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#1Zingar Shirosaki Empty Zingar Shirosaki Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:33 pm

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar Shirosaki

Name: Zingar Shirosaki
Apparent Age: 25
True Age: 700
Sex: Male
Personality: Zingar is a creature of self reflection. His thoughts were not well known in his human life and the same holds true for his hollow life. He as spent hundreds of years staring into the void of the Hueco Mundo sky. The dead air blowing through his long blue hair is something that fills him with great joy. His attitude is non-confrontational oddly enough. The knowledge of "this too shall pass" is always ringing in the Arrancar's mind. This gives him little to care about. He will fight for few things at this moment in time; to keep himself alive, and to keep his home safe from outsiders. Zingar talks little, gaining knowledge from listening and watching others rather than interrogating others. Most conversations are short and to the point.

Once feeling threatened, being himself or his home, a switch in his personality will occur. Once rather docile, now extremely aggressive. He is not afraid to shout any threat or do anything necessary to restore the peace he once had. This same idea follows into combat. He becomes bloodthirsty and takes no prisoners. The fighting spirit that he found as a Gillian became so much more.

In his current form he has found a great pride in his power. This definitely shows as he accustomed to speaking down to people both literally and metaphorically. He makes himself feel like a king lording over the lands and skies of Hueco Mundo.

Height: 5’9
Weight: 185
Physical Traits:

History: [History goes here, optional, can be skipped]
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.]
Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

General Fighting Style: Having no real  fighting experience as a human, Zingar is quite barbaric when it comes to battle. He uses is blade as his main weapon and has become well versed on how to handle the huge weight of the blade. Not caring for running away and using long range weapons, Zingar uses his Cero only as a last resort.

Strengths: Zanjutsu, Hierro, Strength, Durability
Weaknesses: Speed, Reaitsu Control, Sonido

Ability Name: Kami Ryu
Description: The user infuses the strength of a Dragon into their blade providing a temporary boost in strength. Strikes for two posts will have the strength of a Cero. Two post cooldown.

High Density Heirro:
Through rigorous training of his defenses, Zingar traded his regenerative abilities for a much denser hierro. His skin is like that of dragon scales and can withstand standard zanpakuto level strength with ease.

Sealed Appearance: Jet Black Nodachi. Hilt about 12 inches, with the blade being 5 feet long and 10 inches wide at its hilt.
Zanpakuto Name: Ryujin
Zanpakuto Call Out: Breathe!
Cero: Bala, Cero, Gran Rey

Twin Dragon Cero:
This cero is one that harnesses Zingar's draconian nature. While its charging the cero takes shape of two small crimson balls circling each other. Once fired instead of a beam the cero becomes two Chinese dragons. The crimson dragons spiral together and Zingar can slightly change their trajectory. They deal a double cero worth of damage and have a 2 post CD.

Appearance: He becomes a dragon six feet tall from horns to talon. Wingspan around 10 feet with the tail adding another six feet to his form.


Abilities from unreleased state are retained

Dragon's Claws(Passive Ability)
In his Resurrection form, Zingar has abandoned his Zanpakuto for sharp dragon claws. These claws roughly equal in strength and sharpness of his previously had blade. His tail also has similar qualities.

Dragon's Scales
Zingar can focus his reaitsu into his scales earning him even higher levels of defense. He can block up to a Gran Rey Ceros worth of damage and has a 3 post cooldown.

Wing Blade
Zingar embeds his wings with spiritual energy and flaps both of them once. From these wings flies two waves filled with his hollow energy. The waves are each ten feet tall and 3 feet wide and each cause a cero worth of damage. 2 post CD

Brilliant Flame
Just like any dragon in his released state Zingar can breathe flames. These flames would cause second degree burns on contact and a cero worth of damage. 1 post CD

Dragon Roar's
The dragon has a bark stronger than its bite. Zingar charges his spiritual energy in his mouth and lets out a huge beam of Gran Rey Cero level energy. 3 post CD.

Meteor Crash
Black and crimson red reiatsu cover the dragon's entire body. Then flying at high speed toward his opponent using a combination of his weight, speed, strength and reiatsu to slam into the opponent and cause Oscuras level damage to them and the environment. Zingar also takes damage from this (not equal to Oscuras) and has a 5 post cooldown.

Unlocked at 1-1:

Optional Roleplay Sample:

#2Zingar Shirosaki Empty Re: Zingar Shirosaki Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:37 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 1-5

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