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"but my all means rush into a rash battle and get killed like those before us. I suggest we gain inte l on the shinigami before we go to battle. Unless you feel like getting wiped out." I sit down in my chair and await the responses of the other espada.

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
As Jack sits down and several espadavoice their opinions, A cryptic smirk grows onto senshu's pale dangerous face. He stops pacing around the table as he makes his way back to his original spot. he chuckles a bit o himself in an extremely low tone, s low that it sounds more like a strange humm than a laugh. The segunda then looks back up at the octava when he asks him to continue. Yamaguchi leans over the table and places his palms on them for support so that his large frame somewhat towers over those whoare sittng down next to him.

"I am well aware of the fact that we must grow a bit in strength primera, and i'm well aware that a head on attack would be foolish. What i was trying to dedeuce is how many of you shared the same sentiment as i regarding war. and it seems you do. that being said, i believe the best path to victory is peace.."

Senshu looks around the room to make sure everyone is still up to speed with what he is saying.

"one of our 'higher ranking' espada should go directly into soul society to represent all of us and claim to want a peaceful alliance, a trojan tactic. One of three things will happen. they will reluctantly accept and integrade that representative into their way of life while keeping a watchful eye. They will capture and immediately jail that person. or they will try and kill im where he stands. however, if the first two outcomes occur, we will be able to gain invaluable information on them, where their army first forms, how many soldiers they have in reserves, where their blind spots our, and sabotage them under their noses. victory would be a given. And as this information is gathered, the rest of the espada will be training, growing in power ad number. and when the time is right, that representative will escape back here and delvulge all of their secrets..It is basically a suicide mission, which is why i said it must be someone of higher rank who can handle it. But not only that, it must be someone who is callous in heart who will not fall victim to sympathy after living among them for an extended period of time.."

Senshu props himself back up and places his handds behind his back.

"which is why, if you all are in agreeance..i volunteer myself for such a cause..."


Miguel listened to what was going on in the meeting. He realized that the Segunda's strategy was probably a good idea. But there was another thing that Miguel thought of. The Shinigami had a huge army. They were far greater in numbers than the Espada. "The whole growing in power and number part will be needed." said Miguel. "But there is another thing that we need. Allies." he continued. "There are many races that do not love Shinigami. In these, we may find allies." said Miguel. Now, Miguel continued with his plan. "I believe that we should send representatives to the Demons, the Bounts, the Fullbringers, and all the Vizards who serve no side." he said. Now, Miguel moved on to the last stage of his idea. "There also exist Shinigami that are not satisfied with their position in Soul Society." These will prove to be both good warriors and also a source of energy for us." said Miguel. Now Miguel finished up his speech. "In conclusion, my idea is that we gather allies while the Segunda is in Soul Society. said Miguel. "What do you all think of this idea?" he asked.


"or you will save yourself and tell them all our secrets.thus leaving you and you slone the only espada left." The fact of the matter is I am smart then I let on abd letting a powerhound like senshu go would lead to our deaths."so I say we meet them in neutral ground so not to lead them to believe invasion. I think personally myself and veloz should go but its up to everyone here. Im powerfulenought to fight my way out and veloz is as blood thirsty as they come." Standing from my seat,i move around the table"we go saying a far worse threat is coming and we need each other to survive and insure the human world remains. The shinigami and there duty will have to accept the truce." Standing perfectly still I await the answers of my fellow espada

Senshu Yamaguchi

Senshu Yamaguchi
Upon hearing Jacks words a rage builds up inside of him. one of his eyebrows raise and he slams his fist into the table, cracking it a bit. He glares at jack directly into his eyes.


Senshu composes himself immediately after his brief slip. The espada usually doesn't get angered so easily but to call him a coward in front of his fellow warriors sets him off like fire to gasoline. He takes a deep breath and continues to speak with a piercing deep tone.

"I assure you, abandonment is not on my agenda. and who are you to question my intention? From what ive yourself have some kind of soft spot for humans. hmph, id trust your partner veloz before i would you. Besides, you are the primera. And if you truely are smarter than you appear, then don't you think it would be beneficial to everyone else to have you in las noches to train everyone, guide them to power? It would be right foolish to have the 'most powerful' espada leave the base, especially while taking another along. What if the shinigami are planning the same thing we are. what if they decide to invade las noches. we would be short a primera and a quinta. Maybe you should start thinking ahead before blindly laying suspicion on others.."oh great primera espada"...

Senshu looks back at miguel, almost having missed what he said because of his anger.

Also, i agree with miguel. Outside allies would be beneficial although they must be gathered with the utmost discresion.."


" i believe the best path to victory is peace.." Were the last words I expected to hear from the Segunda.. I was about to speak out until he continued on to explain his overall plan of this so called 'peace'. He spoke of one of us going to the shinigami to offer some kind of peaceful alliance. The overall idea was this Espada would gain information during their time in Soul Society before returning here to Hueco Mundo. I thought the overall idea would be a good one, then the Segunda offered to be the one to go.. I was unsure about this.

Leaning forward I opened my blood red eyes and faced the Segunda, about to rise from my seat I was halted by Miguel the seventh espada speaking up. Miguel spoke of trying to gain allies throughout the three worlds, a grand idea for sure but I could already think of reason why I would dislike it in the end. Miguel wanted to even rally the Fullbringers...humans to our side, why should we rally our primary source of food to our side...

Miguel then spoke of even enticing dissatisfied shinigami to join us, that thought amused me.. the possibility of enticing our enemy to our side. I wanted to stand now and abruptly deny the idea, but then I settled down and allowed my mind to work. These ideas were truly good, but both held risks, we could not trust any shinigami even if they were to join us.. they would be perfect for spies though with the promise of power.

My thoughts were cut off when the Primera stood and voiced his opinion as he moved around the table. It seemed Jack didn't trust the Segunda due to his want for power. I myself was unsure of how much I trusted the Segunda, but his idea was a good one as well. I though we should find someone else to go instead though. Primera continued to speak on about his own plan, a plan to meet the shinigami in neutral ground. He then volunteered himself to go due to his power, as well as me due to what he called my 'thirst for blood' tch thirst for blood my ass, I just love the hunt.. I thought too myself while he entailed the last of his plan, "we go saying a far worse threat is coming and we need each other to survive and insure the human world remains. The shinigami and there duty will have to accept the truce."

A low sigh escaped my lips as I once again traveled into my thoughts, yet another good thought from my fellow Espada.. a neutral ground would be the safest bet in the end. I personally would rather not risk the loss of a single Espada at the moment, we have too much that needs to be done still. I continued to think for a few moments before a toothy smile spread across my lips, my reiatsu rose for a split second causing my scarf to flutter behind me as I rose from my seat. My fellow Espada.. I looked to Senshu, Jack, Cross, Miguel, Rene, and finally Izanami respectively as I began to walk the perimeter of the table before us. It seems we all have good idea's on what to do, Segunda.. while I believe your idea to be a good one I feel it is too soon to send one of us on a mission with such risk.

I walked passed the Segunda and continue around the table before stopping behind Miguel, Miguel, your idea is also another good one, allies would truly be useful in what is to come. Though I doubt we could trust any shinigami, we may be able to gain spies within them through the enticement of power. And I for one have an issue with working together with any kind of human... A snarl escaped my lips as I spoke this.

Continuing to circle the table once again I stopped near the Primera, Jack, before I once again spoke up. A neutral ground is something I find is needed if any kind of negotiation is going to happen, plus it means less risk of instant reinforcement if an fight were to break out.. A large smile graces my lips as I speak this, I then continue on with what I had been saying. I agree two espada should go to this when it occurs, with the others ready to enter through gargantua if need be.. meaning we need someone to set up a video feed. Although Primera has volunteered himself and myself, I think we should vote on the two to go.

Once again I began circling the table back to my seat, sitting down I finished what I had to say, Although I have this odd sensation that if I were to go things would be quite... enjoyable This was said with a voice filled with a hunters pride. Once again I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes, waiting on the other Espada to speak once again.

As I had begun to get comfortable in my seat once again I heard the Segunda snap as he slammed a fist into the table before gathering himself once again. I quietly listened to the Segunda speak after he had gathered himself, he brings up some points... it would be best to keep the primera here... and he does seem to have the stronger bond with the Ancient One. I thought to myself, perhaps in the end we could find some variation to both the Primera's and Segunda's plan to go through with.

OoC: Woot my longest post on the site so far xD


I tap my fingers on the table, looking to the center of the table. The fighting going on between the Espada was one of the reasons the last Espada fell. I roll my eyes folding my arms listening to everyones suggestions. The one i liked most was Miguels' own idea.
"That Idea does seems very...usable" I whisper to myself looking over to the Segunda. My eyes blinked slowly watching him raise his voice to the other espada around him. "We don't need to fight amongst our own kind. If the shinigami is planning a war in Huenco muendo don't you think they would of attacked by now knowing of the numbers?"

My breath that comes out my nose was slow and warm. My blade bounced off the ground as i tapped the pummel across my waist. Jack and Veloz were volunteered to go into the human world to do something. I really didn't pay attention to it as I was focused on my own idea.
"Let me go...I know the human world well...and being the tricera, i can take care of myself if i get in a situation. Maybe i can persuade some humans to help out with this...only the ones that seem loyal of course..But i would want to be over the humans if i am allowed to be, As I am different from the rest of you here."

A smile escaped my lips looking over towards jack and veloz. Looks like Maybe i was going to head back soon.


Cross does like and know the human world better then most of us and he does know know many humans. Maybe it would be best to send him. I think to myself"maybe what the third says is true,perhaps he would be best to go. However another should go just in case the shinigami get hostile as opposed to listening to our truce. Someone who can open the garganua and have the third escape into it." I say while sitting in my seat. Looking around at everyone


Bzzurrrin Zerel sounded off as he appeared in the room with the rest of the Arrancar and Espada. The peculiar sound following his entrance was undoubtedly the sound of his sonido as he arrived. Zerel was in kneeling position with one knee on the grand and the other slightly bent, his right fist was firmly planted on the ground. He appeared next to the segunda espada as he did regularly. Many would notice him as one of Senshu's fraccion and nothing more. Though he received his number years before the others Zerel was still keeping up his facade. For years now he's been Senshu's fraccion and nothing was going to change that.

Looking up over the table Zerel stared out at the others in the room. He was sure that this could be seen as very disrespectful and even rude. Though he had no excuses to explain his abrupt entrance either, he intended to deliver his message and wait for instructions. "My lord I couldn't find the tenth espada anywhere. Others have reported that he was in the menos forest assuming control for his own personal means. If you'd have me search for him again I would gladly do so." Zerel informed Senshu before getting up and stepping back. When doing so he stood up with perfect posture and both of his hands behind his back. As usual he was wearing his pair of shades and his usual attire.

Zerel stood there waiting for some type of order or to be reprimanded. Though he was prepared to give his own whitty comeback as he usually did. He was still one hundred percent positive that the others didn't know he was the tenth espada let alone the zero espada. He gave another quick glance around the room and made mental notes. Primera, Seguna, Tercera, Quinta, Sexta, and the Septima are all in attendance. Zerel made a mental note of all of the espada in the room. Of course the ninth espada hadn't been assigned and the rumored tenth was never seen by anyone. So only the fourth was missing right now.

Though he hadn't actually been looking for the tenth espada Zerel had heard quite enough of their conversation. They were planning on allowing one of them to willingly go into soul society and give themselves up. Naturally the best fit for the job was Zerel but he wasn't gonna risk blowing his cover at this rate.


A large gust of wind blew opened the doors as a young female figure in a light blue kimono moved into the meeting. she had her hair up in a ponytail as a piece of cloth was wrapped around her arms defying gravity "I am sorry that I am late, I had a few shinigami to deal with on my way back to las noche."She commented as she hovered some off the ground from the small wings on her back. she had her hands hiding in their long sleeves as she flew over to the quentera (spelling) seat making herself at home on her spot.

" I will take care of the shinigami as for you all may know i currently have a vizard bodyguard that was once shinigami that killed his whole squad that he was in hunting me to join me. I also have another shinigami wishing for power to become one of us that might become one of my fraccion"she commented "I will handle the shinigami on turning their ranks against themselves."She added waiting to hear what everyone had to say

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