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#1Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:24 pm


It was a beautiful day in soul society. The sun was out the wind was blowing gebtly. In a field just,outside of the west gate I am sitting in the lotus position surrounded by three dome shaped barriers seperated by 5 feet. Each barrier has a small tag inside of the wall itself the furtherst from me says 0 the middle say 5 the closest says 7. I look up at three hell butterflys and whisper to the their message and for whom it is for "please go and makes sure the message is received." The butterfly head off into the sky. "well Nao and Gust I hope you both are ready." I say to myself

(note the three barriers are the first test of training. Its a riddle of sorts. If you get,it wrong the wall will reject,you and you may end up on your butt)

#2Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:48 pm


Leaning against the wall laughing, i was joking with some of my other squad members in the barracks. Drinking water and eating some fruit, i was just taking a break from hakuda training against some rocks. A hell butterfly lands on my hsoulder, whispering in my ear about captain Tazuma's message for me. I speak towards my comrades.
"I will be back later, everyone be practicing hakuda, I expect you to be breaking boulders by the time i get back."
I shunpo across the buildings tops, over the west wall landing ont eh branch of the tree behind Tazuma. I jump down, Looking at 3 barriers.
"You summoned me sir?"

#3Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:05 pm


Once again it was a beautiful day about Soul Society, and I had taken the time to get to know some of my squad and train with them. The group seemed quite skilled in Hakuda so that was not a worry, some though lacked in Zanjutsu and Kido so I too it upon myself to improve their skills with their Zanpakuto's. "Alright everyone time ta take a break, then its time to work on Kido" The grouped joined in a groan with me, it seemed some may be as bad with kido as I am. I was walking over to my usual tree when a hell butterfly flew up too me and delivered Captain Zuma's message.

"Well guys looks like I've been summoned by Captain Zuma so I'll be back later, keep at the training and make me proud!" I called out to the group with a smile before shunpo'ing away in the direction of Squad 10. Upon arrival the first thing I noticed was the 3 odd barriers, next was that Zeipher was already there.

I leapt through the air, landing on a tree branch above Zeipher and Zuma before jumping down and landing softly. "Hello Captain, Lt. Zeipher" I speak with a formal tone before continuing on with a voice filled with joy. "I'm ready to get this going!"

#4Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:24 pm


I stand up from the lotus and look at the two shinigami who asked for training before in a mission in human world" lt Nao and lt Pronto,you both asked me to train you so now I will. Before you is a small test. Each barrier has a clue in it on a tag. If you guess right you will pass through.if you guess wrong...lets say you will know. Do you both want my training? If so it starts now. If not you may leave now."

#5Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:31 pm


Hearing lt. Minoru;s voice i get excited, usually when Him and I meet, it's usally for a spar or type of training.
"hiya Lt. Minoru, how is your day?"
I step forward one step, bowing in front of Captain Tazuma.
"I keep my word, as I said int he human world, I will accept your training.:
I look up at him, grinning slightly.I turn my head looking over all the barriers. it was a strong kido, nothing I have faced like it before.
"Care to explain the rules captain? How will we read the read the clues?"

#6Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:38 pm


(ooc gust I have but one favor to ask of you please pick a brighter color to write in. I can't read it on my phone the blue is too dark)

#7Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:57 pm


(9sorry >,< i was used to using Dark blue, but thanks for telling me that you couldn't see it.))

#8Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:15 pm


"I've been having an excellent day helping out my Squad, and yourself Zeipher?" I look over the 3 kido barriers, noticing the different tag in each.

"Well Captain, let me ask you this, after requesting this training why would I not show up?" I exclaim with a grin, I've been waiting on this training for a while.

"Explain the rules and lets get to work, no time like the present to grow stronger and surpass those who taught you!" The grin on my face grows even larger at the revelation of one of my many goals.... to surpass all those who have taught and will teach me.

I 'sit' kneeling on my knee's in-front of my friend, tutor and Captain of Squad 10, awaiting his explanation, meanwhile still looking over the barriers trying to figure them out.

#9Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:23 am


I was over seeing some shinigami fresh from the academy seeing what they are strong in and what they needed training in and get a better idea who to team them up with when i felt a hell butterfly i lift a finger to it and welcome it and get it message i then say to them. "all right i got to in for a while but when i get back i want a good report and that means that you jokers behave ok no jokes there a place and time for every thing." with that i shunpo to where tazuma is and i stop kicking up a little dust then i see minoru and gust then i see the three barriers with tags in them. "let me guess zuma this is a test to test our wits? And hello minoru and gust."

#10Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Empty Re: Step up training(Gust,Nao,and kieran) Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:37 am


"to test there wits kieran you may enter if you wish. The rules are simple you too must reach me through these barriers and then we can begin training with captain kieran and I. Use the clues and think. Use your wits and gain control of your life." I smile after saying this

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