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#11[Private] Blondey's Training - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:34 am


Her attacks weren't connecting in the way she had hoped, which was evident by the fact she was now shaking her hand because her punch had collided with Chihiro's forehead rather than her jaw, but connecting at all was better than not hitting in the first place. Kiyomi didn't have long to worry about it though because her other punches she made, instead of connecting at all, were caught.

However things weren't about to go that smoothly for Chihiro if Kiyomi had any say in the matter. As soon as their hands were together she opened her fists and grasped at Chihiro's own hands like a grappling vice and tossed all of her weight into a cartwheel to her left with which she brought along Chihiro for the ride. During the initial grasp Chihiro started kicking at Kiyomi who just had enough time to keep one leg up to take the brunt of the blows and then while they were upside down from the cartwheel grapple Kiyomi suddenly jerked into a full stop using the chain she had produced earlier, by making it stab into the ground and support her, using this chain as a support leg of sorts she whipped Chihiro and herself around like a tornado before releasing her grip entirely hopefully sending the girl flying.

This all assumed that Chihiro didn't do a thing during her attempt though. But this too was accounted for as if Chihiro did anything with her physical body Kiyomi would purposely, and as quickly as she possibly could, counter "mime" any action made against her. Kick for kick, punch for punch. If the girl did anything that didn't include her body though Kiyomi was probably going to be in some big trouble very quickly.

#12[Private] Blondey's Training - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Thu Oct 22, 2020 5:49 am


The two were suddenly in a cartwheel, and Chihiro was grinning wildly as they went. Kiyomi had blocked her kicks fairly effectively, but this was more fun than what she'd had in mind anyway. That chain from earlier came into play finally as Kiyomi jerked into a stop and then begun spinning rapidly, Chihiro in tow. Upside down and spinning, Kiyomi let go of Chihiro.

If she had flight, Chihiro would have loved to keep the momentum going and try to keep fighting in that position, but since she didn't have flight, Chihiro went flying for about thirty feet before she regained awareness of which direction was the ground, and was able to sturdy herself with Solid Steps.

Dashing back in to close the distance, Kiyomi had stood back up with the chain still in the ground, but at least this time she was right-side up. Chihiro sped up a little more this time, moving faster than Kiyomi by about one stage, a flurry of kicks from what she'd observed of the girl's fighting style before, trying to replicate it to see if Kiyomi can keep up with the speed if she's already familiar with the attacks. Assuming all of them were blocked or countered for at least a few seconds, Chihiro would smile and start throwing in other attacks that weren't based on Kiyomi's own style anymore.

That being said... that style. Chihiro would definitely have questions for Kiyomi when this was all said and done.

#13[Private] Blondey's Training - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:12 am


Kiyomi didn't get much of a reprieve by throwing Chihiro but it did work. She rubbed one of her legs a bit before standing back on solid ground and retracting the one chain she had been using. Dissipating it into nothing to conserve on power. By the time she had done this her opponent had already sprung into action, this time even faster than before, which caught Kiyomi off-guard for a split second but she quickly recovered in time to start kicking back against Chihiro's own kicking techniques. It wasn't so much that Kiyomi didn't recognize her own style as that she was so focused on the battle she hadn't even realized Chihiro had started trying to copy her and was simply responding to the new forms of attacks with her own as she would normally by instinct rather than learned skill.

This quick flurried stalemate ended abruptly though because Chihiro was the faster of the speedsters and was putting the pressure on. It seemed like the moment Chihiro confirmed that Kiyomi could keep up with her style of combat even at faster speeds she began to throw in random irregularities into the mix by adding her own style to the attacks instead of continuing to copy Kiyomi. This threw her off a bit and she just couldn't keep pace with the new information causing her to be hit quite a few times by Chihiro's fists and feet. Though most of the kicks were blocked by her own those fists connecting hurt like HELL. This made Kiyomi pull a defensive move and cocoon herself in chains for a moment stopping Chihiro from being able to directly strike her again. At least for the moment.

The sudden shift in her strategy caused them to break for a moment and this allowed Kiyomi to air kick into the air a bit and this gave her breathing room for her next attack. She undid her cocoon and used the dozen chains as weapons instead of shields and sent the spiked tips of them at Chihiro in a flurry of stab attacks while she landed on the ground and used them as "additional arms" to attack with while throwing in more power kicks, axe kicks, and roundhouse kicks to pressure her opponent more and more.

It was becoming quite clear to her though that she was quickly and without hesitation losing ground in the fight. While she was maxed out Chihiro was still holding back and Kiyomi could quite easily tell this just by watching her breathing. Despite Kiyomi beginning to slightly pant every now and then her foe was still completely calm.

This wasn't going to end well, but at least it was just a friendly spar. So the weight of the loss wasn't bugging Kiyomi too badly. That aside she wasn't going to quit until it was truly over..and that hadn't happened yet.

#14[Private] Blondey's Training - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:44 am


Kiyomi had responded much like Chihiro thought she would. The kicks were dealt with by Kiyomi's own legs, but she didn't have so many answers for the upper body exercises, taking the majority of the fist assault before coccooning herself in chains and backing off. As the coccoon went away, Chihiro noticed that her freshly formed bruises were already beginning to heal, and she couldn't help but smile. This girl was everything Chihiro had been looking for in an apprentice, and she found her completely by accident.

As Kiyomi came forward on her own offense, Chihiro kept close attention to each of the chains and Kiyomi's own body. The attacks came, and Chihiro picked up the speed once more, stepping in between each of the chains as they came forward. While Kiyomi continued to attack with kicks, Chihiro kept smiling.

"That's a very interesting style you have there," Chihiro began talking softly as she continued dodging the attacks. "One day, you may very well master that style. Most Martial Artists would likely laugh at you for trying, but you're farther along than any other person I've ever met." Chihiro didn't know the name of Kiyomi's particular style, but it was deeply rooted in the practice of unpredictability.

A normal Martial Arts style had a core philosophy that it followed, and all techniques of the move were based around that philosophy. Judo, for instance, had rules of never losing control of your opponent while you threw them to the ground; Boxing was all about keeping your distance and the speed of your attacks; Tai Chi used your opponents strength against them and swayed with the flow, never resisting. Kiyomi Lisola clearly hadn't mastered all of these Martial Arts, but her style took clear influence from them and many more.

"When we're done here, you'll have to tell me all about where you learned that style. I'd love to learn from your tutors!" With a minor spike in her spiritual pressure, Chihiro brought herself up to another level above Kiyomi, and began to overpower the girl. A flurry of attacks, none of them particularly too strong but an absolute crapload of total punches and kicks and elbows and headbutts and other attacks.

#15[Private] Blondey's Training - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:35 pm


She didn't really have an answer to Chihiro's increasing speed and power anymore. So while she was still kicking at every opportunity those kicks were defensive rather than for attacking purposes. The big problem however was the fact that she was being hit, consistently, very hard. In fact was that one of her teeth? Shit! Kiyomi spiked her spiritual pressure as high as it would go and curled her dozen chains in front of her between her and Chihiro to try and soften the blows but the strength behind them was so high that it did very little to comfort Kiyomi's body.

So she took several dozen hits in a row and went down. Depowering in the process as she reached near unconsciousness, but she snapped out of it a moment later as Chihiro seemed to have stopped? Wait the fight ended? Crap that meant Kiyomi lost! Wait... she knew that was going to happen. Nevermind. Kiyomi stood up slowly and brushed the dust off her cloths as she sighed, "Awww dammit. Here I was getting all hyped up and it didn't even make a dent. Oh well!" She ended cheerfully as she giggled a bit and started doing jumping jacks as a self punishment for losing.

"So wait you said something about meeting my masters? That's no good and besides I wouldn't recommend it. I had seven of the limey bastards and I promise they aren't nice people when it comes to training. Honestly not even sure where they all are right now anyways.. they move around a bit and not as a group. Even if I wanted more training, which I don't thankfully you kicking my teeth in was good enough for now, I doubt they'd teach me anything else unless I like, somehow, super powered up. They are very stingy.."

#16[Private] Blondey's Training - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:43 pm


Chihiro seemed to have gotten a little too excited in the fight, and had overpowered the poor girl to the point of knocking out one of her teeth. As Kiyomi defended herself from the onslaught with chains, Chihiro backed off and watched with a laugh as Kiyomi began to do jumping jacks and explained about her masters.

"That's a shame... I was really hop-" Suddenly, Chihiro disappeared for a moment. Kiyomi would likely begin to look around for her, but it wouldn't be until she looked up that she could see Chihiro standing in the air directly above the field, motionless for a moment. Her reiatsu spiked as she entered Second Stage, but still seemed to stay motionless otherwise.

A rip in the sky appeared moments later as a Gillian-class Hollow opened a Kuumon in the sky and peeked through, staring down at the field where Chihiro and Kiyomi were training. It started to break through the portal and come through to get closer to them. Chihiro was already in front of it, and with a single punch at full force, the Hollow's mask cracked and it went flying back through the portal it had created, which closed behind it.

Landing, Chihiro cracked her neck and went back into Primary Stage, turning to face Kiyomi once more.

"This town attracts a lot of Hollows. I wonder what's in the air here."

#17[Private] Blondey's Training - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:23 pm


Kiyomi was essentially laughed at but in a fun way rather than an insulting one, but then a spiritual pressure showed up that felt like a pretty tough hollow and she wasn't sure where Chihiro went all of a sudden, though she quickly deduced her new friend was taking care of the hollow. Turned out to be a correct guess too as a moment later Kiyomi locked eyes in the sky on Chihiro and the Hollow only for Chihiro to essentially lol nope it back to Hueco Mundo before it could fully manifest in this realm.

However when she came back and made a comment about something being in the air Kiyomi paled for a second before remembering that she had left a reishi trail which had originally drawn in hollows and Chihiro alike. That was probably what caused the gillian class menos to appear in the first place, however Kiyomi tried to brush it off as a mere coincidence and started whistling innocently, "Yeah no I wouldn't have any idea whats going on today." She tried to lie without really trying at all, "Sure would suck if whatever caused it was suddenly gone." She commented turning off her reishi trail, "Anyways! I'm exhausted. What would you say to calling it an afternoon eh?"

"OH" she ruffled through her shirt, not finding whatever it was she was looking for, and then the rest of her body. Pulling out an overly protected cellphone in the process which looked like it'd taken a nuke to the face, "Hah! Still works!" she said making sure the screen still turned on first, "Do you have a number or something? It's not like I can just wait around for you to randomly find me every time I wanna chat or spar ya know?"

She didn't have a job herself, officially, so she had one of those "free" phones which barely did anything. However it was more than enough for making calls and sending did exactly what she wanted it to do. Technology sure was amazing. Wait did Chihiro have a day job? Or was she a penniless bum like Kiyomi!?

#18[Private] Blondey's Training - Page 2 Empty Re: [Private] Blondey's Training Fri Oct 23, 2020 9:03 pm


Kiyomi had finally turned off the reishi trail that she'd been producing the whole time, which Chihiro let her slide with the anxious lie and laugh, laughing alongside her and patting her on the back gently. Kiyomi then produced a cell phone and asked if Chihiro had one as well, which made her perk up slightly.

"Well, I do, but..." Blushing slightly, Chihiro's first actual damage had been taken. "I don't actually know how to use it too well..." She pulled a cell phone out of her pocket and handed it over to Kiyomi, hoping that the much younger girl would know how to program her own number into the phone. "I usually win tournaments when I'm low on cash, and they gave me that phone as a reward like three years ago or something."

Stretching once more, Chihiro looked around to inspect the area now that their duel was over. Luckily it seemed like they hadn't destroyed too much of the field, so she could probably just get out of here without anyone noticing that they'd done anything in the first place.

"Come on, I bought a house here last week. You can stay whenever you come around." Assuming Kiyomi followed her, Chihiro would lead her to a large house, complete with its own Dojo, and tossed a key to Kiyomi so she could live here as well. "Welcome home, little one."

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