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#1Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:08 am


Out in a field far away from any souls that might get hurt by the trainning that gonig to be happening here is a boy who looks 17 years old with ice blue hair and a zanpaktou that 130cm long blade with a five point star shape gruad. I stand in the middle of the field it large enough to do a few captain level shunpo across and it also has lightning rod reiatsu disspeller for my reiatsu and tuning forks for tazuma reiatsu so it should stop the reiatsu leaking from this place hopefully if not it should be at a safe level for all souls i send off a hell butterfly to tell tazuma that the area ready for training and where it is with that done i sit down and start to meditate with my zan across my lap diving into my inner world.

Inner world
I stand on a bank of clouds that is piriced by Mt. that very in sixe then lightning starts to flash in the clouds under me then my Zan spirit a huge western style dragon that crakles with lightning around it.
So Dragonling you are here to learn that move that i said i would teach you when you are ready
"Yes Rai-san if you think i am ready?"
Well it was about the time that you start to do some pratice to get the hung of this move and to sync your lightning with my own combine them and increasing your bankai power and true form
"Well i also have another person to come to train with me if that all right."
That the best path for at lest if something goes wrong they can help now i need to rest before we start this ok
"Ok Rai-san and i have to what till Tazuma here." and so my Zan spirit dissappears to rest i climb back up into the real world but i still meditate waiting on Tazuma.

#2Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:31 am


I am in my garden attached to my office when I feel the presence of a small signature coming towards me. I look up and see a tiny hell butterfly coming towards me. I hold out my,hand holding a lily. I look at,the butterfly as it gives me its message."ahh kieran is ready huh. Very well thank you little one. Enjoy the meal." The butterfly remains on the lily as I go and grab my zanpacto and bag and head out towards where kieran directed me too. I a few shunpo steps I am within feet of kieran meditating. I remain quiet to not interupt him. I sit down in the jinzen position.
Inner world
Standing before me is my zanpacto spirit.Kuriyami no naka de kashu. She looks at me and smiles behind her vail"it's time to learn to master your bankai and your attunement with me." I look at her and smile back at her "my lady it is good to see you and know that I am a worthy champion of your power." She moves towards me and continues to speak to me in her lyrical voice"you are Tazuma. You are worthy of all my,powers and more. Your dragon friend is a good and true friend to you. Keep him close and you both will discover much about each other." I move towards the waters edge and say " well I will need you in the upcoming,battles please stay by my side." Kuriyami nods her head yes and with that I am back in the soul society. Still meditating and waiting

#3Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:42 am


kieran your friend here and i am ready to teach you i snap out of a meditating trance that was letting me centure myself for training and i open my eyes and see tazuma meditating i get up and sheathed my zan softly so not to disturb him then i do a quick shunpo around to see if any of the disspellers need tuning but they are all right then i start to practice drawing my zan from it sheath with out making a sound i start of slow and build up speed till the drawing and sheathing it becomes a blur then at the same speed i start to do a series of flips and spins in a complacted patten then thinking enough time has passed i start to let my reiatsu pulse lightly in time with my swirling zan for i had keep it in check till now letting it make lightning that i started to shape into raikou doragon then controling it i made it fly around me in a patten then i let it fly skyward to explode into a pretty sight then i turn and smile at you if you where watching.

#4Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:18 am


I open my eyes as the dragon explodes into a beautiful shower of sparks and lights."truely beautiful my friend." I complement his dragon show. I walk to kieran"how have you been my friend it's been too long?" I reach into my bag and pull out a small bottle marked with the sign for special written on its side"this is for when we are succesful." I set it down on a rock and without a word cast a barrier around it sealing it from the outside.its in the shape of cage over the bottle"this barrier will only disapate after our reiatsu is in perfect attunement to our zanpacto spirit."

#5Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:44 pm


"well thank you it just something that i do every now and again it helps me keep in tune to how my reiatsu affects the world as far as i now i am the only shinigami maybe the only person who has such a strong lightning elemental reiatsu and if it flares to much without a safe path for it to take i do not know what it could do. *i just chuckle before i replay to your next statement* this coming from a guy who just need to do one or two shunpos to check up on me i been spending my free time here sitting it up for now. A reward of sorts now that a great idea. Now should we focus on you first to increase your control over your bankai?" i say with my zan across my shoulders with one arm dangling over the hilt and the other with my thumb in the sash and lightly tapping out a drum beat that sounds like it based on a lightning storm.

#6Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:37 pm


I let out a burst of vibration that travels to the edge of the training area then stops looking at kieran " interesting idea 50 tuning forks all tuned to a different not and pitch very smart.not to mention the lightning distillers. You planned for this well. I figure we could work on the bankais together. Seeing we are a team maybe we can create a few combo techniques." I reach into my bag and pull out a small wooden doll,plain with no detail "i brought this to help us. What do you think?"

#7Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:27 am


"Well it was a simple matter to put mesurse in place since i know how your reiatsu and my reiatsu works the tricky part was the tuning them to only stop the reiatsu going past them and not actively seal our reiatsu dont as how i did it, it not something i want to relive again. hmm ok that seems fair and about this doll what does it do?" I say as i kept on druming out a tune with my fingers.
(OOC: sorry just had a hard time thinking about what to put and i want to make each of my post in this a good length.)

#8Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:59 am


"well you did a fantastic job of holding in our reiatsu my friend." I hold up the wooden doll"this wooden doll is just a small version of the trsining dummies in the tenth division training dojo. They can be come anything that either of us has faced in battle before. It attunes to our memories of the event and then transforms into what you can remember. I brought it so we can practice our duo techniques." I set the doll back down and walk by kieran.

(ooc its cool bro)

#9Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:07 am


"hmmm that a good idea now on the foe i think it should be that bird hollow that seems to know about what happen to my family what do you think. Should we go and enter bankai before we start?" i say as i look at the doll and my reiatsu starts to climb as i let it go for it will not exit this area and it charges the air to the point of before lightning strikes around me a fair distance. Then i start to limber up then i say "man it good to let my reiatsu go like that do you have any idea how hard it is to kept it at a safe level some times."

#10Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Empty Re: Bankai Trainning (Invite only) Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:16 am


"oh I do kieran." I say while fully releasing my reiatsu causing kieran to feel downawrd pressure on his body.the smell of cherry blossoms fills the air strong and sweet. Quickly bringing it to a.normal level

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