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#1[Private] Blondey's Training Empty [Private] Blondey's Training Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:39 pm


"That's not good enough!" Came a female's voice as a foot was seen crashing down into the face of a garden variety hollow. Utterly cracking it into splinters which was followed by the hollow's disintegration into ash and then nothing, "Geez.. I know I'm not super tough but you'd think that these guys would put up more of a challenge.." said Kiyomi Lisola as she crossed her arms and sighed softly. The long haired blonde shook her head and walked off into the streets of Karakura Town after dealing with the hollow and just wandered randomly at this point waiting for the next 'thing' to happen.

She was trained as a shinobi, her entire village destroyed by hollow, but she wasn't that strong yet. Even if she had been present for her village's demise she would have only died there as well. It seemed being Rena's descendant didn't do her any favors, not that she knew who Rena Lisola even was yet!

As she walked she left a normal reishi trail behind her trying to attract more small fry. She was careful about it though since she didn't want to accidentally summon a menos grande or some such monster that she wasn't sure she could even handle effectively at this stage.

She was going to get stronger though. Even if she had to kill all of the hollow she could ever get her hands on.

#2[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:52 pm


Karakura Town was the epitome of a peaceful Japanese town, as far as aesthetics went. It was modernized, and definitely didn't look like the Edo Village that Chihiro was expecting to see, but as she stood on the tall building and looked out over the city, she found that it was definitely the town she'd been looking for. There was something here that called her, something that demanded her attention; whether or not it knew it, she did.

A spike in spiritual pressure was enough to make Chihiro's attention snap towards the far off side of town, near the outskirts but definitely nearby, and she took off towards that direction to investigate, using her Solid Steps ability to jump off the roof of the building she was on and casually work her way downwards, trying to stay out of sight so as to not alert random people of superhero-type bullshit.

It was approaching noon as Chihiro detected the reishi trail that was clearly being left intentionally, and followed it at a brisk pace to approach the source. What she found was a young adult with blond hair, whom Chihiro was sure she'd never seen before.

"You should be careful," her voice called out softly as she caught up to the girl, a big smile on Chihiro's face. "Never know who's gonna catch on to this trail of yours. It's intentional, right? Not an accident?" The red-haired girl in green and white clothing had a rather young appearance, looking like her early to mid twenties, not much older than the blond-haired girl in front of her. "Chihiro Shizuma, by the by. Nice to meet you!"

#3[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Wed Oct 21, 2020 9:59 pm


Kiyomi stiffened a bit when someone other than a hollow called out in her direction as she was only focusing on hollow reishi and not anything else. She turned to look only for it to seem like another young girl, like herself, was calling to her with some pretty red hair. Though she didn't know why the girl was being so didn't matter to Kiyomi who smiled back and waved, "I'm Kiyomi Lisola. Nice to meet you too I suppose. Though you weren't who I was expecting or looking for." She hiked a thumb behind her, "You gonna tag along then? I'm looking for trouble since this place is so boring otherwise."

Assuming the girl didn't have something else in mind Kiyomi would just walk alongside her continue to head closer to town, "I'm not strong enough yet." She said almost pouting because it was true and she knew it, "You seem pretty legit though. How'd you get so strong when we're the same age?" She questioned almost jealous of the girl since for all purposes she seemed barely older than Kiyomi was, "Also why'd you decide to stalk me today? Just checking out the trail to make sure it wasn't a hollow or something? Just passing through town or something? I've been at this for a while.."

She stopped walking and punched one hand into the other, "I'm going to make them all pay dearly for attacking the world of the living someday. Even if I have to do it one weakling at a time!" She rubbed the back of her head as she realized she hadn't answered Chihiro's original question, "OH right.. the reishi trail was intentional yes. I'm trying to get more weak hollow to show up so I can bash em."

#4[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:10 pm


Lisola. This wasn't the first time that Chihiro had heard that name, though she'd never encountered a member of the family in person; she'd only heard rumors about the family from previous centuries. Kiyomi must have been the most recent in the lineage, and that information alone was enough to make Chihiro's eyes light up.

Kiyomi never seemed to answer the first question, but Chihiro was patient and could always ask it again later, so she followed along and listened to the girl with a smile, wanting to know more about her. She was clearly spiritually aware, which wasn't particularly common among their kind, and was clearly a Human just like Chihiro was, but she laughed quite loudly when Kiyomi mentioned her being relatively the same age.

"Oh, I'm much older than I look." Having effectively answered the first question, Chihiro left it at that and moved on. "As for why I'm here today, I felt something calling me. If I'm being honest, it may have been you." Chihiro was relieved to find out the reishi trail was intentional, but as they continued walking she felt the presence of another Hollow entering the nearby area. She wondered where they came from, as she knew they had a dimension all to themselves but had never been there.

"Seems like it worked," she stated, pointing a finger directly above them, where a flying Hollow was currently traveling directly towards Kiyomi. Chihiro figured that, though she could dispatch the Hollow easily, this guy wasn't going to be a threat to Kiyomi either; with that thought, Chihiro stepped out of the way so Kiyomi could fight the Hollow in any way she wanted. "Mind showing me what you're capable of?" Her smile was back, bright and big as ever.

#5[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:20 pm


"Eh?" came a small quip when Chihiro mentioned being older than she looked, which baffled Kiyomi, only for another "Eh???" to come out when she mentioned that she might have been searching for Kiyomi herself rather than anything else today, followed by yet a third "EH!?" when Kiyomi looked up having been entirely focused on Chihiro and not her surroundings only to see said flying hollow coming down right at her. To which Chihiro basically said have fun and side stepped away from Kiyomi.

Kiyomi didn't waste any time in reacting to the threat however as she jumped up and slammed her right leg square into the hollow's torso. Blasting the poor thing across the sky while she herself landed back on the ground. It seemed fast to recover though because when she landed it's mouth was already hung open trying to bite her head off a moment later. To which she responded with a straight up kick from normal standing position into it's jaw, causing several of it's teeth to crack in the process of it being knocked away and to the ground in front of her.

This gave her ample time to run over to it and jump up into the air before coming down on it's head with a high powered Axe Kick. Further destroying parts of his mask as she grabbed it's head, spun around a few times, and tossed it back into the air. As it caught itself it screeched in anger only to make a confused noise a moment later as Kiyomi "kicked" her way into the air multiple times as if Air walking like a shinigami, except she was kicking to go up.

When she got there she created several energy chains that sprang forth from her body and wrapped themselves around the hollow tightly, binding it, before using said chains to throw the hollow back to the ground where she landed on it. Slowly crushing it until it dissipated into nothing, having died. Kiyomi wiped her forehead off of some sweat and just grinned as she looked over at Chihiro wondering if the girl was impressed or not. Since she seemed to be waaaaay stronger than Kiyomi.. then the thought occurred to her which caused her to blurt out with an accusing finger, "WAIT why didn't YOU fight the hollow!?"

#6[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:30 pm


Her reaction time was sufficient, wasting little to no time as she kicked the Hollow away, then continued to use her feet throughout most of her attacks, dispatching the Hollow bit by bit as its Mask faded away. Chihiro's smile grew even wider as she found that Kiyomi, unlike most other Humans, even had a way to maneuver through the air like a Shinigami. She then utilized some sort of chains, binding the Hollow as she threw it to the ground and destroyed it. As Kiyomi relaxed afterward, Chihiro burst out laughing at the question asked of her.

"This way I get to see what you're capable of." Finally no longer laughing, Chihiro wiped a tear from her eye and looked back to Kiyomi. "Don't worry, next time there's a Hollow, I'll dispatch it so the favor is returned. How's that?"

With the Hollow taken care of, Chihiro looked around to get a good sense of where in the city they were, since she'd had a better view of things when she was in the air and on the roof of the skyscraper. If she remembered right, there was a big park just around the corner of where they were, which would be more than sufficient room. Walking over there, Chihiro trusted that Kiyomi would follow her.

"Should be more than enough room here." The park was easily bigger than a baseball field, and Chihiro started to jog out to the center of it. "You're ready to spar me right?"

#7[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:50 am


"Well okay I guess," pouted Kiyomi whom didn't really mind the laughter so much as the stealthy way the woman had gotten Kiyomi to show her her moves. Eventually the two of them reached the park and Chihiro got in the middle of it and said she wanted to spar Kiyomi. Which made the girl laugh, "Why would I wanna get my butt kicked? Then again I got nothing better to do so challenge accepted!" she said before putting up her dukes and spiking her spiritual pressure to signify she was ready to go.

However she didn't know anything about this woman. So she didn't rush in head first or anything reckless instead she just stayed put and kept her guard tight so that she could properly react to anything the girl could possibly throw her way. At least that was the hope. The gap between them was pretty obvious, at least to Kiyomi, so she wasn't sure what the girl's "ultimate goal" for this sparring session was going to be.. Had she decided on her own to train Kiyomi for shits and grins? Maybe.. that thought seemed to calm Kiyomi down from the mind wracking questions filling her head. This would allow her to focus on the fight instead of being utterly confused.

If the woman was stubborn and refused to make the first move however Kiyomi would pick up a nearby rock and hurl it at her at very high speed. She wasn't that good in long ranged yet and her abilities were mostly for melee combat..but she could hurl a damn rock.

#8[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:04 am


Chihiro had hoped that Kiyomi would be more than willing to learn, but she was at least not trying to get out of the fight. Chihiro adopted a stance with her fingers on her left hand higher than the rest of the fist, while her right arm was kept at her side. Bringing up her left foot up above her right knee, Chihiro considered the spar officially started, though knew that she'd have to hold back to make sure that Kiyomi could keep up.

Chihiro's State of Mind in combat was something to behold all its own. She blocked out all outside sensory input, focusing entirely on Kiyomi Lisola. The first time she laid eyes on the young girl, Chihiro had instantly known exactly what level of strength and speed Kiyomi was at. That made holding herself back much easier, as she could start off just a little slower than Kiyomi was, in addition to all of her other physical abilities due to Bio-Feedback giving her perfect control of her own body.

"Here I come, then." With that, Chihiro dashed forward and punched at Kiyomi's stomach, pulling it back just before she hit and swiping at her feet with a left leg sweep to knock Kiyomi to the ground. If successful, she'd bring her fist down towards Kiyomi's stomach again, this time planning to make full contact.

#9[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:11 am


Kiyomi instinctively raised her right leg up to block the incoming fist with her shin, an impressive flexibility maneuver on Kiyomi's part, but as she saw the low kick coming to sweep her off her feet she kicked down with the raised leg and hit the air, causing her to bounce up without losing her current fighting stance this allowed her to do a mid-air front flip and bring her left leg crashing down axe kick style towards Chihiro's shoulder before Kiyomi herself landed in a bowing stance, from here she brought up a fist to slam into where Chihiro's face would be, if the kick had landed correctly, trying to uppercut the woman.

If that failed Kiyomi would have a chain slide out from behind her body inside her shirt and wiggle around a bit waiting for a counter opportunity almost as if it were a tail. Aside from preparing for Chihiro's response to her attacks however the chain did nothing for now, Kiyomi herself on the other hand after trying to uppercut the girl and repositioning herself back to a Boxer stance assuming she had time, went for a straight left hook which she feinted into a low kick of her own aiming for Chihiro's right thigh. This time being followed by an actual left jab to her chest and a right hook coming after that aiming for the girls nose.

She wasn't going to hold back even if she thought she'd lose, that just wasn't her style.

#10[Private] Blondey's Training Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:23 am


Kiyomi's reflexes were good, and Chihiro would have to speed it up a bit to catch her off guard. She liked that. The kick turned into her little air walking trick from earlier, causing the girl to go into the air and begin to front flip in order to axe-kick Chihiro. She raised her left arm and blocked the kick, letting the momentum carry through so Kiyomi wouldn't be completely sure if the kick had been blocked. As Kiyomi came through with the uppercut, Chihiro leaned forward and headbutt her fist with the center of her forehead.

Her fighting style was weird, it was unique. Chihiro had been all over the world, and had fought numerous martial art masters, had a few black belts in different schools herself, and none of them were quite like this. Rather, this was like... all of them.

As Kiyomi took her boxing-like stance again, doing something with the chain that Chihiro couldn't be sure of just yet, she went for a left hook and feinted at the last second, almost reversing Chihiro's attack from the start of the fight. Good, at least she was a fast learner.

Chihiro tanked the kick to the thigh, impressed by how much it stung and made a mental note to up her defenses before the next time she tanked a hit, as that hurt more than she'd intended it to. Seems Kiyomi's legs were stronger than her arms were. Neat!

The left jab at her chest, Chihiro attempt to catch, as well as the right hook aiming for her face. Assuming she had managed to catch both fists, Chihiro would begin a kicking assault at Kiyomi's own speed and power, seeing if the girl's reflexes could keep up with Chihiro's assault.

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