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#1John Jobs [Approved] Empty John Jobs [Approved] Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:37 am

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar Shirosaki

Name: Jonathan Jobs ("JoJo")
True Age: 25
Sex: Male
Personality: John is a hotheaded, impetuous, and confrontational man. Quick to violently respond to the slightest provocation, John would often get into brawls growing up. Since he discovered the presence of spiritual beings at the age of 18, John made it his life's work to find a way to fight them. John is a foul-mouthed individual and regularly taunts his enemies, enjoying aggravating them even more so now with his intellect being much greater than that of his youth.

John has a fairly goofy side and spends half of his fights enjoying having outsmarted his current enemy with incredibly zany schemes, which take his opponents by surprise by how silly his plans are at first sight. A show-off, John likes being the center of attention. He enjoys mixing his boastful nature and his love of pranks into a dangerous tool in battle.

Height: 6ft 5in
Weight: 213lbs
Physical Traits:

General Fighting Style: Due to his intelligence John studied various forms of combat. While he is not a master at swordplay, hand to hand combat, or gun-play he is adept enough to hold his own.
Strengths: Durability Reiryoku Manipulation, Reiryoku
Weaknesses: Blur, Sensing


Spirit Power Watch:
After discovering his ability to see spiritual beings, John began work on a device that would allow him to defend himself against these creatures. This watch holds millions of nanobots powered by John's spiritual energy. These nanobots can build themselves into several things at will. John refers to each of these as "modes." Each of these modes have an extra ability associated with them.

Watch Mode:
Description: This is the Spirit Watch's basic mode. Functions similarly to a standard SmartWatch, although instead of a battery it uses John's reiryoku as an energy source.

Knight Mode:
Description: In this form the nanobots take the shape of a sword and a shield. John uses a balance of offense and defense to make the best of close range combat.

Spirit Shield Overdrive
Description: John can use his reiryoku to charge his shield to become even stronger. During its duration the shield becomes large enough to cover his entire body. For two posts the Spirit Shield can take a Cero's worth of damage, to a maximum of two. After this time the shield returns to its normal size and this ability has a two post cooldown. (Note, if the shield would take a Double Cero amount of damage in one post this ability would instantly be used up)

Rifle Mode:
Description: In this form, the nanobots take the shape of a rifle. This is where he specializes in medium range combat. He can fire up to five bala level shots a post in this mode.

Sniper Mode:
Description: The nanobots take the shape of a sniper rifle which can deal major (Cero Level) damage but reloading causes a one post cooldown.


Assault Mode:
Description: In this state the nanobots take the form of a blade. A secondary option for close range combat focused on dealing hard damage on the opponent.



Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]


Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]


History: [Might do this later]
Side Notes: Insert JoJo reference here
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

#2John Jobs [Approved] Empty Re: John Jobs [Approved] Mon Jul 06, 2020 9:07 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 2-3

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