How refined this sound-control may be is based on her mastery of her reishi manipulation as per usual, as is how effective causing these "downsides" to others or "enhancements" to others may be when it comes to raised focus and morale.

Freyleif is able to effectively "cast" utilizing sound and vibration as a medium, allowing for a wide variety of effects such as
-sonic explosions,
-shutting down hearing capabilities through high-pitch attacks
-vibration-enhanced coatings over weaponry
-weapon and shield manifestations of vibration and reishi
-armor of vibrations and reishi to cloak her body in

The degree of refinement, power, defense, and so forth is measured by her normal stats and reishi manipulation skills mastery.
max range of 200 meters

Freyleif's new power allows her to use her reiatsu to "sing" and manipulate the flow of reishi around her through vibrations of varying speeds in order to produce sounds and vibrations of a variety of effects mixed in with her natural skill in reishi manipulation and creation through the skill. This allows her attacks to have added seele-like benefits added on to them at its most basic application, to anything far more effective based on her current level of skill and refinement.

   Quincy Items: 2x Seele Schneider, Quincy Cross,Ginto Tubes x3[/color]


Freyleif's abilities have expanded so that all of her original powers from her first release remain, but she is now able to bend it at will across the entire battlefield, her reiatsu now directly affecting the reishi surrounding the entire front. This allows her to cast and apply her vibration-based enhancements to all of her allies, as well as herself at will-- creating and "casting" from any area of the battlefield at will without having to physically be there to do so due to her song now affecting everything. This allows her to effectively "buff" herself and all allies with sonic-enhancements, armor, more effective cutting potential, and so forth-- as well as enhance their focus and morale should the players agree to such. On the opposite side of the same coin, this allows her to hinder all of her enemies-- the reishi's vibrations attacking their sense of hearing, balance, and purposely condensing to make their movements slower and their attacks weaker-- how effective this is, as per usual, is based on player discretion.
maximum range 200 meters.

When released, Freyleif releases an explosion of sonic energy and reishi-- the explosion sounds similar to a great horn of war being blown, filling the air with the resounding sound of its cry-- the reiatsu surrounding Freyleif exploding in shreds of dusty rose as the entire battlefield begins to hum softly, before the song chosen by Freyleif begins to echo across the entire area, enhancing herself, her allies, and those she cares for-- while tearing into her enemies and hindering their own abilities as much as possible. In this state, she holds a valkyrie-styled helmet with wing-like decorations from its sides, as well as a suit of armor covered in Nordic runes, chain, and leather along the joints holding similar designs to the ancient armor that the Valkyrie were said to wear.

This is the truest manifestation of "The Warsong", at this level of release the entire battlefield becomes Freyleif's-- a commander of the battlefield, her powers now control the reishi across every fight including her own. This enhances her allies in a variety of ways similar to how her first release is capable of enhancing her, cloaks of vibration-based armor, enhanced destructive power as their weapons or spells now use high-speed vibrating reishi that adds destructive qualities to their attacks, and similar effects are all possible. Similarly, this control over the reishi across the battlefield allows her to effective "cast" her reishi-based spells from any angle instead of having to use herself as the point of focus. The final benefit being that now, with her songs having increased in potency along with her control-- she is able to enhance or lower the morale and focus of those in a battle with her to varying degree's through the usage of song and music combined with her reiatsu's natural affinity to uplift her allies and crush her enemies into dust.

While in her third release, Freyleif retains all of her powers she had in her first and second release, but with the additional benefit of the sphere itself activating as a perimeter across the battlefield.
The sphere acts as a perimeter in the field locking the combatants and follows the rules below.

Barrier Rules:
1.) In order to avoid the barrier, you must manage to succeed in dodging/escaping from the barriers range of the battlefield (meaning leaving the battle entirely) before she activates it, trapping you within. The speed that the barrier has while forming is based on her Spirit Stat and Reishi Dominance Skill. (Replace Spirit with Reiatsu, and Reishi Dominance with Spiritual Control)
2.) The barrier cannot be broken by anyone inside or out, and anyone trapped inside is sealed off from the rest of reality unable to escape with portals, Garganta, Senkaimon, etc-- not even Freyleif can end it prematurely.
3.) In order for the barrier to be lowered, all individuals (or all individuals but one) must have either admitted defeat, been knocked unconscious, or killed.
4.) Movement is allowed within the barrier, however singing the correct song to correlate with your action will cause runes, or lyrics befitting the character's song to appear around them and greatly augment whatever action is being done, the amount this augments them is, as per usual, down to player discretion but it should never be an minimal advantage.
5.) Even if Freyleif admits defeat, is killed, or is knocked unconscious then the barrier will remain up until all but one individual remains, or all individuals trapped inside it are unconscious, killed, or have admitted defeat.
6.) Once an individual has admitted defeat, has been killed, or knocked unconscious, they are rendered completely immobile, and completely invulnerable as the barrier itself protects the individual in a casing of runes-- they are still able to watch the rest of the battle, but they cannot intervene, or interact in any way.

For a few brief moments, the sound of the Warsong dies away as dusty reiatsu slowly flows over her body before it begins to harden and form into a great sphere that surrounds her form briefly as her reiatsu greatly increases. After several brief moments, the sphere explodes from Freyleif it creates a circle runic field full of ancient lyrics of long-forgotten songs of war and battle, her new form taking shape as two great wings of dusty pink and grey wings burst from her lower back. The armor from her previous state having remained, however, if it was damaged, it is now completely repaired-- A helm forms over her head in ravenesque features, long feathers flowing on the back, and giving it a "living" like metal carapace with bulged eyes (that can blink) which form over Freyleif's like a visor she can use only with Reiatsu Perception and similarly, the coloration has shifted to all of it being a brilliant gold as a single band wraps itself around her forehead underneath the helm marking her crown, her gauntlets having become clawed, with pulsating trails of dusty pink reiatsu flowing from the slim gaps in her armor.

As the energy expells from her with this release, while the armor is being revealed it expands out to form a great sphere of rotating dusty pink runes that cover the edges of the battlefield in a great barrier. This barrier is made up of incredibly refined reishi and reiatsu vibrating at an incredibly high frequency-- while in this state, Freyleif retains all powers from her first and second release, while also having a singular additional effect that all inside the rune field must obey the laws which Freyleif has woven into the barrier based on the "song" that she has chosen to make up its walls. Depending on the song chosen, this is able to project the idea of the runes into her sung notes. An example being Uruz, the rune of power/bull, providing great strength, letting her physically push back the opponent with her song, she is able to shift her song as she wishes-- and thanks to her power, is able to "sing" using her reiatsu, or her own vocal cords, however, she wishes to act. This law of song encouraging power, however, is not one-sided, as enemies and allies both that are within the sphere are capable of the same thing-- by singing a song that matches their own fighting style, they are able to enhance themselves as well-- though this requires that the opponent realize this, as well as be capable of singing a song with enough meaning that it would augment their own abilities in the field they desire as well.

The year 1999 AD November of Woden's day 2.23 PM.

In most Quincy societies, one is required into arranged marriages depending on the nation, tribe, either the law. This tale is spun by the Norn Goddess' threads of the wondrous and cursed fate that occurred to a single family in Iceland.

Freyleif was born to a young woman named Brynja during a long winter night. The birth was a difficult one, especially so given that the father of the young child was not the one arranged for her by her family. But Freyleif's mother did not care, she went ahead to defy fate for the sake of her love. Freyleif had green eyes, shared between her mother and father, who decided that day to stay together for the sake of the child no matter.

But all happy stories don't end well.

It had been a week after Freyleif being born, through those days Brynja and Wynn took turns taking good care of her. Brynja went back to work while Wynn looked after Freyleif upstairs in the bakery though Freyleif would get fussy at times for her mother. Brynja would come quickly as she could between breaks to feed the little one and the three would cuddle up in bed with Frey in the middle as the two watched over her and chatted.

As December came around the corner, it was already getting cold and snowing pretty heavily. It was already a month when Brynja started noticing how sick Freyleif was getting. Brynja tried everything to help soothe the baby. There was another change as she noticed Frey being aware of the reiryoku levels this also worried her if hollows started taking an interest. That day wasn't far off as a snake hollow started stalking the area for a few days, and the local Quincy happened to take note of its appearance throughout the town picking on lesser prey as a game. A murder had gone in panic just a few street levels away from Brynja's shop. There was just no way she could leave her child unattended and Wynn wasn't showing up.

Customers were becoming less with an undiscovered murder about in the news. Brynja had no choice in preparing and calling up her father and friends through this beast was becoming clever attacking in the night time under concealment watching and waiting. The hollow came upon the shop, smelling new delicious prey to snack on of course Brynja was already waiting for it and readied her bow standing on the rooftops keenly sensing for hollow energy.

"You think you can take me on Quincy?" There was a hissing chuckle through the air."I killed many of your kind, you're easy to predict and not all powerful as you seem."

Brynja whirled around taking a shot as she pinpoints the beast. "Your tricks won't work on me hollow," there was a screech as her mark struck true and blood splattered about.

"We're here, Brynja!" and about time her Quincy members showed up. Three of them came to assist.

"Be careful about this's a sneaky one," Brynja said trying to make out the traces of the snakes being.

"Look out!" one of the male Quincy shoved his comrades out of the way as the hollow lunged at them.

Even though Brynja was still recovering, she had to hold out and protect her little chick. "You won't win," the hollow taunted appearing before Brynja and going for a slash, she tried to move quickly back, but the claw had scrapped along her right arm. Just as the beast tried to hide again a bright flash surrounded it as a Quincy managed to bind it in place, the other two soon firing a flurry of arrows tearing into the hollow soon breaking out and panting with skin missing.

"You damn Quincy! I'll take you all out one day!" it hissed out in a screech and fired off a powerful cero towards the building trying to distract them. Brynja's eyes widen as the cero was heading towards her shop, she quickly got in front of it and tossed a silver tube to energy negate it but some of the blasts had knocked Brynja out and she crashed into a rooftop grunting in pain. The rest of the Quincy manages to force the hollow to leave, but Brynja soon passed out from overdoing it.

Brynja soon awoke a bit blurred. It took her awhile she was in her room, just how long did she sleep she thought. Daybreak peeked through the curtains so it must have a few hours, she quickly remember Freyleif and quickly slipped out of bed only to find her father sitting there in a chair cradling the baby. She was doomed, how was she going to tell this now? Her father looked up as Brynja froze instance and spoke sternly. "Why didn't you tell me you were taking care of a child?" he sighed and stood to place the sleeping Frey in her crib. "I'm s-sorry father I did not think you would approve." Eiríkur gave her a dissatisfied look and his frown deepen. "Who are its parents?" he demanded to know. Brynja wished she didn't foolishly over do her body against that hollow.

"She is mine.." Brynja sighed in defeat.

"Yours!?" Eiríkur raised his voice in shock then narrowed his eyes at his daughter."What happen? Tell me everything, don't tell me you.."

"F-father it's a bit complicated." Brynja shifted uncomfortably, still sore and about to sob.

"Don't lie to me, tell me everything," Eiríkur demanded once more. There was no hiding the fact now. She had to explain who she was with, of course. This news did not make Eiríkur any happier.

Eiríkur was taken aback by such he looked over to the child who started to whine, she already had a small tuft of blonde hair growing. "That's not possible.." but it was true even if he didn't want to believe it. Rubbing his brow and lowering his temper he turned around and stepped out. "You've disappointed me."

It was then the Vatican had received word of these couples. They wanted death on both their heads but Eiríkur would not have it for his daughter. He fought the papers from being passed and demanded Brynja be excommunicated he didn't care what happen to Wynn and made sure he would be hunted down.

The child would be spared, but Brynja had to take care of Freyleif on her own without any power to defend herself, her title stripped from her and was closed off from her Monastery.

The year 2010 AD - Sumar of Thorsdagr.

Through Frey's toddler years, she was happy working with just her mother through making new recipes as well taught the dangers of fire. By the time she was eight years old, she helped around the bakery without harming herself with sharp objects or getting into things like most kids do. She was an energetic child always running about and curiously watching out the window wishing to get away on a grand adventure. Brynja spoiled her a lot. After all, her mother told her little of what her father was like only that she was told he died in a car accident on a stormy winter night. She had believed such stories, even though it was the one thing her mother lied about as she never knew her father and there were no pictures of him around the house only the vast imaginary stories given to her.

On her tenth year, she was more curious about exploring the outside world. Frey's mother was strict in her leaving the house and was over protective in fear she would lose her daughter against the hollow that still preyed. Frey would defy her mother's wishes thus often times sneaking out of the house when the bakery was filled with customers. When she tried to sneak back in through the back door, her mother would be there with her hands on her hips. Her punishments were of the verbal kind than physical nature. Her mother didn't like to spank just hoping scolding words reached her, sometimes it would work though often times it also did not.

On a Thursday evening, Frey once again snuck out of the house taking some money from her piggy bank. She wandered through Laugavegur district coming upon the Family Zoo, not like any other zoo but its main focus is on Icelandic farm animals and several wild native species. She had few friends there she would meet and feed the puffins. She loved their silly looking eyes and the ducks swimming in their ponds.

Something had caught her interest. A towering black cloaked being tall as a skyscraper and pointy nose seemed to look down at the zoo. Frey pointed up to the sky trying to get people's attention but they did not see anything or thought her crazy. The giant beast sat there with a peculiar sad like mask, some red sparks forms around its mouth as if it was gathering some energy.

"Freyleif!"She heard the voice of her mother. Turning around she saw her mother form some kind of bow made of blue energy.

Before she could react, the hollow unleashed a cero beam the reiatsu was weak but it was enough to make Freyleif feel faint as she collapsed on her knees along with the unawares, her chest felt tight and could barely breathe. Her mother stopped before her and fired off her own arrow to negate the weak cero splitting it in two as the arrow spearheaded into gillian's mask.
Freyleif tried to stay awake but her vision became cloudy. Soon enough she passed out by her mother's feet.

The girl awoke a few hours later, glancing about she had noticed it was night time and her mother was waiting for her in tears. Freyleif had many questions about the "creature" she saw, her mother knowing it was time to tell her. Telling in a sense she would ramble on her own version of mythical stories and riddles.

In Which we Get a Revenge

Freyleif became increasingly curious about her mother's bow. There was just something about that woman whose soul could not be stricken even after being excommunicated there was a certain determination in her eyes. Frey wanted to find out more about what she saw, but every time was disregarded from the subject. This angered her a lot and she felt disconnected with her mother; all in all, it was simply the best not to open her up to the spirit world even if Frey got mad at her mother.

Frey kept most to her room for a few days, only coming down to pick up a quick snack before running back in her room. Brynja tried to reason with her many times through the day until she meditated on the thought of telling her what her birthright meant. Finally getting over mood against her mother. Frey would exit out of her room to look for Brynja. She must not have been around or maybe shopping on a Sunday evening. Opening the door to her mother's room, she found a very beautiful box carved with old Norse runes and ravens decoration. Curiousness caught her by fate's thread wondering what just inside this box. Moving up to the desk, she pulled the wooden box down then opened it finding an old worn looking cross with a wolf's head on the bottom. The only thought that came to her as if her mother was some religious person of the Christian nature, but looking closely the elder futhark inscribing of "Hagall" was etched in the middle of the other side as she turned it.

The sound of the door closing downstairs startled her. Brynja had come home, Frey came running down asking about the cross which Brynja had finally explained that one day Frey would find this very item important.

The shop was slow the next evening on a nice Friday. Something was nagging at the little girl, the air felt heavy and it she could sense like someone was watching her making her glance behind her shoulder at times pausing between kneading her bread, shrugging upon seeing nothing she went back to work. A crash sounded out in the other room, the sound of her mother screaming made her jolt and run to see what the commotion was, laying there with glass shards sticking to her side Freyleif's mothered was towered over by an adjuchas class hollow. Afraid what she saw, Freyleif tossed pots and pans at the hungry beast in which she could clearly see such a young age. There had been little of what she could do and watch her mother get pinned under a giant snake-like hollow frighten her. The day that was boring became dramatic.

"Freyleif call for help!" Her mother called out to her daughter.

That's all she could do is run. Furious her mother's life was in danger, Freyleif would enter the state of rage, there wouldn't be anyone there to help quickly enough for what Freyleif saw.

"Freyleif! Listen to me!" Her mother shouted again, unable to move from under the body of the snake.

The snake hollow was interested in this reiatsu she had been leaking. "Welllll you might be just the tasty snack I can nab on the way." The hollow cackled wrapping its tail around Freyleif's mother. Freyleif kept tossing utensils objects that just thunk off the hollow's hide.

"Keekekeke! You think such things will harm me little girl? Come on I have some candy..Why don't you join me through my rift?"the hollow taunted, clawing the air and forming a rift in which he tossed the woman inside.

The little girl could do nothing but watch in horror, but having some sense of mind would try to run away up the stairs crying her little heart out. The hollow let out roar going to chase but with its sized got itself stuck between the doors, of course, that wouldn't keep it back much for long. Freyleif ran her little feet trying to find an exit. She ran through her room ignoring the shatters of wood behind her. Coming upon her room, she climbed up into her bed quickly going to open the window and climbing out on the side roof knowing just how risky how far she was up being so small. Puffing up her cheeks she lets out a loud scream trying to get the neighbors attention.

"You won't get far. Your fear just makes it all more fun watching you flail about helplessly." the hollow laughed from the inside. The girl reached a dead end now, something caught her eye as something darted through the air catching a glimpse of a black robed figure leaping through the window.

"What's this!?" the hollow hissed meeting its foe with a sudden clash that shook the building. Freyleif stepped back loosing her balance and fell off the edge with a scream tightening her eyes thinking death had embraced her from below-, but someone had caught her and found herself on her feet safely.

"Find someplace ta hide.." a voice said in gruff Icelandic. Freyleif couldn't get to see who it as she turned as the man was already off. Where would she go? She was only a small child in this war-torn city against the spiritual.The girl panicked as the battle raged on inside her house. She worried if her mother could be saved or if it was too late. Freylief ran down the alleyway as the reiatsu pressure was making it hard for her to breathe, a few moments later the battle had died down and she looked back hearing a scream from the man that came to save her. Maybe the hollow had won?

In which we get Quincy Training?

Frey was alone now on the streets unsure who to reach out to. She kept her mother's old cross on a necklace she wore at least as a memory now. She dares not go home even if she was wanting to.

Now she had to figure out where to go. Luck was at hand as she wandered about in the forest. The hollow that preyed on her mother had stalked her not far from the city. She was cornered and thought of her end of her life it was not soon after an old fella came running out of the bushes firing blue arrows her mother once used too, though he was by far more powerful to push the adjuchas hollow back.

The old man after dealing with the hollow turned around and smiled at the girl. Noting she had a cross of the old clan her mother kept, the man introduced himself as Vilhjálmur. He taught her more of her birthright of the Quincy. They would camp out in the wilderness and begin training the young Frey how to form her own bow; understanding more about the spiritual war between hollows and shinigami. Though Frey was creative in ideas she had a hard time forming her weapon just with her cross, musing the old man gave her some of his old gear, the bangle.

Over the weeks, she became much more dexterous, though the old Quincy was hard on her and made her train every morning. Over the next four years, she was put in strenuous tasks on archery she became more adaptable withdrawing reishi and less reliant on the bangle. Seeing the old man taught her all but the basics. He thought it would be best to get her off this Island away from this preying hollow and to Karakura where she could get stronger.

Frey came back from her training, sweating and exhausted. She found the old man sitting outside his little hut cooking up some reindeer meat. He stood up giving Frey a smile and giving her a pat on the shoulder telling her, he taught everything he could and it was time for her to move on to a place called Karakura.

   Roleplay Sample:The night around Karakura's forest was quiet, not a cricket chirped or sounds of wildlife. The rushing waters of the waterfall were all that was heard in its roar. Drip. The blotch of red hit the ground - unseen in the shroud of darkness. A piercing cry echoed through the night, then followed by a duel voiced roar that shook the ground. The beast preyed on its meal like it was nothing but a chew toy, its pristine teeth glimmered in the faintest of night time and padded slowly towards the young woman frozen in fear and stationed on her rear staring up at the beast.  The wind breezed causing the trees to rustle its music through the air and carried away the young woman's scarf.

With a hiss the salamander hollow slithered towards it meal, opening its jaws, then sprang forward to snatch the frozen woman. A flash then bang resounded before the creature could look up and see what was coming its mask was hit by a bullet. It let out a loud roar and thrashed about. The Hollow quickly made for cover into the waters leaving a trail of flame from excitement behind.

Freyleif stood up on a boulder using her spiritual senses and what little light she could make out. Her gunblade smoking from overload, even if her sight was little use her spiritual senses could make out the energy from the Hollow and managed to hit her target from a few feet away.

The woman shaking in fear finally got her bearings and scrambled on her feet to run off in a random direction. The young Quincy let out a sigh hearing the footsteps through grass and told the woman to get to cover. Hollows were resistant beings and could regenerate faster than humans, so the blonde had to prepare for its recover and next strike. Aiming her weapon towards the waterfall, Freyleif waited like a hawk.

"Do you think you won?" A deep brass voice was heard breaking Freyleif from her thoughts.

"Your heart's wound won't be mended," the deep voice went on as a camouflage being circled around the teen."Your parents are dead, your murderer's still live...Don't you want justice? Do you think "Forgiving" them will change anything?"

The Quincy's mind reeled, and with a light bulb click, she understood this was the same Hollow that had been stalking her since she was little. It had murdered her mother right in front of her helpless state and all she could do was throw pots and pans at it.

"What side will you choose? Will you finally follow what your Path truly means? The destruction of the Reapers who continue to weaken humankind?" The visage of a tall 8 foot muscled being spoken on, its image fluxing in warped distorted camouflage. "You were too weak to save your own mother," the being looked down at the girl awaiting a reply. "Will you fight back?" the adjuchas smirked as he could not get a word out of the girl. "Are you conflicted? It is no matter...Seeing how you were born to such a weak Quincy mother, you have no match against me, weakling."

"When I get stronger...I'll end you! Just wait and see! You killed my mother, I won't forget that either you scum." With that, Freyleif pushed away from the inlet towards the city. It was best not to test her luck anyway. Saving one person was all she cared about and her old nemesis was too strong for her to take alone - she would ride on the blue particles to whisk her away before the Hollow could catch up. Behind her, she could hear the hissing laughter of the salamander before it ceased and slithered back into the rift to its world.

#2Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Empty Re: Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:32 am


Clan Information
Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Hresvelgr_by_darudado-d7d2avc
Prehistory Quincy lore:

Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Oafv3U7
Northern Ancestors

"We live in Saga times. What is your Saga? Is your Saga
worthy of being told around the fire by your descendants?"

Icelandic Quincy
This covers the beliefs and ideals that were set up for the Quincy Icelanders: stories of those who banded together against the evil spirits of Hollows and the Reapers in the view of the Norse people. It dates back from 800 AD Viking ages to Modern day, which adds fiction and Scandinavian folklore to a Bleach universe:

The story starts with Hollows overwhelming the new settlers in Iceland. Aware Shamans, Priests, and Monks attempt to deal with an inflicted 'plague' caused by the Hollows touch (Acid Mark). Many did not survive the 'plague', succumbing to either the effects from the Acid Touch or by the Hollows that seeked those 'touched'. Hearing their cries of help, and maybe out of fear of it spreading, Archer Monks (Quincy) began to migrate from Germany to combat the Hollows.

As the new Archer Monks combated the threat, it's obvious they are losing and all but a single Quincy from the first wave of arrivals are killed. This Archer Monk managed to hide from the onslaught and sent for aid from his fellow brethren - unfortunately, aid came in the form of very few, untrained Quincy. The lone Monk preserved on, despite the odds, using his Quincy abilities to extend his life (and youthful appearance) as years passed.

Taking matters into his own hands during this dire time, he began trained his own men (at the time a female Quincy was to be trained or offered service to be shield maidens). Proud to see these small tribes of his students grow, he began counterattacking with his people and spread out to defeat these 'bad omen spirits'. Many prayed to their Gods for the ability to kill the 'plague' and it's carriers, and soon all rejoiced as the beasts were driven back!

The Icelander Quincy were taught to hone their skills as many generations soon passed. Some of their power is thought to come from keeping their blood 'pure'; they arranged marriages to the few 'pure' females (Who were allowed to marry who they choose) to pass the bloodline through the many small Pagan tribes scattered throughout the Island. Patriarchs and Prophets were formed from the newborn tribe of Quincy, passing verbal stories to their children about the Icelandic Plague and instilling in them the ideal of strength in numbers. As time pressed on, many of these small, isolated tribes banded together with other tribes to train in archery when the children soon reached an age between five and ten.

Their Pagan beliefs and system held strong until Ludwig (The Lone Archer Monk) passed away, his age caught up to him despite his attempt to lengthen his life. With so many tribes gathered together now, they formed their first Order, ushering in a new age for the Quincy. Because many tribes were not apart from the Order, tribal knowledge and scripts were rarely exchanged with the Order, and Vise Versa (even then, it was in secret). Eventually, one boy (who grew up as a strong believer in Protestantism later on) gathered most of the remaining tribes to form a Monastery deep within the woods (Just south of Reykjavik), claiming he had "Seen the small folk wishing to help, and they agreed to help him and his people find hidden meeting spots where they could remain concealed and build their Monastery without attacks."

Monastery Locations
There are two known Monasteries in Iceland; one in Heiðmörk Nature Reserve just south of Reykjavík and the other near Sauðárkrókur, in the mid-northern part of Iceland.

Both are located in obscure hidden areas - for Heiðmörk's Monastery, one must follow a certain trail with certain rock formations. The trail leads to the cave of Draugahellir Lava Tube, which can only be navigated through with the help of the Native Quincy. Once guided to the end of the Lava Tubes, they traverse a narrow path in the cave which looks like a dead end; in truth, it's an illusion that only the Native Quincy break, allowing passage into a beautiful new area with cliffs, waterways, as well as an abundance of flowers, vines, and paths leading round the face of the cliffs all the way down to the Monastery grounds.

Current Grandmasters/mistress:
Ósvald Grandmaster of Sauðárkrókur, Iceland.
Eiríkur Grandmaster of Clan Bergrisi, Reykjavik,Heiðmörk, Iceland
Heiðmörk was proclaimed a municipal conservation area of Reykjavík in 1950. It is located southeast of Elliðavatn, Iceland, and is about 6 miles from the city of Reykjavík. Its name is derived from its namesake in Norway.

Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Environment_matte__hidden_by_i_netgrafx

=The Saga of Ludwig=

"How far would you go for the ones you hold dear?
Will you protect them until your dying day?
Or will you fight for your honor alone instead?
What is more important to you?
Your feelings or your sense of duty?"

Sometimes one must make a sacrifice in order to protect that which is most valuable.
Sometimes making that sacrifice is a much heavier price than you believed it to be.

Ties that have been forged over the course of years,
Can be broken within the span of just a scant few days.

What will you fight for?

Before the Order was set up in Iceland and before Christianity (until the 10th century political pressure from Europe to convert to Christianity) made much impact to the Island, there were loose groups (tribes) spread about Reykjavik, capital and largest city of Iceland. They were all Pagan believers, seeing the dead (Hollows) as bad omens. These dead plagued the lands causing many of the settlers to set up wards and prayed to their heroic Gods, until 60 years later a small band of 'Monks' were called into service by Bishop Ísleifur Gissurarson to help rid of these ill inflictions people caught and died from when they were touched by the dead. These ' Archer Monks' became the human mediums having not only the ability to see, but the ability to detect the existence of the dead. They were a loose group only to be paid and move, but the spirits here proved to be too difficult for these archers. They fought for weeks until there was only a remaining monk left named Ludwig. He hid for months, only aiding when he could within the small town of Reykjavik.

The common folk were marked by Hollow's acid like touches. Those that survived the mark were later hunted down by the bad "spirits". Women who bore child that were marked gave birth to children that developed hollow-esk powers later on in their life - many saw them as ill-fated. Ludwig was growing desperate through the years, and learned to preserve his youth through his bloodline. Without the aid of Bishop Ísleifur sending reinforcements during his time in Germany, Ludwig searched for any other capable archers on the island. Through the harsh winter he traveled the desolate open lands of Iceland, and to his surprise, discovered an abandoned group of monks were trapped behind a mountain cave, guarded by two men dressed in the opposite colours of the Shinigami robes. It did not take long for Ludwig to fool these 'mask-less hollows', with a bit of tactical thinking and clever wording, to see why these monks were being hostages. Ludwig managed to find out they were kept to be experimented on for their 'El Rey'.

The Arrancar were also curious of Ludwig as he could see them. Instead of showing hostile intent Ludwig would share his philosophies to gain their trust, at first putting paranoia aside. It took much endurance, cunning, and timing to lure these other realm spirits into a false sense of security, but as soon as this occurred he cleverly 'relieved' The Arrancar from their post for a few moments so they could report back to their superior. With this time, he removed the boulders carefully by chiseling away with his spirit weapon until he could free the others. The hostages turned out to be weak Quincy, but Ludwig saw potential to train these five men and woman. Steeling their courage and their loyalty in Ludwig, they would follow him out of the mountains back to town. Here he would train and impart his wisdom to these monks for when The Arrancar return, furious that they had been tricked. They worked together to take down the two Arrancar (when they appeared) with the skill they lacked before. After a bloody battle, they survived with no lose of their own. They looked up to Ludwig to be their leader and he was proud to teach and strengthen the bonds of Icelandic Quincy.

The Heathen Quincy at the Time
In Modern Heathenry, there is a strong focus on healthy families. Nearly every local Icelandic Quincy group encourages the whole family to be involved in celebrations to the Gods that occur in groves close to nature. Loyalty to one's family is seen as being of the top-most importance.

The most commonly used term for local Heathen groups is "kindred," and most kindreds are organized in a structure similar to an extended family. The Heathen Quincy work to build healthy relationships with gods and goddesses, ancestors, spirits of the land, and others in their communities. Both through holy rites and through their day to day actions and deeds, the Quincy would have called their life-style simply "my beliefs or customs."

The Quincy used their bangles and crosses as magical practices, including the carving of runes onto talismans, Mjolnir pendants, and numerous weapons and bracteates with runic characters scratched or cast onto them of Ullr (The god of hunt and archery in Norse Mythology). At the time, it was written that the reishi was ancestral power from nature and the dead spirits that passed, allowing those who possessed reishi to use their bows. Those who manifested such power believed that the focal point of their weapons (akin to the modern cross) carry the will, or sometimes a small part, of all their former wearers. The crosses carry the wishes of those chosen for the afterlife in Valhalla, and has thus strengthened its power, and the user's ability to carry that will out.
The major God(s)at the Time:

Ull ('Glorious') was famous for his marksmanship, and well for known for being astonishingly quick on snowshoes, and skis. His weapon was a longbow made out of Yew, a mighty shield that he could transform at will into a vessel to cross the seas, and rune engraved bones that he could use to cross waters (skates?). He also had a magic finger ring the mortals used to swear on. He lived in his castle at Ydal (Yew Dales), a place of pleasant dales where the yew trees grew. Ull is the son of the golden-haired Sif and the stepson of the god Thor. It is unsure who his father is. Some say it’s Orvandil the Archer. Ull was husband to Skadi; whom he spent the winters hunting with her, and the summers in Helheim with Hel. According to one myth, Ull had reigned as head of the Aesir for a period of ten years while Odin was banished by the other gods for disguising himself as an older woman to trick Rind to giving birth to Balder’s avenger. On Odin's return, Ull went and learned the art of magic and became a powerful sorcerer.

"Ullr" is considered the Guardian Patron Saint of Skiers (German Schutzpatron der Skifahrer). An Ullr medallion or Ullr ski medal, depicting the Scandinavian god Ullr on skis holding a bow and arrow, is widely worn as a talisman by both recreational and professional skiers as well as ski patrols in Europe and elsewhere."


[i]In Norse mythology, Skaði (sometimes anglicized as Skadi, Skade, or Skathi) is a jötunn and goddess associated with bowhunting, skiing, winter, and mountains. Skaði is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources; the Prose Edda and in Heimskringla, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson, and in the works of skalds.

In all sources, Skaði is the daughter of the deceased Þjazi, and Skaði married the god Njörðr as part of the compensation provided by the gods for killing her father Þjazi. In Heimskringla, Skaði is described as having split up with Njörðr and as later having married the god Odin, and that the two produced many children together. In both the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda, Skaði is responsible for placing the serpent that drips venom onto the bound Loki. Skaði is alternately referred to as Öndurguð (Old Norse "ski god") and Öndurdís (Old Norse "ski dís", often translated as "lady").

The etymology of the name Skaði is uncertain, but may be connected with the original form of Scandinavia. Some place names in Scandinavia, particularly in Sweden, refer to Skaði. Scholars have theorized a potential connection between Skaði and the god Ullr (who is also associated with skiing and appears most frequently in place names in Sweden), a particular relationship with the jötunn Loki, and that Scandinavia may be related to the name Skaði (potentially meaning "Skaði's island") or the name may be connected to an Old Norse noun meaning "harm". Skaði has inspired various works of art.

#3Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Empty Re: Freyleif Jökulsdóttir [FINISHED] Mon Apr 16, 2018 6:19 am


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