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#1Why so serious? Empty Why so serious? Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:42 am


Taoshi walked around Hell with his katana on his back. He really liked walked around in his human form because it made him look different from the rest of them. As he kept walking he heard something creep behind him. Taoshi did not really pay it any mind because he was not worried about something so weak. He stopped in his tracks and turned to see a large demon behind him smacking a axe into his hand as if that was suppose to initmidate Taoshi. "Am I suppose to be scared or something?" He watched as the demon lifted the axe over his head and brought it down towards him. Taoshi rolled right dodging the slash attempt to cut him in half.

#2Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:35 am


The sounds of boots hitting the ground sounds of behind you. Taking I the carnage and death I speak"now that wasn't very nice little demon now was it?" If you turn around there is a human around the are of 25 or so wearing a roman style chest piece with a dragon design on the front. Hanging from his back is a red cape flowing almost to the ground. There isn't a feeling oif reiatsu at all coming from me.

#3Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:39 am


He hears somebody approach him from behind talking at the same time as he is walking. Taoshi took his katana off his back and slashed upward slicing the demon in half. He knew that he demon would come back soon but for now he would not be bothering him until then. Taoshi turned around to see a human maybe in his late 20's wearing a roman style chest piece with dragon design and a red cape on his shoulders. Taoshi thought about fighting this guy but he sheathed his katana on his back. "No but I do not really like people trying to pick on me."

#4Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:48 am


"very well. He may just wanted to say hello. Then again that grottle wanted to eat you to be sure. Do you know who I am? Little demon." I stand by,ground seeing him shethe his katana. a wise choice to be sure.if he attacked I would have had to kill him and then speed up his resurection of fire. I think to my self. I look over at the killed demon and rase lift my hand. At that time heat could be felt behind the demon in front of me. If he turned around her would see the bones grow up followed by the organs then muscles and nerves followed by the flesh. The demon looks over at me and I say"go now before you die again grottle.remember who revived you." The large demon turns and runs away.

#5Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:29 am


"Yeah well swinging an axe at me is a nice way to say hello. I would be crazy to let somebody eat me. My name is Taoshi or you can call me by my demon name Oro it does not matter to me one bit but anything else you will....lets just say you dont want to know." Taoshi turned around because he felt heat come from behind him. He watched as the demon he just killed came back to life. Taoshi turned back around to see who exactly this man was that could do that.

#6Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:07 am


A Human with white hair and a red tench coat over black bone armour with a sword that hungers for blood strarped across his back walks into the area. I see two other demons one Jacob and the other is one that i do not know then i call out.
"Hay i never knew that their was a get together happening and hello youngling i am Blade." i also nod to jacob not sure if he told the young demon his name.

#7Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:02 pm


He watched as somebody else was coming up in the distance. It was getting a little crowded for his liking. Taoshi preferred not to be around so many people but he wanted to know who this guy was that could bring demons back to life with just a wave of his hand."I would not really call this a get together. But nice to meet you Blade the name is Taoshi like I was telling your friend." Taoshi let out a sigh as he waited for this guy to say what his name was because it was starting to bug him a little bit.

#8Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:29 pm


"ah oro is it. I am jacob chambers king of,the demons. Nice to meet you." I stand where I was and look at blade"hello blade,how are you today? I didn't expect to have a get together outhere either."

#9Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:53 am


Taoshi bowed to one knee."Excuse my attitude earlier my King Chambers." It was rare to see Taoshi to bow down to anybody but he had to this time because he was facing the man who could end his life at any moment. But Taoshi needed to know how to get to the human world to take care of some unfinished business with some people who ended his life to early. "My King I would like to know is there any way to get to the human world I have some matters that I must attend to?" He was hoping that the king would say yes and tell him how so he could do what he needed to do and be back before he got noticed by anybody.

#10Why so serious? Empty Re: Why so serious? Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:58 am


"Heh if it involes conflict i might just join you young demon i get a feeling that we might be able to get along well and cause a lot of death and conflict and jacob my I." i say knowing that what i say jacob well get that i was asking if i could open a demon door.

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