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#21Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:47 pm


OOC: Ordinarily, a high burst of spiritual energy wouldn't make the substance go away and tearing your legs from the ground might hurt a little. :0

IC: Failed. It looked like the Shadow Tiger was a little bit motivated all of a sudden, but Tataki felt that would only make things all the easier. More dangerous, but easier. It was apparent as he was buzzing around, trying to attack everyone at once, not really following up on his attacks or preparing any sort of defense for a counter attack.

When he rushed in for Noba, whom was the individual that cast the kido rope, Tataki took his chance. Noba was right beside Tataki, so that meant focusing his slashing attacks on him, and only him, Shadow Tiger was opened for one of Tataki's own attacks. Those attacks on Noba could very well go through, Tataki wasn't fast enough to stop them, however Tataki could swing fast enough to take advantage of the Shadow Tiger's focus on another.

Tataki would swing Namekuji-hime straight for the Shadow Tiger. Shadow Tiger was faster than Tataki in just about all aspects, but Tataki wasn't a slug when it came to his Fullswing. That ability, which transcended his own speed, could very well make Shadow Tiger's wild, straight forward attacks a regret. As the swing slash went for Shadow Tiger, lacking all the physical strength necessary to penetrate that muscle or that hierro, it would stop at his neck with a "clink" as if it struck metal. Tataki was quick, his sword arm faster than many could catch, but there was almost no power in it.

Burst Tataki thought and, with that thought as Shadow Tiger's back was exposed, Shadow Tiger's eye and shoulders would explode.

The caked in substance that had sat there since neigh the start of this confrontation, was still there. It would have to be torn off by this point and that could very well tear off his eyelid or, worse, some of his eye considering just how strong Shadow Tiger was. It would wear off eventually, but Tataki wasn't going to wait until that happened before taking advantage of the slime and causing it to ignite with his own spiritual energy. He channeled his spiritual energy through his sword to excite and ignite the glue that was on the Shadow Tiger's face and back. The flames likely wouldn't bother the Shadow Tiger's back, they were lesser flames that he probably hardly felt through his natural armor, though directly on the eye, point blank, would hurt something awful and the heat would affect the vision in both eyes like standing over a flaring blaze. Tataki had aimed for that first attack, when he splashed it all over the Shadow Tiger, and used that to run his special ability up to his eye.

"Gush," Tataki would say and, if Shadow Tiger hadn't attacked Tataki or ran away or just went crazy that, as he attacked Noba, his eye exploded, the green ooze would erupt out of Tataki's weapon, falling down Shadow Tiger's front and back as if someone tilted a bucket of the stuff on him.

Rain? What is- It was raining, but this rain was unusual. There was an almost...Unnatural feeling to it. Flooding the area was a spiritual power that dwarfed Tataki's by quite a ways. Tataki wanted to look to see just who's power this was, but he couldn't. He had to focus on Shadow Tiger's movements and likely counter attack. There had been the other Shinigami this entire time. Had they really been that powerful? Bankai...Tataki had never seen or experienced one before in his life. Someone powerful enough to master their Zanpakuto spirit and energy was here and demonstrating the full might of their superior power before them.

This Hollow was already outnumbered and, despite having great strength over the two, he couldn't be everywhere at once to fight them all together. Now, with a excellent Shinigami with them, Shadow Tiger would die if he didn't retreat. Tataki just wanted to wound him, hoping that if he got the chance to ignite Shadow Tiger's eye that the Hollow would flee in pain. That was the entire reason he wanted Noba to hold him down, so that he could get close and cause his eye to burst in flames and heat up his face...But now, there was no simple hoping and guessing. There was someone that would truly conclude this fight with brute strength and surprising finesse all on their own. Tataki and Noba weren't needed, but their still being here would be nothing but an endless nuisance to Shadow Tiger to the point that they could very well be the cause of his demise.

So then what was Shadow Tiger going to do? Would he continue to fight against the worsening odds or run to fight another day? Tataki was sure the Hollow had enough sense of self preservation to know running was probably a good idea.

#22Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:32 pm


The rain bounced off Zeiphers robes like it was hitting a waterproof jacket. His baby blue eyes pierced from behind his snow white hair. "Hmph.. Seems like someone is at a place they are not suppose to be in." His voice escaped his lips as he was leaning against a tree. He grabbed cheolpa from his waist, Throwing the blade and sheath into the air. "Rain.."

A black cloud lowered above Zeipher. Lightening struck the ground as a trident took the place of the bolt. Walking towards it slowly, He pulled it up, doing so released the water from the middle prong. Rolling his shoulders, Zeipher took one step, before shunpoing to the the fight. "A arrancar? I really want to push you to your release. You show me yours, I show you my bankai. Simple as that." He was in a strange mood. Twirling the trident around so the water moves about around him. Something could go on that made him want to use bankai, even if he has only showed two people. If he had to use it, he would.

He looked around at the other shinigami around him. He knew one from the group, Tataki was his name if he could remember it correctly. After thinking for a moment, he turned back to the arrancar, introducing himself. "I am Zeipher Pronto. 11th division Vice captain."

#23Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:41 pm


[i'm contemplating joining this with Veloz, any problems with that??]

#24Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:09 pm


    (ooc: i have nothing against it if any thing there a heavy hand of shinigami lined up to take a piece of marcus.)
ic: as i was sonido to attack noba, xen'zel release his bankai the rise in reiatsu from him which almost stalled me but i manage to keep going by careful control of my reiatsu. Then i was in front of noba about to attack i feel and hear the clink of tataki zan on my neck which brings him back into my mind which sends my rage skyward and i glare at him with one smoldering eye for i had stop my attack on him and focus on just tataki the one that started all this i still knew where the other shinigami are but tataki has the full focus of my rage then my shoulder and eyes explode in flames the shoulder did little damage if anything it help seal the wounds on there. The eye on the other hand before it was useless but the sight from it would of returned slowly but now it gone and blood and gore is running from the socket like tears. My rage increase even more i then focus the full force of my reiatsu on tataki it would feel something like a gale force wind that had hidden razor blades that can cut air i then sonido back so that i can see all of them with one eye. Then another one appears stating something along show me yours and i show you mine. where the hell are they coming from. It looks like i have to release well at lest it will heal me. with that i quickly stab my zans into the ground hold my hands above them and let loose a powerful rage filled roar that shakes the very air. Then my reiatsu covers me and forms into a larger shape then it flys off revealing that i change into a tiger human hybred what clothing i had on my upper body is gone and my mask is more like what it was before i pulled it off. Then i make a huge mass of plasma in front of me that i turn into hundreds and hundreds of thin sharp plasma throwing needles that then float around me before flying off in every which way with me in the center what ever does not hit the shinigamis hits the buildings around making ash.

#25Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Tue Apr 03, 2012 8:43 pm


[OoC: Is it OK if I join this thread using my Fullbringer?]

#26Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:34 pm


Noba felt his kido line go limp, then he felt a slight strain, Noba was confused on what the hollow was doing. Noba was about to tug on it when he felt the reiastu of the hollow spin off behind him. Noba was un-prepared for the attack, he closed his eyes hoping that it wouldnt hurt when he soon realized nothing happened. He opened his eyes to see the hollows attention was pulled else where. Noba felt a slight salvation hearing all the shinigami appear.

"Phew....that was just...not good. I ho-"

Noba quickily saw needles rushing at him, he threw his palm up and chanted

"Bakudo #39 Enkosen!"

A bright yellow round shield formed and blocked the needles, they were stabbed in the sheild but they didnt pierce through it. Noba was reliefed, but he soon returned to his regular duty, being a 4th divion member. He turned too look for Tataki and quickly made his way over to him.

"Tataki we need to find a safe place for you..."

#27Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:57 pm


(OoC: I have no problems with more people joining.)

Xen'Zel was standing high in the air now, having shunpo'd upwards after calling out Bankai. He let the rain fall on him as he took a deep breath, then he looked down at the others. Another Shinigami had shown up, wielding a trident. Then the Hollow roared, full of rage. Carefully watching he saw the shards of plasma form, the fly towards him.

I see we've pushed you to the edge now Hollow. Xen quickly deflected the shards that flew towards him letting a few graze past. Breezy, I'll make sure to keep the two weaker ones safe, one of them is definitely in no condition to fight anymore. You press the attack against the Hollow.

Shunpoing down to the group Xen'Zel turned to face the Hollow. Bakudo 30, Shitotsu Sansen Drawing the triangle in the air the Kido's three parts fired at the Hollow, aiming to pin it against a wall.

At nearly the exact time Xen finished his spell from the Hollow's side a woman's voice was heard Bakudo 63, Sajou Sabbaku and a large glowing rope of energy appeared around the Hollow, wrapping in on it. The woman was wearing regal armor, her long brown hair coming tied loosely back coming from beneath a helm, in her left hand was a sword identical to the one Xen had been wielding before, but with a much longer blade, and across her back was what appeared to be the exact opposite of the sword, having a much longer handle with a short blade.

#28Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:26 am


Zeipher smirked watching the battle go on. He rolled his neck around before walking forward. He held out Cheopla, Pointing the trident at the Hollow. "...Bankai.." The explosion of reiatsu and vapor covered the body of Zeipher. the needles from the arrancar dissolve in the reiatsu. When the vapor dispersed there stood an armor with White coloring and a Purple drape at the waist. Blue lines ran out through the armor, as he he brought his arms up to an "X" form before pushing them to his sides as Water blades form out. With Steam shooting out of his armlets. Rolling his neck, He slowly walked towards the arrancar. This was the first time he has used it outside of training. The steam slowly built up in the armlets as he pushed off the ground, leaving a crater, shunpoing towards the arrancar. As he gained the momentum to reach him, Zeipher attempted to Round house kick the arrancar at the legs. If missed he would shunpo around the Arrancar in a circle. If hit, he would try to connect a round of punches mixed with the heat of the steam to various parts of the upper body to the arrancar.

#29Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:36 am


OOC: This is an open topic. All can join.

IC: "Urg," Tataki said, under the gnawing gravity that was the Shadow Tiger's spiritual pressure. Tataki had hit him. Tataki had hurt him. The blood from the eye, the flames that hungrily chewed on that formally useful organ, and the pain that Shadow Tiger was likely in had to be significant. Significant enough to make the Shadow Tiger retreat. To consider his options, take his prescribed amount of pain for the day, and run along home. Tataki was sure that he was outmatched and that remaining here was the most unlikely of things that could possibly happen.

It wasn't what happened at all.
He's still...Going to fight? That's what a...Ressurection is? Having that last blast of spiritual pressure, point-blank even, made Tataki fell woozy and uneasy. Almost like he had been knocked in the head on top of being beaten by a bag of needles and swords. Tataki closed his eyes a moment, sheathing his Zanpakuto with the ability still fully active and actually leaking out of the sheathe.

Tataki's eyes shot opened again when the the needles came shooting forward. Noba jumped in front of the oncoming mini-missiles and quickly cast a kido. Tataki was almost 100 percent sure such a low level Kido wouldn't match Shadow Tiger's abilities at this current moment. Noba and the Shadow Tiger's levels were too different. Without any incantation even, the needles would likely still penetrate. Yet, somehow, they hadn't? Despite that it came from Shadow Tiger's released and full power?

I'm delirious. Common signs of, yeah. I know already. Replaying medical books and his recent training, he knew that he had a high temperature by now and that his introduction to high levels of pain and extraordinarily malevolent spiritual energy were causing him slight physical and mental problems. Thinking over the situation, he couldn't help but agree with Noba, but...It would be a waste of resources.

"It's alright. I'll do it myself. You should try to focus on supporting the others," Tataki would say, sighing as his chest hurt and his back hurt and his head felt like it had been turned upside down. Being introduced with Shadow Tiger's full spiritual pressure felt like being smashed, thrown in a blender then remolded again. Tataki slowly motioned his hands, creating a short circle as he dramatically flexed and waved his fingers, and held his right hand over his left, fingers cupped, as if he were holding something. Slowly bringing his palms together, there was a slight jump in Tataki's spiritual power. It was an ant when compared to Xen's, which was soaring at the moment, so it was likely hardly noticeable.

Tataki moved his left hand to his chest and put his right over it. With his right hand he performed a sign that had his thumb and pinky finger extended out and his remaining fingers tucked in. A light green energy started to pour from his left hand as Tataki started to heal himself. His regeneration wouldn't be anywhere near as fast as the Hollow's, but it would make all his wounds go away and lower his rising stress by stimulating certain parts of his injured chest and summoning up a few neurotransmitters. "I don't think-" Straining a moment as he stood right there, in the open, healing himself, Tataki paused before sighing as if something painful just moved inside his body, "He's too happy with me at the moment. It would probably be best to distance yourself from me," Sweating, a lot and fast, Tataki did have a point. Who had caused the Hollow the most anguish so far? Now that Shadow Tiger had a bit more power at his disposal, he may be inclined towards some revenge. Shadow Tiger's raging fury seemed to be the theme of his power and, likely, a flaw in his personality. "Be careful..."

#30Fullswing [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Fullswing [Open] Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:13 pm


I watch what the plasma needles do they were all blocked or dodged well the ones aimed at the shinigamis and so the needles hit the buildings and where they hit ash pours down to the ground. My rage reaches it peak but then it disappears along with the cutting feel to my reiatsu that one of the clues that something amiss. For right then i had switch into my hunting tiger personality and in doing so i rein in my reiatsu i then notice the two kidou aimed at me all i did is send plasma underground to cause the ground i was standing on and about ten metres around me to fall about three metres down avoiding the kidou altogether and sending up a cloud of ash into the air above me with a loud boom. Then the new comer in what appears to be his bankai appears and sends a round house kick at my legs which i blocked with a leg then he sent punches with what seems to be steam mixed with them i let all but the last hit the steam does nothing to my skin and the punches are not heavy enough to mark my hierro strengthen skin i catch the last punch by the wrist then i say. [color=grey]"you know my skin can withstand the extreme temp of plasma so you got to do better then that to burn me. Now let me show you how to burn someone." with that i place my hand in front of your gut and use plasma cutter storm point blank sending 30 small plasma cutter blades into one small area intending to burn though you. Then once that done i let go and sonido above the ash cloud now to deal with the other bankai user and so i make three razor thin spinning plasma blade discs that i then send flying towards xen'zel coming in from three different directions and fast as fast as a bala.

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