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Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
"Well damn, this is kinda fucked," Sven remarked to himself as he wandered the rubble that was once New York City. He'd arrived back in town about halfway through the battle. He'd done the best he could to try and repulse the onslaught of Sinners, however; he'd arrived too late to make any real difference. The city was badly damaged, and many lives were lost. Thankfully, his parents had been out of town... But still. Looking around and seeing so many people with dejected eyes that had given up. So many grieving their losses, be it property or people. Even for a usually upbeat guy like Sven, this was a real bummer. Turning into an alleyway, Sven angrily drove his fist into a wall. "Dammit! I should've been here!" His attack on the piece of wall left behind a small crater in the cement, and he let out a sigh and hung his head.


Natasha had felt it as she had done to seek out the handful of others she had spoken to recently. She sensed the power and she knew it was human. So far, she had gathered a group with determination and heart, ecept for Accelerator. She was still stumped by that one, but she would get in his mind sooner or later. For now, she was simply glad he had decided to join her. Although the few were strong, she wanted to make sure that they were going to have the manpower to protect this world. She wanted a group that could work together and could get the job accomplished. Natasha would make up for the destruction she allowed to happen on this city.

She had finally reached the location of the power as she would quietly step into the alleyway only to hear a loud pounding noise and yelling. Natasha would walk closer to the individual stopping mere feet away from him. "You're not the only one feeling this regret, you know?" Natasha would look between the wall and the boy before her. "It seems there were very few of us here when the attack took place. It was a tragedy. It was unexpected. You couldn't have known. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've caused you this anger. If I had beaten him sooner, the city wouldn't have sustained such massive damage. Forgive me for my weakness." Natasha would find herself looking from the male to the ground. She hated herself for this. She hated everything that had happened here and the fact that she couldn't stop him sooner. She absolutely couldn't allow it to happen again and she could tell that this one was just as passionate about the situation.

"My name is Natasha. I couldn't save this city by myself and for that, I also have regrets. However, I don't want this sort of devastation to happen again to anyone. This feeling of sadness, loss, and anger that is looming over the people is unforgivable and I want to protect them from that as much as I possibly can. I can tell you have heart and you care about them just as much as the rest of us. I'm putting together a team. A group of remarkable people so when they need us, we can fight the battles that they never could. A committee of sorts to protect this world and the people. Would you like to join us?"

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Sven paused as he heard the voice of a woman, and looked up from him pummeling away at the innocent wall. He found himself staring at someone who was distinctly... Green. Odd, that. However, part of Sven was too angry, too frustrated, to care. This close to him, he could tell though: this woman was powerful. She outclassed him easily, and yet... even she hadn't been able to do a goddamn thing about this tragedy. She admitted to her shortcomings herself, in fact.

It was what she said next that surprised him though: she was recruiting him. Gathering up similarly extraordinary individuals to make sure something like this wasn't going to happen ever again. "We can prevent this...?" Sven muttered aloud to himself, not really directing the question towards anyone before taking a deep breath and holding a bloodied fist out to shake. "The name's Sven. Sven Larson. You can count me in."


He seemed to think that her plan was a sort of dream come true with the way he spoke to himself. He asked if they could really prevent the destruction that had fallen upon the city, however Natasha would only find herself smiling in response. He had never thought of the option before from the way he looked at her. She had seen it too many times. She had seen the way humans like them pleaded for help only to be met with despair when the higher powers abandoned them. The shinigami had been useless and never showed up to the battle until it was over. They couldn't wait around and Natasha wasn't about to stand by anymore and watch the defeat in the eyes of their people. She wanted to give them hope, confidence, and strength.

Natasha's smile was full of confidence and reassurance as Sven said that he would join her. She had already gained so many followers on her mission to form the greatest group of protectors for the human race. It finally seemed as though redemption was close in sight. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sven. I'm glad you could join us. As of now, we're working hard to rebuild and rescue. We've saved more people from the rubble than we can count already, however I fear there are countless others still waiting. The cleaning process has been slow, but my mission is to keep looking for others to help in our cause. I'll let you know when things change," Natasha would turn to leave as she would begin her walk back down the alleyway. She would stop just before the end and turn back to Sven, "Place that regret behind you now and look forward to our bright future, ok?" Natasha would smile once more over her shoulder before exiting the alley.

-She gone-

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